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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Mar 1966, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, March 14, 1966 WIN THIRD GAME... Generals Blank Hawks Here Osh-|. 8%: SATHARINES -- goal, H Ry GEO, H. CAMPBELL Snorte Editor Oshawa Generals and St. Catharines Black Hawks start- @d out in their OHA Junior "A"' quarter-final playoff series, as a 4-out-of-7 affair, but following the sveekend results, it's now a 2-out-of-3 series, in effect, since each team has won two of the first four games. Fifth game of the set is scheduled for Oshawa Civic Auditorium, here on Tuesday night, with the fourth game back in St. Catharines, later in the week. WIN HERE, LOSE AWAY Oshawa Generals blanked St. Catharines 5-0, here at the Civic Auditorium on Saturday night but the Black Hawks even- ed up the series, on their own ice yesterday afternoon, with a of the fastest and most exciting first perivus of hockey display- ed here or anywiiere, this sea- son. / ' Both teams opened at pell- mel! pace and continued the gruelling drive for the full twenty minutes of action, with brilliant end-to-end rushes, and sustained pressure attacking, that produced speed and thrills galore, * In the second stanza, it was the visitors who wilted and when they had to resort to holding and interference, in order to contain the home- sters, that's when penalties crept in and made the differ- ence. St. Kitts survived three of five minor penalties in the first frame, without either team scor- ing, but it required puck-stop- | ",.. GREAT TEAM EFFORT when Wayne Cashman, awa's hardest-working player of ine nighi, cashed in on a tiree- way play with. Danny O'Shea and Barry Wilkins. The slim margin stood up until quite late in the period and then with both Jan Popeil and Brian Morenz serving time for a high-sticking duel, Bobby Orr slid his own rebound be- tween Holmes' legs, after tak- ing a perfect set-up pass from Cashman, on a play that origi- nated at the Oshawa blue-line, with Wilkins bringing the puck out of his own end. GENERALS IN TOP FORM Maintaining the - blistering place with which they had open- ed the action, Oshawa Generals literally skated the visitors into submission, although they were jolmesy de- Terbenche and Salavarras for- Shelton, ad Wow, Sicinski, Latte. Bond and Teal. OSHAWA -- goal, Young- defense, Orr and Roberts; forwards, White, Babcock and Dussiaume; alts., Beverley, Cadieux, Wilkins, OShes, Morenz, Heindl, Hayes, Biack, Little, Cashman and Sandford. Officials ---- Referee, Hugh McLean; Linesmen, Byron Jackson and Joe Smith, all of Hamilton. First Period Latinovich inter.) -- 57; Sandford (trip) 8.32 and Ter- | fense, ee ing, Bayes, No scoring. Pensities - O'Shea (hooking) 1.09; 2.34; Salavarra (trip.) benche (inter.) 12.29. Second Pi . Cashman ( » Wilkins) .. +. 107 2. Oshawa, Orr (Cashman, Wilkins) ............ 15,52 Penalties --: Terry (trip.) 3.53; Latino vich (hooking) 5.22; O'Shea (inter.) 9.07; Morsnz 204 Popell (high-sticking) both et 14.07, Third Period 2. Oshawa, O'Shea still very much in the running, Niagara Falls The annual Oshawa General Motors Trophy Schoolboy Bon- spiel, was held at The Osh- awa Curling Club on Saturday and Paul Pope's rink from West- jane Secondary Sciiooi, Niaga- ra Falls, captured the trophy and individual trophies, with three wins and a total of 15- plus-1. points. Members of the winning rink included P. Parsons, K. Kirby, | Tommy Tucker and Paul Pope, | skip, This foursome travelled the farthest distance, to win the 1966 laurels, over entries from Markham, Lindsay, Pet- erborough, Whitby, Midland and Oshawa. Don Crothers, president of The Oshawa Curling Club, pre- sented the General Motors Trophy and individual awards, to the Niagara Falls schoolboys. Pope's rink defeated "Tim" Day's rink from Oshawa 0'- Neill, in their final game but if "Tim" had managed to make Rink Wins Schoolboys' GM Trophy Do As it was, Paul Pattie, Bill Glover, Doug Kirkland and Den- nis Ewart, skip, finished as run- ners-up, with three wins and a point-total Digits