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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1966, p. 18

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- N & olony 'Economic By STEPHENS BROENING PARIS (AP) -- President de Gaulle's government is deter- mined to keep France from be- coming an economic colony of 435 fon thm ben: ie vance eee, ne oe Chambrun, French foreign trade iat + =<) Bae A tndae Chambrun told The Associated Press this concern helps explain French stockpiling of American gold, close bargaining in the ot Become Of US. eain Populaire. But, he says "I've always: been a Gaullist." He joined the president's cabi- net last month. Last year, after three years of doficits in its international bal-| ance of trade, France had a modest enrnlue Rut the min. ister said, 'the structure of our exterior commerce is not very good, It would be better to have a sound structure with a trade VANCOUVER (CP)--Oil com- panies are gambling an estima- ted" $20,000,000 that they'll find oil under the sea off the British Columbia coast. One company predicts that if Forever sufficient quantities of oil are By JOSRER Mec8WEEN (found, the economic conseuusn- : LONDON (CP)--Britain's de-| ces for the province would be Teiice aigument, bound up as it) enormous. is with the old lion's changing! The monev hae haen ctated piace in tne world, shows Signs|hy Shell Canada Ltd. Pan jof going on forever. |American Petroleum Corp. and The defence white paper is-|British-American Oil Co., all of |sued Tuesday, causing dismay |which have federal exploration | Within tne next five years ai iis |Vancouver refinery which un- Pa We hen mm ne fem . w a a ne <0 Vi Bivvaiyu gave vi,vvv tu luis jesiued, eo. ALIUIL problems of storage and re - or- ientation of the industry to a|parts of Canada also is to begin different supply source. The| this year on federal permit hold- crude might be of a different|ings that total 172,000,000 acres kind and require refinery alter-|--more than the total oil acre- ations." age land holdings of the four He added, however, that Shell| Western provinces, plans a major modernization; Federal permits total about Project to expand production | 94 909,000 acres on the Arctic |53,000,000 in Hudson Bay, 17,- expat on tne Pacific ana /,00v,- 00 on the Arctic coast. derwent major alterations and expansions only 10 years ago. First offshore drilling in other| Bie Aamanshar ¥ ae LE = aapez WOO = = deficit, jthroughout the Royal Navy, was | permits. jprobably the mést intensive ex- Exploration has proceeded "The principal weakness in)? x the structure is agriculture,/C'cise of its kind ever under-| quickly in the past two years despite a dispute between B.C. ; jtaken by Britain and occupied! which for us is a grave social) | y Denis Healey| and Ottawa over who owns un- problem." | Defence Secreta for 14 months. dersea minerals. The federal| PERCENTAGE HIGH | But even before the review) government has said it will ask | About 20 per cent of the|was published, Navy Minister|the Supreme Court of Canada| French labor force is engaged|Christopher Mayhew had re-|to decide the issue. in agriculture, compared se mag ran mo igen igo Shell has acquired more than| seven per cent in the United)ing, only naval strategy, but 75 per cent of the 17,600,000 | ; i , States and about 10 per cent in|broad defence policy. lacres and BA about 1,000,000, Loco ll op oomigeos weg function -~ ple scene annie 9 Germany. And Prime Minister Wilson,| Paul L. Kartzke of Toronto,| They were not duped by mas-|vago, The Sound of Music Ship The subsidies paid to bolster/before departing for Moscow president and chief executive of-| sive trade-paper.ad campaigns, | of Fools. : farm income, agriculture, form|Monday, said: \ficer of Shell, said his company nor did they display noticeable The academy was not over- the second largest item in} "I believe that this question|h2s committed more than $15, | loyalty to big studios or old-| whelmed by the sweet smell of France's national budget. Edu-jof defence ought to be the sub-| 900,006 to drilling its first test! ji ers ae ' |suecess, either. Today's No. 1 cation is the largest expendi- ject of a great national debate, |hole, starting next fall a few! 4. j, the 1964 nominations.