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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Mar 1966, p. 10

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ANN LANDERS Looking For Trouble With Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 16- year-old girl who babysits for wie avo re Ma eee Bway. i love the lady and the childtén and I have a steady with them every Friday and turday .night which means they pay me whether I sit or The man of the house gives me thé creeps. He always walks me home (good exercise, he says) and lately he has been acting pretty fresh. Last night he put his arm around me and said: 'Baby, it's cold outside. Let's snuggle." I'm not afraid of the guy hecause I am bigger than he is and if he evér got real smart I would haul off and crack him in thé mouth, But I do need a couplé of Ann _ Landers'-type séntericés to let him know that L want him to act his age.--| Féarless_ Frances Dear Fearless: Try this: "'If you don't keep your hands off me, I will ask your wife to walk mé home and she'll know why." If this doesn't do it, Frances, go ahead and crack him in the| mouth. Dear Ann Landers: I am a 30 - year - old man, handsome énough to be frequently asked for my autograph. (People think I am Dean Martin.) I have travelled extensively, am a sharp dresser, well read, and a good conversationalist. I play the guitar, was a part-time The Baby-Sitter My financial problems are such that I could not possibly con- ve job or family monéy. The bes I know who have fatnily money aré So stupid they bore me to death, or they are so homely I can't look at them. I realize I must maké some sort of compromise and I'd liké your counsel, I'm not putting you on, Ann, I. am dead serious, and I'd appreciate a serious answer. If you like, I will send a picture. Thank you.--R. L. P. Dear R. L. P.: I havé the picture, Bub. Your situation is hopeless because it rules out everybody. You say you can't look at a homely woman and I can tell you, Buddy-Boy, that a woman with brains wouldn't look at you. Lotsa luck. Dear Ann Landers: My boy friend is one of the sweetest, kindest people who ever drew a breath. He treats me like a queen. My mother keeps telling me that he is such a sloppy dresser I should be ashamed to be seen with him. The reason he doesn't look 100 per cent neat is be- cause he does his own shirts to jsave his mother work. (there \are six children in the family.) | I don't want to hurt his feel- lings, but my mother insists that \I tell him. Should 1?--Love Him Regardless cidas a woman unless shé had 31g | Paulette Hupee of Mail- | Jardville, B.C. ,joins Phoebe Dear Love: There are loads} Nahanni of Fort Simpson, PEDIATRIC NURSES STUDY CENTENNIAL SCHOLARSHIP tiny patients at Marie Fran- cis Hospital in Montreal. The girls are two of 22 two from each SAVE '/s| DuBavy ROYAL VELVET Fluid Make Up With Royal Jelly and MOISTURE PETALS 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendy, March 21, 1966 :. ye . 4s Carole Elizabeth Conlin | Honored Prior To Marriage The Misses Elta and Marjorie | Sproule were hostesses at a cup and saucer and miscellané- ous shower at the Oshawa Golf Club and Mrs. Ralph Mackie with Mrs. Jack Michael held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Mackie, Sim.' coe street north. i A kitchen shower was held at. the home of Mrs, Edward Dis- ney, Grandview streét north, and a neighborhood shower of Moistutizing Foundation OPEN NEW CENTRE lgreaséless cookware was ar- ORILLIA (CP) --The first|ranged at the home of Mrs. trainees aré to move into On-|Stanléy Turner, Glenmanor | S tario's first occupational centre |drive. Regular $3.00 valué for training mentally retardéd | adults in early April. | The centré will usé the build- lings and facilities of the former RCAF radar station Edgar, Prior to her marriage to Mr. Donald Kevin Gallagher, the former Miss Carole Blizabéth Conlin was honored at several showers. Membérs of her mother's bridge club gave a bathroom and linen shower at the home of Mrs. Fred Kitchen, Richmond street east. Assisting the host- ess were Mrs. Edward Alker and Mrs. Ralph Mackie. ' MM lie al [giro The Gifted Ohild Q. This year | was assigned, to teach a class of superiér 8th grader aré indeed gifted but will théy achieve greater succéss in Vite than the less inteflectudl ? | 1 wonder ? between 250 and 300- trainees. | They will live in houses for-| |merly occupied by RCAF per-' sonnel while they train as as- sistants to tradesmen. | GODS MUST STAY HOME | MEXICO CITY. (AP)--Statues West Territories, studying pediatric nursing on Cen- | tennial scholarships at the | of five Mayap gods seized from | ski instructor and have some/jof fellows around