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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1966, p. 2

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- Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, March 11, 1966 -- & Death Calls CARDIN FUROR IN HOUSE tetig "or "he me vee Police Nab fehl CONTINUED FROM P. 1 The New Democrats sup- | 8 J ee Two attempts, resulting Hn be based on an "immedi-/Ported the Conservative conten- < 1tz roll-call votes, were made tolate review' of the facts. tion that there was a prima adjourn the Commons for the) a facie case of privilege involved day to permit Mr. Lamoureux| ATTACK 'COWARDLY in Mr. Cardin's charges. But Fn | : i } og : | to study the motions. Mr. Diefenbaker, absent from/they argued that the debate : t e Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win-|the Commons on a fishing trip|should be ended. - 9 | nipeg North Centre) said ad-|t0 British Columbia, issued aj Besides the three motions om C journment was nee statement calling Mr. Cardin's|the Speaker's lap aimed at Mr. | P secpeaes Fla. sg! Moe E. eek at gerry Nay Fe statement a' "cowardly and Cardin, Gilles Gregoire (Credit- | MONTREAL (CP)--Karl Ky-|Havelock, Que., and the secona| Sunny -- tere pani might have cooled down by|Slanderous attack bearing thejiste -- Lapointe) served notice iling. 27, a Bedford, Que. service|early Tuesday morning on the eee aoa tn haenital indew today. per le ene alenaco FOAM Yd tumor Bon oth ie station operator suspected ofoutskirts of St Johns, Que. | oie ace org] =| SS*S:~C*«é@@Usthe «two motions to ad.) ih the OO m mio irs, Liwerat poans 5) juciciet tespues implication in t nding of at the age of 91. j back-bench MPs jeered Con-| He said if an inquiry was implication in the wou g | OTHER j : journ the Commons were voted a Quebec Provincial Police of-| SEEK BR aR ae He saddled the winners of| gown by identical counts of 124|Servative speakers. They ap- satisfactory for the dismissal of ficer Monday, is being held in| Kyling, whose brother War-/2,275 races and his charges|t, 98, with the Conservatives,|Plauded Mr. Cardin's interven-|Spencer from his postal work- QPP cells here pending arrdign-| Net, 25, is still being sought, was/earned $13,082,911, NDP and Social Credit voting|tions--but with less fervor than/er's job, it should be satisfac- ment in Valleyfield Saturday on|Subject to a widespread sad |p, AnOwn., respectfully and af-|for adjournment and the Lib-| Wednesday after his decision toj tory to the Conservatives in the a charge of attempted murder. |hunt involving helicopters whe |fectionately as Mr. Fitz orlerals and Creditistes against, |St@y in the cabinet despite es-|Munsinger case. Kyling is currently under a a dogs earlier in the y cor hoe Fitzsimmons had; Mr, Cardin's first mention of pag omg of an mgd ed : doctor's care at QPP headquar-| ¥&e*- levoted more than 75 years tojthe Munsinger affair last Fri-/'W@ Spencer Case over his ob- ters, He was phot Thursday | The chase began when QPP iriding and training horses. Hejday and id query about Mr, |Jections. : Teacher Agrees in the attic of his home after a/officers tried to halt a speeding|saddled winner s everywhere|Diefenbaker's handling of i There were several emotional | squad of heavily armed police|car to question the occupants.|from the half-mile tracks on the}came when he was under fire speeches from the Conserva- To Salute Flag had surrounded the residence| Constable Leopold Bergevin was|*'Leaky roof" circuit, where he|on tl.Spencer case. He was! "ves. : : : and fired tear gas shells into/subsequently shot in the right|sometimes went without a meal|charge& with trying to black-| Alvin Hamilton (PC--Qu'Ap-| tas yeGas, Nev. (AP) = his hiding place. hand at a roadblock set up by |to see that his horses were fed,|mail the~Conservatives: into si-|Pelle), agriculture minister in Thirty - eight days ago Alvin In addition to the attempted|police during the. chase. _--_--_|to. the "Big A"--the multi-mil-|lence, But when the justice|the Diefenbaker cabinet during] weinhold didn't salute the flag. murder charge, the warrant for, A third man, Anthony Miller, |ljon-dollar Aqueduct' track in|estimates were approved by|'Hé time in question, said Mr.