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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Mar 1966, p. 2

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Bp THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, March 5, 1966 WEATHER FORECAST PM Sw _--_ = --- a ww bear | | Clouds To Prevail | | | Leaves "Cold,Snow Maybe Hy ee pense ce TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts} Ottawa: Cloudy with a few| issued Dy te weather office aljshowers changing later in the! } D.30 a.m. jGay lo snowliurries and turning | Z § © Synopsis: Partly cloudy to/colder. Winds light. | cloudy condition will prevail) Western James Bay, Coch- * Sunday. Colder air will cover;rane, White River: Cloudy with | 'the area and some light snow-|occasional snow and little flurries are possible. ichange in temperatures. Winds Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, | northeast 15. Lake Huron, Southern Georgian | Forecast Temperature : *'* Bay, Windsor, London: Variable} low eit High Gueaey ¥ / cloudiness and colder with a@) windsor ..,.. | few snowflurries. Winds south-| St Thomas westerly 15 to 25. | London Niagara, Western Lake On-|itchener ... tario, Hamilton, Toronto: Vari-| yount Forest . able cloudiness and a few light Wingham ... snowflurries. Colder with south-| pamiiton westerly 15 winds. | Eastern Lake Ontario: Vari-| Toronto able cloudiness with a few| Peterborough . snowflurries. Colder with light) Kingston ..... winds. TYENCON ssecescoeee Haliburton, Killaloe: Cloudy) Killaloe . with a few snowflurries. Little) Muskoka change in temperature. Winds! North Bay light. Sudbury . Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, Ti-| Farlton ........... magami, Northern Georgian! Sault Ste. Marie .. Bay,-North Bay, Sudbury: | Kapuskasing .. Cloudy with occasional light} White River . snow. Colder. Winds light. 'Moosonee .... * s Signals, Three Off Side By RONALD LEBEL most every day recently, pro- OTTAWA (CP)--Three minis-| ceeded to reveal that he was|when Mr. Pearson tried to call ters were left holding the bag| ready to appoint a judge to re-|him Friday night after his un- when Prime Minister Pearson} view Spencer's firing if the precedented telephone conver- ddan! 2 government | formic: posiai worker requested/sation with Spencer in Vancou- ed to set | this. ver. up an inquiry into ile Victor; ine prime minister tele-; Several ministers went to Mr. Spencer case. phoned Spencer Friday night | Cardin's office earlier, report- Shortly before Mr. Pearsonjand at his request agreed to set jedly to urge him not to say or announced the shift in the Com-jup the closed inquiry into Spen- do anything rash he might re- mons, Justice Minister Cardin,|cer's loss of pension and insur- |gret later. Solicitor - General Pennell and/ance benefits. | Still pending before the -Com- Citizenship Minister Marchand; Mr. Pearson's change of heart mons is a New Democratic all had argued against an in-|left Liberal backbenchers puz-|Party motion to cut the justice quiry. vied and annoyed. minister's salary to the $18,000 Mt. Cardin opened a 90-min-| Some of them said privately |paid to all MPs from $35,000, ute defence of his record about|the prime minister had placed |This is in effect a censure mo- | tch. ,* a? ' * events. He was hot available policy F ileal a seeee 12:45 p.m, EST by repeating his |his cabinet colleagues in an em-!tion and involves the life of the |contention that an inquiry would|barrassing position and had minority Liberal government, be unnecessary and would af-|given the appearance of yield-| Opposition Leader Diefen- fect national security. ing once more to oppositionjbaker was jubilant after the | "I have made my case,"' he/pressure to avoid defeat of alprime minister made his said. "I am convinced of the|censure motion, speech. "This is the greatest |decision I have made and there} Mr. Cardin was reported/capitulation ever," he told a re- is not one. person in the House|highly displeased at the turn of|porter. who is going to make me say eee |l am wrong when I know I am right." Mr. 'Pennell and Mr. Mar- Bares os ae chand followed ag Meni Teasing Challenge Tossed {ne Crit Servies Act emoovers! At Diefenbaker By Cardin peal civil servants who are con- sidered security risks. OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Min-|mer prime minister had acted __ |FIRED FROM JOB jister Cardin tossed a teaser in| personally to prevent prosecu- | Spencer was fired New Year's|the Commons Friday when he tion or a judicial inquiry into \Eve from his job at the Van-| Challenged Opposition Leader|the matter?" lcouver post office after al- Diefenbaker to "put on the rec- Mr, Gregoire also asked llegedly selling confidential in-| 0rd his participation in the Mon-| whether the former prime min- |formation to Soviet diplomats.