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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Mar 1966, p. 9

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Mary Street Work Given re ------ Three bylaws expropriating land for the widening and re- construction of Mary st., were passed last night by city. council, The expropriations provide not only for reconstruction this year as a three-lane road but also for future widening to four lanes. OFFERS APPROVED Council also approved 23 set- tlement offers ranging from $41 to $4,279. Council's works com- mittee pointed out that the offers do not preclude negotia- tions if it subsequently appears that other factors not consider- ed affect the value of the land taken. At a meeting one montlr ago, council approved a works com- mittee recommendation that Mary st., be reconstructed in 1966 basically as a three-lane road from Rossland to Ade- laide, being offset to the east from Rossland to Sutherland and offset to the west from ©1l Aberdeen to Adelaide and with widening to four lanes at the Hillcroft and Adelaide inter- sections. The fourth lane proposed in the Damas and Smith Ltd., traf- fic planning report, was post- poned until a future date. Mary st. residents in January ob- jected to the proposed recon- struction to three or four lanes. NOT UNANIMOUS Council approval of the ex- propriation bylaws was not unanimous with four and on one occasion five aldermen in oppo- sition. Ald. Richard Donald said an- other look should be taken at developing the three lanes in as straight a course as pos- sible. He said the settlement price for a store north of Ade- laide probably will not decrease in future. And, he added; that if there is the "remotest pos- sibility" that a fourth lane will not be required, the jog at Aber- deen should be eliminated. Not Surprised Injured Left In Road, says Reeve Questioned about the situa- CIT ish A paper baskets? Mayor Lyman Gifford an- swered his own question last night. He said the larger bas- kets are for resolutions like the one from the Why is the provincial gov- ernment buying larger waste- MNT UOT NRA TN Windsor urging the govern- ment not to increase the re- tail sales tax. 'The tax increase from three to five percent comes into effect April 1. Several aldermen said the resolution was too late. But, onded A its sights City of NETO TE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1 STIO it was endorsed on a 6-5 vote, Ald. John Brady, who sec- ret ILRI Id, Clifford Pilkey's motion to endorse the resolu- tion, said "there is still time for the government to adjust ..- 1 don't think for a moment it will'. ue itiicii Ghe Oshawa Times 966 'GM SEEKS SPACE ELSEWHERE Move To Ge Council Okays $1 Airport Offer t Grants, Port Perry will continue to go| without an emergency ambu-jtion, Mr. Gibson said that he lance service until the subsidy |could see no end to the matter. dispute between the village am-| "There is no law that says we bulance operator and the muni-/haye to subsidize our ambu- cipalities he serves is over. jance. What Mr. Brignall is ask- This was the feeling yester-jing for is just too much, and day of Reeve J. J. Gibson of! we won't pay it Port Perry Village. "If he would like to come in| Asked to comment on the} : events that left two badly in-|2%d discuss it we would be glad| jured people lying for over an|to see him anytime." hour:on a rain soaked highway; Asked if there would be any because the village ambulancejemergency meeting following | operator refused to render aid,|Saturday night's incident, Mr Reeve Gibson said blame for the|Gibson said there wouldn't. incident should not be levelled! at the councils. | .| Parking Plan "NOT SURPRISED" "I had not heard about this," | . Praised By . Businessmen Ontario Society for Crippled |Children, Monday: launched its he said. "But I am not surpris-| Jes | A group of retail merchants! annual Easter Seal Campaign. STEVEN DOLESCH, 10, the "Timmy" for the Easter Seal Campaign being con- ducted by the Rotary Club of Oshawa, was guest of honor at the club's Monday luncheon meeting. He is The Rotary Club of Oshawa which was one of the 10 sery- lice clubs which founded the CHRYSLER SHIPS CARS HERE Easter Seal Campaign 'Kicked Off By Rotary for storage space for its bac ian Lloyd Corson, chairman of the club's Easter Seal Committee. Proceeds of the appeal will assist