| ince then: Kyling's arrest charged him|30, was captured but the Kyling}New York. Parliament this week the issue}@"din has been hurt by things) je has been threatened with with illegal possession of weap-|brothers escaped. : . | Mr. Fitz developed two win- appeared to have died. said about him and "the only) jogs of his job as a Grade 9 ons, car theft and reckless driv-|. Miller has been arraigned in\ners of racing's triple crown--| The justice minister re-opened thing he can think of is to bite! social studies teacher, ing. Valleyfield, Que., on charges Of| Gallant Fox in 1930 and Omahajit at a Thursday morning press|@ck- ee : He has been expelled from the All charges arose out of aj attempted murder, car theft and|j, 3935 and 10 others -that won|conference, charging two or , When David Lewis (NDP--| american Federation of Teach- chase in which a car crashed |illegal possession Of weapons. | one or more of those: three clas|more Diefenbaker ministers York South) asked whether an] org Union (AFL-CIO), through two QPP roadblocks,|His preliminary hearing Will|.io, the Kentucky Derby, | were involved with a onetime|¢vening of personal attack) And he has received anony- the first Monday evening at'take place there next week. | Preakness and Belmont, Communist spy named Mun-|@94 personal dirt" could be} mous telephone calls threaten- et ares ie Gh : : Sp singer in the early 1960s. avoided, Mr. Hamilton shot! ing his wife and calling him a LEADING TRAINER He said he learned when in| pack: "Tet him go home to his! 'scum bum." } e ] ; house and his famil d j | He was the leading American another department -- he was|, 005° 8n@ Ws family and en-| Meinhold, 33, sald Thursday V iolence F ares trainer five years during the pe-|associate defence minister in gp rg AR cath --. | he would salute the flag to keep : riod when he handled the horses | 19§3-64--that the RCMP took in-lconservative forestr bags his job, appeal his expulsion owned by William Woodward's) formation about the sex case to|anq former oreiiiar of New| (rom the teachers union and try Calcutta Area Gece S SS ire ie tasers St all tnds Ae cattai aneg | isbanded in 19: e year Mr. \tive justice minister, in| nninic , ' i nicten|S2G he doesn't agree w e Fitz's Nashua was named Horse |tyrn informed Mr. Diefenbaker, (P70 of the justice ministe [United States policy in' Viet " Buena t 5 in r ; Fan no he that was rapidly disappearing. | jy H E LHI (AP) -- Police, The death toll Thursday, of the Year--he moved on tot : , |Nam. He was among a group GRIM REMINDER OF BOY 5 DEATH | so cinding ahs aaieed for the| which probably is incomplete,|Wheatley Stable and produced |'JUSTIFY DECISION' 5 He said he had never known| that demonstrated for peace in " in- his way to school, died | gee, "onsecutive day today injincluded 14 demonstrators|another champion, Bold Ruler, Mr. Diefenbaker should jus-|a minister or an MP to make|the downtown section of this FE Payee striae heg eed tener Fe ge a a hengital' of his injuries. be pas 'at least seven! killed by police bullets and one Horse of the Year in 1957. tify to an inquiry his decision a statement to the press that| gambling capital when the U.S. year-old Daniel Brus of by a car. The lad, who was (CP Wirephoto) | rioters were shot and wounded. | police constable beaten to death 1, 41. tater years. he was eas -- Praag Pie: case Bh ig " pert _ stl nese bene North Viet ga eee ' " "sons dead| by a mob. . ier pe i justice department lawyers for y of another member of Nam in February. if blag they oo ath poaey _ Indian Army units, moved to ily recognized as a stoop-should-!legai action, he said. Parliament | He says he stopped saluting | from sday s h ; ers e . | N : i : 7 é ¢ | | ange His itical| Calcutta. earlier in the week,/ered man who rested on two; Mr. Cardin said he had never)... a ithe flag more than a year ago Heavy Guard Is Maintained | 7 Referees | munist and other leftist politica opened fire Thursday night @8|canes as he performed his du-|S¢en the justice department file| IT'S NO JOKE when the U.S. first began bomb- parties called for new food dem: ee or up to 10,000 ran wild in jon the case but he "presumed" en the prime iminister--|ing North Viet Nam. But he Over Home Of Strongman Thi ver ome g a quiet spot in the paddock or|Munsinger woman -- described mentary inquiry when Liberals sles. : j -en- Tee y violence erupted after) A ' Se : 5 : i were charged by Mr. Diefen- SAIGON (Reuters)--The sta-|other generals for flouting cen a . The new violenc : : Chief Minister P. C. Sen Of/stable area rather than watch/in speculative reports as volup- i { tus of strongman Genera litral government authority. By CARL MOLLINS a leftist-inspired 24-hour general) yoy Bengal blamed the Com- baker with encouraging crime) CREDIT IN SPOTLIGHT