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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Mar 1966, p. 13

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F She Fines THURSDAY, MARCH 24; 1966 Hospital Campaign Set Back Work on Oshawa General |told them they can make their ecg ate ng Lipper donations as planned and re- as been postponed until 1967, ' hospital board chairman E. G. ceive tax deduction slips." Storie announced today. NEXT/ SPRING Originally the project, with its; The fund raising campaign accompanying $950,000 fund|will kick-off in the spring of raising campaign in the city, | next year. bie a for the spring Of Ys all. goes well, werk eo ihe The campaign, it has been peregury Mig begin in the sum- found, will clash with the money |™€F of that year. jraising drive for the city's Cen-| It is anticipated that the new ' tennial Swimming Pool. wing will consist of seven or | And rather than take the risk eight floors. O'NEILL CVI BAND MEMBERS WARM UP CAROL GREEN PLAYS HARP FOR MR. DIXON of harming this Centennial proj-| "Seven floors are definite," Hamley, Bob Fry, Diane Taylor, Doug Mpard 1 Has magical properties on St. Pat's Day? ect, & postponement in the hes-|#all Mt. Stare. "But we ase Lynda Sleeman, Peter Hamley, : ry, 4 | |pital campaign has been forced. |trying to get the Ontario Health Services Commission to allow m mh i LOSE $150,000 us an eighth floor." GENERALS GAME PLEA: ©§ OCVI Magic Harp rc's pLAN EUCHARISTIC HOUR "rs els Es tai atk |project stands to lose $150,000 tod: d," said an Auditorium ristic Hour to be held in the "Umber of clergy, and dates ;, hoped that the laity from |CUld sustain two major money!) neégded beds for the chron- awa Civic Auditorium today ened, | There will be a 24-bed psy- 'V A : ment has been forced," he said. take the PUC buses, "'if at all ing places available at the | He picked it up in a district|Patrick used to drive the snakes) The theme of this Eucha- nor P. M Dwyer, will act as guest speaker and other meet the Montreal Canadiens "A capacity crowd is ex- |to the class that sells the most|festival for both Friday and\ a year and a helf ago, ating room and out-patient de- "Tf the fans would co-oper- tinued, 'and we would like to jurday student chorus from Woodstock in the region of $4,500,000. jareas and recovery rooms. | NS jin grants if their fund collect- jag - po gga needed to cope | ? : 3 : "iby panding hospital LEAVE CARS A Preliminary plans have is used to describe a Mass To parallel this multiple jing is not completed omtime. | waiting list, back to the early jiturgy of |raising campdigns at the same requested hockey fans to spokesman today Prine ' : onl heeatii : : ae S scinives The : h ': ttend. "q' O'Neill 'Collegiate, has a harp|because of this, some students} May 1 under the auspices of The head of the Oshawa atten chiatric ttt, und he eamnin Oe possible" Saturday night Oshawa Shopping Centre and |antique shop, sprayed it with|out of Ireland. rist Hour will be a "Con- chief celebrant assisted by faiths will be invited to | The 160- to 200-bed hospital/surgical beds in the fourth game of their pected for this all-important |tickets to the school's annual|Saturday evening performances] " : : -- ee _ ii) At-that time total cost of the/partment will be included. Also | € e ate in this way, the grave get everyone home at a rea- Rumor has it thatthe harp}called "The Chordsmen." l I Zz, 1 1qar : That figure has now leaped! A new intensive care unit will traffic problem at the Audi- sonable time." is the magical formula to} The school's local talent in- { jinto the $6,000,000 bracket. be a part of the new wing as ¢ ha m I ¢ | h » i a giant Eucha- Which is celebrated by a articipation b extergy it | "I don't think that the city e The directors of the Osh- torium would be greatly less- r Ss e C ers been Jaid for a gian DP P y the stergy The wing will include 100 bad Angus Dixon, principal ofjharp on St. Patrick's Day and| Oshawa Civic Auditorium on the church. other city parishes will |time, jically ill. 5 : "This is why the stpone- leave their cars home and There are also good park for one of his classes. claim it is the instrument St.