the club its crippled children's work --Oshawa Times Photo seen talking to Dr. Bruce Young, left, assistant direc- , tor of the Crippled Chil- dren's Treatment Centre at Kingston, who addressed the club as it launched its campaign. Centre is Rotar- looking for space | to points east. On Monday the corporati relations department, is the Sixteen acres of storage | were recently taken over to | manufacturing facilities. | Mr. Pryce-Jones said the ed to eastern points during 200 graduates of Variety Vil-|rehabilitation centres and five lage pay income tax each year|camps in the province. equal to the amount required; Dr. Young felt the building General Motors has been forced to look outside the city Chrysler, on the other hand, has come into the city During the last month Chrysler has shipped in nearly 1,000 new cars and stored them on open lakeshore, just east of the harbor. It is believed the new cars will be shipped by road Genéral Motors, stuck for storage space in the city, have taken over unused runways at the Kingston Airport. 1,000 negsy cars at the airport. The reason, states Hugh Pryce-Jones of the GM public k-log of new cars. A $1 offer for the immediate | purchase of the 485-acre Osh- awa airport will be made to the federal government by city council. Ald. Richard Donald said last night a committee formed in |1965 to investigate the possible |purchase came to the conclu- jsion that the city would not benefit by continuing to lease the airport. And, he said the committee decided there were two dis- advantages in the city remain- ing a tenant: --there will be no municipal control over a large parcel of land at the ion began storing more than acute lack of storage space. space at the Oshawa plant cater for expansion of truck automobiles will be distribut- the next few months. to operate the school. of the new school and treat- In addition to the Toronto|ment centre in Oshawa should| treatment centre, the Ontario serve as an incentive to the) Society for Crippled Children|campaign being carried on by| operates 22 other centres, six|the Oshawa club. Four A land in the city; NO GRANTS --and no grants for improve- ments to airports are available to municipalities who are | tenants. rrested and Cartwright. The subsidy, he says, is not ' ed that it happened." } The problem, which has left! the area without emergency am-} bulance service for the last) month, lies in a subsidy dis- pute. Ambulance operator Charles| 1 Brignall has been receiving|in Oshawa have congratulated) During the past week mem- $1,200 a year total subsidy from|city council and city officials| bers of the club have been busy the four municipalities he serves|for a comprehensive report on|stuffing. envelopes with Easter | = amen ~ -- Port Perry, Reach, Scugog| parking in the central business/Seals and other material for) " . | district. mailing to district residents. | Seek Rezonin On Bi "The property owners and The money goes to assist crip-| g g enough. He is asking that the/ businessmen of this city heart- pled children in the area by| total be increased he $4,150 alily concur with the needs and reser paige -_ joan N h W year, split between the four mu-} solutions outlined in the report}equipment as well as tow rt t t nicipalities. |and do assure council that their/treatment at the crippled 0 oe es eve 8) men The councils, meeting jointly,| whole hearted support is avail-|Children's Centre in Toronto turned the request down and|able at all times toward assist-|and for transportation. Rezoning to permit a 100-acre;scheme," wrote' a Braemor of- agreed that if Mr. Brignall was|ing council in any way to im-| Among the guests at the |integrated residential and com-|ficial. "The architects involved not prepared to operate on $1,200; plement the program outlined,"|luncheon were Steven Dolesch,)mercial development in the|are most enthusiastic about the a year they would get an ambu-| wrote §. E. Lovell, chairman of|10, foster son of Mr. and Mrs.|northwest area of the city has|possibility of making this pro- lance service eisewhere. the Retail Merchants Associa-|William Westover, who is ajbeen requested by Braemor Gar-| posal one of the most interest- Dr. Brignall immediatety| tion. |Grade 2 pupil at the Crippled|dens Ltd. jing in the province and a great withdrew his emergency ser-| Council last week received ajChildren's School, Bloor st. e.