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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1966, p. 26

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EEE epee Be y suv Pieee ue Nope tere ue) 26 $e. Soeeawe, Bens He PESIGNED THe "* j cones, suet) CAH FOOL HIM AGAR i] Thursday. February 24, 1768 rt ee He's] WITH OUR SLOWING-_J DIVING DOWN AT US! . a 4 r m ror -- = 3 9° Ht Be | CIRCLING To GET AEP ARNT sessed BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Pley) South dealer. North-South vulnerable, © King Foveaqes Syodicnts, Inn, 1966. Wordd Hale © Kien Feneres Syndicate, tna, 1966. Wortd cighe: . i. Mackenzie King BUT HE WINS A BY-ELECTION, AND WITH IGHEN ® DELIGHT, A BUPRPORT OF THE GPLINTER PROGREGSIVE Bexnoad 18 UNCOVERED IN "NSTEAD, PERSONALLY | | BITTi «FEUD FRURTS Mer WEEN _ ---- 9) "AT INSTEAD, PERSONALL D) € = : , pean HIG Qu RIDING OF KING AND, © SPOGITION LEADER ARTHUR WE'VE UNEARTHED 4 MBIGHEN ! ~ 7 ~ BA NOR' YORK EN ~ eel RUPTION IN KINGS }é pean (Ena Lee es BET nr iG Cale in EVER TO : t » DAI A ane N THE ANNALS oF CANADIAN POLITICS ty Pass Pass Pase Let's say you have the West hand and the opponents arrive at six spades os bo ro Bi ' shown, It is your lead and the en _/ IVE BEEN WANTING Ne or sei tan Oey eur irs Wel co corti RIDING DOWN ON THE AMBLSHERG, THR LONE : ST uve question is whether you should =SO NOW YOU KNOW TO SPEAK TO bicar : > ro A BOARDING AP JUST GOTTA GET OUTA HERE FOR meron) BANGER AND TONTO BLAZE AWAY p 4 4 \commence firing with the jack ee earenre 1 WePONO= oes SCHOOL? ~-- A WHILE= we JusT GorTal! / ' y; /, A \of hearts or jack of diamonds aes teh tor 4 Ss 4 ~ It so happens that the suits i are exactly equal, and, offhand, the choice appears to be an ab- solute toss-up. However, just as in most so-called toss-up situa- tions, there is an inference to be drawn from the bidding which should persuade. you to lead a diamond rather than a heart Note that if you lead a dia- mond the contract goes down, while if you lead a heart, de- clarer makes the slam, THE LONE RANGER '* LITTLE' ANNIE 'ROONEY: > Peculiarly enough, the in- I THOUGHT I'D PAY HER ee BUT IT s Fe: a Whe : ference is drawn from East's A SURPRISE VISIT! LOOKS LIKE mated As a I. f \ 4 YL. DEVELOP A bidding as much as from North- Pn EXPECTIN' ME. Z S THe Has SUDDEN THiReT | |South's! "a 0Q ee ir/ FOR THE PRIVACY , A, i OF THAT CORRIDOR! The explanation lies in. the fact that East passed five hearts ahd thus rejected the op- portunity to double for a lead. The pass is consequently signifi- cant in a negative way; it shows that East is not greatly interested in getting a heart lead against the slam towards which the opponents are head- ing. To illustrate the principle in a slightly different way, let's suppose that East had had the K-Q-8-7-5 of hearts instead of \ o! : JUST KEEP SHOWING ME diamonds. In that case he would FINE ; z iene SHOES TILL IT RINGS... surely have taken advantage of For J} y : I'VE A LUNCHEON DATE! the Blackwood response and LITTERING doubled five hearts to command : a heart lead. Of course, East could have had a hand with no strength in either hearts or diamonds, in which case the pass of five hearts would have been without significance. Despite this, how- ever, East's silence is more ms Fe se) ¢ :< y likely in the long, run to indi- 2-24 = } ¥freaat SE] 24 mc Le heart strength, and West should Axo son aie Yas | : therefore lean towarge a dia- mond lead if his hand presents LGR Re Hn te ee Neer : no clear choice between the red TAAT THIEF/ HE GOEY INSIDE TRE + / HOUSE BECAUSE HERE 50 CLOSE To suits, HOUSE/ 50 NOW HE, YOUR HOUSE? itr oS | TELEVISION LOG 2 sticte SECRET AGENT X93 @ King Pontes Syn donde, tne, 1966. Wedd ol DONALD DUCK notrump, but, had he done that, i West would not have had a Ai) ch 2--Buttale 10:00 P.M, | 12:00 NOON s 1 ACROSS 7. Owns Balkan S| | Chonne! 3--Barrie |11-The Mery Griffin Show! 9--Toronto Today chance to draw a fine deduction. . Funda- 8, Green land Child'. AINIT Channel 4--Buffale #4-2--Dean Martin Show te epardy : bce , Channel. 