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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Mar 1966, p. 17

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The trend towards a mother|an Ottawa collegiate, stated: ther-hours to sick and home-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 24, 1966 being respected as a mother|"'It's a pleasant thing to have) less people. v7 | ani |and a person with a place inja Mother's Day ... we cele-| It you'know a special mothtr|name, address and qualifica-|dian Mother of the Year, Bot" the labor force is also evident|brate it in Denmark. But why|nominate her by sending her! Seuss for the title to FTD Cana-|4044, Ottawa, by March 31. \in Jamaica, according to Mrs.|not make every day a 'Mother's| "4 | Vincent H. MacFarlane, wife of| Day'?" | ue ta ee ae the Jamaican High Commis-| [pn the United Kingdom, sioner. The premise in Betty E There's nothing the fantastic assortment of millinery you will find at Edna Ann Hats. Friedan's "Feminine Mystique' urope, South America, China, | DROP IN SOON FOR IDEAS is not a concern for a Jamaican|the Near East, Mediterranean) mother. She works to extend| countries, mothers are honored) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE her wid or tO Supplement Wie) for te fait accompli Of ipouei- Open Daily 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Thurs. and Fri. to 9 p.m. Are Mothers Around The World The Same As Canadian Mother With the March 31 deadline|Ghandi in freedom struggles. drawing near for Canadians to Thousands of women went to nominate an outstanding moth-|prison when they involved er in the eighth annual FTD|themselves in the non-violent sn Mother of the Vear!movement. Mrs. Acharva also an Ottawa reporter|said that even though a Hindu the questions: '"What)}woman may have a sense of makes mothers tick?" .. {herself as a total person, she "what do Canadians feally;still looks up to her husband think of their moms?"... and|who, is "the boss'. Mrs, then took the questioning two Acharya' considers Prime Min- further: 'Are mothers|ister Indira Ghandi an excellent the same round thejexatnple of the independence of "What is the|Indian women, combining moth- status of mothers as persons|erhood with building up a posi- in other lands?" tion for herself in social work The answers to the first two,and charities, becoming a pro- questions will be known when|fessional woman and ultimately nominations for the title FTD/the nation's leader. It is chiefly. Canadian Mother of the Year|the educated woman who can have all been sent to the|take responsibility in rural national letterbox, Box 4044,|work, education, clinics, the Ottawa, and eminent judges|professions. Womenein India's) .onoer ag eee aa when she is presented to Her (The Honorable Judy LaMarsh,|vast network of villages cannot gered rR dng pomp idea| Excellency eadanis Vanier, = Senator Elsie Inman, Members|take such an active role be-|¢po+ mother's place is in the| leaders of the country and other of Parliament Mrs. Grace Mac-|cause of a lack in education. firmly : even outstanding Canadians, She Innis and Mrs. Margaret Ride-|Mrs. Acharya,.a mother of two though more and more women|™&Y have come originally from out, cabinet ministers' wives|sons (one at Oxford, another an) tot public opinion by going out! 2ny country 'round the prorld; Mrs. J. J. Green and Mrs. H,|electrical engineer in England)! (© work. She Fananese mother | She may have many foster chil- Robichaud, B.C, Highways' |feels education is the key to}j, iaunlly aeahy satirinia person | aren; she may give many ; Minister's wife Mrs. Philip Gag-| progress, not only for children,| who lati : pe about her hiss} - - giardi and Mr. Jack Passmore, but for women everywhere. |torie ob of bein the a in TE Canadian Director for the Flor-) 144, : lth 'a 4 Fah ft . 4 ists' Transworld Delivery Asso-|"""™* A AND JAMAICA he home and giving father the : je Peashis : | Anat | dominant status. 0; iation -- project's sponsor) Pasay to Mr. H. A. A. 5% E have made their decision. nkrah, Second Secretary, IN Bs Ghanian High Commission, a ee ae Discount ¥ i You Bring Thee' | --s - ae RRR a *e family income for the level of| hood; but the nature of their taxation is high, A woman is.on| 1, in the life of th | equal footing with men but Pea Said eee the com the same time she is respected| ™unity varies from place to} as a mother. Because domtstic| place. a _--, lagged gd In Canada a single mother, Sada eH" gy Borel cir exten Wil represent the mothers of | time towards the cause of edu-| this country, the devotion to cation with the current aim/|their families, the selfless work | "every child in school'. The they do for community organ- family circle is a close-knit unit] jyations -- when she is named | partly because in subtle ways! inn Canadiz | the mother gives her husband) <, sanadian Mother of the the attention he needs -- and| Year, She