|moneymaker, Thunderball. re- ture. not necessarily a party one---|miles off Long Beach on. the jnere was a distinet British) ceived only one nomination--for "We're investing a lot in in-|a question of whether we should west coast of Vancouver Is- flavor. But the academy voters|Special visual effects. James' be " : dustry at the same time, and it have a world role and whether, |land. can't help it if the British are|Bond has not yet found a way a ge de ge strains the system," Chambrun|if we do not, we will lose our! pe eiNERIES READY to break the Oscar case. the way to take care of the) CHARLES DE CHAMBRUN | said. : eee 2 ON One If sufficient oil is found, he) aca ee i United States' favorable balance | A good deal of the strain; weNaAMARA TECHNIQUE said, Shell would ship the crude of trade with France is to ex-|000,000 U.S, investment in| would be relaxed by agreemen'| Healey's job in the review was |t0 its refineries here and at| port capital, This is a policy)France is not unwelcome.|on a policy for financing agti:/tg reduce the projected bill for nearby Ferndale and Anacortes whereby we could become a me-| Chambrun cited the large opera-| culture with France's five ( Ont'|defence in 1970 by £400,000,000|in Washington state. dium-developed country in the|tion of International Business|mon Market partners -- Ger-'¢1 999 909,000 to £2,000,000,000, These refineries require a to- future Machines as an example. | many, Italy, Belgium, The Neth-| ¢6 999 900,000 using as a basis|tal of 225,000 barrels of crude "This explains our attitude on| "IBM does a lot of research|erlands and Luxembourg. Un-|the prices of 1964--the year the|every day. The entire daily pro- gold. We don't want to take/here," he said, 'and in all it} der such an agreement, the sub-|7 shor government came duction of oil-rich Alberta is Common Market, the fruitless- ness of the Kennedy round of tariff negotiations and even the costly French program of atomic research. "We would permit a much larger American presence in our economy, as the Germans are doing, and it would be easy politically: There would be more jobs and faster growth," he said. "But to be politically respon- sible to the generations to come, we have to see that these gen- erations have the weapons to de- fend themselves economic weapons. "Tf we did nothing, in a few years we would have the same problems as Latin America has. Sanity And Sense Prevail In Academy Nominations HOLLYWOOD (AP)--The an-|nees, Darling and A Thousand nual Academy Award nomina-|Clowns, were in the neighbor- tions this week show that the] hood of $1,000,000 films, gwhich is oft - maligned academy voters] practically a poverty area in to- CONTINUOUS FEATURE DAILY AT: 1:30 - 3:25-5:15 7:15 and 9:15 2 ped RECORD-BREAKING =--» WEEK! "HERE COMES THE 3 BIGGEST BOND OF ALL? such superior actors. Gone are the days when the 'age Oscar was a quaint local cus- tom; the old boy is getting more BIG) DOUBLE international every year. The| a FEATU most 'remarkable evidence of} ' this was the nomination of Jap-| A SuRFIN SNow anese Hiroshi Teshigahara for| |his direction of Woman in the} Dunes, a film that didn't re-| jceive'a major release. beR FE SPRIEF is AHERTRBROD w ke "- SEAN CONNERY "THUNDERBALL" rest KEN MCELORY ANAS EG. TED ARTS NOW K PLAYING! TIMES -- 1:40 - 4:20 - 7:05 - 9:30, LCS. 9:15 tet eae Rereate FRIDAY Si RAI Se Capito! Recording Artists KG RIDCESE* ? America's gold, we just want tojhelps raise the general technol-|sidy costs would be shared. to power. A non-nonsense intel- about 575,000, cnee Gare paitem stop the overabundance of ogical level of French industry."| 'Until we settle this, we will/lectual, Healey, 48, used the! Alberta's production brought Th Cine pnts ' vail All of the estimated $1,500,-' opposition Mouvement Republi-/ underdeveloped country," he) cost-effectiveness employed by producers last year. B.C. Pro-| est 'Story vat Told ($20,000,-| Pe een | : i his United | ducers last year got about $40 000. | has diverted investment from|States opposite number. 