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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Mar 1966, p. 3

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r~ PERILOUS, POLITICALLY ARDA 'Hot Potato' By Another Name By BEN WARD Iment Act or the Act for OTTAWA (CP)--What's in a/Rural Development Administra- name? |tion. Both would retain the wre the nama ie ARDA it! ARDA initials. - : can be political dynamite. Friday the government intro- duced a bill in the Commons that in its major clause, would change the name of the Agri- cultural Rehabilitation and De- velopment Act to the Rural De- velopment Act. Fisheries Minister Robichaud, piloting the legislation in the absence of Forestry Minigier Sauve who is to head a few rural development port | Mr. Robichaud said he didn't have authority to amend Mr. Sauve's legislation but would 'bring the complaints to the min-' lister's attention. Mr. Robichaud said the $50,- 000,000 fund .would go to areas where rural poverty is par- lticularly serious. Among (he ltirst areas likely to benefit |would be northeastern New Brunswick, the lower St. Law- 'rence region of Quebec and the Farmer's Case Argued By Oliver TORONTO (CP)--The "angry farmers of Ontario are organ- izing a march on Queen's Park to protest inadequacy of gov- ernment agriculture policies, Mga SAME ATES. Aas South). | Mr. Oliver, speaking during the throne speech debate, lashed out at Agriculture Minis- ter William Stewart for what ~rs5j municate with the farmers of the province." He said that "time must not} be lost" in setting out icies that will be in the true inter, of Ontario's farmers. | went deeper than he called 'this failure to com-} CHE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, March 19, 1966 3 PAPAL DECREE ANALYSED By BENNET M. BOLTON VAT! a... jgive his own homily about their A Mixed Marriage Changes Deeper Than Anticipated 'aia iat Gh: Abe bee ie re [ramentai life that excomiiini- cation means. en on me end friande nt many experts|each side will be able to pray anticipated, with the lifting, of in common for the newlyweds. excommunication from Roman Catholics who married' outside | MASS ALLOWED : | Henceforth the mixed mar- their chugch. ; ' The expekts were still sorting Tage can take place with a lout some the ramifications |"UPtial mass, sermon and nup- involved in/the instruction Mat-|tial blessing just like an all- rimonii Sa entum (tle sac-|Catholic wedding. This is a far ament of fnatrimony), a seven-|Cry from recent decades when iat_docyment changing Ca-|mixed marriages used to be solemnized privately 'in the \tholicism's laws. ernment of using what bordered|man Catholic man or wife, not on police-state tactics in dismis-|the non-Catholic, a Mr. Oliver accused thé gov-. Henceforth it will be the Ro- who must| church rectory next door with- out mass or blessing. The most startling change for ° enit anvh nee can have many theological and canonical aspects of its own. They said, however, that this is how the basic procedure will apply: --The Catholic involved in what his church considers an illicit mixed marriage ou the church will still be ly married, although no longer cut off from the life of his church, --Such a Catholic thust see a priest, go to confession and thereby make himself once sing the Ontario Bean Growers|promise to raise children as opment bills, th Father Noel Mailloux (left), psychology professor, Uni- versity of Montreal and Ca- nadian Psychological Asso- ciation representative, Mag- istrate E. W. Kenrick (cen- tre) of Haileybury, Ont., chairman of the Canadian A delegation representing 45 welfare, religious and professional organizations presented Solicitor-General Pennell a brief at Ottawa Friday, urging bold changes within the building program for federal penitentiaries. BOLD CHANGES IN PRISONS ADVOCATED Welfare Council's Correc- tions Association and A. M. Kirkpatrick (right) of To- ronto, executive director of the John Howard Society of Ontario are at a press con- ference after the brief presentation. --CP Wirephoto 'Catholics. The non-Catholic will jmany experts here was the lift- again eligible for receiving Marketing Board Feb, 24. He said the government's de- cision to replace the 1l-man! board with three government! appointees has triggered a re-| volt among farmers. | SWOOPS LIKE THIEF The government had swooped like a thief in the night. It called members of the board to --__ a meeting at London, Ont. Feb. | }24 and during the meeting| jseized the books from the) |board's office. | Mr. Oliver said the govern-| jment action was like that of a }erafty burglar who lures his in-| |tended victim from his house and then robs it. | Mr. Oliver said that at no jing of excommunication. be asked only to respect the| Catholicism still will consider duty that his or her Catholic|that only a marriage performed spouse has taken on. before