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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Mar 1966, p. 9

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will be encountered by driv- ers in the 4,000-mile Cross- Canada Rally April 30-May RALLY HAZARD -- Wan- dering cattle herds are only some of the hazards which . 6. Nearly half of the gruel- ling course will be over un- paved roads. Here Klaus Bartels and..Rodman Nye take evasive action in the 1965 rally. --CP Photo anadian Auto Rallie Have Colorful History By WALTER HAYES VANCOUVER (CP)--Olivier Gendebien, the famed Belgian|he launched into another tale. racing and rally driver, leaped|Gunn is organizer of the annual from his car, grinned broadly|rally for Shell Canada Ltd. a flourish. : A television announcer ap-\of the early 1950s, could prob- proached and slammied the door|ably 'fill a book with stories tight on Gendebien's lone pling the frames. alo A Realizing he was on the air and not wanting to bring any| promises, the 1966 version of|promised team entries and|izers to route the rally through'Local 1500 British Columbia. He said he has a confirmed team entry of three English-de- glasses,|that have emerged from pre-|signed Ford Cortinas. England's|has smashing the lenses and crum-'yious Cross - Canada rallies|Henry Taylor finished third last/Canada, particularly with|Paul Bennett once, Daryl White . chambers of commerce which,|got the Jone goal for Local 1817. | nd if it's anything like he} Renault and Fiat have also/he said, encourage rally organ-| Houdaille Industries whipped) jyear in a Cortina. "Someday I'll write a book of} Last year several driversjretired from racing several these rally stories," he said as|were convicted of speeding injyears ago. An entry has been received|p'Nai B'Rith nudged Bathe and Gunn said dt is too early to/from Rosemary Smith of Dub-|McLellan 1-0, with Ron Dennis|Stirling 3 Hamilton A 0 predict how many entries he/lin, Ireland, who came first in| scoring the line foal of the game -- at the television camera and; The personable Gunn, whose|will receive, but he expects the/the women's division in the/and Ed McComb getting whipped off his sun-glasses with|history in Canadian motor sport|figure to top the 64 of last year.|Monte Carlo this year, but was| shutout. dates back to its fledgling days|The field is limited to 75 cars.|disqualified because of a tech- nicality. Gunn said interest in the rally|scoring four times for the win- throughout ners, mushroomed further attention to the boner bY|the 4.000-mile run will provide|Gunn expects teams of Tri-/their communities. immediately apologizing, the more book material. shaken announcer said: "I want to welcome you to|SET NEW DESTINATION 'Yorkton, Saskatchewan." Gunn said in an interview Gendebien held the crumpledjhere that this year's rally is sglasses before his face and/shaping up as one of the tough-|roen won this year's Monte) ---- «stared at them with a look of/est yet. _ consternation. replied. "I broke up completely 6. In previous rallies, called the incident from the|was run. Gunn said the distance will remain the same--4,000 miles. Overnight stops en route will 1 | Jt starts April 30 from Van- 'And I want to thank you for|couver and for the first time 'that' welcome to Yorkton," he! will terminate in Quebec City, May ly and| Montreal was the starting or chad to get out of there, said/finishing point, depending on Toronto's Jimm Gunn as he re-/the direction in which the rally jumphs and Volvos as well. Gendebien to drive one. A Cit-} Carlo rally in Europe. WITHDREW IN 1965 Gendebien withdrew from last year's Cross-Canada rally after his wife was killed in an auto- mobile accident in Europe while he was driving in the East Af- rican Safari. been active in international ral- lying since his wife's death. The Belgian, who lives in France, 1963 Cross-Canada rally. be at Calgary, Si Win- . sania Sault Ste. Marie, O . nipeg, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., | Ott: d bec City. Named Winner | Berween, tees pe Que- ST, CATHARINES (CP)--An-|bec City lies nearly 100 driving dre Lacroix, 20-year-old centre|hours over a' gruelling course with Peterborough Petes, has|that includes nearly 50 per cent been named winner of the Max|unpaved roads. Kaminsky Memorial Trophy as| The rally route will be dotted the player in the Ontario| with eight closed sections where Hockey Association Junior Ajdrivers can turn their cars League who, in the opinion of) the nine coaches, has best com- bined gentlemanly conduct with excellence of play. The trophy was donated to the OHA by a group of St. Cathar- ines sportsmen in memory of Max Kaminsky who died a year after coaching. the 1959-60 St. Catharines Teepee Memorial Cup championship team. Lacroix led the Junior A league in points this season with 40 goals and 80 assists. He got only 19 minor penalties during 48 league games Six of the nine coaches made Lacroix their first choice. He