e aye tuous and blonde--"ha in C ; Nguyen Chang Thi since his ap-| Tonight, the official Viet Nam) LJUBLJANA, Yugosla- strike was due to end munists for the violence. the races. active at one time in po ag in Canada--laughed at this sen- SASKATOON | (CP)--The Uni- rent ouster Thursday from|press agency said the generals) via CP)--Yugoslav newspapers 'There will be no rest until! Rajlway and bus "traffic into. The stoop was the result of work... . The news came to us tence, Mr, Flemming said: versity of Sasketchewan plans th Viet Nam's ruling mili-|had agreed to Thi's request for|today flay the officiating in the| the people's demands are met,"'| Calcutta was paralyzed Thurs-|falls from horses or strenuous |that she left the country volun-|; He's treating this as a great|to hold Canada's first academic tary junta was still unknown to-|an unspecified amount of leave Canada - Czechoslovakia hockey) said the United Left Front of 10) day. The government radio an-| efforts to make weight during ajtarily and that she died o dg This is no joke. conference on consumer credit day, but his house here was un-|on health grounds. |game here Thursday and say| political parties that led the nounced that partial service/rather undistinguished 10 - year/Leukemia in East Germany." onservatives asked whether|in 1967. Economic, legal and s0- der heavy guard by South iet-| Thi had been accused re-|the referees gave the key game! strike was resumed today. career as a jockey. The immigration department the jostics minister was speak-|cial aspects of credit buying namese Marines. _ cently of trying to build his com-/to the Czechs. The front declared that the| Trouble in Calcutta started) After he began putting on\said Monday that a Gerda Mun- ing for himself at the press con-'will come under consideration. -- Troops were ech 4 a the ay _-- dl get « gicep ll cu. « Beberynngpt rich Meade rice ration in the Calcutta a hye -- bpd gon Yb iy a he was about to ceed bw vasa born A , noealgnbars,| ee and it was reported three bat-/ North Viet Nam, into an st) ' ships were SO! was not adequate and demanded| against shortages of rice a *-/for a job as a streetcar motor-\entered Canada in 1955 as al talions of crack South Viet-|autonomous state. He had con-|angry at what they consider} g judicial inquiry into police fir-|rosene. A 16-year-old boy WaSiman in Philadelphia when he|landed immigrant. She tal DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS namese marines were recalled] siderable support among young] inept and biased officiating that| ing that killed some demonstra-| killed by police and tension has|heard of an opening as a horse|Germany in 1960, came back to : Thursday from an My ripeers 40 gh gin rye ggg Te to pull out offtors, been building ever since. trainer. So he stayed in racing, |Canada in January, 1961, then) with whom are now merged west of Saigon to perform! an e powerful Buddhists. a . = 'to ci 4 intl i ee ee ree oer ene Ee re re ai mecting Yollowiag thet | _Pitssiquneas. was. married in)" 0S SON oe MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS & CO, The deposed general remained |2-1 defeat, the Canadians voted WEATHER FORECAST i807 to Jennie Morvey, Tasy Hae ton retorted That Mr. Cardin " in his house today receiving a| Operators Get to withdraw. Later they decided five sons, three of whom be-|.oiossiy misleading the ' Chartered Accountants steady stream of visitors includ-| . | to play out the tournament. . came Mr, Fitz's assistants, and try" 'and that i has nig ing politicians, students and| Strike Settled |_ Politika, the mass-circulation S$ t d Cl d Milder one daughter. Mrs. Fitzsimmons|stated many of the facts." Hef Montreal wee Toronto Hamilton army officers who passed | Belgrade newspaper, headlines a ur ay ou y, fn RUMEN Boers sit ; . ' Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary through the marine guard. PINAWA, Man. (CP)--Seitle-| its report of the game: "'Refer-| died in 1951, Several years ago,|said the Conservatives have, Edmonton Prince George Vancouver strations against the govern-| ; \ties around the track and sta-|; i who earlier had said Con- ' Sas 8 onetraHions against ; -.jattacks on railway stations jit exists. 4 said no Con he still beli in Ai t 'alcutta and in sur-| attacks 0 : ° g ; pate ;..