| the Catholic laity of Oshawa. Deanery, Rt. Rev. Monsig- There will be a special 9 tgs 38 10 1 active waedleal' aaa when the Oshawa Generals other nearby places. gold paint and will present it) Cuest artists at OCVI's music| celebrated Mass." This term other clergy of the city. attend. jextension was first announced! - an enlarged emergency oper- current play-off series game," the spokesman con: |music festival Friday and Sat-|will be a 59-member all-male| project was put at somewherelenlarged X-ray and laboratory charm marks out of teachers on|cludes the junior and senior "It is something we just can-|will new maternity suites and examinations. jbands, folk singers and vocal- not avoid," explained Mr.|provision of administration . a Mr. Dixon purchased _ the ists. oe a : e on oe are g0- Paerrd for the local Board of East End Fire Station MORE SNOW TONIGHT To Boost Plant Size Mr. Storie emphasized that on The postponement of the hos- the postponement would cause/|pital fund-raising canipaign L ks Funds To Run It | AJAX (Staff) --.Canadian| Total area of the plant andjion of four new receiving docks|few problems. came after a series of feetings ac | Automotive Trim, a subsidiary | offices will be about 236,000)for handling incoming mater-| 'Many businesses in the city|with the Centennial Swimming | rivers a eP t asy of Chrysler Canada Limited,|square feet. : jials, plus an employee parking |have budgeted donations for|Pool committee, The long awaited east-end fire/built on land close to city! | will double the size of its Ajax) The new addition will include] lot. Accommodation for parking|this year," he said. '(We haye|. The swimming pool campaign station will be built on King st. |limits. . s jplant, a company official said) 110,000 square feet in the manu-jof more than 480 cars will be|approached these people and'gets underway on April 19. {i | If all goes well it will be 2 Minor Accident jtoday. The expansion program|facturing area and approxima-| provided for the employees. 9, Teter this year. lready for use by next year. wo S twill cost an estimated $2,600,000|tely 6,000 square feet of reat | The expansion program is ex- A go-ahead for the urgently that time the necessary] | and gvill double the size of exis-|tional office space. pected to boost employment ; needed station was given by equipment and 10 men will be Oshawa residents woke --up|edin hospital but later --re-|ting facilities | The company expansion pro-|from 750 employecs to nearly eac ers am City Council' this week with|transferred from the Simcoe st.|this morning to two inches ofjjeased. Miss Jean Fowler, o neem |gram also includes construct-! 1,200. " }snow and, apparently decided |,,. $35,000 being budgeted for the|n. fire headquarters. \to take things easy on the road. Pine st., Ajax, a passenger in An additional $30,000 was) next year. 'iniona thik moroiiy with no {neat raised through taxation in 1 r] . | Some Catholic school teachers |moting od idea to separate and 1960. struction of the new fire sta-| The snow is expected to con-|Myargus, of Toronto, sustained | t d t A d lare ashamed to\admit their oc |school students to become Construction of the station|tion, City Council cut from the itinue throughout today and into|head injuries and abrasions} A Plaque will be erected tn) ee u en S | | \ within the | ; Sesrectn of the nem, bul Nam, Somat and aya Omens ce" Dearie he ober, car, sated 'ma "aerate rtag Auditorium Directors | Of Image, Board Told 'Under Study | | Although agreeing to the con-|jyries resulting. Last night too, Miss Felicitas teachers system. | : ' Catholie pas : | ity f Gordon |cupation; Chris \Asseff, execu- will start in November or De-|Fire Budget the $50,000 needed|tomorrow with an accompany-|when a car she was driving left|the city in memory 0 | : cdi this' Sear, th Will, belto equip it ing drop, in temperatures to-|the east bound lane of Highway|D. Conant, the only provincial Academic supervisors in His jschoel children to participate |tive secretary of the Ontario The Oshawa board's feet e y R { ; ter to come from|Oshawa Separate School sys-|and contribute to the success of , | s rds tee to night. 