will be honored in the deserves -- and simultaneously|"ation's capital for three glor- demonstrates open love and) !0US days -- May 3, 4 and 5,| Real Biss 2 1,400 SQ. YDS., ALL WOOL | HEAVY QUALITY WILTON BROADLOOM WILL. GO ON SALE THIS WEEKEND home is rooted Box 4044, Ottawa, is being Andersen, wife flooded with nomination letters mother in Ghana is "the nerve) of the Danish Ambassador, feels 'in which Canadians describe Centre of the home. The mother! there is no taboo against a their mothers and tell how their;makes a house a home, is the) mother's 'double life" in Den devotion and sacrifice, their/binding~ factor in the generat)mark~ and that--woman have involvement in community af-|regimen she unobtrusively over-| come to terms with the feminist fairs, make them unique. sees ,. ." Mr, Ankrah went onj revolution. Since the end of the But what about mothers injto say, "Father may be the Second 'World War increasing other countries? To find out,|breadwinner but mother cre-| numbers of young mothers take wives of High Commissioners ates harmony". In the old days| their children to day-care cen and Ambassadors, members of|a wife and mother was sub-| tres while they go off to work |Ottawa's diplomatic corps, were|servient. Nowadays with the|or study. One interesting aspect asked about mothers in nations! franchise, there is equal oppor-| regarding professional women | they represent 'tunity for women. In Ghanalin Denmark is the high propor-| Song : they are Members of Parlia-| tion of female Members of Par-| NEW ZEALAND ment, in the Cabinet, gas sta-|liament as compare oF. Lady Gotz, wife of the High), a henarsaes : rahul By mpared to Can- Commissioner for New Zealand | wis satin ib policewomen, air} ada. Mrs. Andersen, a mother . 4 'thostesses, in the army, traders'of two sons studying in Danish istated that the qualities making) : ' 4a € Siin the markets. universities zhter a New Zealand mother out-|-- Bvatsck universities and a daughter at standing are basic to all coun- the swing isto SINGER' tries: love for family; "out- FOR ALL YOUR Bridal Shoes TINTED FREE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 12 Rolls . . . 9 Lovely Colours MRS. N. BALASURBRA- MANIAM, wife of the First Secretary of the Ceylonese High Commission, takes time out from a busy rou- tine to talk with mischievi- ous Master Sanjaya, her three - year - old son, Like good mothers all over the world, Mrs. Balasurbramiam delights in caring for her family gend accepting re- sponsibilities in the com- munity, A Canadian mother who is unique in devotion to family and community work will he honored. na- tionally when she is named FTD Canadian Mother of the Year. There's still time for you to nominate a spec- ial mother for the award by describing her in a letter sent to FTD, Box 4044, be- fore March 31 --Photo by goingness; willingness to make sacrifices for her children'. manent Lady Gotz described her own mother as "a very special per son, a wonderful woman who was one of the family. She was Ex-Model Is Executive Director ® . always with the children, inter- Of Canadian Inter-Faith League |esie¢ in wnat ster were doing Herself a mother of two girls By MARILYN ARGUE Highway Safety Council,|and one boy, Lady Gotz felt OTTAWA (CP)--A career as Mrs. Gilstorf entered the Inter-|that mothers in New Zealand a child model doesn't have to Faith Conference as a repre-jhave an independent spirit and | end in faded clippings and shat-| Sentative of voluntary organiza- that because of today's pace of tered hopes : tions. living they often work outside Fe Ww si none ave C She and Senator Josie Quart the home either because of eco- ' + it fina ig By bond Hil-| of Sillery, Que., are the only|nomic necessity or because they avai aitleat alaiee a tasally women on the 19-member board|Wish to fulfill themselves as in Ottawa and, in January, ap- of directors of the conference, | Persons. pointment as executive director Malak dian B. K. established under a grant from||NDIA of the Canadian Inter - Faith the Centennial Commission. Mrs. conference. Mrs. Gilstorf, 39, is auburn- haired, green - eyed and as slim| as any model. She says her old-| est daughter, Cathy, 20, shows signs of taking mother's place in the fashion salons. The conference represents 28 faiths and is seen by Mrs. Gil- storf as "a stepping stone to in- ter-faith union." One project is the commis- sioning of an official centennial hymn. It also hopes to encour- age the holding of open house Acharya, wife of India's High Commissioner to Canada also used the phrase "independent spirit" describing mothers in India. She sald that) as far back as 5,000 years ago| Indian women, as mothers, held) a special position but they were kept in the home. Their feeling | ends - But there "She's a school teacher bul| by all religious groups during of independence and sense of The Fabulous Singe r Spring Sale ends soon. ave on.a host of superb pos modelling in a show next the year. ; personality was aroused by are still a few days left to $ "7 was in jun high geho i scsceieenneiiiainiiaiadieiaanenememnniameeaneiieiimamamenll . when I started. 