000,000 from daily production of 000). and The Agony and 'the | industry. | Yet to some observers the |40,000 barrels. | estas 000) did : , 7 Market | | Ecstasy ($8,000,000) did not re | With the six Common Market/whole atmosphere of profound] Once the requirements of| ceive a major nomination. bd costs, France bboy fom ina bet-/unreality and anti-climax. ington state refineries were sa-|-- 1g. er mong mo ers | low, eins pal none Soca on The decision to buy U.S. F-111|tisfied from undersea wells, said ext are "|swing-wing planes has been a'Mr. Kartzke, excess oil might - | gotiations among the six and the} virtua) certainty since the gov-|be shipped to the rich Califor- GARY CLARKE + CHRIS NOEL | ye = «: findings by the American Can-| The report was written by Dr.) | : " : m JAY #8? AMERICANS | BEAU BRUMMELS | . by cer Society showed Tuesday|E. Cuyler Hammond, director| TALKS RESUME 800N Ce eee cor t pemainn ae i J a 2 7 ai ask . | ' jagonized complaints last year/oil import restrictions are| DICK ANODEE DEE J| THE ASTRONAUTS night that death rates from lungjof statistical research for the} Resumptions of these talks,/from the aircraft industry, |eased. | cancer and several other dis-jsociety, and published by the|the so-called Kennedy round,| cd batate . | THE | "helen the US. tadustry There is no question at all) SPARROWS A cigarette smokers than among}U.S. public health service. | added. apts aad hig cara that discovery of oil offshore) DARING! DEADLY! a { vyho don't smoke, | The survey, including a) in, ' sa | a . : AR ho Ms ! , aon, a beetaty re- veaety followup through Shi The problem is, I'm afraid,/new aircraft carriers now ap-| province," said Mr. Kartzke. | DIABOLICAL! : | ported, total death rates are|tember, 1963, by questionnaire| that even if we started today,/nears to have come as a shat-| But he warned that it will| Akiller spore ; ; | : of tl | with the utmost desire of mak-/tering blow to the admirals. But |take time. , from outer space that devours! --~|said, " icultural burden} ? . said. "The agricultural burde: |Robert McNamara, -/000), The Great Race ($12,000,- Mt |countries sharing agricultural|decision-making has an air of|Sneii's Vancouver and Wash-| men Htthe baatnictits ndiils /} hs 1 net : | WASHINGTON (AP) -- New)reas and cirrhosis of the liver. | United States, Chambrun said. lernment killed the British TSR-|nia market, provided the politi- : tind JACKIE ANDGAYLE J] & wolp Sones eases are higher among women| National Cancer Institute of the|«win) start very, very soon,' jwhich saw it as a capitulation The decision against building|would be tremendous for this | Dencing 9 P.M. till 1 Admission $1.75 Hwy. No. 2 Ss >. Block East of ©0000686006 Liverpool Road SHOW STARTS AT DUSK considerably higher among men) on the state of the participants'| . ' : , , " pga pan SEES PROBLEMS Releasing a report on a sur-| counties in 25 states. we could finish by July, 1967,"| present carriers are of Second Ph. 668-2692 by . } than among women. health, involved more than 1,100|i2& it @ success, I don't think|it is pointed out that Britain's yey of the smoking habits of Among other findings: he said. July, 1967 is the time! World War vintage and the time ine ae tae ae 1,003,229 subjects, including) --The lung cancer death rate|imit the U.S. Congress set for|to have laid down new ones was 1% 0" 8 e eng zg 440,558 men and 562,671 women,| increased among women wie of the tariff reduc-}1 years ago, not now. the society said: the amount of cigarettes ye va ht > TCR " "This is the first time a very| smoked, degree of inhalation| Chambrun also spoke of U.S Wicca. dintes, dclenbe pe large group of women has been| and also if they had started/ nuclear energy policy: sulas ak tha donniay Conterva. ee ee, eee ee Sate A "The United States is trying tive government, said in 1957 in ap rt gene ~The death rate from coro-/to create a new monopoly of! what now is 'seen as a fateful Since the survey began in late) nary heart disease for men| energy, as she nearly had with . em - 1959, there have been 43,221) cigarette smokers was 2.81/G Britai il. America is|s2tement: The role of naval sted deaths, male and female.| tines as high as for men who ie to ate k analy we forces in. total war js somewhat 1 jects : : ' 7 ; y -ertain." he subjects ranged in age| never smoked regularly--and| atomic energy. uncer' : ; ; | f Wilson pledged during the 1964 pon 36 to 84 when the study pees Roe Foose Rete} "You're starting to Selllelection campaign that soaring 'Among both men-and women tc ie eg 8 Manta jatomic plans for electricity to/defence costs would be pegged the report said, death rates aang re ania prot *y a bse which could never/at £2,000,000,000, just above the Rou the iahewieg te Mle eases jot as, have the possibilities to build/Tory defence budget of that were much higher in cigarette! stroke, the pattern was mie themselves. You're trying/year,. which represented more smokers. than in non-smokers:| versed: The mortality rate Mt lhl the protat Who percent of the total Emphysema, a hardening 'and| women from such conditions) non - proliferation of nuclear thee piime spinster Mac: progressive inefficiency of the| was 2.11 times as high for} weapons. Everyone knows it's al wij ~ lungs; cancer of the lung; can-| smokers as compared with Sy ja patna ah aaa Millan -also had tried to impose cer of the mouth cavity, phar-| non-smokers; while for men)". 