| The land involved, zoned asset to the city." : vice saying he could not afford| report detailing parking re-|Steven is the "Timmy" for the|R1B, is east of Thornton rd.,| The company also said it |south of Rossland rd., north of|hopes to preserve all the na- In Armed Raid sor, and Ronald Parry, 24, also of Windsor. Also arrested were Russell Milburn, 22, of RR 4, Oshawa, and David Bolan, 22, also of RR 4, Oshawa, who were charged with possession of dan- gerous weapons and the posses- sion of stolen goods. The men were taken to Cobourg jail. According to an OPP spokes- man, large quantifies of ammu- Four men were arrested at gun point late last night after police from five forces had co- operated in a lightning raid on a home at RR 4, Oshawa. No shots were fired in the raid, a spokesman for the To- jronto headquarters of the On- ;tario Provincial Police said this morning. He added, however, that the four men resisted arrest and Ald. Donald said 100 per cent grants are available' from the government for improvements to airports owned by municipal- ities. In the past 10 years, said Ald. Donald, the Oshawa air- port has flown into a $101,583 deficit and a "great portion" of the deficit could have been made up by grants if the city had owned the airport. Since 1947 the city has leased the 25-year-old airport from the to operate his service without| quirements to 1981. The report|Club's campaign. an increased subsidy. |Dundee ave., and the east and|tural beauty of the site and es- had to be subdued. nition and stolen goods were|federal government for $1. The said 2,200 additional spaces will|o.) opuRs |be required in the central busi-| Other guests included Mayor ness district and will cost aniLyman A. Gifford, Dr. C. C. estimated $5.6 million tojStewart, medical officer of develop. |health; Miss Gertrude Tucker, The municipalities repied by posting an ad in the Port Perry newspaper giving the telephone numbers of other ambulance west sides of Waverly st. pecially to improve the Warne The request was referred last rage ea eR eab ys uge saad jnight by city council to plan- y sit \ning board APARTMENTS -- The report, presented at ajsupervisor of Public Healthi wacrer SCHEME NO END council - in - committee meet-|Nurses and Miss: Hanna, of} Draenor Garden TAd.. sail None of them were close by.|ing, was officially received by| Peterborough, one of the 32 dis-| 5, wists ho oleae i spas bit And one was even at Lindsay,|council at its regular meeting|trict nurses in the province. | (pve a o combine jand Switzer to permit a 27-suite Council also referred to plan-| ning board Andrew Schmidt's re-| zoning application for land at} the southwest corner of Simcoe discovered in the house. Also several revolvers were seized. Earlier yesterday Maurice Vaillancourt, 25, also of Wind- sor, was arrested in downtown Toronto and charged with the armed robbery of the Windsor credit union, | Police officers from the Osh-| | Arrested and charged with the armed robbery of a Windsor |eredit union branch were: | Douglas Carriere, 19, of Wind- Toronto Lawyer Oshawa Flying Club has a sepa- rate lease with the government for the land it occupies. Only Ald. Cephas Gay voted against the parks, property and Offset Big Deficits airport land and buildings be made, The committee last August was authorized by council to in- vestigate the possible purchase of the airport and also to de- termine on what. basis the air- port could be replaced in an- other location. No recommendation was made by the committee last night on the possible replace- ment of the airport in another location. Mayor Lyman Gifford said the government paid for air. port lighting several years ago and he questioned future grants for improvements. NO PROVISION Ald. Donald said special cir. cumstances were involved in the government's grant for light- ing. He said there is no provi- sion in legislation for that or any payment because the. city does not own the airport. He said the government does have legislation providing for grants for airport improvements when the airport is municipally- owned. Ald. Donald said it is doubt- ful if the government will say "yes" to the $1 offer and that it may cost more to buy the airport. He added that some day government policy might change; all airports like Osh- awa might be placed on the selling market; and the city might be involved in competi- tive