10TH AWA TIMES, Trey, Mah 24,9946 1 §T, GREGORY'S Y.P. ARE HOSTS | Bowmanville Boys]! tripe were Den Minor Basketball |v"? nine: Lee Lemon iwith i ' Dennis Lemon scored 15 points| George Saunders had seven for -- Peterborough : And Toronto to lead Trotters to a 34-18 week-|Moe Hares, followed by Doug ° end victory over Les Anes in McFeeters with five, Mike Mar- Bowmanville Recreation Depart-|shall and Bob Ellis with four CA ge: Be | «6 a ee ment basketball. Other scor-/aplece and Ashley Osmond with Vap LULeS DUWILLLLY LEUpilc9s Connors with 13 and Jim Weekt with six. Don Taylor scored 12 NEEDS LONG WAIT St. Gregory's Young People's ing the early evening banquet, jentry. Their team included'on, John Saltis, president of the and Paul Parker six for Les| Ice fishermen on Lake Sim- Club hosted their fifth annuallin St. Gregory's 'Auditorium. |Thompson, Georgette Gabriei,|S'. Gregory's Young People's ede coe, Ont., catch an average of "Bowling Congress" at the . Father Couchiin: Sharon Kol Club, gfficiated as master of| Cues edged Moe Hares 28 ~ |three fish for every four hours Motor City Lanes on Sunday|GIRLS DISPLAY POWER d enn, n BY ® | cerem ies for the banquet and|23 in the only other game. scor-'spent on the ice. afternoon and almost 200 visi-| It was the distaff side of their Gene Young and Helen Keogan. |trophy \ presentations, intro- tors can testify to their excel- up that gave ihe St. Regis) . 4 ducing the_head table guests, | lent status as hosts, since the|Clip their margin, the SAttiodk! te tee cure nee th along with the donors of the) AN OUNCEMENT , - St. Gregory's YPC members|Ci trundlers winning the ice trom St Thomas, A inna |trophies and - or those who) oes carried out all the work in con-|ladies\team trophy; the mixed] (1) o¢ Toronto, made a lean {made the presentations. ; nection with conducting the bigjteam trophy and both the in- sweep of everything else avail-|, Valent Jean, guest speaker, | event, but all the championship|dividual ladies' trophieS, for) .iie 'at the trophy table, name.|Prought an interesting and trophies were taken home by high single and high triple. ly the men's team trophy anq |thought-provoking message 0} 8 visiting clubs. The Town and Country Res-|men's individual awards for the young bowlers, on the topic June Holek The St. Regis Club of Peter-|taurant Trophy, for Ladies') hoth high single and high triple |! 'The expectations and hopes = es ee States borough dominated the day's Team championship, went to! scores, of youth for today", | play and had a major share of|the St, Regis team of Barb De-| nn, knights ; .| Following the presentations, |} - is pleased to the limelight, when the various|wolfe, Yvonne Fenech, Jane nrophy, siantc ei olumbus Cam" Warne and his orches- P ' trophies were presented, follow- Scollard, Francis Lustic and was presented by Grand Knight tra supplied music for the dance) announce her : ---- | ae heen Louis Hughes tu the St' Thomas|Which concluded the day's fel-| turn to NOVICE CHAMPS OF PROTESTANT LEAGUE | Barb Dewoife was presented) Aquinas team of Mario Fattore, lowship and fun, retu ree snawa ae nd ~~ Singles Trophy,|Bruno Tesan, Frank Digiro-| a A : This group of proud and concluded last week. Left to Lean, Doug Cooper and | |p AU Heel Spend > 0 Mrs.