a Roman Catholic priest Henceforth a Protestant min-/is a valid marriage. ister or any other clergyman| But Catholics who may one will be able to stand up in a|day exchange wedding vows out- Catholic church, after a mem-|side their church, and all who ber of his faith has joined in|have already done so, no Jonger marriage with a Catholic, andiincur the cutting off from sac- Tories Drop Further Back In Yawning Popularity Gap reaffirmation of his. party's terms for British entry--only LONDON (Reuters) La- bor's lead over the Conservative other sacraments like com- munion and the sacrament of the dying. --He or she must also inquire about what is to be done to "regularize" his or her mar- riage. Some cases will be sim- ple, others complex. But if the Catholic follows these steps, both his personal spiritual status and his married life will be in full accord with the principles of his religion. --If the Catholic is unwilling to comply with the needed steps, or makes no move to render his marriage fully licit in the eyes of the church, he will continue in a state of sin | --but without the stigma of excommunication. time should Mr. Stewart "be Aiteey & : ; : opposition in the March $1 gen- able to put his sticky fingers al election jumped to 15% per in the internal affairs of the) cont today in opinion polls. two days after France and her} One marriage expert said the five Common Market partners|new rule was clearly designed tharketing Hoard." i revived the issue by saying they|to take away the sting that sur- ike. Glawart soventivy-eaid thal. survey carried out among) would like to see Britain join--|rounds excommunication, there- leovarnment ted: tectatad® thee cross-section of voters by The) as being in direct contrast with|by encouraging Catholics in- 8 ee |Daily Express, a Conservative|Heath's commitment to lead|volved in illicit mixed mar- 'Scandal-Mongering Bent' tHrEves 'vist' In Ottawa Blamed In Row denees ico» GORE BAY, Ont. (CP)--The!|government was accused of be-| squabble in the Commons about|ing in league with the under- | said the aim is to expand the Interlake district of Manitoba. essentially agricultural. e Commons Fri-| fund for rural development Canada, amend the National) Hat) touched off the fireworks tive behind the name change. Conservative government intro- | bill gave the government pow-, way through a series of gov- | Toronto or Montreal. .took some time off from the velopment programs. If the, over en route to Australia. ready to go along with it. | will abandon her NATO bases simply for political purposes, so| bases under national control. servative one, I don't think this| the Agricultural Rehabilita- the Munsinger case developed' world." | After a chorus of Conserva-| Act. | i scandal- r-|be u i to allow the Liberal govern- jto put ruinous scandal-mongcr-|been taken "had he then pro House that the government does 7 Greene said Friday night. his family when he went home! ' y int ced by the Con- | ' \ ' (PC--Kent, Ont.) described as a) ally introduce y | | efforts to seek a charge for |seized upon by ambitious oppor-| woman is involved in an accu-| He said ARDA would be used lwere swallowed in clouds of in-|/Taised such a charge. Conservatives then suggested) iy sac t it-| A Ce le and even falsehood," he said. |ics' minds, being accused of in-! the word rural into the journed until March 22. lin this Manitoulin Island com-| s ee ------ The minister hoped all MPs| Munsinger Case Echoes irons" ck tor nitty |cent years and was an impor-|ing of the record with a return OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposi- tion Leader Diefenbaker's home was broken into last week while he was on a fish- ing trip to the West Coast and his wife was in Toronto. A spokesman for Mr. Dief- enbaker said Friday thieves | apparently were looking for money. Nothing appeared to be missing and nothing was damaged. His home, called Stornoway, is provided by a trust fund which maintains the place for whoever is leader of the Op- position. Mrs. Diefenbaker discov- ered the break-in last Sunday when she returned from. visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. John Weir, in Toronto. She telephoned police, filled a hole in a window with news- paper and went to bed, alone in the house. "She had more courage than I would have had," said |board because it had not ob-| \tained for bean farmers the best} \price for their product. and had; jnot severed its connection with jits subsidiary, Ontario Bean \Growers Ltd., as the govern- ment had urged for several |years, 'Equality' Lost, Renwick Claims TORONTO (CP)--The provin- cial government has failed to realize the '"'equality of people to share in the good of society,"' the legislature was told today. James Renwick (NDP--River- dale), speaking during the throne speech debate, said also that the '"'government, in fact has become