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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Feb 1966, p. 21

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MICKEY MOUSE fii THY PNR CUNAIIENE FT Tt WAKE | UP! A # caeree oe Writ Wee is ARGUING ABOUT LAST NIGHT? [se\\\) tl yay) "5 i Mu som 1m seeause | toe seen AACS fp LIKE TO T KNOW WHY | -" ee, BAS RS TL if | & N IF SHE WOULD HAVE ME CAN'T ASK HER TO M = ITS A MATTER OF VAN SALSE PRIDE, IF 'YOU INSIST-- RRYS OVER at ALLER West G Fine Vemscree Syedecane bene TOR AFELLNS GOT TO FEEL SUPERIOR ONCE IN A WHILE! Te Lv \KE A"THIEF IN THE NIGHT TO TEAL My ROSALINDA? mt |e SEMORTIA ROSALINDA, YOU VO NOT KNOW ME, TERRIBLE THING / <4 ++ 7o 7 Viakatintted by King Features Gredicats, Re | GRANOMA, 1S THERE ANY SPECIAL \ ? SAe ai: TUess CoTrrep | Pracon \ PLANTS BESIDE YOUR BED P : 4 [[eure, BuTcH/ \ aN SS THE LONE RANGER 21. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesd: SECRET AGENT X9 ey KEEP ENGINES GOING, YANK / | AS SOON AS COLONEL YU FREE PRISONERS YOU ALL LEAVE QUICK / DONALD DUCK IN A DARK ROOM,MR. Me DUCK! Ive MB THAT FILM / THI6 IS GOING To BEA RUSH JOB/ GOT TO MAKE MY CHANCE FOR A MOMENT ALONE WITH DONNA $0 SHE CAN PASS K Gai q zl= z WHO'S R. JONSSP TR ne PS «HE KEEPS FORGET TING... OUR EASURER 1) 50. Female fowl ACROSS 1, Cereal grain 4. Water gone crazy with the heat . Powder and shot, for short Lifts with effort Capital of Peru Unmiti- gated DOWN a. Leave out 2. Abbess 3. One type of fork 4. Shinto temple 5. Shipworms 6. Nobleman 7. Help 8. Refers to Cache 9. Smith and sian; Jolson The "upper 11, Asian plains erust" 15. Exclama- Amphibian tion of Impudence surprise 20. Porkfish 10. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 19. CROSSWORD 18. 20. Bar- barians Created, Me in (Sif UG MSIE 11M a (P(A Vi OINTE fashion {TIQIGIA] ILE ISIS| Com- ISM imal pasa OMUINENvIE! point al EID 24. at, 29. 21. 22. Yesterday's Answer 32, 35. Toward big wheel End of a needs one well-known 42. Level march 48. Soak 37. Music note flax 39. One type 45. Bitter of novel vetch 23. Code signal ' jz 25. Music S$ je {7 {6 drama; abbr. 26. Correct 28. Harlan Fiske 30. Cavalier State: abbr. 31. Obtain 33, Famous Betsy $4, Turkish titie 38. Daughter of Rigoletto 40. Come in 44, Lure 46. Bestow 47. Fabric joiner 48. Waste allowance 49.A slip cover LOOK, BUBBA... DONT THINK UNDERSTAND ... THE Popium IS A KIND OF DAIS... OF THIS Box! wER...A DAIS IS A SORT OF PLATFORM...LIKE THE TOP YOU TWO JUST MISSED THE TURNING-INTO-A- PUMPKIN BIT BY A SPLIT WE WAI "SQUARES" FOR FLAMBOYANT OL' LL, DID YOU WHIT KNOWS RM UP THOSE BETTER THANT |» DO, SKEETS, SKEETS? = MY FAMILY ENJOYED MEETING EVE, SKEETS. THEY..AH..ASKED HER BACK, IT'S THE FIRST TIME THAT'S HAPPENED, WELL, HOORAY AND THREE CHEERS FOR THE TRENIERS! YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- band, 56, takes a daily bath in very hot water, summer or win-| ter. He stays in the tub for one to two hours, adding hot water, and emerges red as a lobster and weak as can be. Is this bad| for him I have heard of health} resorts where extremely hot! baths are given for arthritis.) Are they beneficial--Mrs. J. L.| Hi 'hs sound to me like an| odd approach to cleanliness, but| if he has the time to parboil| himself, I don't see that it will) harm him. | I rather doubt that he is truly} Husband Parboiled, Completely Relaxed By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD to 'get warm. Yet that doesn't make him strong. As for arthritis, heat does in- deed make stiff joints more comfortable, but whether the heat is from a bath or a heating pad doesn't seem to be import- ant. It's a matter of preference. Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- band and I are over 60. Should we continue shots for polio We have had Nos. 1, 2 and 3.-- Mrs. J. L. Polio has no respect for age. At 60-plus you are probably %--Toronte Channe) 11--Hamiltes Roemer neem WRONESOAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. N--# ami! Theatre == %--Five O'clocks Show Superman 6--Passport Te Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel S--Lieyd Thaxten 5:30 P.M, T--Rocketship 7 6--Acrose S--Leave it Te Bewver é--Music Hop 3--Hudson Bay 6:00 P.M. 7--Twilight' Theatre é--City At é enc Sports @--Hurtley-Brinkiey News P--Cheyenne 7:00 P.M. N--Gilligans island %--Cemp Runemuck &--Rip Cord 4Newa, Waatrer, 4--The Meneymesners 3-12 O'clock High 8--Huntiey-Brinkley Report 7:30 P.M. i1--Green Acres --s it 03--Virginian t--Onms' le end Merrie' 6--The Courriera Sing 4--New York Philharmonic 8:00 P.M, 1\--Special Movie ~My Favorite Marten y--Patty Ovuke 63---Okay Crackerberry 0:30 PLM. $--NHL Hockey Chicago at Montreal %Gldget 63--Bob Hope yas ty 10:00 P.M. ll--Merv Griffin Show +3--1 Spy 7--Amos Burke -- Sec gent 4--Danny Keye Show 10:30 P.M. $--Sports Hot Sea? 7--ABC Scope 63--Festival 11:00 P.M, 1-O4-7-4-43-3--News Weather, Sports 11:15 PM, Petre Pinal 6--Viewpeint 11:20 P.M, t-4--Lete Show Night Metre 11:30 PLM, The Saint &--Sports b3--Midweek Theatre 12:30 A.M. |1--News; Weather) Sports 6--Newscap 10:00 Whiplash #-2--Fractured Phrases 63--Ivanhoe 4-1 Love Lucy 10:36 A.M. 1l--Ed Allen Bingo #-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 63--Friendly Giant 4--The McCoys 10:45 A.M. 63--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M. ll--Mike Douglas Sf Mr, And Mra. #-2--Morning Star 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Uayberry M18 AM. 9:00 P.M. ¥--The Big Valiey 6-3--Festivai . Fun &Fleids Of Sacrifice t--Abrs '8-2--Paradise Bay 4-Dick Van Oyke 4--Dick Van Dyke Show! TELEVISION LOG 12:00 NOON §--~Tosronto Today o-2--Call My Sie 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--Neen News b--Pepeye ond Pot 12:18 P.M. 4--Epesker of The Meuse 12:30 P.M. 11--Noon Time F--i Love Lucy t-2--Let's Play @4--Search For Torterre® 3---Meenday Repert 9%--Morning §! Matinee 3--Ben Casey @--Luncheon Date é--Meet he Millers 3--Summer Carousel f---Alke Devgiee Ghew 1:30 P.M. 9--James Beard Show &4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, %--Kids is People T--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:18 P.M, $--Dear Charlotte 2:30 P.M. %--People in Confligd §-2--The Doctors 1--A Time For Us é--Love That | --tinnierter's Party 'a }43----To Tell The Trvth 7--Superman Show +3--Teke 3 s--fdge of Night 3--Kartoon Karnivel 4:00 P.M, f--Aickey Mouse Ch O--The Metch Come 7--Early Show 1--Bonnle Pruddes Rocky end tie Friends 4:30 P.M. N--Atom Ant o--Sea Huet 7--Harly Show 63--Ratrie Damte 4--The 4Thirty Show 2--Huckleberry tround weak after such a bath, but he|fairly safe, but if you want to may be so completely relaxed|be sure, a booster every five that he temporarily seems that|years or so will assure maxi- way. It's just the opposite of the cold shower addict who gets under icy water, then pops) mum protection A Dear Dr. Moiner: How does out and has to jump around just the potency of Vitamin B 12 taken orally compare with that sive protection, rather than a. given by injection--L. K. long-lasting immunity as is the| Potency may not be the right|case with vaccine for smallpox, word, because B 12 is B 12.