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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1966, p. 18

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<cocennanesibetibiaiiasatien Se NUBBIN LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY HENRY JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES LI'L /ABNEB DAGWOOD, TO SOME WE'RE GETTING FOR DINNER iN THE BVENIN Aa bc I THINK WE SHOULD START GOING OUT / NICE RESTAURANT: e Sie WAY THINGS ARE GOIN' } Mm 'ROUND HERE YOURE LUCKY, TO GET ANYTHINSG--_--" | | y CAZZz <an' rt DON'T THINK \FAY MR. FLING WANTS US: / BACK IN B/G CITY, _/ * 1966. World ghte reserved. Jz; wink ] © King Resteres Syndicota, law ITS A RATHER LONG STORY, MARK-- BUT \T6 ABOUT LITTLE ANNIE= =\_NOT ME [Darewit ASCLuRe 3-26 HERE COMES THE WORLD'S DUMBEST DUCK! THOSE T) I'M GOIN' 'TO BUY ONE OF INY MOUTH ORGANS, HENRY ! HE'S STUPID, BOTHERSOME AND UNCOUTH, HE'S COMPLETELY LACKING IN BRAINS AND PER- |, SONALITY, AND BESIDES THAT, HE'S A 9-POUND WEAKLING/, @ King Fosters Syndeentn lan, TURK. World nghr teers WELL. «YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING. ae 5-16 . ve Sturg MINIATURE HARMONICAS IT 16 THE WOMAN OF THE NEWSPAPER....JANE ARDEN/ SO NOW GOOFY'S AN ICE-CREAM MAN@ HE ETERNAL TRIANGLE BUZ SAWYER ANADIANS ARE GENERALLY ICIOUG R.B. BENNETT'S ATTACK ON CAPITALISM. OF PRIME MINISTER HE'S A MILLIONA/ MARK MY WORD, THI cama 3 OWN IND J HIMSELF, "8 SOME TTACKING SUFFERS er THE 1935 ELECTIONG MACKENZIE KING'S LIBERALS . WIN 173 SEATS, CONSERVATIVES -- R. B. Bennett his HUMILIATING THE omy os TRUE, BUT THE ASSASSINS Hl TAKEN THAT INTO ACCOUNTAWHEN THEY MADE THEIR PLANS TO SLAY 4 HM, LETS iol nied TOMORROW § WEVE GOT TOTIP THEM OFF, Vii THAT THIS 1S AN AMBUSH f J y m pay oN THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 26, 1966 7 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Chempionship Play) South dealer, Both sides vulnerable. Jb4 The bidding: : South West North East _ 1NT Pass 2h Pass 2¢ Pass 2NT Pass 3NT Opening lead--king of spades, This deal occurred in the finals of the board-a-match championship played in Phoenix in 1962. It created a mild stir ip the scoring room because the North-South pair on one team sent in a score of plus 60% points while their teammates at the other table, holding 'the East-West cards, also sent in a score of plus 600 points. The official scorer quite na- turally thought that a mistake had been made at one table or the other, but, upon investiga- tion, it turned out that both scores were correct. At the first table, South ar- rived at three notrump after North had made use of the Stayman convention. This con- tract should have been defeated, but the declarer was accorded unusually friendly treatment by the defense and wound up with a total of nine tricks. West led the king of spades. Declarer won it and returned a spade, taken by the queen. When West shifted to a dia- mond, South took the ten with the jack, cashed the A-K, and returned a low diamond. West took the queen and led a heart, the queen losing to the king. Eventually, South made two spades, two hearts, four dia- ds and a club for a score [= =] MEXICAN GOVERNOR HAVE fal mm PLENTY PROTECTION FROM wo pct RANGERS fal = o i! '7 TOO LATE TO CATCH UP WITH YANG! WALKIES-TALKIG ONLY Way 3) TO WARN HIM THAT CORRIGAN »S AND PONNA ARE AMERICAN it el Agents / | a | bad 1} Lo E~ fal eG oO fa 7) @ 106 Wak Disney Produntions W orld Rights Floseeved 4 | >) ) Q i a a = o a \ Channe! 2--Buttalo 6-4--Church Service Channel 3--Barrie | 2--Fronters Of Faith Channel 4--Buffalo 11:30 A.M. Channel 6--Toronte e--Fiy! Fisherman Channel 7--Buffalo . The en risteshern Channel 8--Rochester T--Discovery '66 Channel 9%--Toronto 12:00 NOON Channel 11--Hamilton cae 9--Iallan Album TV 6--Tween Set SATURDAY SVE. | 7--Personal Dimension 6:00 P.M, | 12:15 P.M. 3--T.B.A | @-Pellx The Cat V--Fiipper 4 Long cee 9%--Voyage To The Bottom! 