also picked up two second-place nominations fer 36 points, based on five points for first, three for second and one for third Oshawa defenceman Bobby Orr. was second with 17 points on two votes for first place, two for second and one for third. Ken Laidlaw. St. Catharines right winger, was third with eight points. STILL LOOKING ig LONDON (AP)---The hunt for the missing World Soccer Cup continued Thursday with police searching the bags check- room in a railway station Birmingham, following an anon ymous telephone They found nothing. The trophy, on display at a London stamp ex- hibition, was stolen Sunday. age ai call Walker's Spe Canadian Rye Whisky loose. Gunn said these special sections will run on_ private roads, through military prop- erty or federal and provincial parks and they will be closed to the public during the rally. On the regular sections, the two-man teams are required 'to 'drive between control points at prescribed average speeds. At control points they are timed for accuracy and penalty points are assessed for early or late arrivals. STRESS SAFETY Gunn said he and other or- ganizers are laying more em- phasis on safety this year. The rally regulations provide for disqualification of any com- petitors convicted of breaking provincial or local traffic regu- lations. Russie Yachter 'Holds His Lead. | ADELAIDE, Australia (Reut- ers)--Although his boat cap- sized, Australia's John Cuneo finished second in the fifth race and retained the over-all leader- ship in the world 5.05 - metre yachting championships here Thursday. Cuneo, in Daring Kestral, was 17 seconds ahead of Muchacha IV, steered by Larry Marks of Britain, at the half-way stage | Thursday. Then the accident oc- red and the British yacht went past to victory. | Cuneo finished just ahead of |Denmark's Paul Elvstrom in | Progressive-P for second place. Gunn said Gendebien has not) a , "Last year they declared aj Hojdaille. He said the Citroen Company half holiday.in Rosetown, Sask., of France hopes to enter three|and 250 school children lined'and Doug Rannon each scored cars and is negotiating withthe streets and snapped pic-| tures of the cars.'"' City League Bantams And Midget Games Osdhawa Minor Hockey Asso- ciation "Midget League" play off action on Wednesday night, produced wins for Lions Club, Canadian Legion, Local 222 and the Auto Workers Credit Union.| The fight will be shown on Lions Club defeated Rotary. closed-circuit TV in 23 cities in Club 5-3 in their game, with|the United States and 10 in Can- Steve Jarrell scoring three goals | ada. and Steve Blake notching the| But no centre east of Quebec other two, for the Lions Club.|City will show the scheduled 15- Roy Fisxek with a pair andjrounder. Fight time is 10:30 Jim Sullivan with one, were the|p.m. EST. |goal-scorers for Rotary. Murray Goodman of New |' Bob Durno scored four goals,, York, a spokesman for Main jin leading Legion to their vic-|Bout Inc. which controls ancil- jtory over Kiwanis Club. Mike jlary rights, including closed-cir- White and Mike Haras. each|cuit TV, estimated the total ca- |notched a singleton, to'aid the|pacity of theatres and arenas /cause. |showing the fight at about 235,- Dave Lovell with a pair and/000, 60,000 in Canada. \John -Goodwin with one, were) Loren Cassina of London, the goal-getters for Kiwanis. /Ont., a director of All-Canada Terry O'Reilly scored three|Sports and a representative' of goals for Local 222 and Jim/Main Bout, was negotiating for \Yakemisnyn notched a couple, \outlets in Saint John, N.B., and to lead Loval 222 to their clean-| Halifax this week but failed to cut win over the Letter Car-|reach an agreement. riers. "Rich" Mitch in [NUMBER DECLINES "Rich Gamble and "Dusty" More than 200 outlets were jLynd each scored one for. the !ined up when the original fight winners, was planned, That one pitted Bruab Houghton's orphan tally | Clay against World Boxing As- saved the "etter Carriers from | Sociation title-holder Ernie Ter- the whitewash treatment. rell in a showdown to see which Auto workers won their Ju-| fighter really owned the world venile game over Hayden Mac- | Crown. But Terrell backed out |donalds 7-3 with Jack McGarry, in a contract dispute two weeks |John Salowski and Larry Lloyd|~ each scoring a pair for the win- ners and Chris Stead getting' SOCCER SCORES the other one ; if | LONDON (Reuters) Old Jim Hodgson, Al Matthews| country soccer Results Thurs- and Don Cockerton each scor-| : day night: jed once for the losers. | ENGLISH LEAGUE BANTAM "A" Division Il In the Banatam "A' 'round-| Shrewsbury 1 Walsall 2 robin games, on Tuesday night, SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I ibe a Canadian closed - circuit \television blackout from Quebec City east next Tuesday night when Cassius Clay and George Chuvalo clash in their heavy- weight fight here. the) Remember When... ? By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hockey's most unruly Stanley Cup playoff game was. played 