a mere adjunct of the business community."' He scored the government for what he said were its failures to deal properly with pollution, water resources and soil preser- newspaper, shopved no sign that) ' § Britain into Europe as soon as Conservatives were closing the| possible. iriages to approach a priest and itry to put things in order. yawning popularity gap between) the two parties to reverse the Tories' slim defeat in the 1964 election. Thursday, a poll by The Daily Mail, Conservative, followed the pattern of numerous newspaper surveys in recent weeks by put- ting Prime Minister Wilson's Labor party 13 per cent ahead of its chief rivals. Today The Express says if its latest figures are reflected on polling day, Labor will be set for an even more crushing vic- tory than the 1945 landslide when its majority in the 630-seat House of Commons was 196 over the Conservatives. The leaders of the two parties became embroiled in a new clash Friday night on the ques- tion of Britain's entry into the Common Market. It came less than four hours after a keynote policy statement by Wilson say- ing his party would take Britain into the European Economic income rural areas that are not reading to the two rural devel- ion bill setting up a $50,000,000 establish a Science Council of| H. A. Olson (SC--Medicine|amend the Aeronautics Act. day when he questioned the mo-| He recalled that when the. EBy THE CANADIAN PRESS | opposition had complained the The Commons worked its | haps, financing a subway for| Prime Minister Pearson thority in ARDA for rural de-| Mother during her brief. stop- ; for expanded powers he was Martin announced Canada chafge the name of the act French decision to bring such eral act rather than a Con-| 2 Dill that would wipe out up the time of the House." rename it Rural Development p willingness by some members /riously any minister would have ; seemed to be designed |" 'n8 ; y any test, Mr. Robichaud assured the change see A " wom |bate," Agriculture Minister/|tion made him ashamed to face} | legislation origin- | name which Harold Danforth) taken under leg The government dropped its government have too often been "But then the name of a ARDA WOULD BE USED lsuch extravagance that facts|a shameful outrage to have) gram. 93 . | The Commons meets 5 2: |mingled with misrepresentation least some parliamentary crit- get | tion. The rile i cmt He 308s Oe ac NB | not nearly so serious as being} Agricultural and Rural Develop-/ HEE woman." | Criticism became |This happened too often in Te-| san excesses and begin a cleans- scope of ARDA to cover low-| In addition to giving first He also introduced a compan- day introduced bills that would | work, lResearch Council Act and) in an otherwise calm Commons 'LIBERALS COMPLAINED' AT-A-GLANCE | duced ARDA in 1962 the Liberal) FRIDAY, March 18, 1966 | ers to-do anything short of, per-| ernment resolutions. There already was ample au-| sitting to visit with the Queen government could prove a need External Affairs Minister "But if this is an attempt to| in France in view of the that it can now be called a Lib-| Opposition MPs objected to is a sufficient reason for taking) tion and Development Act and re cot tease ia tos pee | They protested the name over several years "out of a; Mr. Greene wondered how se- nat intend to Grob the ARDA| ment to take credit for actions |Z Shead of responsible de-jtested that this blanket accusa-| household word in the country. | gc egies |oveeaiiont have too often been MB tl | airlines flying over Canada. ltunists and exaggerated with|Sation and suddenly it becomes | to describe the general pro- MONDAY, March 21 » lessedo and the truth hopelessly or welll cae ae that if the only desire was to| P:™- crake uote ae. lies" minds, being accused of in. Aamteuitural and Rural Develop-| | munity. jaccused of involvement with a far beyond all available facts.|tne eyi} irresponsibility of parti-| Sharply In Quebec House By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, | Sharp exchanges echoedjsaying there is nothing wrong through the Quebec legislature | with its making a profit and Friday as the federal Parlia-|that it is the type of operation ment's Gerda Munsinger affair of which Canada needs more. continued to be linked with or-| New Democratic Party Leader ganized crime in the province. | Donald MacDonald last month The legislature was one of |criticized the company for mak- nine sitting across the country. |ing a larger profit than authoriz- New Brunswick's re-opens Tues-|ed b ythe Board of Transport day. Commissioners. Premier Jean Lesage charged| Manitoha--Steve Peters (NDP that the Union Nationale oppo-|--klmwood) proposed a depart- sition leader, Daniel Johnson, is| ment of consumer affairs to en- a "little Diefenbaker" who likes | force legislation to protect con- scandal, Mr. Johnson countered|sumers, study consumer