2--Silence Please 6--This Land of Ours 12:30 P.M, Of The Sea 11--Spectrum 63--This-Land of Ours My Hero 3--Shindig 4--Tennessee Tuxedo 2--Checkmate | 4---Living Word 4--Wrestling 3--Herald of Truth 6:30 P.M, o-Famiy - Playnenee 11-7--Shindig | 1:00 P.M. | 3-Musical Showcase N--Continentet AAtetatere 9--Spectrum 6:45 PLM, | S--Meet The Prese 1-443--News; Weather) 6--French For Love meer | 4--Ted Mack | Sir Francis Drake y P.M. bad | 1:30 P.M, %--Jackle Gleason 1--Peter Gunn 7---Big Show of the Week 63--Heverly Hillbillies 11--Spotlight 9--Dougias Fisher &--My Little Margie GOSH, THERES NOT A REDCENT IN MY PURSE / TO COME BACK AND WE'LL GO To THE MOVIES.' DIG UP SOME MONEY BY THEN - MORROW, KIDS, I'LL SEE IF I CAN / / 1 KNOW I BURIEDA JAR OF 7) PENNIES OUT HERE. weit he GOMEWHERE! py p ry * rape [| SRANDMAL, 77, = ' |GRANDMA! ~ 'ty DONT TELL ME HES USING THE LIVING-ROOM "NO! HES MOVED UP To GUEST TOWELS " Now! «HE'S USING YOUR NEW RUG IN THE | SPARE ROOM! ES SOMETHING \ THE MATTER NO TIME rN ' is To ne Festaves Spudeaia, imc. 1900. World nights vearood WELL...AT LEAST SHE TALKED TO ME! 7--Sunday Playhouse 4--Facing the Financial 6-3--Country Calendar o-Have Ovum WH Travel r 2:00 P.M, 7:30 P.M, | 11--This Space Age 1--Candid Camera 9--Jr, "A" Hockey ve Ser we | 6:3--Special Music van 4--NFL 4--Jackle Gleason vane McHale's Navy | 3:00 P.M, | & Movi 8:00 P.M, JAC. $c i--Jamboree AFL Footbal 9--Academy Performance . ray #2--| Dream of Jeannie ¥ uke 0 PM aa I +-M ee On | 7--Dialogue 8:20 P.M. 4--NFL Game 11--Club 11 Dance Party 7--Lawrence Welk 4:00 P.M, 6-3----NHL Hockey 2--Sports in Action . ll--Top Cat Chicago at Toronto 4--Secret Agent | &Movie 4:30 PLM, 9:00 P.M. : . 04--Movie | 2 Crosby Golf Torna: 9:30 P.M [Tiny Talent Time --Great Music | 9--Bilko | &3--Sight and Cast 4--The Loner | 4--Cadabout Gaddis 10:00 P.M, 5:00 P.M, 9--Run For Your Life a Family Theatre +---Gunsmoke 9--Canadian Talent 10:15 PLM, Showcase 6-3---Juliette | 7--Wrestling 10:30 P.M, | 63--Nature of Things TB ieckoueter | 4--Gadabout Gaddis 7--The King Family |} 2--Wild Kingdom 11:00 P.M, 5:30 P.M, | 4-4.7-4-43-2-- Newsy | 9--Peter Potamus Weather; Sports | 7--Big Show of the Week Wis | 6--Hymn_ Sing | , are | 3--Lost In Space | Vi--Bleck Bweter Gen | 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour Hewes | 8--Coilege Bowl Metre Pinal | oN Metre | 6:00 P.M, O4--Berrdey Night of | %--Walt Disney Presents The Movies | 6--Perry Mason | 4--Twentieth Century | bea a 7--Golf Tournament -- | 4--Oports 6:30 P.M, 1:30 PLM. \}--Lost In Space a re | 3---Filoper 4 frill Showcase 2--Bell Teleohone Hour 7:00 P.M, : PPO band Pi. | 9-Please Don't Bat The | Daisies suMDAY | 7--Voyage To The 9:00 A.M. | Bottom of 'The Sea V--Cethedrai Chimes |63--Hank 9--Tidés and Trails +--Lacsle 7--Shehanigans | 7:30 PLM, | Bwana Don 1l--A.H.L. Hockey | 9:30 AM. 9--Amos Burke {Yn 1tatien' Journal $2--Disney's World of %--Cartoon Playhouse Color 7--Peeter Potamus 6-3--F lashback &-- The Ahower 4--My Favorite Martian | 10:00 A.M, | 8:00 P.M, 1)--Caraselio | ?--The FBI t--Heraid of Trum | ++8--Ed WSviltven Show 1-8--Rocketship P 8:30 P.M. 6--Sunday Schoo! 1 4--Lamp Unto My eet.) eemel Mevie | Church invitation +3--Branded 10:30 A.M, 9:00 P.M, Aeta 3-6-3--Bonanza | 6--Extensicn | I--Movie | This. 1s The Lite 4--Perry Mason | 4--Uncie Jerry's Club 9:30- PM, | 11:00 A.M 9--Peyton Place | n 1A Jr. "A" Hockey 10:00 P.M, Tis Is The Lite 11--Movie 7--Bullwinkle Show | 9--pr. Kildare TELEVISION LOG « 68--Wacklest Ship in The Army 63--This Hour Has Seven Days | Comere | 10:30 P.M, | 4--Bhet's My Lime | 11:00 P.M. | 441-443 9-- Neowes Weether, Sports 11:20 PLM, 11---This Space Age |7-+0--Lete Shew S--Awers Theetre | 11:30 P.M, | é--Infernational Cinema 11:40 PLM, 1--Wrestling | % Douglas Fisher | MORBAY | 2:00 AM 4--Captain Kangeree | 6:30 AM, \l--Albert J. Steed | %--Romoer Room 9:08 A.A. 9--Playtime with Uncle 4--Mike's Carnivel | 7:30 AM, 4--Gypsy Rose Lee Show 2--Dobie Gillis 10:08 A.M, 11--News §-2--Fractured Phrases 4--1 Love Lucy 10:98 AM, 1--Ed Allen o...Bingo 8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed &3--Friendly Glant 4--The McCoys 1:00 AAA, 11--Mike Douglas Show 9--Mr. and Mrs, 8-2--Morning Star 6-3--Butternut Square | 4-Andy of Mayberry 11:30 A.M; 4-Dick Van Dyke | 2--Abracadaban | 12:09 NOON | %--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy | 7--Money Movie | é--Luncheon Date | 4--News ang Weather 12:98 Pm. 9--1 Love Lucy 8-2--Play Post Office 6-4---Seach for lomorrow 3--Neendey Report 12:48 Pm, Racing Forum 64--Gulding Light 1:08 Pia, 1--Theatre 9--Morning Star Matinee | 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Mee!t The Millers 3--Movie B----Mike Devgies Show 1) Pm. 9--James Beard Show &4--As Tho World Turns | 0 Pm j 9--Kids is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M, %--Dear Charlotte 2:38 P.M. 9---People in Conflict? 