1 east of Fairport Beach rd.jprime minister to c i i | |Separate School Trustees' Ass0-| join the affiliated il is $212 ] i d injand smashed into the back of| Oshawa jtem will be asked to bring in ajthe Centennial Parade. lelation, told Oshawa separate| . ated council is $2 ec h li Sch 1 Sc . 1. = te alitshos on Hewes a eo truck oie back ©"| 'The Oshawa and District His-|report to the next score meet-/ Mr, McLaughlin said Alder-|school trustees last night pret cia Ee bos br | op ; . | ened . od} i school i s ici-| , j assess at otic 00 reens |2 at Whitby last night. Both ve-| Miss Myargus was treated at|torical Society os Se can i te Gare be Pennial|™an Christine Thomas, a direc-| mr, Assett appeared before board's 120 classrooms in the . : ' "se va | : ~ the plaque be erected at the/pation In the city's Centennial|tor of the auditorium, has con-| hicles were extensively dam-|the Ajax and Pickering Gen-|! narade , -/""\the local board to urge them to| city. , i aged in the smash. jeral Hospital and later trans-|northwest corner of Bagot and)F ented to act as the auditorium|ioin the association and its af-| 0 top ot ap ots Miss Pauline Nakonecznyk, of|ferred to the Toronto General|Centre sts., on city hall prop-| The board last night referred|committee's contact with the |fitiated council -- at a member-|/ 'WHY JOIN?' Elgin st. e., Oshawa, was treat-| Hospital, jerty " to them the letter from E. R. S.|school boards. | shi cost of $1,412 | But Trustee Dr. George Sciuk F. B. Helferty, principal of|ment beside Si. Thomas Aqui-!--~ ibd ae -------- | The matter is being ers weep gen oe a ee itis jsaid he could not see why the ' nas School. }ered by council's parks, prop-|board of directors of the Osh-| IMPROVE IMAGE |Oshawa board should at Tepes Agony: See Trustee Michael Rudka said erty and recreation committee.,awa Civic Auditorium, asking| omen v | ; | t He said the association is/the Trustees' Council didn't have to be much of i: Would cost the board more A t t Byl Mr. Conant was a lifetime/for the participation of Catholic! $8,000 Damage i ; | : i t ' Mr. C a é / j seeking $40,000 from separate} .« detective -last weekend to find | to hire a watchman to keep par men aw resident, active in community! schools . | If we pay our fee to belong | = school boards across the prov- faa oF out how two windows at the/the boys from other schools off activities as a councillor and) Os pain Warehouse Fire jto the association," he said, school were broken. the property than it would to FUND CAMPAIGN | ve in bs "that should entitle us to any mayor (in 1916 and 1917) ' will be used 'to improve the| at icht 4 ith replace the windows The historical society was ap-, Mr. McLaughlin said the! Fire at the Simcoe st. n.|; t nh. [Sexvice we might require: with- He found two hockey pucks Tretiee Ernest Marks' sug- Changes To OMB proached by the Ontario Arch-|Centennial Parade, scheduled| warehouse of the Oshawa Pav-lers of separate school teach jout having to belong to the inside. gestion to have the property aelogical and Historical Sites)for 2 p.m. May 14, will Rick offing Co. Ltd. did an estimated|" wr. scott said ERR xed GON In a letter to Oshawa Sep-|committee investigate the pos-) | . /Board to act as local sponsors|the campaign for funds for the|$8.000 damage yesterday ea agree 0 pt At Dr. Sciuk's request, Frank arate School Board, Mr. Helf-|sibility: of putting wire screens) Zoning bylaw amendmentsjcil, endorsed _the underground] in the erection of the plaque Centennial Swimming Pool and jing. } he a that this year: fesie Shine, board administrator, re- erty said boys from otherion the ground-floor windows was|Controlling apartment. develop-|parking requirement in prin-| ----_-- ------ --|Recreation Centre to be con-| The fire, which broke out|S00ws tha Ss year, 4/ vealed