|Seignor case when he was'ister had not 'camouflaged the jHe was placed under ("'per-| Prime minister.' facts . after feeling some urc ase |petual'" police surveillance. Mr. Cardin did not elaborate) kind of influence on the part of | Mr. Pearson rose at 3:50 p.m,|and Mr, Diefenbaker did not! some persons outside the cabi- d said he assumed respon-!€P!y. : : net and the House?" OTTAWA (CP)--The Board of Giniiite for the pat oy 8 Gilles Gregoire Creditiste-- . ' ee Broadcast-Governors gave ap-|; . Lapointe asked the justice min-| Mr. Gregoire said "perhaps handling of the Spencer case, |? n the 4 ti 1 proval Friday to purchase of! «1 am sneaking as the head of| ister whether he could give the| the former prime minister wi "TV isi ; 7 am | Mapsebleiaek ; iis. H ,| tell us why he behaved this way the CTV television network by the government," he said "but | House more details. He knew ' its ions ited seait : this might be difficult, since the| 59 We might better understand its 11 member stations, also after consultation with the & , | ; ; ee ce ei oe i minister was bound by secur-| WAY the government is acting But it set conditions to pre-| minister of justice who is more)' las it is? in the dismissal of ; ay i ; ; is! ity, but could he say whether|@S it is" in the dismissal o vent any big operator within|particularly concerned with this | ae iat hae : Spencer the network from gaining con-|matter and who might, in other | 'he Monseignor case Involved | * giving tis Hk ak cs Gus trol of the privately-owned na-| circumstances, have been anx-| 2ational Aap ols Fal like me v cab . rag "ME C pate tional system. ious to make that statement) @e0rge Victor Spencer case?"'|sition benches, » Cardi And, in specifically goin g|himself Poo _ veya 5 bag --_ made pre peng 8 pong ot > 'i e 9 ssc : me | "page ' ; ere Canadian citizens who suf-| an exchange wi r. Diefen- Csi ag ee Bag cro hong bg against a recommendation oe Pi geal coed waded fered penalties as Spencer had?|baker during debate on justice 4 . . x yl @ j > 7 ef ow ' é A tower controller suddenly no- the Fowler committee on broad-| 44, Pearson, who had turned|. "Was: it not true that the for department estimates. ticed the aircraft drop altitude casting, the BBG said it takes|down opposition demands for an| by about 25 feet. the position that its recommen-|inquiry in the Spencer case al- tempt. network of private stations vate stations of the network had|*han 2,000 salaried employees ate the network. to organize office workers. He called Capt. McNeal to! gation "does not in any way in- Letters Sent McNeal then made an emer- . ers on should be operated. not shown themselves to be|0f General Motors here Friday | The BBG said Letters were signed by Web- BURNED WRECKAGE AT TOKYO crashed and burned in a landing at Tokyo's Interna- tional Airport March 4, The airliner ripped out 15 land- This is the burned re- mains of the fuselage and tail section of the Cana- dian Pacific jetliner that ing lights in Tokyo Bay on the approach to the run- way, hit a breakwater and careened down the runway scattering wreckage for nearly a mile. (AP Wire- photo by radio from Tokyo) (See AP wire story) BBG Okays Jetliner Snagged On Lights, SlamsIntoWall;Toli64Dead TOKYO (CP-AP) -- Investiga-, All 64 bodies were recovered tors today began piecing to-/after an all-night search. 61 Demonstrators - On Bail In Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) -- RCMP ar-, Police made no effort to move : , AEE : rested 61 peace demonstrators|them and everything was quiet| Sether the chain of events that Airport police said some of ¢ | brought a Canadian Pacific jet-\the bodies were horribly on Parliament Hill Fridayjfor about two hours until Minis the splintering, flaming] charred night, but all were later re-|group of about 30 Montreal re-! atone ce uidaaal ' ; 'wh. /iend at Tokyo's International oe leased on bail. They are to ap-|inforcements arrived. They| Airport Friday: night DIED IN FIRE pear in Ottawa magistrate's|marched up to the steps, then)' of Pat ie : Japanese medical authorities court Monday morning on|split into two groups and lay or| Sixty-four of the NA said today post-mortems con- charges of causing a disturb-|sat on the driveway running be-| aboard the DC-8 jet were kilee- ducted on the remains of three ance. hind the steps. The four engine jet, Se cel of the crew members suggested The demonstrators, mostly; Police then moved in to haul| at least 21 Canadians, as welfire was the main cause of from universities in Ottawa,/the demonstrators off the road-| 88 Americans, Europeans