14 years ago to- night--in 1952--at Detroit, between Toronto Maple Leafs and Red Wings. Ref- eree Bill Chadwick handed out a record total of 29 pen- alties, including four majors and four misconducts, in the course of the game. Detroit won the Stanley Cup from Montreal that year. Scugog Cleaners trounced Lo- cal 1817 7-1, with Len McAvoy Lorne Whyte twice and} 7-0, with "Ton" Chri-| stie getting the shutout for Tom Vermoen, Jerry Cowle twice for the winners and Jim |Barager, got their other tally.' Closed Circuit Blackout Shows Lack Of Interest TORONTO (CP) -- There will ago and Chuvalo, the Canadian ¢ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 25, 1966 g Gay Brewer _ In Good Spot JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP)~ Gay Brewer is in a good spot to continue ine invitesi streak in pro golf as the $82,000 Greater Jacksonville Open heads into the second round today. One stroke off the six-under- par 66 pace set Thursday by Tommy Bolt, Brewer was in a strong position because of "his | consistency of recent> months) when he won four tournaments. For Bolt, whose expert shots over the last 20 years have been overshadowed by his tendency to react to a bad one by smash- ing a club against a tree, all) was serene through his 34-32--| champion from Toronto, substi- tuted. Since then the number of TV outlets have dropped drastic- ally. Goodman said capacity crowds at an average of $5 could produce a TV gate of $1,- 000,000. But he estimated a gross of $500,000 to $600,000 was {more likely. Clay collects 50 per cent of the TV gate, which could} amount to $250,000, and Chuvalo| gets 20 per cent of the TV loot, | ;estimated at up to $95,000, | The live gate at Maple Leaf) Gardens, a 17,500 - seat arena| | with prices ranging from $7 to} '$100, could produce receipts. of| | $180,000. Clay's share, again 50) |per cent, could be $90,000, while| Chuvalo's split, 20 per cent,|{8 @ regular on the tour, could reach $35,000. le Neither is Ed Furgol, 49, 7 : | former National Open champion |NO LIVE: TV ; _. | who shot a 6 tie Brewer for | There will be no live television) second place after 18 holes of the bout and there will be a| wind bothered the late start:| closed-circuit TV blackout with-| ers -- including Masters. champ The 47-year-old Bolt no longer in a 75-mile radius of Toronto.| Jack Nicklaus at 70 and United The CBC will carry a live ra- " pre Open champ Gary Player a - INCOME TAX The Employee's Income Tax Servles "Which has been operating In J+ the area for the past three §.. years is now located In the fy uto Workers redit Union Bid, (King St. W.) T.! Short Form We also do T.1 Genersls 2 ' dio broadcast of the fight on |both its English and French} inetworks beginning at 10:15! p.m. EST. Veteran fight broad- |caster Don Dunphy will describe the bout for the English net- work. Canadian cities with closed- circuit TV outlets are Van- |couver, Calgary, Edmonton, Re- igina, Winnipeg, Windsor, Ont., London, Ont., Ottawa, Montreal! and Quebec City. Ottawa and Lethbridge will jalso get the fight via cable TV. ri O.M.C. SERVICE CENTRE also completely ou RIDERS SIGN L MAN OTTAWA (CP) Ottawa Rough Riders of the Eastern | Football Conference announced | Thursday the signing of import }lineman Michael Martin of North Central College, Napier- ville, Ill, The six-foot, three-inch lineman weights 255 pounds. | Avoid the rush ond have your motor and boat serviced by our experts. Our sales department can this summer. See us now ! DON'T DELAY tfit you for fun on the water Oshawa YACHTHAVEN LTD. Harbour Rd. Off Simcoe St, S. (fotiow the signs) NEW NUMBER 723-8186 er -- pant | A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 1412 King St. East 723-2721 TROPHIES For The G. B. Company Open For The Largest Selection Of All Sporting Events and Gifts In Eastern Ontario 356 Dean Ave. Thurs. Evenings by Appointment 7 61 EST'D. (BeamaeD wy woman WAL CANADIAN RYE WHISKY 198A SONS UNITED, WALEERMULE, COMADA cial Old "| do this for a living." "For excitement I go to the trots." SATURDAYS--1:30 P.M. WEEK NIGHTS--7:45 P.M. Take the Queen car to the gate or the new East- West Subway to the Woodbine Avenue Bus, For dining reservations call Mrs. Rice 698-3131. GreeNWooD HAVE b * 2% SALES TAX INC CAR BUYER'S | | FIELD DAYS | CONTINUE ON LARGE INVENTORY OF 1966's IN STOCK .. . YOU CAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON CHEVROLETS - CORVAIRS CHEVELLES - CHEVY II's and OLDSMOBILES TAKE DELIVERY BEFORE APRIL Ist and SAVE THE REASE! EXAMPLE... Model 16467 in Tuxedo Black with Red Interior and door mirror. License H 91175. Chevrolet Impala Convertible Equipped with deluxe seat belts -- power brakes -- powerglide transmission -- power steering -- wheel discs -- white wall tires -- radio -- padded dash -- windshield washer -- back up lights PRICE $3422 140 BOND ST. W. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES © 725-6501

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