bidding for a parcel of ex- pensive land. Any advantage recreation committee recom-|the city might have now should mendation that the $1 offer for'be taken, said Ald. Donald. | single family dwellings, garde' some 30 miles from Port Perry. Monday. _ The Oshawa Club is one of 231 ites, apartments and ny op. awa Police Department, Whitby "service clubs in Ontario who take part in Easter Seal cam- paigns. They expect to raise $1,000,000, which will guarantee that the care and treatment needed by more than 16,000 crip- No Fanfare Planned ping centre in a master scheme weer pit aR re- | Development, when completed|commendation that "building over "a period of years" would a , lations submitted to council by "The topography of this site|planning board be witheld until permits for apartments that do ccommodate about 2,000 famil-|Pet comply with proposed pris At 'Chest' Meet | | OPP, Bowmanville OPP, Metro Toronto Hold Up Squad and the OPP Toronto headquarters took part in the Oshawa raid. Oshawa police officers taking| | part in the raid gvere Det. Sgt. | Bylaw Game Just Dandy Let's Know Rules: Mayor Toronto lawyer W. M. Gordon, C, will address the annual din- ner-meeting of the Greater Osh-| jawa Community Chest March| /31 |Kenneth Young and Det. Bruce! Changes in a bylaw confirm- ed from the bylaw two weeks For Housing Opening Dr. Bruce Young, assistant 'lends itself to a most interesting|council deals with the regula-| Interested in community and| McGregor. and exciti residential itions,'"" was adopted: by council. Sewerage Plant Grants Decision Wrong: Donald yes;, Ald. Donald asked the com- operating | missioner to itemize the costs Management of the 18 addi-/ In another housing matter,| medical director of the Toronto} tional public housing units at|council voted not to endorse a|Children's centre, said today's) Christine cres., has been taken|City of Windsor resolution ask-|attitude toward the crippled is) over by the Oshawa Housing Au-|ing the housing corporation to|not maintenance but rather the) thority: i i ulations,--.develonment. of an attitude of The housing authority notified; Windsor's resolution asked'usefulness and a secure place city council last night that the|that a maximum rental be es-|in society where they can func- 12, three-bedroom houses were|tablished when rent is. geared|tion to the best of their ability. available for occupancy March/to income and that the maxi-', 7 r "9 1 and the six, four-bedroom) mum be based on the average i Hee a the effi- houses should be available Mar./rental charged for comparable ciency of the rehabilitation pro- maintenance Lepuinesitn..mant mncislatinns TevViCwW ats Tent ree 2S Construction grants, and |fraternal affairs, Mr. Gordon's |topic of address will be 'family jand welfare counselling". The event, to start at 6.30 p.m. Genosha Hotel, will be un- |der the chairmanship of Haroid|~ "it is believed the two Oshawa |Pierson, president of the com-|men will appear to answer {munity chest. charges at Bowmanville Court. The three Windsor men charged with armed robbery will appear in Windsor Magis- trate's Court sometime this ¢ | week, | | ing minutes of a previous coun- cil meeting were clarified last night by city solocitor Hugh Couch. "T think we are all willing to play this game but we want to know thé rules before we siari;* smiled Mayor Lyman Gifford. ITEM EXEMPTED Two weeks ago council post- poned approval of a routine confirming the bylaw because it exempted one item in the Feb. ago dealt with council's approv- al on Feb. 7 of a plan of subdi- vision. Ald. Richard Donald wrote the municipal affairs de- partment asking that the plan jnot be approved because he said council did not vote proper- ly and because one of the city's condition of approval was im- proper. FILED BYLAW After the clarification last 8. accommeation tn the city. gram, he cited the fact that the| grants, no. to which he was referring. The} College Hot Seat night council: INSPECTION ALLOW SIX MONTHS F - That's city council's policy on} No official opening of the units) Ald, Christine Thomas said) . This Is Where The Men Are is planned but members of coun-|after tenants hit a maximum) cil were invited to inspect the} rent level they should be allow- houses at their convenience, ed to stay about six months. She) prior to occupancy. said there has to be a turnover) The 18 units bse as by the|in occupancy so low-income! Ontario Housing Corporation.