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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Mar 1966, p. 15

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|THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW | As with yesterday, this day's| planetary influences favor rou- tine matters rather than the| inauguration of new programs.| It would not be wise to make) taste suanses if Rusiness ar household schedules. thought, if you like, to plans an projects inyolving future secur- ity, but wait until a more propi- tious period to launch them. FOR THE BIRTHDAY all opportunities promised by .e|Ma Lodge NO.,¥/ was Heid A Give| recently in the Orange Temple |advisory board report, and re- with Worthy Mistress Florence |Pported that the 9.30 a.m. Sun- : ank presiding assisted hy the|day school had a good atten- will show Slides of her exper- | Deputy Mistress. The flags were| dance and the 11 o'clock session liences in the Philippines. lpresented by Annie Frost and | was also -well attended. {Margaret Barager; '"'God Save i Str if you have taken advantage ofall. Od bet Om REY PA RE PIE Ey DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reporps~jhere in Canada as well as in submitted by their secretaries. QUEEN MARY LODGE |with the vice-president, Mrs.|spring rally would be held in The regular meeting of Queen| Gordon Leslie Presiding. Many visitors were Mre Garnet White cave the woe see eee Mrs. M. B. Proctor gave ajheld every other month. It was If tomorrow is your birthday,|the Queen" was sung and the|report on the Canadian consum-|decided to have Bible studies your horoscope indicates that,|pledge of loyalty repeated by/ers meeting she had attended. |during the months when there Members were reminded of the|were no meetings. present;Consumers annual meeting on generous planetary influencesyand among those welcomed and/March 29 at 8.00 p.m. in E. year, helping with her educa- tion, helping her family. The mite box collection of many dedicated Lutheran women has helped with Mission churches other lands. 5 | It was announced that the} |Toronto Trinity Lutheran jCmuich, Apru ge. A m will be the guest speaker and The meetings of LWML are THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 24, 1966 15 Delivering Mail Relieves Boredom NANAIMO, B.C. (CP) -- Ida Norling, a great - grandmother fs with 13 grandchildren and two|dent a few years ago when a car _|great-grandchildren, was bored] struck her station wagon and de- afier reiiring sévérai years 45.) moijisned ii. Mis. Notting sut- nt back to her old job--| fered a oe e a back injury but says Her station-wagon is a famil-|got out of it alive." iar sight on nearby RR 2 where si she has been delivering the maiF Mrs. Norling started in the business 25 years ago, using a horse and buggy on a rural| Marie of the Incarnation, at SOCIAL NOTICES one winter's day when her team dumped her in the snow and took off. The horses bogged down in drifts, however, and she was able to catch up. More frightening was an acci- "nobody can figure out how I NUN TAUGHT SCHOOL The first school in Canada was founded in 1639 by Mother route in Manitoba. She recalls! Quebec. prevailing since the first of this)given honors were: the past)/A. Lovell schools. year, your material affairs|\Grand Master of the Orange; At the previous Guild meet-| should be fairly stable by now.| Young Britains; members of On-| ing, zag ee friends en-| FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Don't let down in effort, how-|tario West; and the Country Mis-|jgyed slides shown by Mrs.|. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-| ever, since there are more bene-|tress of County No. 1. Others | stanley Gales of her trip to|Grath, Whitby, wish to an-) fits in the offing. For instance:|present were members from/the Rockies in British Colum-|nounce the forthcoming mar- You can look forward to an|/Lady Russell Lodge, Toronto, hia and California, plus an in-|Tiage of their daughter, Peggy- excellent two-week cycle, gov-|and members from Victory|formative commentary of the|Lynn, to Douglas A. Cotton, son erning financial interests, be-|Lodge, Oshawa. points of interest. jof Mr, and Mrs. Aubrey Cotton, ginning on April 20; others in| The invitation from Bowman- On April 6, the Guild will Oshawa, formerly of Nova Sco late July, the weeks between|ville Lodge was accepted and vibe A the Lenten pp sche in the |tia. The ceremony is to take Sept. 15. and Oct. 29 and Nov. 15| all members wishing to attend) Church at 7.30 age Fin the |place on Saturday, July 30, 1966 | and finally, where the next 12;/were asked to meet at the Or-lby the regular banitiene meet. at 3.00 p.m. in the Dawes Road months are concerned, a truly! ange Temple at 7.30 March 28).