and death Toronto, Kingston and Mont- way onto the sidewalk, but the seneaen en res Se aigg Among the survivors are real, were protesting the war in|demonstrators returned to the i he ries ge Nine he Freda Yeske, 30, of Edmonton Viet Nam. road as fast as police could! teal g t and Vancouver: Bernard James RCMP constables ended a move them, the ee : Redisky, 23, of Kimberley, B.C., lanned 24-hour sit-in about four; after about 10 efforts to clear, A British Overseas Airways| and Mrs. San Jen-chung, whose ours after i started When the driveway, RCMP Inspector| Corp. plane crashed today into| Canadian address was not pe ye dey did IR. V: Currie ordered the ar- nia a eg age og Full, | known. oc le on the driveway in| rests, abou miles south of here,! Miss Yeske, an Air gy of the Parliament build- But as soon as the first group an oe oe persons sige sales agent, sustained a was carted off, demonstrators) ,4 Canadian engineer Theo-| arm and leg injuries, The demonstration, sponsored hi dore Vaskevich, 53, was listed; Redisky. a history and Ene- by the Student Union for Peace /eft the steps to take over the assenger the BOAC }j a nani ad iy |vacant roadway and a second|#% # Passenger on the 5B lish student, sustained head, i ] Db } . " Action Rosin Be ord . od i| and third wave of arrests was -- 707 jetliner. f knee and ankle injuries. P.m. when 50 students marche A Japanese maritime safety; Jt was not known what. in- up to the main door to the ". tudents did not hav ,| agency helicopter crashed in juries, if any, Mrs. Jen-chung, Centre Block. They had planned He SHugenss Cio NOt DAVE ALY! Tokyo, Bay today while en-| suttered: to stage the sit-in in the ro-)spokesmen or leaders during) -aged in search operations for| Originally, there were nine tunda, just inside the door. = gy a = one said/ victims and debris from -last| survivors. but two died in hds- But they found their path different individuals were pro-| month's Boeing 727 disaster, | nit; ig § 4 | pital. disembark, when the Tokyo con- trol tower) told McNeal that visibility had cleared to more than ihe required half mile. McNeal decided to turn back to Tokyo and make an instru- ment guided landing Plotted on the tower's radar, the jet began its approach at a sink rate of 2.5 degrees, re- garded as ideal. Canada head, proach lights which he de- scribed as too bright The controller reached for the light switch and suddenly the jet disappeared from his radar screen. LEVELS 15 TOWERS Afterward, the Maritime Al Atkinson, New Car Seles Manager of The Cliff Mills Motors Ltd., is pleased to the appoi tell him to abandon his ap-|, i 5 pt proach and make a new at- '¢'fere with, impair or limit" a) review of the way in which a gency request--to dim the ap- By UAW Here The Fowler committee, which : reported last fall, said the pri-| Letters were mailed to more "competent or responsibl] e| by the tne genet bygoaard ina af enough" to be allowed'to oper-|"°W Phase of their campaign TOM SWEET the decision | ster Cornwall, international re- blocked by four RCMP con-! stables at the top of the steps ao they sat on the steps, hud-|the U.S. bombing in Viet Nam| we dling together for warmth and| shelter from the wind - swept rain and 37-degree temperature. testing different things. But most protests hinged on and refusal to recognize the Na- tional Liberation Front in peace negotiations, GLANCE AROUND GLOBE ~ Inquiry On Comtois Death: ~ Pearkes Returns To Duty QUEBEC (CP) -- Dr. Claude Drouin, Quebec district coroner, "will open an inquiry next Tues- _day into the Feb. 21 death of Quebec Lt.-Gov. Paul Comtois when fire destroyed Bois de *"coulonge, his official residence. DODGER SENTENCED NEW YORK (AP)--James F. ~ Wilson, 21-year-old New Yorker who pleaded guilty to burning fohis military draft card last No- ";vember as a protest against U.S. Viet Nam policy, received e*a two-year suspended sentence 'Friday. PEARKES RETURNS VICTORIA (CP)--Lt. - Gov. George Pearkes returned to his official duties Friday following | that he had broadened the role of Dr. Carlos A. Bernardes, his special representatives in Cyp- rus, to include efforts at concil- iation of the dispute. PAVILION UNVEILED | MONTREAL (CP)--Australia unveiled its pavilion for the 1967 Montreal world's fair here Fri-| day with the announcement they will spend $3,600,000 | their participation. The 24 000-} foot pavilion was described as| "basically a floating, square| box," consists of four square-| mouthed hollow pillars which} support a flat roof. Sloping| glass walls enclose the north) and south ends while metal! jwalls enclose the west and east/ | KILLS THREE OUTRIGHT three with Canadian addresses, . suffered injuries ranging from multiple