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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Mar 1966, p. 27

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- = ~ Psi he a 565 $2014 Ws Wh-- Ve 72 $749 744 Tha-- Va 10 $108 108 108 2 $87. 89 BP $14 11% 1% BA Oil BC Phone BCPh é6pr BCPh 44 Bruck B Burns Cal Pow Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--March 14 | Quotations in cents unless marked $. 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--x-| rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change is TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS | A navy technician in the weather office aboard HMCS Bonaventure gets the latest weather information from a GETTING WEATHER PICTURE shore station. The map, sent by radio, is received on a facsimile machine. The wea- ther man's main job on the carrier is to predict condi- tions that affect flying. Wea- ther observations from the ship are sent back to land stations. (CP Photo from National Defence) OBITUARIES |ceased was born al Burlington.jyears prior to his retirement] Williams was employed by the MRS. ALBERT AUGHNEY w r Oshawa General ' Hospital for s -n.| A resident of Whitby since last/in 1964 ' ao ieee aes ental tae. summer, he was a member of A member of St. Andrew's six years pital, following a lengthy sic All Saints' Angilean Church, He; United Church, Mr. Hines ser- Predec ness, of Mrs, Albert Aughney, a former resident of|ved during the First World War} Perc i » 73 Eastlawn st. She was in her Ancaster. with the 129th Wentworth Bat-) 28,. 1953, Mrs, Williams is sur-| 58th year. During his business life Mr.|talion. vived by a daughter, M r S.| Born Sept. 9, 1908, at Clyde Greene worked for the Sherwin-| He is survived by his wife, | James Li mont (Joyce) of Osh-| Forks, Ont., the deceased was a/ Williams Co. in Cleveland andthe former Geraldine MacLeod,) awa and two. sons, Cecil of daughter of the late Mr. and/ Montreal and later for the Tuck- two daughters, Mrs. William Ajax and William of Oshawa. | Mrs. James Demerse. She was/ett Tobacco Co. in Hamilton. Alchin, Jr. (Jean) of Port : Also surviving are five sis- married Nov. 18, 1929, at Kirk-' Prior to his retirement he own- Perry and Mrs. James Dan- ters, Mrs. Harry Layton (Gla- land Lake and before coming to ed and operated L. R. Greene iels (Mary) of Oshawa and two dys) and Mrs. William Davis Oshawa 24 years ago had lived| Limited, a tobacco distributing sons, Donald and Garth, of Osh-| Celia) of Oshawa; Miss Mar-| at Espanola, Ont. Mrs. Aughney | firm _ lawa. bs _ |garet Brough of Orono, Mrs.| was a member of St. Ger- Mr. Greene is survived by his Also surviving _are two sis-| Thomas Thexton (Sadie) of Ed-} trude's Roman Catholic Church.| Wife, the former Elizabeth ters, Mrs. J. Collins (Ethel) of) monton and Mrs. Carrie Jor-| She is survived by her hus-|Chapin; and three daughters,|/ Hamilton and Mrs. A. A. Baache dan of Winnipeg: t ree brothers, | band: two daughters, Mrs. K. Mrs. H. I. Muser (Betty) of}(Mabel) of New York City; two | Ross Jack and Alex Brough, | Durno (Mary) and Miss Theresa|Qttawa, Mrs. J. A. Mitchell/brothers, Oswald of Toronto and all of Orono; nine grandchildren Aughney and a son, John, all (Molly) of Whitby and Miss/Albert of Buffalo and four grand-|and two great - grandchildren. of Oshawa. Barbara Greene of Toronto and! children. She was predeceased by a Also surviving are three bro-|@ Son, Archie Lawrence Greene} The memorial service will be brother, James Brough, in 1964.