|polio, diphtheria, tetanus and so There is a big difference, how-/|on. ever, in how efficiently it is| That is, the immunity is ef- absorbed under specific circum-| fective for the time being, but} stances. jit. does not cause the body to In the--case of pernicious/create its own built-in protec. anemia, for example, in which|tion. Hence the rabies shots are the stomach lacks what we call| effective only for this one par- the intrinsic factor, it takes 10|ticular incident, and should she times as much B 12 orally to|be bitten by another suspected achieve a certain level of B12|rabid or unknown animal in six in the blood as would resultior eight weeks, new treatment from an injection. | would be necessary. Dear Dr. Molner: My 13-year-| Her comments about not find- old daughter recently received|ing the treatment as painful as the 12-day series of rabies shots.}she had been led to believe How long will she remain im-| should be of interest to others mune You might be interested|who have that same fear. The to know that she said the shots|shots are not comfortable, and were not nearly as painful as|the large number of them makes she had been led to believe. Ap-|the process tedious, but people parently the uncertainty and/should not be afraid to have fright were the worst part.--|them when necessary. The al- ic. E. B. jternative--rables--is of course Rabies inoculations give pas-' frightful. ' : |] THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Mesters' (Top record-holder in Individue! Championship Play) North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH * South West 19 Pas te Opening lead -- king of clubs. There is a right way of doing things, and a wrong way. Some- times the wrong way gorks as well as the right way, but that does not prove that the wrong wway is right. In bridge, you are Popeye f better off to stick to e right way. This hand illustrates the point. Let's say you're declarer at four hearts and West leads a club, After studying dummy, you realize that two spades and a diamond must be lost in any case, and that the outcome of the hand depends on whether or not you lose a trump trick. Generally speaking, when four to the queen of a suit are miss- ing, you do best by playing the A-K and not bothering to fin- esse. But the mathematical ad- vantage of this method of play is only slight, and in the pres- ent case you should not be will- ing to stake the result of the hand on such a narrow ad- vantage. Strangely enough, you can solve certain problems of play by more or less ignoring them, and that is exactly what you should do in this case. Instead of trying to play for the drop of the queen, you should avoid a direct confrontation with the problem and let the play follow its own natural course, The way to make the contract is not by leading trumps. Take the club lead with the ace; ruff a club; play a diamond to the ace and ruff another club; then play a diamond to the king and ruff the last club. Next cash the ace of spades and exit with a spade. After East-West cash their two spades and a diamond, you are left with the K-J-10 of trumps while Dummy has the A-8-7, Regardless of which defender is on lead, or which suit is return- ed at this point, you are bound to make the last three tricks without bothering to finesse. PATTERSON FIT NEW YORK (AP) -- Floyd Patterson has been declared physically fit and wants to fight again, says Al Bolan, an ad- viser of the former world heavyweight boxing champion. Bolan said rest and medical treatment have helped to heal a back ailment that hampered Patterson in his 12 - thround technical - knockout loss to heavyweight champion Cassius Clay last. Nov. 22. SALLY'S SALLIES X-CHANGE New and Used You Can Exchenge Skates Thot Are Too Smell For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY -- EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S Februery 23, 1966 SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 } & g

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