fractures. to a bruise knee. mill recent intestinal iiess aid" w two-week rest period at Govern- ment House. BROADENS ROLE UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) U Thant, United Nations secre- HERE AND THERE City eouncil will holds its first regular meeting of the month Monday at 7.30 p.m. in be IMPOSTER REMANDED PORT ARTHUR (CP)--Ron- ald MacDonald, Lakehead Uni- |versity's alleged imposter, was remanded Friday to April 7 on charges of uttering forged docu- ments. MORE SEVEN KILLED VALLADOLID, Spain (Reut- ers) Seven workers were the fifth-floor city hall council} |killed and three seriously in- chamber. The second regular \jured when they fell 70 feet meeting will be held March | Thursday night into a silo under a. construction near here IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! Income Tax Returns Prepared BOB CLANCY ACCOUNTING ie 299 Simcoe St. S. 725-0397 Returns also being completed at The United Auto which killed 133 persons Two of the five - man crew re reported rescued by agency patrol ships. The crash occurred about five of Vancouver. miles across the bay from where| nine boats and other helicopters were searching for wreckage} from Friday night's DC-8 crash. The crash killed 62 persons The eight survivors, including} ati CPA officials said the plane carried 62 passengers, nine crew members and one off - duty stewardess. Japanese authorities full-scale. investigation crash pas under way. Peter P. Ainsworth, CPA Far East operations manager, said a company investigation team, accompanied by a representa- tive of the Douglas Aircraft) Corp., would arrive -here to- night. The team is headed by said a of the course when 30 passengers were due to The $6,000,000 jet, bound from Hong Kong for Vancouver and} South America, gras commanded | by Capt. Cecil N. McNeal, 57,) A former bush pilot. and a widower, he' had }been with CPA since 1939 and an. instructor for | Airport authorities said the} jet was forced to remain circl- ng above Tokyo for nearly 45 minutes due to heavy fog. The DC-8 for had already sei Taipei, Formosa, Train Smashes Car; Two Killed INGERSOLL, Ont. (CP)--Two Simecoe-area men were killed Friday when their car was caught between the gates of a R. B. Phillips, CPA vice-presi-owntown crossing and demol- dent, operations. The main international run- way at Haneda Airport was still closed early today as teams worked to clean up the wreck- age. The steady thudding of drums beaten by Buddhist priests early today mourned the vic- tims of the crash. Their bodies | {were laid out in coffins in neat! | Tows before the 'altars of three ; temples near the airport 30% OFF Greeting Cards Toys - Hobby Kits Purchases. Over $1.00 Speciol Change-Over Sale at Newton's 23 ATHOL ST. WEST, OSHAWA 1f you think there is not « good place te eat in Osh- owe... then you heven't tried the dining reom et the HOTEL LANCASTER, 27 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA ished by a CNR passenger train Three other men escaped from the four-door car seconds earlier. Dead are Port... Rowan John Boldt, 64, Police said John the Fast, 60, driver, of Simcoe. the. car was trapped on the track when guard gates came down on both sides of it. of and TELE-BIBLE Safety Agency reported 15 bea- con towers stretching some 200 yards out into Tokyo Bay from the runway had been levelled Three pvheels and fragments of swreckage were found scat- tered in the bay. The concrete breakwater at had logged more than 30,000/the end of the runway had a/ | hours in the air since 1928 when jhe was | Moose Jaw, Sask., flying club.! outright. Two died in hospitals.| Fog WAS HEAVY large gash torn in it. On the seaward side the sand at low tide bore the marks of wheels! or some other part of the jet which had dragged across it. There was noimmediate known cause for the jet's sudden loss of height. The crash was the third ma- jor one for Canadian Pacific in the last four years. Fifty-two persons died when a CPA plane exploded over 100 Mile House, B.C., last July 8 In July, 1962, one of the firm's planes smashed into several bulldozers at Honolulu, killing HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Millions Direct Their Lives By the Holy Scriptures Its words Bring Meaning To Life Dia! 728-2221 for Confidence, Meaning, and Hope Tele-Bible 728-2221 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Why Pay More.. SAVE!! Workers Hall 44 Bond Street East ON PREMIUM QUALITY 7 65 FUEL OIL gal. Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshowa --- Whitby & Ajax Districts TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1, Council lor bose for asphalt pa Pion 837, and ntends to spe The estimated cost of the wo The private property owner's Application will be made by DATED ot Oshawa of February, 1966. this 26t of the corporatior of the City of Oshawa intends to vement on Gibb Street, from Waverly 12, as shown on Sheet 168(3), Plon 357, being also the west limit of Gipb Street, os shown on upon the land abutt cially assess a part of the cost rk is $14,392.00 of which $12,191.89 is cost per foot frontage is $3.30, The 5 n ten equol 'annual instalments and the owners annual rate per foot the Corporation to the Ontario Muni undertaking of the said work and ony owner moy, within twenty-one days ofter the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the said work being undertaken, The solid Boord moy approve of the soid work being undertaken, but before doing se it may appoint © time and ploce when any objections te the said work will be considered. h day 'of pal Boord for struct, os @ local improvement treet South to the west limit of ng directly on the to be paid by the Corporation, pecial assessment is to be paid frontage is 45 cents. ts approval of the L. R, BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshowa. esn't rule ture ¢ "2- : : doesn't rule out future applica | presentative and co-ordinator of eae a by private stations to op- the UAW Technical, Office and voor a network It mentioned Professional department, and sot eee Lap by Ken] Michael Andryc, representative Soble, operator of CHCH-TV in conducting the organizing cam- Hamilton, to organize a private paign here. jnetwork and said the Friday de-|" 'phe letters state UAW interest cision is "without prejudice tol in seeking to enlist the support Mr. Soble's proposal. of those termed "white collar Member stations of the net-| workers". work are CJON-TV St. John's, Nfld. CJCH-TV Halifax, CFCF- |TV Montreal, CJOH-TV Ottawa, CFTO-TV Toronto, CKCO - TV Kitchener, CJAY-V Winnipeg, | spe also received letters from E. H. Walker, president posed organizational bid. Office workers have been or- CHAB-TV Moose Jaw, Sask.,| ganized by. the UAW at the How-| CFCN-TV Calgary, CFRN - TV| daille plant here, at the Ford Edmonton and CHAN-TV Van-! plant in Windsor and the Chrys- couver ler corporation in Bramalea. DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LTD. ROSSLYN PLAZA PHONE 728-4668 CENTRAL PHARMACY 211 SIMCOE ST, S. PHONE 723-1070 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 6 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-3143 CFNTRAT SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. CROWELL'S SHELL STATION 22 BOND ST. EAST SARGANT'S TEXACO STATION 278 PARK ROAD SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 74 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 1271 SIMCOE ST, NORTH STATHAM B.A, STATION COR. KING ST. AND RITSON ROAD OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE 222 KING STREET WEST RUSS BOSWELL SUPERTEST STN. 351 WILSON RD. SOUTH CORNER WISCN & OLIVE AVE The salaried employees have} of General} Motors, in regard to the pro-'§ to the New Car Seles Staff j : . Tom has been associated ' i with the Cliff Mills Motors Ltd. for several years in j the service department, He looks forward to meet- ing his old friends, ond new ones, in his new cape- city. TOM SWEET ia THE | CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. West Ph: 723-4634 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Oshawa General Hospital Cordiaily invites you to attend the ANNUAL MEETING to be held in the HOSPITAL CAFETERIA TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd at 8:00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER RT. REV. MONSIGNOR PAUL DWYER Special Feature will be a demonstration and exhibit of various aspects of Medical Care and Equipment by Members of the Medical Staff. Reports of various committees and Depart ment Heads will be distributed. The election of Honorary Officers and Directors for the current year will be held. Presentation of long service awards to Staff Members will be made. Refreshments are to be served by the members of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. E. G. STORIE, President W. A. HOLLAND, Secretary Any person who shall subscribe and pay to the funds of OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL or the funds of THE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY the sum of ONE DOLLAR in ony membership year shall be a member of the HOSPITAL for that yeor. A membership year shall commence with the first day of April in each year ond shall terminote with the 3ist day of March in the following yeqr. To be entitled to vote at on Annuoe!l Meeting o member mist be in good standing: for the then ent membntsh'o

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