that the board paid $750 at a . p-l ci ee >| " i | itotal enrolment of 5,527, only : ; ; va ory th ard. ment .in Oshawa have been ap-| ciple. jstructed as an extension of the/soon after 9 a.m., took half an|°° gents jlast year to belong to the asso- schools play hockey on the pave-'adopted by the sa ~ |proved by city council and for-| Council Tuesday received and May 15 to 21 Civie Auditorium. |1,138, or 20% per cent were en-| ioe hy ty o oe acres colved i hour to bring under control. jciation and the council. The warded to the Ontario Munici-|filed letters from solicitors for LIBERAL, TORY SPEAKERS pal Board for approval '|Michael King and Frank De- ce this year, ' part of which e "The auditorium directors} Machinery stored in the ware.|Tolled as Roman Catholics. jcouncil fee last year was $110. ; y v omrrT wr 1 feel that the school children|house was badly damaged in| This is a mere drop in the) nr. sciuk said he was almost The amendments, --recom-/Palma and John That. The soli- Is lO. week |played a-major-role-in-making|the blaze. bucket," he said. "This many/certain the board had refused mended to council last Decem-jcitors said their clients - had lthe first parade a tremendous | The blaze is believed to have |teachers can be-used right in; join~-the --affiliated-council ber by planning board, call for:/been refused apartment. build- ' Pe Centennial Project Week will/success," the letter stated.|started in one of the vehicles|Metropolitan Toronto." _ |previously. The matter was --50 percent tenant parking/ing permits. |be proclaimed 'in Oshawa by) And it is their sincere desire|garaged in the building. The} He said fleets of association|tabled until the next meeting underground; 'TOO SLOW' leity council from May 15 to 2i,|that the Separate School Board/fire soon spread to the puild-|speakers will travel from city|to allow Mr. Shine to obtain --50 percent of the site land-| City Solicitor H. J. Couch} A giant parade May 14 will|Will grant permission for the|ing. Ito city across the province pro-| this information, , scaped; jtold council neither application| .ioy Set a $500 000. ublic sub-| ~ --elimination of the 10-storeyjis in sufficient shape for fees sgt P | | lhei : | : jscription campaign for funds for} height maximum; building permit be od, | 8° : s permit to be issued,| the combination swimming pool | | ---provision in coverage re-jand that only plans that have| 'at - ining ;quirements for parking garages|been approved and are eligible "4 s ash gre pean pour constructed not more than/for a_ building permit have nate Ala it before: dae can do jthree feet above final grade status under the planning legis-|, ake i iont HALF PARKING lation Se Be Seas The original planning board; 'The law Says the race is to "ge ic Heantelt tins ane roll-| recommendation called for 50 the swift but these people were geapad Sioabnnot 6 ses ¢ ie cece Hid A " ing in to campaign finance percent of total parking re-\not swift enough, said' Mr. chairman Terence Kelly. H quired (one and one-third! Couch bs aa he ve oe ba pee $100 nhe ine \Spaces per suite) undergraond.| He said it is "very unlikely es ie sail Veetnraay and se The altered amendment calls'that legal action taken by the| qn, aie an utaried 'hin Gn for only one underground -park-japplicants would succeed and hi ua . re na oe out a $100 Spaces per suite) underground.|that they would have to com- otbl aia di | The OShawa Development ply. with the zoning bylaw : | Association in a letter to coun-|amendments, We are making real head liane vasaccia skeee is way with plans for the pro- | | | ject," said Mr. Kelly. $250,000 Tab To Cure School Addition 4 federal MP and a pro member of the Internation s bed G re Li h vincial MP are scheduled Lp igeoptce tong of Jurists; Train Whistle Problem ets reen 1g t a life member of the Cana : | to appear Friday night at dian Bay Association and a An anti-whistling bylaw for,ed in accordance with current Oshawa Separate School rallies to be held by the member of the Canadian jtrains is being studied by city|requirements