|families will be able to find) 4), : Forty-two housing units on'suitable accommodation. adage ir crt gg lla Christine eres., were built in) Ald, Clifford Pilkey said he/Neishhorhood Ascociation final 1962. Council has requested the did not agree with the corpora-|),, / de ' cea ey i padi 2 corporation to build an addi-|tion's policy of trying to force} y bed s a pagel ; ced tional 35 family and 30 senior] families out of public housing by| 7° bdo tb Last week there was a plea from Association treasurer, Mrs. Bruce Lonsberry, for the men to come forward and help jwith the park organization. It was the women, she said, |sewage treatment plant facili-/Works committee reported last; jties after dealing with two re-|night that these would be items) |solutions in the past month |that are basically services to| Last month council endorsed people, rather than services to! a City of Windsor resolution| property -- including the con-| For Ex-C asking senior levels of govern-| : A former Oshawa man will 'ment to increase financial as-;Struction and maintenance of|be here tomorrow to answer |sistance to municipalities for|roads, construction safety and |questions on the applied arts construction of sewage facilities.|trench excavation inspection,|and technology college to be At a Feb. 21 meeting, council |ducation, welfare and health, jconsidered for the city. voted 'not to endorse a Town of _He will be Dr. Howard Kerr, |Goderich resolution asking sen- {chairman of Ontario's Council lior levels of government to con- jof Regents for arts and tech- tribute not less than 50 percent e er da ouien Price Bihan plese eh yee cal a Is Disputed jin Oshawa Collegiate and Voca- jtional Institute for 10 years. | 'SHORTSIGHTED' Asking questions wil] be mem- LONDON (Reuters) -- The} Ald. Richard Donald said the Memorial Site British memorial to President|ers of the Central Ontario 7 council minutes. Mr. Couch told council that although a "relatively insignifi- cant matter", he felt items deal- ing with zoning and local im- provements, which require On- tario Municipal Board approval, should be exempted from the confirming bylaw and covered in a separate bylaw after ap- proval has been received. He said it was quite by acci- dent that the.one item exempt- ity Man Davis is expected to announce within the next two weeks what centres in Ontario qualify for community colleges. Mr. Kerr will answer the questions at a Chamber of Com- merce luncheon at Genosha Hotel. He is now principal of --filed the bylaw postponed two weeks ago; --passed a bylaw confirming all the minutes of the Feb. 7 meeting, with Ald. Donald op- posing because the miniites in- cluded approval of the plan of subdivision; | --and passed a bylaw confirm- jing all the minutes of the Feb. 21 council meeting -- all that is except four items. Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto. During his stay here, he was president of thé Oshawa END OF FIRST YEAR Kiwanis Club in 1941. He became principal of Ryer- citizens units. sharply increasing rents when who were doing all the work.| Ald. Alice Reardon, council's incomes reach a certain level. housing committee chairman,| He said there should be a period "If the men don't come for-|two resolutions were practically ward and help," she said, '"'we|the same and asked the public said she has had no word from} of time when rents are fixed so may have to close the park." |works committee to reconsid- John Kennedy does not stand Regional College Council, which " . has submitted a brief to the on the historic fields of Runny-|main council showing why a Auditorium In Black, son when it was organized in 1948 and in 1959 was awarded the Préfessional Institute of Public Service of Canada gold mede although thousands of U.S. tourists believe' it does, an Eng- lish historian claimed today. Instead, local historian Sydney corporation officials and since|families will be able to save four proposals for the family] enough for a down payment The 'plea seemed to do the/er its recommendation, adopted trick. jby council, not to endorse the -units were received Feb. 21, on a home. ' ; hati id i! At Sunday night's annual | Goderich resolution. He said the e Ontarios Seek + 4 +] : re 0 x City Freedom mesing el nthe pac cra goo" ml stig "cen "von consider|OuveF says the acre of land --most