| thers, Lawrence and Jack De- of Sarnia held at 2 p.m Mar. 15, at The memorial service will be} merse of Kirkland Lake and Er-| > Mr. Greene is resting at the|the Armstrong Funeral Home | held at the Armstror Funeral nest Demerse of Oshawa and|Robinson Funeral Home,|Interment will be in Oshawa. Home at 2 p.m., Mar 16, fol-| two. grandchildren, Keri - Lee Ancaster. The funeral service|Union Cemetery. James Young|lowed by interment in Grove- Durno and Daran Aughney. will be held in St. John's Angli-|will conduct the service side : Cemetery, Brooklin Rev Mrs..Aughney is at the Arm- Can Church, Ancaster, at 3 p.m.,| In lieu of flowers donations us Ward, minister of Westmount strong Funeral Home for re-|Mat. 15. Interment will be in St./to the Heart Fund would be nited Church, will conduct the quiem high mass in St. Ger-| John's Cemetery. appreciated. service, trude's Church at 10 a.m., Mar. eased by her husband,| as ucerene. Williams, Mar. 16, Interment will be in Resur- rection Cemetery. Rev. John Myers, pastor of St. Gertrude's Church, will sing the mass. LAWRENCE R. GREENE The death occurred, Mar. 12,! following a short sickness, . at the Oshawa General Hospital of| Lawrence Richard Greene, 505 Ceritré st. s.. Whitby, He was in. his 89th year. A son of the late Mr WILLIAM GORDON HINES | The death occurred, Mar. 12,| at the Oshawa General Hospi-|morning, at the Oshawa Gen-|!" Toronto, Mar. tal, following a short sickness,{eral Hospital, following a lengthy| Tight, Courtice rd. n., R.R. 3, of William Gordon Hines, Con-) sickness, of Mrs. Wilma Will-| Bowmanville, Whitby Town-|iams, of 98 Montrave ave. She|°2nd year lin rd. w., East ship. He was in A son of the Mrs. Otis Hines, was born Oct. 27, 1899, at Ham-| ilton, Ont his 67th year. late Mr. and the deceased) MRS. WILMA WILLIAMS | The death occurred this was in her 67th year. A daughter of the late. Will-| jam and Rebecca Brough, the deceased was born Sept.: 28,| Mrs. Thomas Greene, the de-'Windsor and Oshawa for 37! viously lived in Whitby. Mrs UNINTENTIONAL BUT TRUE, SAY DOCTORS | | Wife Hurries Husband | On Road To Heart Attack By ALTON BLAKESLEE CHICAGO (AP)--To kill hushand, heart specialists sug gest;-a wife should Gorge him with cially rich dishes. Stast? him down comfortably in front of TV every night for many hours, and more hours on weekends then trot out a stream of snacks and_ drink from the kitchen into his wait ing hand Never let him use a snow shovel or lawn mowers, and convince the insured victim that even walking a few blocks is bad for a man's heart Nag him in ways intended to increase his blood pressure and frustrations and never let a doctor check him over The process takes a while and isn't entirely guaranteed But. it is the path millions of men afé riding (not walking) to join.the. many in North America already 'killed by heart attacks or brain strokes And, the doctors warn, these men are already being aided and abetted, quite unin tentionally, by their wives MOTHERS DOOM MANY And mothers are many sons to early demise by encouraging them to adopt or inherit.the same habits of liv- ing. food, espe For, says Dr. Paul Dudley|(or some muscie tissue turns to| White, famed Boston cariologist who treated President Eisen hower during his heart attack: "The inheritance of our pres- ent-habits and. environment is the chief factor now in heart attacks, more than the natural heredity from our genes." The. tips for wives interested in protecting their husbands hearts--rather than collecting life insurance early--come from Dr. White and other specialists interviewed during the annual meeting of the American Col. lege of Cariology. They are based upon years of research--human, animal and to help produce this modern epidemic of heart attacks The basic killer atherosclerosis, which arteries or pipelines means carrying Exercise and physical activ- ity are more and more becom- usually is ing regarded as good medicine | Township | Ajax and Rey. J who! Courtice will medicine--carefully the man even good prescribed--for JOSEPH WRIGHT The death occurred 'suddenly , of Joseph | He was in his A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright, the de-| ceased was born in Scarboro| Township. He spent the. great- A resident of Osh-/1899 in Lindsay Township)€r part of his life farming in| awa for 32 years, he had been| Bruce Peninsula. A resident of| Pickering Township ; and employed by General Motors at] Oshawa for 36 years, she pre-|been a resident of the Cour and had) tice area for 10 years. tired two years ago. Mr. Wright is survived by his wife, the former Rose Smith and three daughters, Mrs. Bar- rie _Pearson . (Joan) New market, Mrs. Cecil Henderson (Verna) of Bowmanville and} Miss Doreen Wright at home.