prac- that he knew no one in the fed-|tices and educate the public on eral Liberal party "'detestable|changes in sales techniques. enough" to compare with the) sackatchewan--R. A. Walker premier. (CCF--Hanley) said the Con- The debate started when Jus-| <.pvative government's move to tice Minister Claude Wagner! reduce income tax surcharge to| persons killed in the crash of| juncti was asked whether his state-|rive fro . ' REG m six per cent will not seid be WOnid ike (0: question "evil = savings to. taxpayers m bah e said it wou ave to be ae tke wae te ios compensated for in some other with a previous statement by tihi Mr. Lesage that he and his cab- inet would not discuss the ot-\culture department announced jcrop insurance will cover about Se wae he had meant |!:000,000 acres in Alberta this there would be no comment on year with coverage calcuwated the affair, adding that he did Year Ww! not "intend that a thing which|Stead of 35 years. -- is no longer discussed in the Tee ote es, House of Commons be dis- ' cussed here and for the legisla- Women S R tive assembly to become th floor on which we spread scan- dals."" URGE TRADE STUDY Alberta--The provincial agri- ole | 'Accidental'? In other legislatures: OTTAWA (CP)--A complaint Nova Scotia--James Vaughan|that women MPs are treated as (PC--Halifax North) introduced| 'Something accidental" in. the a motion that it would be de-| listings of Commons committee sirable for the federal govern- members and committee reports th coverage calculated; ment to undertake an authori-| ¥@S voiced in the House Friday by Mrs. Grace MacInnis (NDP) tant factor in bringing the Com-|;, in mons "to the state it was i earlier this week." | There was "sad irony in the |jtics'" was likely to discourage| fact that not until sex reared lits titillating head in the back- \ground were senses of honor so outraged that no member could lany longer indulge himself in ir- | responsibility." \CITES CHARGES | There had been few protests} |not many months ago when the Egyptian Liner 'Crashes; 30 Die CAIRO (Reuters) -- Yemeni) | Agriculture Minister Aly Mo- hammad Abdou was among 30 |an Egyptian airliner in a desert | sandstorm Friday night, it was disclosed today. The plane, a twin - engined Russian-built -Antonoy of the Misrair airline, was on a flight) |from Nicosia, Cyprus. | No passenger list was issued, | {but authoritative sources re- ported 25 passengers and five crew members were on board,} n Nicosia, United Nations! sources said two Danes serving | with UN forces on the island) }and one UN civilian: were be-| lieved among the passengers. | Charred fragments of wreck- jage and badly mutilated bodies) |lay seattered over sand dunes and hillocks. ity The "debased state of our pol-| Mr. Diefenbaker. Provincial police are inves- tigating. the ways of honor and civil- many good people from enter-| ing public life. | A rr of the minister's re- Ottawa Drops | Airline's Levy marks was issued to the press before delivery. | OTTAWA . (CP)--The federal government has dropped its ef-| . Three Trains Pass Pickets jforts to impose charges against jinternational airlines flying over} WELLAND (CP) -- Threejcanada, it was disclosed Fri-| trains totalling 21 cars loaded|°#¥- é : | with pipe moved past picket| A Dill given first reading in| lines at the Page Hersey Tubes|the Commons omits this provi-| division of the Stee] Co. of Can-|sion contained in a measure} ada Ltd. Friday. There was no|Submitted in the last Parlia-) interference. ment and levies a_ charge} Stelco obtained an interim in-|against owners of aircraft, | on Wednesday limit-/wherever resident, only for ing pickets at the plant to 10/flights 'within Canada." | at the main gate and five at} Jn 1961 the government threat- | each of the other entrances, @l/ened court action against about ge : a United Electrical \10 foreign airlines for non-pay- oan 'sca aiecnine Workers| ment of ""overflight" charges (CLC) representing 1,000 em-|that the airlines contended were ployees at the plant, has been 'illegal. on strike since Feb. 22. | The government later re- The union agreed Thursday funded about $1,500,000 it had} night to abide by terms of the collected, but served notice it, injunction. would introduce legislation to Management and labor have| make the charge legal. | been asked by the department! | of labor to meet in Toronto|/ DROPPED AFTER TALKS March 23 to seek a settlement! John Turner, minister without | of the dispute. portfolio, said Friday the pro-! The union also is on strike at|}posal had been dropped after) the plant of Camrose Tube, an-;negotiations with international other division of Stelco here. |airlines. | The Middle East News | Agency said the pilot of the An- tonov reported before the crash that his aircraft had a crack in the cockpit and a suspected | fault in the altimeter vation and said that neglect in! Community