with nicely tennis trophies. Because I havejironed shirts, but how many do spent so much time pursuing)you know who are sweet and cultural interests and sports, I)kind and would treat you like a do not have much money. In|queen? Maybe one of these days fact, I owe about $3,500. lyou will be doing his laundry I've had enough of bachelorjand then, of course, he'll look life and want to get married.! Family Planning Expert Claims Birth-Control Revolution By Pill' like a collar ad. | . ' z students, N.W.T., in play session with province and the North Catholic Women Work To End Discrimination Because Of Se AURORA, Ont. (CP) -- Two)one is equal, but some aré more Roman Catholic women are|€qual than others." working to combat what they! The women have formed a consider discrimination against |C@0@dian chapter of St. Joan's hospital. larcheological smugglers hav | been valued at $1,000,000 by off (CP Photo) : ~~ |eial appraisers. About three féet | Willibald Demal, {chology in Practice). the ruins of Palenque but were) The women object to women |récovered in thé southern town being regarded solely as moth-|0f Tuxtla Gutierrez. The ring- Xx ers, not as women, and to an/jleader was jailed. attitude that the woman who is | | a mother has automatically |'Why do you want to be equal?' higher status than the woman| When women. say they want to who is not. be equal, men say 'Why?' The two women have found; "Jt seems incongruous to me| Alliance, an international group |that St. Paul and St. Thomas! that priests will carry placards | Pastoral Psy-|tall, the idols were stolen from | #3 ius started A. The superior child becomés almost @ without exception. One study, included with the superior adult, in. 1921, eleven-year-olds ranging from 135 1500 1.0.5 = 200. A follow-up 35 years later showed that 70 per cent' were college graduates, 6 per 5 per cent weré in Américan Men cent had doctorates, of Science, and 2 per cent Who's Who in America. Only 0.2: per cént could be con- In addition, sidered failures. to in By JOHN TRACY ABOARD EMPRESS OF CAN- ADA (CP)--A British family-! planned expert told Canadian; doctors Sunday that oral con-| traceptives have béen the great- est factor in bringing about a revolution in world attitudes to birth control. "One of the greatest social changes in the Western world during the past decade has been acceptance of birth control as a; part of the pattern of mar-} riag," Dr. Aviva Wiseman said| in a paper prépared for the annual scientific assembly of the College offfeneral Practice of Canade/ ing held aboard ship during 10dlay Caribbean cruise. r. Wiseman, medical officer and director of contraceptive) reséarch at the Slough Family Planning Clinic in England, said) the subject of birth control once| had been taboo. Early social workers who campaigned for a reduction in excessive repeated) pregnancies served prison sen-| tences for their beliefs. "In contrast to 10 or even five years ago, family planning now} wife, between engaged couples} and groups of women," she said. In 1960 when trials of contra-| ceptive pill started at thejin direct and indirect Ways | th Slough clinic only 25 per centichurch teachings hold women|ianm through research cu the) Mrs. Beaton compares the/they would extend it to all of| of those attending would use/generally inferior, subjected to|otrects | what Dr. Wiseman called The/ Pill. Three years later, requests} for the pill equalled requésts for | other types of contraceptive and | it by 1965 four out of five patients! woman by 'saying she is equal | grow across the country. before God," Mrs. Beaton says. | i"That is true, but we're left asked for it. DISCUSSED OPENLY | "I believe The Pill is a popu-| lar topic at coffee parties--and s& Doctmentary films on _ birth) control are now widely shown to mixed lay audiences--and searching unembarrassed ques- tions and discussions usually follow." | She quoted John Peel, lecturer} in sociology at the University of Hull, as writing: | Any assessment of the impact of the oral contraceptive on family planning habits in this country must take into account women by the church. say Catherine Beaton of Aurora and Cecilia Wallace of Toronto, men and unworth hood. which has. worked with the|Aquinas are quoted most often|asking equality for some op-|# jtient and doctor, husband and| Catholic womén cannot be/|United Nations against child|in arguments about woman's |pressed groups .and then return! jlectors or servers, cannot sing|marriage, forced marriages, for|role. They say the men areitg their classrooms and teach| in cathedral choirs or be or-equal pay and for equal work-|0ften misquoted and even when that woman is naturally subor- | jdained