| Also surviving are seven grand- children The funeral will be held at the McEachnie Funeral Home, Pickering, at 2 p.m Mar. 15. Interment will be -in Erskine "( Pickering Conkey of Romeril of conduct the ser- He re- of service meters Rev. F blood to the heart muscle itself| has had a heart attack, Dr. lox, Vice. --really just a living pump-- become clogged with fatty de posits, a kind of biological rust 'Atherosclerosis the main reason why esr about seven years is wamen longer, on the average, than men," says |CYCling, more walking, anything |pert t Dr. White." A hundred years or | that exercises the large muscles | yay so ago, the average lifespan was nearly equal." What brings .on_ thi: ing?" What can be done prevent or slow it? NO SINGLE CAUSE There is no single cause, the experts agree | High blood pressure and dia betes are two hazards. But jthese troubles can usually be controlied now--if a doctor has a chance to detect them But other suspected influence are within a wife's or husband's control to act upon Dr. White says: "In all prob- ability, if you don't gain weight after age 23 or 24, and are physically active, and don't rust- to have a heart attack stroke or a We all ought to become ajcontrol, and designed to keep Rev llittle lighter as we grow older, fat, with the years Experts say the average adult needs about 10 calories less per maintain his weight Physical activity burns up |calories, and husbands or wives \vary in how. conservatively or liberally they spend them "Some people bounce up out of a chair. Any major accelera- tion of the body spends more energy than slow movements-- you jack-rabbit away from a stoplight," says Dr Samue] M. Fox, chief of the |heart disease control program gas if Says A wife might help her hus band by getting him to do more ballroom 'or square dancing, or to take un hadm ball, tennis, skating, Aga ty WoHEy* skil ng, bi of his legs and body, he says To wives, Dr. White advises "Get your husband to go out for a walk with you in the eve- ning. We all need to use our leg muscles more, to stimulate cir- culation. Setting up .exercises, for six to eight minutes a day don't take the place of using those muscles."' If you watch TV, take a break for a minute or two every half hour or hour, and get some ex-| ercise, Dr. White urges With numerous studies associ- ating cigarette smoking greater risk Of heart attacks Dr. White advises wives "Give it up yourself, to help him quit, and as ah example for your children not to. start vith dooming smoke, you are not likely to CONTROL FAT Serve and eat a moderate diet, keeping fat intake under |weight down." Stress and tension can bring) increases in blood cholesterol, one of the fatty materials in \volved in the artery clogging, | jactually do is not yet clear, Dr.