6--Toronto 7--The Long, Hot Summer) 7--Money iovie mental o sewer 109 + Channel 7--BuHalo, | BA Man. Called Luncheon Date CALLISON SIGNS Claw of seat - Cor- - t Channe! &--Rochester Shenandoah | +News end Weether a crab 10. British ridors . | Channel 9--Toronto 3-Man From UNCLE | Sports PHILADELPHIA' (AP) -- Sufficient princess -San- EMME] | "Se | ene eM rhe fe = |tohn Callison, Philadelphia . Biblical . Kind of darac FIO} Oe Wee bak 4-Opeoker of tea Mewse |Phillies outfielder, has signed his name cheese ae 2 ; :00 PLM. | 19-07-443-2--Wown, | 12:30 P.M. 1966 contract, the club an- } Positive . Arena sept Sports |11--Noon Time nounced Friday. No mention JANE ARDEN . permen > |e-9--Let's Play was made of salary. The 26- banner . Gives hair FER &--Passport To Adventure| S Metre Final 4--Search For Tomorrow | year-old Callison is starting his . Before . Change 5. A Yesterday's Answ 3--Atom Ant lowpoint S---Neonday Repert ' : i d-Lieye The | ig seventh season with the Phillies. . Singular . Plunder High- | y@ a) | t R | 1245 BM, s SC Diatrtoated by King Pesteree Brafiontn, Born . Girl's name lander 41. Mexican | 5:30 P.M. | | 11--News He played in 160 games last Ee , 18. Soothes Having Extra- rubber | ei ee | : | ¢4--Guiding Light year, hit 32 home runs, batted iN . Naval bravos pillar ote | 1s PM. | 9-1 Love Lucy | | | . Reclaim an awn ordinary tree 6--Music Hop i1--The Saint bs M. in 101 runs, and hit for a .262 . Loathe . Denary person: 42.Golf term 8 Maverick iMovie SMerning aise average. tie ited OR pishing 44. Contrast: 6:00 P.M, 11:40 PLM, 7--Ben Casey Aroma Comp: & 7=Twilight Theatre | Gunsmoke é--Luncheon Date pocsn a sn sl SHewy pore wm [PT Berton on) Severe Miles SALLY'S SALLIES 4 Chuck Hee! | 12:30 A.M, MI . Whistle 2 Ys 8 19 {10 uw ca a lien Waster 2--Mike Douglas Show feccima a hone ah }Janea wanes Ali . Explain : Vicwanie' Heats Pine a | @4--As The World Turne -Inner or 7, 2 NB | 9-42-News) Weather | a ak 2:00 P.M, outer wear | 'and Sports : Haggler pa | 9--Kids Is Peopie Donkey ERE Iie @--Huntley-Brinkley --™ engeres =| 7--The Gator Bowl! Vestment | News 9:00 A.M, | att saad tty 2 | 7M ick | rofile . Samoan fee ea | oe With Uncle! 2 "pays of Our Lives warrior 7:00 P.M, | 7--Dheting fer Deters | f Sift again "Zs MY) 11--Farmers' Daughter | @rt Tek | steer' Chartone wtietg $--The Munsters | 4-AAlke's Carnivet | F e--Littleet Hebe | 2:30 P.M, . Coral island 6--News, Weather 9:30 A.M. | %--People in Conflict Quoted Sports o-Mete | S8--The BUT WE CAN/T FIGURE OUT HOW TO KEEP THE . . 4--Forest Rangers 4--Gypsy Rose Lee | 7A Time For Us LIDS FROM FALLING OFF OF 'EM / . Appraises 3--Green Acres %-Doble Gillls | 6--Zane Grey Theatre . Equals 17) 2--Huntley-Brinkley 10:00 A.M, | 4Linkletter's Party DOWN 7:30 P.M, \1--Topper | }-Movie 1l---Donna Reed 9--Playtime With Uncle | 3:00 P.M, Point of a Z ¢ /, 9--Hollywood Palace Bobby |--Donna Reed diamond 69--Daniel Beane Fractured Phrases | 9 Fractured Phrases . River in 7--Shinding 3--Ivi 84--Another Werld Asia 6--Hogan's Heroes 4-1 Love Lucy | | Heepttet 4--Th |+49--T 3. Butter Y) Sotho Lunes want lice | £38) Te Tee "You'll have to wait a minute, cif Lae | : _M. knife 8:00 P.M. |8-2--Concentration mune phi the boss is lighting @ cigar. 4. Beverage 'I--OHA Jr. A. Hockey | 7--Donna Reed | on . | 7--Donna Reed shew | 4--The McCoys ev sg eg 5. French | ~ Sey 7 6-3--Seaway 6-3--Friendly Giant | sasupertiae Show article 4-Gilligan's isiand 9--Bingo +3 Toke 30 6. Sweets 8:30 P.M. 10:45 A.M. | 4--Wadge of Wight 9--Its Your Move |6-3--Chez Helene | &-Kartoon Karnivel +2--Laredo | 11:00 A.M, | : | 7--Okay Crackerby | Mike Douglas al eo } 4--My Three Sons | 9--Mr. And Mrs, 'ete Me 9p gg De ae | 9:00 P.M, #2--Morning Star i yowetn stay T 7 , | %Branded --Supermarket Sweep jg 4_ JUST TRY IT! BENG ABLE HERE! JUST GET UP ON THE RIGUT AWAY YOU STAND ABOVE 8 \ gon ann, 7--Bewltched 63-Butternut Square | ">--gonnie Erudden Show " To SAY WHAT YOU THINK ¢ [ Box AND FEEL THE SENSE THE CROWD...EVERVBODY 1S AY) ) Ye» | hs 63--I Dream of Jeannie | 4--Andy of Mayberry | ieee And Hie Priende FROM A SOAP BOX IS A OF POWER THAT