as. priests. In addition, |ing opportunities for women in|they are not, it should be re-'dinate to man. public administration. m Miss Wallace says she hopes t e alliance can attack the prob- ° of discrimination "The church will argue that|doesn't expect a huge mémber- has' raised the status with an Orwellianism. Every- assembly is be-|is also, I am réliably informed,|wide public discussion of The &/disoussed during Bingo sessions. | Pill has produced. .. . "The pill has shown its impact largely at the two ends of the social hierarchy--on the one|wife with four young children. hand amongst the sophisticated| Both women say they want to rich, on the other among the/avoid being shrilly feminist. |They acknowledge a new tend- poor and naive." Describing the pill as 100-per- cent effective when taken ac- cording to instructions, Dr. Wiseman said it is acceptable to a wider group of users than any single previous method. Side - effects were minimal. is opénly discussed between pa-/the indirect influence which the|cight nausea in early stages - -- ------ | ¥ "4 THE YOUNG SWING For the Go Go teen set, this trim safari jacket with its matching A-line skirt in hickory-striped denim is just the "most". The casual jacket features a flattering large "'fly-away" coat col- lar and drop shoulders. Like the skirt, it can be used '3\ f did not worry women unduly-- "as is shown by the high rate of continuing users." There were some beneficial + | side-effects. "It is not for nothing that so .|many women refer to their men- | strual flow as 'the curse'--and a ifrequently-heard and grateful |don't even know I'm having my and jealousy are prevalently \|period now." separately for multiplication purposes. When school is out, and the outdoors béck- ons, it will be ideal over bathing suit, shorts or slacks as a beach shirt or sailing coat. The skirt can be teamed with all types of sweaters or overblouses. comment by pill users is 'I | years, of| ship, but hopés the alliance will |" -- GAINING STATUS | Miss Wallace, a secretary at the Centre of Ecumenical} Studies, St. Michael's College,| | has done historical research on) the status of women for several Mrs. Gary Beaton is a house- ency among seme Roman Cath- Olic theologians to consider women as equals and possible candidates for priesthood. But they also cite remarks from two Catholic books on} theology published in North America in recent years. "The reason... for denying women the right to teach is aj reason that is absolute and uni-| versal, based as it is on the} natural condition of inferiority | and subjection that is the por- tion of women. . . ."' (Father Immanuel Doronzo in Sacra- ment of Orders). "Glee, envy and vengeance specifics of another time and) pyt or, | Position of women in the church |humanity. y of the priest-| omen with a view to changing|With that of the Negro in the church have traditionally as- attitudes of prejudice. She|Southern United States. they were superior emotional- ly and physically. There was) no evidence to support the oft-repeated sour-grape notion that intellectual superiority somehow winds up as non embered that they spoke Jn intellectual. inferiority. "I don't doubt their sincerity, I think if they really! her areas, grasped the principle involved | émember -- the diagnosis afid treatment of disease is the function of the patierit's jefsonal physician, . The men of the) isigned to God the prejudices "Nobody says. to the Negro,'they themselves have." There is no need to leave a sick person alone while you! make @ hurried and worried | trip to pick up the medicine. We'll delive+ it promptly to = your ohme. pRuas 28 King East Oshawa Open Evenings till 9 p.m. Free City Wide Delivery prRuUGS G ST. EAST -- 723.4621 : rand ory vine TACs * KARN'S 28 KIN OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. available at @ Custom Made Drapes © Broadioom @ Custom Made Slip Covers HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe St. N. 725-3144 female faults... ." (Father| a ~ ~ SPECIAL BIG SAVINGS BOYS SUITS Tailored just like blue, grey, br checks, single b vent-or 2 side vents. Sizes 8 to 18. SALE PRICE from eoreeere Extra Special - BOYS' SHIRTS Real neat dre collar. Sanfor SPECIAL ... OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Oper to 9 p.m. Thors. & Fri. USE YOUR CREDIT PURCHASE SALE dad's in worsted material. Shades of n_and charcoal. Plains and neat easted style, 3 button front, centre EYE SHADOW wakens ... widens... lights up your eyes Select any two from a wide range of shades SPECIAL $1.75 14.88 ss shirts with tab or button-down ized shrunk, ~By Tracy Adrian Delivery 28 KING ST. EAST 723-4621

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