of them men. 7 - | whi Oshawa has been asked to ex-|ferred to council's finance and' 4 new executive was elected Something already aproved yee eee gave See Ae tend the "Freedom of the City" assessment committee. and everybody especially the council," said Ald. Alice Rear-|lcans last year was really part to the Ontario Regiment, which' Lt. Col. Paynter said one ladies was very hava. ; don, vice-chairman of the works|of Windsor Forest celebrates its 100th anniversary) suitable date would be May 22 "The Ome) ref see st | committee An American embassy spokes- this year. _ | When the regiment hopes toj) oie ree could still dewit| TWO weeks ago Ald.Donald|man confirmed the memorial The "freedom" gives the regi-| parade to church and could stop|{¥ing; but we could still do with) 14 he disagreed with Fre al ment the privilege of marching] at the municipal building on its|S°™€ More support," said Mrs.|Crome, city works commission-|°°CS Ot stand on. the fields through city streets with bayon-|way home. |Lonsberry. -- ler, who said at a committee, Where King John yielded to his ets fixed and flags flying. It) Mayor Lyman Gifford at a| The meeting was a second|meeting that maintenance of|nobles and put the seal of also involves the presentation|council - in - committee meet-:and successful try at holding an| sewage plants is a local respon-|Magna Carta in the year 1215. by the city of a suitable in-|ing last week urged council to;annual meeting. sibility and that there were oth-|pit th : scribed gift to the regiment grant the request. He also sug-' The first attempt was in Feb-|er costs now being borne by the oan Sr nce aren eee ate The request, made by Col.| gested that council could spon-jruary, and only four or five| municipality which should more|.°¥®Tl00ks Runnymede and is Ww. Sn: (a gpa of-\sor a dinner for officers of the|people turned up. The meeting| properly be shared by senior |@djacent to it and its import- ficer @ regiment, was re-| regiment, was abandoned. levels of government. {ance Hes in the symbolism," community college should be {built here. An anonymous Osh- jawa citizen has offered to do- jnate a 60-acre parcel of land medal. From 1961 to 1963 he was chairman of the technical insti- tute division, American Society for Engineering Education. He Oshawa's Civic Auditorium ended its first full year of oper- bed the site of such a college, |which is one of 20 pertinent {points made in the brief Another major point covered} i jin the brief is that Oshawa has|Sity of Toronto in 1963. | ithe staff to implement the col-| The executive committee of! jlege program this year. Onejthe Central Ontario Regional |more asset is the fact that the|College Council is made up of: |city is highly technical. This}George L. Roberts, chairman; means a demand is evident for|Wendell Brewster, Kenneth ja college of technology to serve} Coulter, Ald. Clifford G, Pilkey, was awarded the degree of | |Doctor of Laws by the Univer-| ation $6,088 in the black, Mayor Lyman Gifford announced last night. The mayor congratulated the auditorium management com- mittee, under the chairmanship of former alderman Walter Branch, 'for a job well done." He also made special men- jindustry. Dr. George T. Sciuk, Keith W. And 1,800 people interested in jadvancing their education are|Desmond Newman, Percy W.| jenrolled this year in adult eve-| Manuel, Stanley E. Lovell, Ken- jning programs at secondary|neth D. Crone, Ald. Richard' schools here. H. Donald and Gordon W.| Education Minister William'Riehl, | tion of auditorium manager "wonderful job." Mayor Gifford said he thinks the public is pleased with the] building and its operation. He| said there is some discontent | | Kurelo, Branch Lauded |with the parking problem but |noted that steps are being taken |to help solve it. | 'Through the patronage of the |public, the auditorium has been a success," said the mayor. Total attendance during the Auditorium's first year of oper- ation was 325,500, manager Wil- liam Kurelo said today. Referring to the Auditorium's |first year profit margin, Mr. on n jKurelo Said that special thanks Ross, Miss Margaret Pellow, G., William Kurelo for doing @/should also be paid to the audi- torium's full time staff of 11 people. "None of this would have been possible without the fine work of these people," he said,

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