|Says he still believes in Amer- Cri icized ssn Ad Wait Bengal state. trains, police stations and vehi- bles and who preferred to sit in) tHe said he understood the|srvatives demanded a parlia-licg and isa patriot Reasons for Thi's dismissal|ment was announced Thursday |©@s rob Canada of victory." when a photographer tried to as-|"0thing to apologize for in their Associated Firms In United States of America, Great Britain clan for a birthday picture, 62]said, he will call for the file sojy shewe Oshawa Shopping Centre turned up. that any statement he makés i . . t . é headline: 'Referees against ssed from the national|c!¢ar research establishment) 2° is g 8 : ty red council by the 10/here. The walkout began Feb. Canada TORONTO CP -- Forecasts; Southern White River: Cloudy pe 16. Bbc wig a = "ed issued by the weather office at, with snow patron gcd © oper C. Art Frey, a federal labor rts the Czec -Canada)s 39 a.m,: with freezing drizzle ne sake | Progress Made department industrial relations| game under the headline: Ref- Synopsis: Slow motion is in-/Superior today. Saturday cloudy | F k T tk officer, announced the settle.| "ee decide top of standing." ' gicated for the current weather|and milder with snow or rain. ' : cide aie allan t. . ui nattern. By Saturday a trend to! Winds easterly 15. In trike lalks ment. | RAP DECISIONS F é irday ' nds Se aa: He said the agreement will) Polish referee Andrei Chojna- milder Ligne hg Laat eee ee Ue uate, BOSTON (AP)--A federal me-|#iVe Class I operators a 24-cent-|cki and Swiss referee Gennaro|With snow and rain spreading) ihe Ovel lotay d tonient jan-hour increase over a two-| Olivieri oe es att: »|slowly eastward across North-|snow this evening and tonight. diator says he is encouraged by| 3 . 5 ivieri gave "unjust decisions, : RY s day cloudy with d the progress being made in talks |Ye2? period: The increase is re-|the Borba report says ern Ontario and more rain or| Saturday cloudy with snow an te end Boston's estimated $1,-\'Toactive to April 1. "In the first serious 'game for Showers across the lower Great milder. Winds east: 15. : A ooh ; i | : ste akes Ottawa region: Mainly sunny 000,000-a-day newspaper strike,, ©!ass Il operators will re-| medals, the so-called represen-| Lakes. : a fides sme i ceive an increase of 22 cents| tatives of justic - | Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, today. Saturday cloudy. Cool) but he indicated a settlement | 5 of justice began to shape aia 1 Satur-| could not beexpected this week. hourly over the same period. the top of the standings accord-| Southern Lake Huron, London,| today, Not quite so cool Satur-| i i ; Windssr: Cloudy with 'occa-|day. Winds light becoming east- The mediator, William Rose,| REACTOR SHUT DOWN Mee cee as sional light snow, Saturday, (erly 15 Saturday. said talks would continue today} The reactor was shut down be-| 4); @ Canadians did not lose mainly cloudy with showers. ous : but a meeting of all parties|fore the strike began at 'this| iS match. The two points were|Tt ntinuing mild, Winds: light. Forecast Temperatures uld not be called until Satur-| in : ' jtaken away from them. . . , © g 4 . Low tonight, high Saturday would no' called u ur-| Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. | Grech goalie Viadimir) Dauril Northern Lake Huron, Al-\ windsor $6 50 day. jestablishment 65 miles north-| 195i, fact beaten. three npg goma, 'Sault Ste. Marie, south-|ct 'Thomas s++++e++ 35 The strike of 1,200 printers gi o Sienote but he--in contrast to Seth Mar.|ern Georgian Bay: MainlyY|rondon ......+5 and 220 mailers began Sunday| The reactor operators are|tin of Canada--had behind him| cloudy and cooler with OCC! Kitchener .... night, closing down the morn-|members of the Canadian Un-|the referees, who defended the|Sional light snow today and, t0-| wount Forest ing and evening Globe, the/ion of Public Employees (CLC).| Czechoslovak goal better than| Might. Saturday cloudy with Wingham morning Herald, Evening Tra-| At the start of the strike! Dzurila." snow or rain. Winds easterly 15) jamilton .... veler and The Record - Amer-|Class I operators were getting; The sports news paper, !0. 