providing there was these areas will cost Ontario cit-|no suprenational control over izens: "untold millions of dol-| British foreign and defence pol- lars."" icies. He said also that the farmers| In a televised interview, Con- of the province "'have lent pas-| servative Leader Edward Heath sive support to what business|branded Wilson's statement as has done:" This was partly be-|"a poisonous speech." cause "the farmer has remained | Wilson, interviewed in the too unorganized to form a social| same program, taunted the Con- ideal of his own." |servatives by saying that only Mr. Renwick recommended|17 months ago, during the last that Premier Robarts establish|election campaign, they had a committee to "investigate|described. the Common Market areas of poverty in our society" issue as "a dead duck." and to suggest remedies. Observers described Wilson's ATTEND THE FREE OSHAWA TRAFFIC CLINIC in the Courtroom at the OSHAWA POLICE DEPT. Athol St. West FREE COURSE FOR DRIVERS To Experienced Drivers It's a challenge to improve your driving ability. 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'229 tative study into free trade be- Another report said the pilot tween the Atlantic provinces --Vancouver-Kingsway). | made three attempts to land at and the New England states. She noted that women com-} Cairo, but was prevented by the Newfoundland -- Under new |™ittee members are listed un-| sandstorm. legislation expected to pass this|der "Messrs" with a bracketed|--------------_---- session, Newfoundland residents | MTS." pene iT oe the| _ ROWING IS OLDEST pt rg Bly wr goin though they were something ac- hood poor pig eg Rtn current weekly limit of three | 'idental and not likely to recur. "4 the piling ieeetin : "st. quarts, Women had been members of| john's, Nfld. more than 150 Ontario--Keith Butler (PC--|the Commons long enough for| ears old. ; | 75 King St. E., Oshawa Information and reservations: 723-2224, 723-2228 100% MORE HOURS Central Ontario Trust OFFERS the Oshawa working man Waterloo North) praised the|them to be considered equally,%°""> 4: with men "and not like raisins in a pudding." Speaker Lucien Lamoureux said Mrs. MacInnis' complaint would be considered. 2 for those sleepy people for whom nothing but the very finest will do... Be a perfect sleeper on a SERTA PERFECT SLEEPER @ Patented Sertaliner construction . . . coils connected with ribbons of steel support each other to. support you longer 79" each rs @ Regular or extra length , @ Firm or extra firm (oem } © Innerspring or foam latex* ae mattress 7 or matching box sprin \ 'Foam latex mattress sold only with matching foundstion Members Argue For Timetable c | The newly-elected widow said OTTAWA (CP) -- Members|the "Messrs" designation was of four parties agreed in 'the| probably indicative of the events Commons Friday that their ses-| of recent days, an apparent ref- sions should be planned more erence to the stormy debate efficiently and interrupted for!over the Munsinger sex-and- regular holidays. security allegations. Perry Ryan (L -- Toronto!----------- Spadina) introduced a bill in the, 4 private members' hour requir-/* lag the Commons to take a re- cess from the last Friday in dune to the second Thursday in éeptember. The bill was talked out, but all speakers in the debate sup-|~ ported the principle of setting} down a timetable for each ses-| sion in advance, They disagreed if you think there is not « good plece te eat in Osh- owe... @ Full or twin width then you hoven't tried the dining room eat the HOTEL LANCASTER. 27 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA Phone. ..Mail Orders Promptly . Filled @ 4% Personal Chequing Accounts--no service charges @ 6% Guoranteed Investment Certificates--| to § years @ Investment Funds 19 Simcoe Street North, O Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 50% More Interest on savings TRAINS / TRUCKS /SHIPR/ FLANES / 2 alt Cacific HOTELS / THLECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (We ALWAYS heve) 4%4% paid and compounded quarterly from the day the account is opened. No waiting bd | period. Minimum .eccount, 100% More Saving Hours 104 BROCK ST. S. For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 9 am. to 6 p.m. Mondey te Thursdoy 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. Friday 9 am. te 5 p.m. Saturdey Estate Planning Mortgage Loans Real Estate Sales and Purchases Complete Travel Arrangements and Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA--WHITBY--BOWMANVILLE--BROOKLIN |57-King St, East, Oshawa 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 Pre-paid Save-by-Mail kits | Free Hockey Ticket Draw 25 KING ST. E. shawa 723-5221 Call Now For Complete Travel Arrangements | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA | PHONE 723-7001 on the details. LP ee

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