| Fox says 'Stress makes life interesting and we cannot avoid stresses | Leslie FUNERAL OF PETER FULLER The memorial servic ter Fuller, who died at the family residence, 286 Al was held at 2 p.m.,| 12, at the Armstrong Fu-| neral Home Rev.. H. Dyck, minister Albert Street United conducted the service ment was in Oshawa Cemetery The pallbearers were A. Shev eluk, T. Baran, H. A. Solomon, M. Kapiluk, P. Timoshek and B. Mosko e far Pe Mar. 10 of Church, Inter- Union FUNERAL OF ALLAN GORDON The funeral Gordon, 765 Somerville ave who died, Mar. 10, at the Osh awa General Hospital, was held! { 2 p.m., Mar. 12. at the Mc Intosh Anderson Funeral] Home service for Allan The service was conducted by Rev. N. F vackhammer, pas-| tor of First Baptist Church and| Dr. H. A. Mellow, minis of Northminster United Church Temporary entomb- ment was in the Cadmus Ceme tery vault. Interment, at a later date, will be in Nestleton Ceme- ter day with each passing year to|/but what such temporary rises | tery The pallbearers were Donald. | and Harvey Johnston,| Harley, Gerald and Allen Jack-| }son |The important thing is how we thandle everyday stresses--not} |to let them get us down, to cause strains or deformations."'| Adds Dr. White; "Exercise is) much like a car burning more/the best antidote to stress. If|radioactive jyou are physically tired, you} don't need any tranquillizers." There is no drug, that safely lowers blood cholesterol, or) LAPPS RADIATE MORE HELSINKI (AP) -- Lapland-| ers are two or three times more | than other inhabi- tants of Finland, a study has found. Tho evel is well below danger fallout has contaminated lichen gh the nuclear the laboratery--to pinpoint the in-jof the U.S. public health serv-|what may act in other ways to|which feeds reindeer which feed fluences or dangers that seem lice, iprevent heart attacks, ithe Lapps fri previous board-lot MINES Stock Accra Acme Gas Advocate Aetna inv Am Larder Bankfield B-Dqu Belcher C Faraday Cdn Keely C Lencourt Can-fer Cantre Cassiar Chester Chib Kay Chib M Chimo Coch: will Coin Lake 'comb Mi Donalda Duvan East Mal East Sull F Mar F Orenada Genex Giant _Yk Glacier Glenn Exp Goldray Gojdrim Granisle Granduc Green Pnt Gulch Gunnar Hastings Headway High-BI Hollinger Huds Bay Hydra Ex Int Bibis T | Kenville Iron Bay Iso Jelex Joliet Jonsmith Kerr Add K Anacon Lakehead La Luz Leitch Liberian Liberian LL Lac Lorado Louviert Macassa Macdon Madsen Man Bar Marchant Matach Maybrun Mc Adam McWat Mentor Merrill Metal Min Midrim Multi New' Cal Newconx Nconex w N Harri N Hosco N_ Kelore Newlund N Que Ragi N Senator New Taku Norbeau Norgold Norlex Normetal Norpax N Coldstm N Rank N Reck Northgat Pine Point Pore Pay Preston Probe M Purdex Que Man Quonto Radiore Rio Alaom Rix Athab Roman Ryanor Satellite Sherritt Silvrtids Silvmaq Texmont Tombill Torbrit Torment Tribag U Asbestos U_ Buffadn Viotam West Mine W Surf | White Star Wileo Willroy Wineh Yale Lead Yukon € Zenmac C Homestd Cdn Sup 0 De! 0 Chieftan D Cc West P Dev-Pal Dome Pete Dynamic French Pt Gr Plains Gt C Ollsds Int. Helium Mill City N Americn NCO pr Permo Place G Provo Gas Scurry Rn Spooner Triad U Canso Vandoo W. Decalte Wilshire _ IND Alum 4l4 p Anthes A Anthes Cp Atl Bank Mont Bank NS Bartaco Beatty n Bell Phone Brazil 1 18 18' + $144 144 14a +) 36 +4 15 Ww 200 230 WV 825 $25% $80 24 95 27 252 175 37 nu 23 $10% 10% 10% 249 "32 "4 199 230 a i714 825 249 32 35 230 17% 825 80 31 23 249 $23%a 232 23% 565 560 565 $164 16% 16\4 15 13 15 178 120 $194 184 34 220 445 520 1300 390 5250 6174 1900 33650 1500 225 11500 100 t7 2002 400 31000 100 2 2800 36¢ 11200 3700 500 700 USTR 178 120 135 9 10% 13 rl 102 152 320 40 270 440 520 75 242 350 2. 94 0 70 178 10% WW 105 173 320 40 19% 4 2R0 m0 0 465 520 % 400 700 ILS ™ closing . sale. | 1A 194 194+ 2 5 254 25% + 80 ---% + 4 + & +1 +33) 5 +1% 10 } + 4 + 10 +» Can Cem cD Sug Can tron CSL Brew Cdn Cana Cc Chemw Cc Curt w C Found Cdn G Inv CG SecA Clairtone Cc Savings Col Cell pr Conduits Con Con Hard CrpA Hawker $ Horne Pf Home A Home Husky Apr HB ONG Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep Inglis Inland Gas Inland Gpr 1BM IMC Int Nickel Int Util intl Util Inter PL int Stl P Inv Grp A James Stl Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey Labatt Lafarge LOnt Cem Lau Fin Lau Finl40 Levy B pr Life Inv wt LobCo B c Magnm Mancir in M Leaf M Mass-F MEP( Milt Brick Molson B Montex Montex w Mont Loco Pow Corp Price Bros Royal Bnk $23 2 $224 222 $37% 37% 224 374 4 185 $103 103 210 $20 «620 $14% 14% $7 $37 $26% $17 $26¥2 $13 $20 $42% $47 $14 25 $169 125 210 0 100 429 225 232 15 700 510 4150 z10 324 $100% 100% $27. 