Munday presented the second prizes to Ewart's O'Neill rink. Mark Burch's rink from Osh- awa McLaughlin CVI, cap. tured the third prizes of the bonspiel, with two wins and a total of 13 points, with an ag- gregate score of 29 points. Doug McDougall presented the prizes to Mrk Burch's foursome. This just nosed out the Mark- ham District entry, skipped by Bob Graham, who had to set- tle for fourth prizes, with two wins, a 13-point total and an aggregate of 27. The fifth and final set of pri- zes, for high one-win score, were claimed by Bob Ruddy's rink, from Oshawa O'Neill CVI, Bg cl Of is-pius-s. 6-3 triumph over Oshawa, In direct contrast to last Tuesday night's game here, the first period of Saturday night's game was without doubt, one MARLIES TIE SERIES St. Kitts' Beat Generals, Even Round At Two Each By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto Marlboros tied their Ontario Hockey Association Junior A quarter-final series with Peterborough Petes during the weekend with a 6-1 triumph Saturday and a 7-1 victory Sun- day. Both teams now have won two games of their best-of-seven se- ries. In another OHA Junior A quarter-final series, Oshawa Generals moved into a 2-1 lead with a 6-0 shutout of St. Cathar- ines Black Hawks in Oshawa Saturday night, but lost their lead Sunday when the Black Hawks downed them 6-3.in St. Catharines. Montreal Junior Canadiens edged Hamilton Red Wings 3-2 Saturday night and skated to a 44 tie with Hamilton Sunday. It was the second tie of the se- ries and left Montreal with a 1-0 lead. Kitchener Rangers dumped Niagara Falls Flyers 5-0 Sunday to take a 2-1 lead in their series, Norm Ferguson, Richard Rum- with one game tied. ple, Jacques Lemaire and Chris- All series are best-of-seven af-|tian Bordeleau scored for Mont- fairs. |real. In the Toronto game Sunday| In the Saturday game, Bor- Mike Corrigan scored three|deleau scored twice and Carol times for the Marlies. The re-| Vadnais once for Montreal while maining Toronto goals were/Fred Speck and Don Geise- sl = fo e Ganeton, |brecht scored for Hamilton. oug Dunnville, Jim McKenny ParaRe and Mike Byers. Drake Jopling| -- Ronse grssinig = scored for Peterborough. leontihwted' two sata At: goals, Kerry glee the as ; b ph °S'/Bond, Ken Laidlaw, Doug Shel- goa = ts na P hog Al oe, |ton and Steve Latinovich. Bobby McKenny, Bra str S-/Orr scored twice for Oshawa, borne, Terry Caffery and Jim Hise withing pire Cassidy while Mickey Redmond dd ie ieee got the Petes' goal. | Kitchener's scorers in their In Montreal Sunday Gary|shutout game against Niagara Marsh gave Hamilton two goals|Falls were Bill Hway with two, while Sandy Snow and Nick|Bob Jones, Walt Tkaczuk, Jack Libett contributed one apiece.|McCreary and Bruce Reier. the running. Generals struck for the firs 'goal of the game, the big one BARRY WILKINS ping miracles by goalie Larry) until Danny O'Shea Holmes, to keep the visitors in|3.9, early in the third period ; |hockey game, played made it) " (Sandford, Beverley) | operates Tal og Ber on a three-way play set up by |penaity TMP) a aed ion t}Bobby Orr and Bili Heindl. 2 erie: '| Generals added tsvo more be- ' (hooking) 19.25. |fore the period and the game was over, but in this one, they "Mill House' Out were much the better team--} Grand National and it was just that, a real| team effort. Ron Dussiaume and} > Bill White added the other two) LONDON (CP)--The field fot Oshawa counters. ene ig lapatoll tieeabetag: E | Steeplechase at Aintree was re- Every member of the Gen-) duced by one horse today. erals shone in this one, espe-| ill House, co-top weight with | cially Cashman, plus lan Fujino - O, a Japanese entry, Young, with a superlative shut-| strained a tendon in weekend out display in the nets. Heindl,/ training and is not expected to Babcock, White, Sandford and! work again this season Beverley, all contributed stand-| put it didn't change the co- out performances, to give the) favorite status, at about 7-to-1, | Generals the over-all balance of} of Highland Wedding, owned by | power. | Toronto stockbroker Charles All of the Generals