|lamo, Frank Fabrizzi and Tony ' WINS CUP | Creative Styling . matt G Wevlert. (hack cow ® ruce England presented the 'Tersigno, BIRMINGHAM (Reuters) -- happy youngsters are mem- right, are shown (front row) rary Taylor; (back row) |High Triples Trophy, to Yv 4 r ; « Bob Raike, Ed Simkin, co- Coach Bill Clark, Tim erin OW ers Pr ti phy, to Yvonne' Father Markle presented the|West Bromwich Albion won: the b J h bers of the King Street captain, Gary Sherban, co- Brown, Randy Harding, | y |e : ' high single trophy to Flavio|English League Soccer Cup on| y onn United Church 'Novice' captain, Randy Sherban Scott Lee, Jeff Timms, Bill IE t "Ti | The Monsignor Pau! Dwyer) Sedran, of St. Thomas Aquinas,'its first attempt, beating West team, who captured this and Chuck Conlin; (middle -- Kilenbeck, Mark MacLeod nter immy |Trophy, the Mixed Teamjand Terry Crowley presented|Ham 4--1 in the second leg Wed-! : 1965-66 championship in the row) Brent Lavictore, and Howard Macleod, jaward, was presented by the|the high triple award to Mario/nesday night to- win on a 5-3\1 198 KING ST, 728-0951 Oshawa Protestant Church David Hester, Grant manager. Three Oshawa 5-pin bowlers,|donor to the St. Regis Club'Fattore. aygregate. '. : : Hockey League playoffs, Timms, Bob Williams, Jim --Photo by Ireland Studio (Harold Ballem, Al Perry and yeu ae "oer Dave Bishop, are among those entered in the fourth annual City League | 10-PIN SCTION i DO M canes ae Round-Robin Local Area Trundlers sss utasias INION ing ll gont make sure they stay awake) | ; VALUE ARE GUARANTEED bit Flontek scored ve goals) Bad ABC Championships Share of the $1,800.00 prize _ BY DOMINION RUBBER Peters Realors tot. 73 win cry gg A De COMPANY LIMITED Riese vend. roun cianee Among the more than 25,000;10 Rochester's War Memorial laff Trophy goes to the winner, fon congress members participating Building come April the 8th. |while the winner and also the ' ' 2 runner-up, will appear on TV Dave Famme scored thein the 63rd annual A.B.C.\OSHAWA TEAM DOES WELL the followin afternoon, on: the other two goals for the winners, | Championships tournament held) The possibility of a Canadian! cRc'championship Bowling pro- while Bob Todd, Neil Oke and|in Rochester, N.Y., this year,|champ or two is not too re-| gram RSDAY = F RIDAY a SA f URDAY ONL v r | ! " , ar ak Gord Buchanan were the Banks mote! Local bowlers are mak- Fach bowler will roll 10 games Oshawa and District area will), In other playoff action, Walt-|P¢ Well represented by an array/ror an example, Jake, George but er a ee marksmen, ing great strides in the game. sea? wes a" er Klaman's three goals paced |of local ten-pin bowlers. and Bert Wind, along with Bill oe A Desschaiy 4 Canadian Corps to a 5-1 win| Canada's contribution to this|Raderford and Alex Ross. won) iti 44.39 p.m V / eee over Hambley's. Tom Rorabeck |tremendous bowling spectacle|for themselves 2nd place in the ane my ~ +6 the Haat and Gary Squires scored one lis about the largest ever, plac-|0'Keefe's Bowling Proprietors All proceeds go to f ine nel each for the winners and Brian |ing 90 entries in the team ey-| Tourney = = eesue Brae and sl panier : a re " ts. |Sheas in Scarborough, on Satur-|™# pV ane Birch bt Roy replied for Hambley's ie day. . . not to mention the tario Society for ¢ rippled Child- KIWANIS NIP POLICE Boi en 'Oehawa tisting|9300: 'in prize money ren in their :work. Westmount Kiwanis shaded |1) teams. 