20. St. Catharines . jean, $2.55 an hour. The 24 cents -will| Sportske Novosti of Zagreb de-|. Niagara, western Lake On- 'Toronto The evening Christian Science |bring them to $2.79 and meets a| scribes the officiating as|tati®, Toronto, Hamilton:| peterborough Monitor, published in Boston, is|major demand that they receive | "shameful." Cloudy and cooler today. Sat-) kingston not affected by the strike pay equality with operators at; The Zagreb newspaper re urday cloudy and milder _with Trenton .... "rhe two striking unions, which |!h? Chalk River atomic plant in| ports categorically that Ray Ca-|Showers Winds easterly 15 be-|Kinaloe .. had been working without a con-| Ontario dieux's disallowed goal in the Coming light gan AB Halli Muskoka .. tract since Jan. 1, 1965, want| A number of Chalk River op- econ period should have ' i tg A fr sutte athe North Bay .. cash pay increases instead of ajerators were transferred to Pi- counte a) oid * ce ware {Sudbury company - paid health - welfare nawa when the installation went REPORTERS SAW IT few cloudy peer og cooier | Eariton se beenes and pension plan into operation last November. fo peerage today. Clear and cold tonight. | cauit Ste. Marie ... SECS il CAR RN Be All the reporters at that end Saturday increasing cloudiness.) swonskasitig . ae publishers pave offered a of the rinksaw" the goal, but/and milder. Winds northeasterly White River roe = Year PACKRSE INCUCINS : apparently it was not seen by|15 today becoming light to- ; : cash raises and the health-wel-| Crimson Presents the Yugoslav goal judge nor the night. , Linas res jak and ana eat = at . age two referees." Northern Georgian Bay, Ti-) 2°" package wou ola 30 in | Spdrtek J sti sn cna, |i Cock North Bay, weekly increases over the three Special Edition pavetse Novostl also. critl-| Tae rela ns it old| SHIPS WENT TO BOTTOM ¢ cized the referees for. failing to| Sudbury: Mainly sunny but co } y ars, CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP)--| release at least one of the two|t0day. Saturday increasing, More than 11,300,000 tons '| The printers' current weekly Students who run the Harvard) penalized Canadian players after|Cloudiness with snow likely by Britain's pre - war merchant} base salary is $140, the mailers') Crimson are publishing a spe-|the Czechs scored their first/evening and a little milder. navy of 17,400,000 tons was sunk $126. cial pein 7 Se ed caused) goal. The referees let one man, Winds light. in the Second World War. by a strike that has closed Bos-) gut only after protests from -- HERE AND THERE art "She. estos Crimson, ¢ gj Pop Pes dena ac mpeg | ' *peeig "geal os | . : ; handling of the case. g were not clear. night of a strike of 28 reactor) _Vecernje Novosti Evening W th S Sh D semble the entire Fitzsimmons and Other Countries throughout the World. Informed sources said he was|9Perators at the Whiteshell nu-| News) of Belgrade runs the l ome 0 Ww ers ue On his return to Ottawa, he 728-7527 a| The newspaper Vjesnik of Za- ss cae daily whose first four-page edi-, greb says the referees "seri-} OPEN I Frank Shine, administrator tion appeared Wednesday, com-| ously damaged' Canada's! of the Oshawa Separate School plete with a racing handicapper.| chances, Chojnacki, who called Board, estimated today that it | Qn the first day, 30,000 copies! all 11 penalties against Canada will be about two weeks be--| were distributed in downtown! was "especially confused,' the A L Cc A N fore the board's 1966 budget poston and a few stiburbs. newspaper says. is finalized. _ iin ' Furniture & Appliances The Oshawa Separate School Board Wednesday | * été HB 452 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 peopel aang brea | j Oshawa's New Furniture and Appliance Store feot- lar meetings of the board oné | . uring Admiral T.V., Zenith, Top Service and many day if Jubilee Mass at St. | top lines of furniture and appliances. Gregory's Church falls on a | redder' mesing date Township of Whitby Oshawa Separate School Board decided Wednesday to contact Dr. C. C. Stewart, the NOTICE | 'THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! city's medical officer of health, to discuss the pos- y Adult Building sibility of testing the board's ¥ j Suite staff for tuberculosis. By-Law 1872 prohibiting Open-Air fires is z =~ effective from March 15th to June Ist in || £2 e. Central Location S the Township of Whitby. The By-Law carries a ||| Ba aa : a. p ti Add : rf | he 0 WO 9 DIXON' penalty of up to $300, in the case of a con- L Me 8 ta reslige ress ||, 7, a e! P ln OIL viction, for i offence. et Geen ee wes Stegt Uoin the enjoyable people my 313 ALBERT ST. | s lee] Sctts sate | S'Owing ale-Labatt's Fifty Alel -- GEORGE £. VICK, Fi i o 723-4663 6 , Fire Chief, Area No. 1 sintiiah iuAwea over ; HAROLD BRYAN, Fire Chief, Area No. 2 G2ORGIAQAN Mansions $0 YEARS i 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA _ _ Soh i Aa BER NERS ) HEAT WITH OIL i] | : : wt By Appointment Only " 723-1712 -- 728-2911

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