skated| Burns and Thomas McEvoy Jr. fast and hard and gave proof] of the United States and Scot- that when of a mind,, they are|tish-owned Freddie. | definitely the better team, in| Highland Wedding earned the this series. |top rating with a losing drive Pep F eos pra le Pw piggies ; 'i andicap over ree miles Whitby Juveniles | Beat Oshawa Boys Highland Wedding lost out to | In an | Kapeno, a 10-to-1 choice for the | National, | Fujino-O's entry now hinges on the showing made in the | Mildmay of Flete Challenge Cup jevent Thursday at Cheltenham. nt R | Should Fujino-O be pulled from) la iia een Osh-|the National, weights for the re- 4 ° ; maining 40-plus entries would in- John Woodward, Pete Bedard) crease seven pounds. and John Goddard each scored! Behind the co-favorites in the a pair for the Whitby squad) hooks is English-owned Whata- while Oshawa's four-goal total! myth at 8-to-l. was evenly divided with Scott) \Miji House was being quoted Anderson, Bill Morrison, Dave} as 95-to-1 while Fujino-O is 100- MeMasters and Wayne Bradley | to.1 each scoring once. Pio exhibition Juvenile at the Civie Auditorium on Saturday, Oshawa Horse Wins, Pays $7.80) William| TORONTO (CP) _-- George |Volo, owned by Dr. Wohn Find- ley of Arnprior, Ont., won $3,000 in the featured eighth race Sat- the racing stewards Saturday./urday at Greenwood Raceway. Both were barred from com-| An Oshawa horse, Mrs. Laura petition for five racing pro-| Young's Richard Scott, won the grams for violation of a Cana-'first race, paying $7.80. dian Trotting Association rule} against causing any horse or| LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The horses to slow down exces-|fourth-race exactor paid $175.80 Harness Drivers Are Suspended WINDSOR CP Kingdon and Robert Stamm, harness drivers at Windsor Raceway, were suspended by fee -. 1825h (cross-check.) Ottawa's REACH UP! The annual "Golden Ball Tournament" for the Ontario Secondary School Basketball Cham- pionship was held here in Oshawa this past weekend and produced some hectic action, before Ottawa THRILLING FINAL A capacity crowd jammed the Central Collegiate gymnasium here on Saturday night and with) the majority of them rooting| for the "home team", vainly) tried to spur a weary Oshawa Central team' to the Ontario Secondary School senior bas-| ketballi championship, but classy bunch of cagers from| Ridgemont Collegiate were not to be denied, and they! sively. lat the fog-shrouded Western) | Kingdon of Forest, Ont., was|Fair Raceway Saturday hen! | set down for five programs con-|Stormy Volo came in first at tinuing through Wednesday,| $22.30 and Willie Wyn second at March 16, $4.70. Stamm of Brunswick, Ohio,! won 68-45, to capture the pro:| vincial title. ) " lof "Central" appeared nervous!| jat the start but the main factor in Ottawa's triumph was their} | _ {nis Ewart's rink so hard, \from O'Neill. with eight points, collected in their first game of the day's play. the other big final game, then! Gordon Ritchie, chairman of the GM Trophy would have res-|the 'Teacher's Committee that ted on the O'Neill Collegiate |supervised this year's annual shelf this year, since all other/Schoolboy Bonspiel presented three rinks in the finals, were'the fourth and fifth sets of pri- zes, as well as thanked all the In the other key game, Den-|participants, the out-of-town en- nis Ewart's rink managed to tries, in particular. nose out their O'Neill school- mates only 7-6 and the one-) point margin wasn't enough to give them the day's top honors. | skip 13; nse eh --------~|Keily, Bill Murray, Gresham, skip 5. OSHAWA CENTRAL: J. > B. |Kidd, G. Moore and M. Masters, skip, 8; WHITBY HENRY: Gerry Anderson, Bill Bonnetta, Chuck Hughes and S. Gre- |sham, skip, 6. | OSHAWA ONBILL: C. Burnett, C. jAllen, B. McCullou and "Tim Day. Leafs Qualify (cer om «was ; _| Skip, They cleaned up the semi -|N. Harrison, John Doe, R. Parker and final rounds, in the Oshawa|John Dawson, skip, 7. NHL Atom Leaue playdowns,| NIAGARA FALLS WESTLANE:P. Par- it a little closer, or if Paul Sutton's rink hadn't pushed Den- in First Games O'NEILL: Mike McCull p nd Bob Ruddy, SON: R Ed Beth and Bill Gower, Canadiens And out-stretched hands, reach- ing up for "the rebound," as Oshawa Central (d ark suits) defeated Welland Notre Dame 60-49, in their first-round game, at Done- van Collegiate gymnasium, on Friday night. --Oshawa Times Photo Ridgemont finally emerged as provincial champions, defeating Oshawa Central Collegiate, in the final game. The above "shot"' shows some of the liveiy action of the tournament. Here four players leap, with Ottawas Ridgemont Top Oshawa Central their margin a little, to 42-33)Central put out Welland Notre at the three-quarter mark. in their Friday night iia s round, 60-49 and_ eliminated CENTRAL RALLIES Cornwall St. Lawrence 55-52, John Rajkovic hit for four-| saturday morning. straight baskets, to put Central i Dame, |within one point at 31-30 but this) GOOD CONSOLATION appeared to spur Ottawa to| The consolation final, between greater effort and the crowd's|Oakwood and Welland saw hopes were dimmed in the final|**Chip" Harper and Ed Babot quarter and big John Cassidy's|score 22 and 18 respectively, fine rebounding and the deadly|to pace Oakwood to their 68-56 shooting of Dave Scobie, put Ot-|victory, while George Lance of tawa in front to stay. Welland, matched his two rivals, Cassidy, the outstanding star|also potting 22: points. George the tournament and_his| Dubinsky had 16 for the winners team's leader in every game,|and Ray Roger had a like total not only rebound in great style|for Welland. but also scored 17 points while| Highly-rated as pre-tourna- y m i sons, K, Kirby, T. Tucker and Paul Pope, sp ler ye A a, Canadiens [ain 7; OSHAWA MCLAUGHLIN: Doug tO| Munday, Mike Crosby, Craig Burch and jsweep the "'B'"' Series in two: |r Burch, skip, 6. | strai es, for th "B"| OSHAWA ONBILL: Paul Pattie, BIN trophy. |S Oa ana rere This was a hard-fought game|Huehn, Gord Marr, Mike Windslow and with both teams playing -well|®0> Morrison, skip, 2. but Jim Duignan scored the|, MARKHAM DISTRICT: Bruce Ruther. |only goal of the game, for Cana-| Sco' Graham, akipy. Ii; LINDSAY. ©. ft |diens and Don Shaefer got the/!an Arnup, Bob Barkwell, Bob Gordon |shutout, to win the set. jend Larry' Kennedy, 'skip, 3 In the second playoff game OSHAWA O'NEILL: Don Ruddy, Bob '\ Stephenson, Doug Short and Paul Sut- Maple Leafs nosed out the|ion skip, #; MIOLAND DISTRICT: John Black Hajvks, 3-2, to win the! McKerracker, Jim Miller, Norman Haw "A" Series Trophy in two - ry and Tom Takenaka, skip, 6 it id | straight games. ae Second Games Hawks had a big 2-0 early fp i Bg Plat comm By lead with only nine minutes left/sili Gresham, 7; Steve Gresham, 4 to play and then the leafs struck| Merk Burch, 18 pei eg ite for three quick tallies, the win-|pau! Pope, 12; John Dawson, 3 ning goal coming with less than Dennis Ewart, 10; Bob Ruddy, $. a minute left to play, to give) Third Games the big crowd a real last-min-|Steven Gresham, 10; Tom Takenaka, % ute tril. Seon: #2 da Mogae" : 4 7 | raham, 9; iy, 4. Bill Coe and Frank Scram| Dennis Ewart, 7; Paul Sutton, 4 scored for Black Hawks while| 5a! [ope, 10) | tim Oey ce Leafs got their three big goals/|Bob Graham, 10; 'Miltord Masters, ¥. from Brian Whyte, Monty Har-| man and Mike Bakogeorge. PLAYER WINS : CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) -- Gary Player, United States open golf champion, de- feated Jack Nicklaus of Colum- bus Ohio, by six strokes Satur- day and won the Challenge of the Champions six-match com- petition by 14 strokes, He posted a two-under-par 69 while Nick- laus had 75. At stake was a purse of $50,000. | saint on Saturday night, S. E. Lovell, chairman of the Oshawa Board of Education, presented each member of the Ottawa team with an individual trophy and the traditional 'Golden Ball' championship crest, with the Ottawa coach, Bruce Camp- bell, accepting the "Golden Ball Trophy". ability to grab off most of the WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Bobby| rebounds, both at. thei U 7 | S, at their Peo gee pulled wibed _ t | the opposite end of the court. [Bek at she quarter