° Date ~ |Gospel Chapel, Toronto. . excellent cycle beginning on! where cars will be waiting for) > i 4 MISSIONARY LEAGUE ENGAGEMENT Feb. 1, and lasting -for two them months. Just two admonitions Plans were discussed for the (Lutheran Women's) Mr. and. Mrs. Brian F. Crof Don't strain your budgeti55th anniversary. It was sug-| The meeting of Grace Luther-|ton, Whitby, wish to announce through unwise spending during| gested that the members go tO|an Church Women's Missionary|the engagement of their daugh- the, first and last. weeks of Toronto for the evening, the|Teague was held at the home/ter, Edith Jane, to Gary Car- August and above all, engage date to be decided next meet- of Mrs: Victor Hartwig with ten|men Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs in no speculation during No- ing members present. Carmen B. Jones, Oshawa. The | vember. All officers were reminded to, The Women's Guild, together | wedding is to take place on Sat- Best periods for career ad- attend the next meeting on Ap-|with the Missionary League|urday, April 16,- 1966 at 3.30 vancement: The first 17 days|ril 6 as there would be a Scar-\have been sponsoring a foster p.m. at St. John's Anglican} of July (in regular occupational | let Degree practice. child in Viet Nam for the past Church, | activities only Don't expect Lodge closed in ritual form 6TH ANNIVERSARY lanvthing from outside interests;and-a--social -hour--was enjoyed (9) Oene tes IDEAL Fish & Chips 17 ATHOL ST, W, Phone 725-4812 Golden Deep Fried Fish and Chips Also Try Deep Fried Shrimps and Seallops Clams and Oysters Hot Meat Pie, Chips and Gravy For Your Convenience You Can Phone Us Your Order and We Will Have it Ready to Pick-Up THE YOUNG LADY OF FASHION -- In the spring a young such as a shift (left) with lady's fancy is still for low - placed slotted ribbon white in party dresses. sash above a brief ruffle Some like a different touch skirt. Another choice is the Take 1,465 Gallons Of White And What Have You?... The White House For Mary Kaltman. all of this paste! pink A-line with ruffled sleeves and em- broidered top jmonth of September and first sae | week of October; also in mid HARMONY UCW |November and late December The March meeting of Har | (here, again, only through usual| mony United Church Women lendeavors), Those engaged in| was held in the Church with 19 . |creative and-or intellectual pur-/members present. The Paint suits should have a generally|dent, Mrs. C. E. Twining, wel }good. year With outstanding)comed the members possibilities -for recognition--| Unit 3 was in charge of the de and profit--indicated in June,|votional service taken by Mrs August and next February. H. W. Hoskin. Mrs. J. C. Smalen Along personal lines, stars and Mrs Doug! Greentree a national monument ajis a far cry from her own house-|2re also beneficent, but it will rs Hel The Lord Is. My wonderful, baffling, impossible,|keeping. She moved from Aus foe dmportant that you Ava) stes Hay 'Terrwillesat gave : *!fascinating mixture that has to|tin, Tex., to "a very small! domestric friction in late June,| saiueeatine sentet atte housekeeper Mary Kaltman at borrow its housekeeping tech- apartment' within walking dis jthe second week of September evenin mapelon "a the "he al the White House. niques from each of the things|tance of the White House She| in mid-October and mid-Decem- Deachvtere mice nee She runs a.home where: it is--plus a catalytic ingredient|does her own cooking and clean | ber Best periods for romance Mrs. Nelson Cre iieas intro --They just manage to get the|called loving care, which has|ing, depending on the building| Between now and April 12; also, duced Mrs. Harold Werrv of 127 windows cleaned when it's|been added in liberal quantity | porter for heavy work ee, Erdal 7 mex Enniskillen, who showed films time to start over. to every pail of water, every! But here's what she thinks of eae, t uy bade rygy cep her recent trip to Norway --When they get around to bottle of polish and spray, every it all : ape i. the weaks Sciwien Bee Mrs. Werry gave a most in painting. the--place--0nce. BYETS vee rene White ig eeu rn "There is no other job in the/15 and Jan. 15 teresting talk on points of inter-| four years--it takes 1,465 ore ere ninal of ceaseless activity."