COMES J] | LOOKING UP TO YOU... So BLN} / YOUR HEALTH P| Sowis 11:20 A.M. 4:30 P.M, cule Mecha whipenk Nanula Coe ont N I= Br ao ®-Quarter Back Club /€3--Aeross Canada |'1--Super Car New and Used PASTIME ! ji To SPEAK! i), Fae 9:90 PLM, | 11:30 A.M, $--Sea Hunt . C: y z % %--Let's Sing Out | %--Abracadabra 7--Barly Shew saci © 8 } 8-2--Mon | 8-2--Par, pe Pain Is Trouble Sign | Rewer" -- SAS eaten tas Hl ven'gce Gece Summ tae &3--Telescope 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2--Sting Ray Are Too Small For A New or | Pair. If Your Toes Ache |definitions, two different uses of| What is your opinion of another oo the word, and he ought to know/pregnancy I am overweight j i | A WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD > it. |but otherwise in good health. I THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- YUH KIN HAVE NUR_GOPHER. BACKS vod MICKEY MOUSE World Rights Reser tighte reserved "Uterine" means related to}am 32.--Mrs. M. G. DITION Dear Dr. Molner: My toes arejis not as important in treating|the uterus or womb. It also has| Prolonged congestion of veins : killing me. Friends tell me it is|gout as-was once thought, par.|been used for several hundred in the pelvis and legs erie gout. What should I do--Mrs.|ticularly since the discovery of |Years to describe half-brothers pregnancy could be'the. ause a! COMPLETE LINE OF A. B. modern medicines now. in use,|°° half-sisters, who have the) oop. clot. If a clot fen and) bin oe a sign - trouble. . In| but oe # choosing your diet eis mother but different fath-|5 oo ried along by the blood- HOCKEY : "oor : - 4 your feet it cou be, among is still helpful to some degree. | €'S- : 18 COTE a ES | WHY DID wat All} \ other things, faulty arches, | Obviously a tumor doesn't og the a . oe EQUIPMENT CUT OUT, DARLING, | KISS YOU... Ye arthritis, gout, bunions or in-| Dear Dr. Molner; I had a/have a mother or father, so| : ad WE'VE GOT A LOAD OF i | ON THE MOUTH? jury tumor of the womb removed, |9bviously the only meaning of, Such prolonged congestion Hockey Sticks, Pants, GIRL TALK TO GET : ij \ ; . \ Rather than let your friendsjand when [ asked the doctor|the word in this case is that you| would be unlikely to occur from TALKED. guess what the trouble is, go to| what kind of a tumor, he said|had a tumor of the uterus. I), gall bladder or other opera- your doctor for an accurate|"uterine."" My husband and 1|Suggest that your husband be-| tion. (Early ambulation is im-! diagnosis jlooked it up in the dictionary |gin being more sensible and_| tant ti presenti -- If jt is gout, the first pro-jand it said: 'Pertaining to the | more gentlemanly portant. an, Preventing, clote.) i \ te d 4 1 f cedure is medication to help the|womb; born of the same mother| | Your excess weight might be r | GOOD NIGHT, SKEETS, ' : { \ ' acute attack subside. Second|but by a different father." ~|. Dear Dr. Molner: After the|a factor in congestion of veins GOOD NIGH#, EVE. AND... , hie A q ( comes other medication to pre-| Now my husband: is accusing|bitth of my daughter fourjin pregnancy, and thus might THANK YOU, | vent a new attack from occur-|me of things and says no one| years ago I developed a blood|have contributed to the clot. | SHARPENING & ring, by preventing uric acid|has come up with a good expla-|Clot in my lung. Fear of another! | can't predict whether an- RENTAL LTD from accumulating in your sys-|nation of that definition, so|Clot has kept me from having! other clot might form in-a fu-' : 4 tem please tell me what it means.--| another baby. ture pregnancy, but I doubt it if 223 King St. W. Your doctor may in addition! Mrs. L. H. I had a gall bladder operation) you are active, (And it would be advise certain precautions in Your husband's obtuseness;without such trouble, Why do! helpful to know how much over-| 723-3224 what you eat. Diet apparently'has gone too far. Those are two'clots occur after childbirth wejght you are.) a MUGGS AND SKEETER Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. JULIET JONES.

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