pole anv! This, together with some in- own Scobie added an even dozen,| ment favorites but victims of the |plus four of eight foul shots. ,|two finalists, the consolation fi- 12|nalists gave the fans a fine | Charlie Marlow, with with display of keen basketball, Clay Is Fighting was banned through Thursday,| March 17. THEY RE-GREW HAIR! ipoints and Bill Langley Not Even By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Leaving nothing to chance in} connettion with the March 29 heavyweight boxing match be- tween Cassius Clay and George ' Chuvalo of Toronto, the World Boxing . Association Sunday dropped Clay from the list of contenders for its version of the world title. Zorra Folley replaces him as No. 1 contender for the crown heid by Ernie Terreii, who iate last week dissociated himself from a proposed championship match in Toronto in a contract dispute. Folley formerly was No. 2 contender. And just to make sure their decision stuck, the WBA execu- tive, meeting in New Orleans, announced Folley and Terrell will meet for the championship in New Orleans May 16. They also decided to investi-} gate the actions of Merv Mc- Kenzie, Ontario 'Athletic Com- missioner, who sanctioned the fight. The WBA said they could'not recognize the Clay-Chuvalo fight as a world title event since Ter- rel] was their champion and be-| cause they felt Chuvalo, 10th- 'Rated' ranked by the WBA, was not a} suitable opponent for a title fight. In Toronto Sunday night, Mc- Kenzie said the WBA misunder- stood his position. 'I'm not rec- ognizing this as a world cham- pionship fight, which I think they think I'm doing. Promoter Lou Messina said Terrell had been offered 50 per cent of the net gate receipts and television and radio rights for the May 16 event. Jim Deskin of Las Vegas quoted the WBA champ as saying he was "ready, willing and able to meet any suitable opponent that 'the WBA suggested." } Four Ottawa Teams Seeking Allan Cup Terry Sawchuk T: Stay With Leafs | TORONTO (CP)---John Ander- osn, secretary to Toronto Maple! Leafs' manager-coach Punch Imlach, said Sunday night Terry Sawchuk will not be sent to the minors. Anderson added that the Leafs are permitted to carry three goaltenders. Sawchuk, expected to be out a week to 10 days with an in- jury, was rumored on his way to the minors after the Leafs called goalie Bruce Gamble up to the National Hockey League from their Tulsa farm club in the Central Professional League. In his first six games with the Leafs, Gamble scored a tie and five victories, four of the wins by shutouts. An injury to defenceman Al-| OTTAWA (CP)--Four Ottawa | lan Stanley Saturday night! teams are waging stiff battles; helped Imlach 'solve a problem! for the right to advance in Allan) °f paring his roster down to the] Cup Hockey playoffs to meet the| 16 Player limit allowed. | held on for a run-away victory) in the featured Invitational Pace at Windsor Raceway Sat- urday night. The $4,000 victory brought Bobby Axland's season earn- ings to $7,680. accurate shooting, proved Osh-| awa Central's downfall, in their good bid to capt he annual Golden Ball Tournament honors. | Central stayed close most of| the way, trailing only 16-11 at} 13, were the two top scorers| On Saturday afternoon, all for a Central team that made ajeight of the competing teams, gallant bid for the honors. were guests of the City of Osh- Ottawa nosed out Toronto|awa, at a civic luncheon, held Oakwood only 65-64 in theirjat St. Gregory's Auditorium, opener. in the last seven sec-|where they received an official In the afternoon Red Blue first quarter and 27-21 at the| onds and later eliminated Toron-| welcome. Weese scored his first victory) of the season in the featured $1,800 eighth, BATAVIA, N.Y. (CP)--Mayn- ard Hal came home two lengths ahead of Ray Adios to win the foatured.-.