|World quite as exciting and; A child born on this day will est, on' the one of Norway, | lons of white paint and tosts "* |eometimes I almost wish I|be imaginative and versatile; |°° seen hom = noe - ' waaseed HOLDS TREASURES didn't have any imagination, for| Creatively inclined. A "hag AOC Wan AE --There's 15,000 --_ jpeg The White House is filled with have peopled these ae so base | ee ae ot Betis te ee treasures--a fabulous collection! often with history book charac HOUSEHOLD HINT CHRIST CHURCH | and dust of antique furniture, rugs paint- ters that it is sometimes diffi A strip of heavy-duty alumi EVENING GUILD --They use 50 pounds of floor | NBS: statuary and objects dart, | cult to remember there is work) num foil underneath muslin _The March meeting of the} ¢ all needing special, gentle care.|/to do. I am as awed as I was'type ironing board covers re- Evening Giiild of Christ Mem- lus tw arts of silver : be | co' y Salleh Tae Hier dip every |They get it. ithe first day I came. flects heat, speeds ironing lorial Church was held recently, month. : --When they have a dinner party, they have to wash by - hand 1,050 pieces of table, china, | fame 105 platters and bowl, 900 |B pieces of gold and silver fiat- ware, 210 serving pieces and 759 7 fragile-stemmed crystal glasses --And five days a week they |¥ can expect 6,692 people to come calling HANDLES CHORE The chores of White House housekeeping are in the hands! of Mrs. Kaltman, a small, trim-|f figured, blonde divorcee, a food |# expert with hotel and airbase experience. A native of Cle-| burne, Tex., she was hired last October by the Texas Johnsons to replace Kennedy-appointee Anne Lincoln, a New York and Vassar graduate, Mrs. Kaltman has weathered her first flap--the resignation of the French chef, Rene Verdon who implied she made him un happy by suggesting gourmet cookbook recipes and buying frozen foods. Mrs. Johnson relies on her staff to keep the house clean buy supplies and provide for routine replacement of equip- ment. She gets called in, though a . when there's any major cleaning of the historic furnishings or a major purchase of linens or china. It's usually about spring 'house-cleaning time that Con gress gets around to looking at our newly arrived selecti the White House budget for y . née cus INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 --~CP Photo presi until after the 17th); the entire with the visitors DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH The Mayfair Salon 728-0662 | By FRANCES LEWINE ~ joffice, a restaurant, a hotel and WASHINGTON (AP)--It's a Texas-size job that faces Texas 728-0662 27 CELINA ST. INTRODUCING ES HADOW Lf Se Muted and distinguished Shadow Line designs lend added excitement to the celebrated and exclusive Garnett Satin Faced Venetian and Garnelene WA suitings. Progress Brand craftsmen, with knowing fingers "mould" and "shape" these magnificent fabrics with countless minute stitches, into suits of prestige quality standards, See mansion and grounds. This year, the figure is about the same as usual--an estimated $694,000 for 1966 and $692,000 for 1967 g The legislators rarely do much but approve the money. 69 CLOSETS TO CLEAN The staff includes about 49 domestics. and 32 mechanical! and maintenance workers who cope with the 132 rooms, 16 baths and 18 acres of the presi- dent's three-storey house. There are also a swimming pool movie theatre, medical clinic flower room, two kittens, three pantries, 69 closets, of- fices, servants' rooms, laundry and dressing rooms and three @ wide halls that run the length & of the building on each floor. 8 Mrs, Kaltman, who was hired 4 to effect economies, has this! # view of her new domain: Pa "There is no house with so & many faces. It is a home,-an ¢ ETTS GARNELENE Garrett of brylard .@ FIRST QUALITY MICRO-MESH @ 400 NEEDLE, 15 DENIER @ NEW SPRING FASHION COLOURS @ PROPORTIONED LENGTHS Ballerina Seamless Nylons, so flattering to legs, how come in hues developed especially to enhance your spring wardrobe. Stzes 8% - +1. Tel. 725-6221 Tel. 725-4361 OUR FAMOUS REED'S FITTING FLORISTS SERVICE 20th Annual z 1S Spring Flower INCLUDED Show at their Greenhouses Palm Sunday, April 3rd Everyone is welcome to ettend. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 29 Simcoe Street South Oshawa Shopping Céntre REITMAN'S STORES FROM COAST TO COAST TO SERVE YOU t SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED

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