of traffic and the D04'@ trustees last night: re- local Liberal and Progres- Association of Comparative council's . park roperty and' present standards. of the board: perved NOR Canon of approval sive Conservative parties, aW Mi Apps, for six recreation committee --upon the approval of the dag acti gy dade John Ross Matheson, left, @ais a star plaver with the In reply to council's request protection at all Grossir~s con- eaue ie = as wat ey addi- MP for Leeds and parlia- Toronto Maxie Leafs hockey for a recommendation on what cerned the board gives nsid- oth Francis School i mentary secretary to Prime team, is a Kingston bus would be practical to eliminate eration to approving an anti- fou = gerity : ntatively est-| Minister Pearson, will speak nessman, He is a graduate or curtail train whistle blowing! whistling bvlav ' mated at $20 mn includes nine Friday at the annual meet of McMaster University. In in the city, the 'board of trans . classrooms and a general pur- hy of the Ontario': Riding 1940 he stood as PC candi- port commissioners 'said the ane boa ; ; er ' d oe te i eA r z ylaw W : t sai it as The hitect for the p 2¢ ' : § Liberal Associafion, to be date for Brant in the domin most convenient procedure for |? iy ple Wek . nite r the project! MR § or g m8 : : , 1 * accepts » DE is j 7 ee 5 . held at St. Mary of the ion election und Jost by 138 | processing an anti-whistling by- found acceptable in the pa Soccoccio of West : . € JOHN MATHESON SYLVANUS APPS 1. ' . x $ cian ase % SN People Chureh hall. Syl- voles. He' was elected to /law is: The Canadian National R: - Hill. Written approval of the} vanus Apps, MPP for King- the provincial house in 1963 --city submit a map with all|Ways has told the board it 's addition for legislative grant} : : ae ston,and the Islands, right, Mr. Apps is a director of |railway crossings marked and|not agreeable to whistle re-|Purposes, wee signed by} TRAINING IN RESCUE TECHNIQUES will address the City of the Metropolitan Home (with a note indicating the type|Strictions at any road crossing|D. G. W. McRae, supervisor of Oshawa PC association. Mr. Building Association; a jof protection present in each|that is: not completely auto- school plant approvals Matheson, a Brockville law- director of the Construc- |case -- standard crossing signs,/™atically protected i ODN ogee ase ae yer, is a native of Arundel, tion Association; a direc- / flashing lights, gates, or other Ald. Hayward: Murdoch.! CITY. IS INLAND PORT : Quebec. He was educated at tor of Scarborough Hospital: board inspectors arrange parks property @mmittee! \ oscow is known as the "port entered a course intended Queen's University, Mount an Ontario athletic commis with the city and railways con- chairman told council last of fve sea because of its, {0 make them rescue opera Allison Universit The Uni ne ind a superinten erned to have an on-site in-/month it would cost about $250.-| canal Eight Whitby youths--five first such program to be ex- rescue training building, fore the movie projector are of them Rover Scouts--have tended to young people by Oshawa Airport, of the EMO Ray Forgett, a veteran in the Emergency Measures of Ontario County and Osh- rescue procedure; Joseph Organization, will run over awa. Old hands at rescue Reid. deputy co-ordinator 10 weeks with lessons every pro¢edure are taking the of' the EMO; and Ross Gib- inks with the. Caspian,| tion leaders in times of Tuesday night. The> first course as a refresher. Here, son, one of the Rover Scouts versity of Western Ontario dent of the Agincourt Bap- jspection to determine whether \000 to place automatic protec-|Azov, Baltic, Black and White| 'crisis in Oshawa and On period of the course was left to right, discussing a to enter the program. and Osgoode Hall. He is a tist Sunday School, leach of the crossings is protect-ition at 30 crossings in the city./Seas. tario County. The course, conducted this week at the film on rescue measures be- --Oshawa Times Photo ¢ ' ' x |

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