27 $28 $16 $28% 470 $105 $1664 166% $26%4 26% $30'2 30V2 425 3) 1750 350 250 130 25 400 290 355 395 Pp $984 98M $314 31% 3 $334 33%. $842 84 $6% 6% $14% 14% $102 0% $32% 32% $25 25 $16% 16% $11% 11% $ii% 11% $30% $15% $74 74 FACES OF MODERN ISRAEL Immigration from every continent, including a heavy influx in recent years from Asia and Africa, has given Israel an interesting mix- ture of faces. That there is no such thing as a typi- cal Israeli is shown in these photographs (clockwise from top right) of a traffic cop with an English - style moustache, an olive - skin- ned Sabra (native Israeli), an orthodox student with the traditional side-curls; a Ye- menite Jew with the Torah and a fair-complexioned Is- raeli-born teacher. (CP Photo) Stl Cem A Salada Sayvette Shelli Can Shell | pr Shell tw Silverwd A Simpson $ Slater Sti Slater Aw Sogemine Southam St Pav St Radio Steel Can 24%, Suptest pr " Texaco § % Thom NP "% TorOm Bk " T FinA "a T FinAp Transair Tr Can PL Trans Mt Trans PPL Turnbull Turnbl Ap Un Carbid Un Gas Versatd lc GTr Wainwr Walk GW Westc'st Westeel 23% + Westfair ' 3 35 1 Weston A % 21% Weston 8 23% West A wt $24%4 34% 34% S90 9% I 450 450 450 $20% 20% 2078 -- $264 26Ve 26% 675 675 «675 17 17" 14a 900 12% 9 14% 22 -- Va % % " % $12% : Students To Remain Away | But School Picketing Stops BARRIE, Ont. (CP)--Parents | will continue to keep their chil- dren from attending Huronia |public schoo] today but will stop |picketing in protest against the school's sanitary conditions, a |parents' committee spokesman said Sunday, The class boycott and picket- ing began Thursday to back parents' charges that poor sani- itary facilities at the school were responsible for the spread of an "outbreak of infectious hepatitis. | |Nine cases have been reported. | FOREIGN TRADING Nor Phone 100 $10%. 10% Bralorne Bethlehem Cowichan Dynamic 10% 670 WwW 425 670 WwW 425 | Only 22 of the school's 174 pu- pils attended classes Friday. School board officials said Friday parents would be charged today under the Schools Administration Act if the chil- dren did not return to school. During the weekend, parents listed their conditions for send- ing the children back, including installation of an additional toilet for boys, regular sanitary cleaning of the school and quar- antine of all children affected by hepatitis, a liver disease. R. H. Macklem, school inspec- jtor, said the school was thor- oughly cleaned during the week- end but said the quarantine is the responsibility of Dr, P, A. Woodwd A Zenith Sales fo 11:00 a.m.: 1,452,000. 150 12a -- Val 24 215 High' Belt Muilti-Min Mill City Provo YK Bear 24 215 215 825 825 29 190 270 190 Scott, OFFICE WORK IS COMMUNICATION _ Now how would you telephone? Office work depends on facts and figures, files and plans. You've got it all at hand -- on your desk, in your office. But when you want to work with this information and talk to someone else on the phone at the same time... You'd either have to hold the phone with one hand, flip through files, find papers, make notes with the other... or you'd jam the receiver in between your ear and shoulder and it would slip away -- and so would your temper. Well, forget your problems. Get our Speakerphone. It lets you phone without having to hold the receiver, Completely hands-free phoning. Now you can hold papers, riffle through files, use a note pad -- a// while you're phoning. Once you've used the Bell Speaker- phone, you'll wonder how ~ you ever got along without it. To get it, just call our Business Office. *) Bell Canada director of the Simcoe County health unit, who has re- fused to close the school.

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