13 doubles, 20 singles This could be the year for a| Harold Ballem and Dave Bi- Police Association 2-t. Emery!and nine in the all-events 'couple of more names to be|shop, who joined the CFS Enter- Coscarella and Paul Thompson) Piao, April 8. and Sat ine added to the two now present/prises team, in the Toronto Cily for Westmount and Paul Kane 4 rh ak ip ae Pee Uk ay jin A.B. C.'s history book, the Major League, early this year, for Police scored singles. cae i rece a Dig. [Saunders team of Toronto, that are currently averaging 264 and Wayne Tutin scored three *iwon a team championship in| 240 respectively and had made 4 jtrict lads to make: their bid/1991, and that of Sam Schliman . times as Ernie Cay downed Can- +) peostag a big contribution to the team's . adian Tire 5-2. Other pet bowling glory, so that any-/of 'Toronto, who won the singles |climb from the bottom, to sec- " ee p *ione wishing to lend vocal sup-|title in a roll-off in 1916 were Larry Flynn and Bernie |, ond place and a playoff berth ; : ort, as well as, having for) - Hurst for the winners and Mike |thomselves a grand weekend, pag og Ray Smith for Cana-| ooyid do worse than take a trip ,* « . & _ | Local 2784 got singles from John Wright, Dan_Loreno, Ran- 5-3 and Letter Carriers and Ki- |wanis played to a 4-4 tie in dy Pooler and Barry Bradley as the other games, they topped Duplate 4-2. Duplate | goals were scored by Yvan La-|_ Peter Pigeau scored twice for r/ ' We po : casse and John Tresise. Rose Bowl, with singles coming : e SS \from John Cuthbert, Bill Barker aw" UN. iy = MIDGET ACTION |and Danny McKee. Dave Robin- Ma : In one of the three Midget 'son, Mike Beamish and John eutt . SENS round-robin playoff games, shut-| Vandermeer scored for Kins yay TARE me Th " as u L\ J "| . Aer vo Tee wooo \ ; out goaltending by Brian Rose |men. For Letter Carriers it was and two goals each by Scott|Bob Kennedy with two and Willson and Dusty Lynd gave|Roger Richard and Pete Lean) x Y i 9 1:85 gr gost | j 2, \ days Ais and : Local 222 a 5-0 win over Fire-|with singles. Kiwanis got singles | eatt on THE ; ' =e AB fighters. Don Hudgin scored the |from Ted Boivin, John Goodwin, | zo THE x Uy --~ ' 4 s i other goal. \Tim McNaughton and Pete , / ' \ a Ny PR Rose Bow! defeated Kinsmen | Bryant. | : ' <t \Ny ) y i 4 4 -- 775/14 T/L Whitewalls (Star Streak) , 4 for Only 90 exchange YH Why is DOW BOCK BEER Canada's Springtime FY) See favourite ? | aa Oe oes tte ON A WET SLIPPERY ROAD, 30% shorter stops. ° : . ON A WET CURVE, 50% M Skid Resist ee h Because of its true bock beer taste! ed accelerate on a wet eel. 10a have 20%. aubel aaae Dow Bock Beer is brewed in the cold of winter. And only when the Y mee ee ee te ee eee brewmaster knows it has full, true bock beer flavour is it EAS LOW DOWN ON A DRY ROAD, surer control when you pass or corner, less put on sale to you. BUDGET PAYM ENTS wander at high speeds. Smooth, yet lively. Bitter-sweet. TERMS That's why more Dow Bock is sold than all other bock beers combined. Get some Dow Bock now. It's back, for a limited time only. ~~ SS . Ss ~ cas ~aS aS, SERVICE SPECIAL 18" CUT ALIGNMENT and BALANCE ELECTRIC POWER MOWER 48 9 2 front wheels............ : \4-h.p. Westinghouse engine.......... "Welcome ; : 5 BOCK" | Wx x7 Fred Fraser TOURIST TENT SPECIAL 3 4 GOLF CLUBS 39 4 SPECIAL A Pr awe are er eae BOs ss hes Sete eer eorenereneeeee KING & PARK SHOPPING PLAZA OSHAWA PHONE: - 725-6511