2 ceilings. In 1957 he set the figure ynx, larynx and esophagus: aor-| the death rate was 1.50 times| .France decided to enter thejof £1,500,000,000 ($4,500,000,000) tic aneurysm (a ballooning of| higher for smokers than non- atomic club as much to protect) but by 1960 costs had gone the adrta): cancer of the panc-| smokers the massive European energy|through the roof because of - - . es develop- 2 ADULT COMEDY HITS! WINNER CANNES FILM FESTIVAL RITA TUSHINGHAM in "THE KNAC AND HOW TO GET IT" Also ADMITTANCE MELINA MECOURI IN "Never On Sunday" NOTE NO ONE UNDER 18 YEARS ADMITTED BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M, (inc. Sundays) TYYYYYITIT VII re Cortified for your Safety and comfort YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME ¥ 2x AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS S FOR LIFE From Age 65 _|market as she did for national)missile and aircraft Canadian's Book Blamed yumm na In Human Dynamo Death HOVE, England (CP) --The father of a 17-year-old boy who electrocuted himself says the boy got the idea from the wir- ings of a man now living in Canada Kenneth Butler was found in bed in his home with metal straps wrapped around his wrists and connected by wires to an electrical outlet. The father, cafe owner Albert Butler, handed a copy of a book entitled 'You--Forever to the coroner and said: "There is the murderer of my son." Patrick Newman, Corgi! "This genius here has told|Books managing director, said | my son he could go back to his|there are no instructions in the} past haunts by astral body and/book "'to connect one's body to that is what my son tried to/electricity." do." . The coroner read an extract; In Fort Erie, Hoskins called from the book and commented: |the father's outburst "fantastic "T quite agree. I don't know and inaccurate." why such rubbish is written."| "There is nothing in the book The author's name is given|that is harmful to anyone," he as Dr. Tuesday Lobsang said. | ED AVEN Club At the K. of C. Hall 184 BOND ST. W. Where the "Action Is' THIS FRIDAY, FEB, 25th BRINGS THE VILLAGE SOUND with THE LIVELY SET Work Till 9! And Still have 3 Hours of A-GO-GO DON'T MISS IT. -- 8:30 TO 12. Admission Girls 1.00 -- Boys 1.25 [ The BARON Here is @ plien to provide for The 77247~ FEATURE LENGTH jlishers, said this was a pseudo- | or for your retirement years if nym of Cyril Hoskins, a former | i | you survive . FEATURING THE GREATEST STARS OF THEM ALL fie Devon plumber, now living in Fort Erie, Ont. IG THe BUG picture The writer claimed in his LOADED WITH OVER - | : ie 2 | ~~ , _ ed) die FOR & Distinction Comfort Savings book that a healthy person who meets a violent end has his "batteries fully charged' and| that his ghost will visit former} haunts, The writer also claimed | he was "a qualified doctor of medicine trained in China" and} jthat he had been "a high lama| ef the potala in Lhasa, Tibet." ALL ONE LOW PRICE 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS i La Now a Evropean-styled frame improved upon and mode in North America. The "BARON" is a new type contour bridge frame. Better fitting requires practically no adjustment; made to fit the hard-to-fit, Featherweight, in beautiful smoke colors, it is one of the best eng neered, most modern and distinctive frames in the optical world. DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT e@ We fill aif PSI, Oculists ond Optometrists Prescriptions ot the some low prices, : Fs a ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 | 725-4563 Home: Business: By completing the enquiry form below, you cen obtain details suitable to your personel situ- ation. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshawe Shopping Centre @ EASTMAN COLOR -- ond JACKSON GE JONES Gee LIGHTENING" OPTICIANS -- OVER 3000.00 AUDREY WILLIAMS "JAMBALAYA" 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA HOURS: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Closed All Day Wednesday ADDED HIT "THE YOUNG RACERS" IN COLOR Branches in Many Piincipal Cities of Canada and US

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