'Ther came ve "THERE GOES ANOTHER Singer products. our school and picked several HAPPY WINNER" girls to model for a catalogue I worked on other accounts dur- } ing my.teens but my mother ot the Oshawa Shopping Centre AUTOMATIC, SLANT- NEEDLE, ZIG-ZAG SEWING Slant-O-Matic® sewing, machine ran Singer. Chainstitch fea- ture lets you sew a firm seam, then pull it out anytime. Perfect for basting ~ and experiment- ing! With stitch chart and dial, you can switch to numerous other plain or fancy stitches, sew them automatically. Model 411; special sale ofler in- cludes cabinet $ MANUFACTURED TO SELL AT 15.95 SQ. YD. CHERNEY'S 12.3o98 YOU SAVE $3.00 SQ. YD. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 18. Mrs. Gilstorf lived in Halifax during the war when her hus- band was stationed there, Later the family moved to Saskatoon and in 1953 came to Ottawa, where Mr. Gilstorf is a govern- ment economist. Daughter Col- leen, 16, is a high school stu- dent here and son Spencer, 14, attends school in Saskatoon. STEP TOWARD UNION A former national! director of women's activities for the Cana PRICE "Gacy SE) OF or carrying case (Model As low a8 541). 10 a month, Come WM. we Wilton look at it closely . . . feel the depth of the pile . . . this heovy quality parenthood and children stoys beoutiful year ofter year, Choose from 9 lovely eolours -- Cinnamon, Quartz Green, Spiee, Turquoise, Sand, Autumn Gold, Sun Beige. all-wool Broadioom will withstand parties, Wall-to-Wall_ Installation with B. F. Goodrich Rubber Cushion MODERN TACKLESS INSTALLATION WITH PROTECTIVE CHROME EDGING AT DOORWAYS YD, AREA... REGULAR 388.00- 317.60 30 SQ. YD. AREA... REGULAR 582.00- 476.40 40 SQ. YD. AREA... REGULAR 776.00- 635.00 50 SQ. YD. AREA... REGULAR 970.00- 794.00 60 SQ. YD, AREA... REGULAR 1174.00 952.80 wt me REDUCED $10 FOR SALE Scholastic®, Model ne c 88 7-4, Portable Type- writer from Singer. Reg. $69.95. As low as with standard office- $6 a month. MEND SLEEVES AND PANT LEGS Slant - 0 - Matic® fpreeArm" Con- OFF vertible Model 631, fully automatic YOUNG BUDGET BARGAIN COMPLETE WITH CABINET Does straight $ darnink. sewn size a4 character revere "Model keyboard, automa- 351 sale nce Zig Zap see ee » tic ribbon revels. 227; sale price IM | gigyos, machine. Create or As low Oy 1, 14 and vaise. cludes cone ee Le a repair anything $12a month. = ghacing. S-yenr ee style cabinet, Mod- SAVE $50 rep al cavers to SACing. 3 eye om ne arent fashions! Chain stitches, case included. (French keyboar the Intess Mating. Special sale offet "°Nodel T-4F). includes carrying case (Model 536). 20 SQ. A C ANDELIER (or 11 other prizes) during LIGHTING UNLIMITED'S SPRING FIXTURE SALE . here's all you do! Any purchase, no matter how small, during March entities you to enter this contest. Winners' names will be announced April | 8th. If you're the lucky |< winner, you can choose any | Crystal chandelier from our stock, (retail value up to $300.00) Come in and "enter now. TRANSISTORIZED. PORTABLE STEREO & transistors, 8-foot speaker spread for 88 true stereo. Cera- mic turnover - type Reg. $59.95. tery operated, play SAVE $10. it anywhere -- weight only 8 Ibe. Model HE2202, ALL TUBES GUARANTEED Bi 9198 19" Singer Port- Reg. $215. FLOOR POLISHER WITH GUARANTEE Beautiful double - eau AB duty time and Reg. $29.95. Here's How .. . able IV, free stand, Compact portable Model SPR166,- with di- ole antenna to ssure crisp recep- aon anywhere. 18,000 volts of picture power, one year guaran- tee on all tubes, $0 limited service. Similar Savings . . . Room-Size Rugs work-saver. Singer S : Simply cash your family allowance P-1-F Floor Pol- isher polishes#oors cheque at the Centre and ask for ° , to a gleaming lus- free entry forms, te." High. avality warp-proot . cartridge, #aP- phire stylus. Bat- 6'x 9 Reg, 101.70.... 73.28 9' x 12' Reg. 197.40.. 160.56 12' x 10'6" Reg. 229.30 186.32 12' x 13'6" Reg. 293.10 237.84 12' x 15' Reg. 325.00.. 263.60 12' x 18 Reg, 389.00. . 315.12 days un Deposit entry form into ballot box at the flag pole in the mall. ns i dit. No Liberal trade-in allowance on any sewing machine. sige packed Saat down payment on purchases over $50. Every. product backe guarantees and dependable service. SINGER CENTERS 16 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-5443 @ Entry selection this month wil be made on Thursday, March 31, Enter Now ! BUY NOW! BEAT THE SALES TAX INCREASE «herney's SHOP LATE FRIDAY... WE'RE OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M, SENET = OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE D "OPTHTOWM * HAMILTON * OSHAWA » 2 Trademet ot ginger Compery of Canada Limited oF related company.

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