$2,000Handlcap.. Pace at Batavia Downs Saturday night PLAY GOLF "" KING WEST GOLF CLUB 100 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawe 9 Holes Excellent Greens -- Well Trapped Membership Available 10% Reduction if paid by Mar. Maritimes champion. The best-of-seven Ottawa-St Lawrence League final is square at 1-1 after a game Sun-| day that 'Ottawa Carleton Ma- roons won 5-4 in 19 Combines. Remember When... . ?)the Morrisburg, | Renf: - By THE CANADIAN PRESS |ajive in the nat Boxer Paul Berlenbach's string of 23 successive knockouts was broken 42 years ago tonight--in 1924-- when Jack Delaney beat him with a fourth round TKO in New York. Berlen- bach became world's light- heavyweight. champion the following year but lost the title to Delaney in 1926. jvictory over Shawville, |Pontiacs, Shawville leads 2-1. {Lawrence 'champions meet {produce a winner for this area. Moncton {Cape Breton in a best-of-seven series ; inutes of overtime. Their opponents are yals stayed ein the Algonqtfin League's | |best-of-final Sunday with a 9-7 Ont., The Algonquin and Ottawa-St. | to! |That club will play the winner |from the Maritimes, where has a 3-0 edge over "We can carry three goalies,|15. Organizetions, Office Groups, | but only dress two. Sawchuk re-|ete., ask about Group Membership imains with the Leafs for the|Plan. balance of the season," | Information -- 723-6101 | halfway mark but, Ottawa upped to De LaSalle while Oshawa! At the conclusion of the tour- C2 AV Lo) ee Ot cine ioe SEE THE SENSATICNAL NEW For The Largest Selection Of ROPHIES It For All Sporting Events and Gifts In Eastern. Ontario The G. B, Company 356 Dean Ave, Open Thurs } Evenings by Appointment 723-3961 FIAT As low as $1295 Fully equipped, full price--S modeis to choose from Zoltan and Nick's 160 SIMCOE ST. E. 728-0051 money problem you need to solve? --_-- 'ans sf fee i IN 12 MONTHS Hair Specialist Hair and Prey OTTAWA, Ont. -- New home treatment methods for saving hair and improving its growth will be demonstrated in Oshawa IN 3 MONTHS Here Tuesday Will Show Men and Women How to Save ent Baldness dandruff, itching, over-oilness or dryness, follicle clogged with sebum or seborrhea --- can be corrected by the Roberts home ioe NIAGARA KNOWS HOW Get cash now... for overdue bills, unexpected expenses, any good reason. A Niagara counsellor will talk over the amount and repayment schedule... and tailor it to fit- your budget. We believe money and helpful Loans from $50 to planning go together $2500 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 286 KING ST. W. 728-1636 Tuesday, March 15, 1966 at the Genosha Hotel, Specialist A. Jespersen wil] be in charge, representing the dynamic Roberts Hair and Scalp Specialists organization. He will personally examine hair-worried men and women from 1:00 to 8:00 p.m This new treatment is neither "mail order" nor "cure-all". It is adapted to the individual after a personal examination and progress is checked at reg- ular intervals by a Roberts Specialist. WHO CAN BE HELPED? Will the new Roberts treat- ment cure baldness? "No!" For we cannot help men and women who are slick-bald after years of gradual hair loss. But if you still have fuzz and your scalp is still creating hair, you can at least save and thicken what you have, Some conditions, such as "spot baldness'? usually have complete coverage if caught in time! ther conditions that usually Member of the Group of Companies. treatment if caught in time. "DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE." Baldness won't wait for doubt- ers to be convinced, you're go- ing to keep right on losing hair 'til you're bald -- unless you get your scalp in healthy, hair- growing condition again, EXAMINE YOU FREE We want to make it clear that you incur absolutely no charge or obligation by coming in for an examination Your only obligation is to yourself, We do not accept. cases that will not respond; GUARANTEE SATISFACTION The Roberts Specialists will give you a written guarantee that you must be satisfied with- in 30 days or it will cost you nothing. For a free examination and discussion of your hair prob- lems ask the desk clerk for Mr. Jespersen's room: number. He does not make appointments, so come in at your convenience, Examinations are given bring on excessive hair-loss -- tn private.

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