6-t--Ine Dostors 7--A Time For Us 6--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 4:00 Pim. ll--Donna Reed 4---Another, World 9--Fractured Phrases 7--@enere! ricepitet 63--To Tell The Truth 5:30 Pim 11--Funny Company 9--It's Your Move 8--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrteas 63--lane 4--Hdge of Night 2--Cartoon Carnival x - CROSSWORD ACKOSS 49. Narrow 1, Egypt. valley sun god 50. Confederate 4, Bird's general cry 51. Wapiti 7. Man from DOWN Lublin 1. See 30 8, Old-time down exclamar 2. Otherwise tion 3. Track 10, Clamor events 11. It falls 4.Part of the 25. Plant but never Occident dat breaks abbr. 27. Joke 13, Small 5. Arabic with night birds letter 29. Baby 15, Terror 6. Salary 16, Pronoun 7. Might 30. Work 17, Hack or 9. Split hairs, 31,Name circular, literally 33. Lady sane 10. City: of a Alaska 'Troy 19. Left-hand 7, TVs me. 20, Units of 4 + ¥ work YW) Y 23. Postponed indefinitely, |! Gv ! as a legise lative bill 26, Hardwood ne 28, Verily 29, Calm 32..No sooner e | said than said / Y 35, Radium: ALLL. sym, co 32 iS [34 36, E ted = 38, Sullivan or 3s Y WY) 36 bu 4 mn 39. fect 39 40 [41 Y 42 43 144 42, Restrain ar (with up) 45. Reel life 47. More in- Whria YZ i O frequent WA Y ; YW Ww 48. Stack of wi mc YOUR HEALTH Ganglion Cyst, Tumor Of Tendon By JOSEPH G. MOLNER,-MD Dear Dr. Molner: My 15-year-|There is nothing to fear in such old daughter discovered a smalljan operation, Follow your doc- bump on her ankle bone and in/tor'r advice. a few weeks it grew to the size| of a marble..The doctor x-rised Dear Dr. Molner: My mother of 600 points. At the second table, the bid. ding started exactly the same way, but when North respond- ed two clubs, East doubled for lead purposes. Again three no» trump played by South became the contract, but at this table West led the queen of clubs, which East could afford to over- take with the king to force out the ace and establish the clubs, The declarer did not play the hand well; he started out by losing four clubs, two spades and a heart. Late in the play he also got desperate and tried a diamond finesse, but West had 'bared his queen by this time and was now also able to cash the 9-8 of hearts and put de clarer down six--600 points. SALLY'S SALLIES one ovary removed. Will I menstruate every other month? Does this make a woman go through change of life earlier? Is there still a possibility of getting pregnant? I am 30.-- Mrs. A. L. You will menstruate every month as usual but you may not ovulate (produce an ovum) each time. Pregnancy is still possible provided, of course, that the remaining ovary is functioning normally. It is unlikely that menopause (change of life) will occur ear- lier. Nole to L.B.: We cannot say that there is a cure for multiple sclerosis but there are methods of slowing its progress. Envi- ronment has nothing to do with causing the disease. EARN UP TO $100. A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES. Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principal cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH' training. Complete course DAY or EVENINGS. For free brochure, write: or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 years Dept. OT,.219 Bloor St. W. TORONTO it and said it was a ganglion,|and I both have small, flat and that it should be removed) white spots just under the skin at the hospital. Shall we dolat the corners of the eyes. They what he says?--Mrs. C. §, are: not sore but .do not look The word ganglion has sev-| good. What can be done? To cut eral meanings but in this case|or burn them off would leave a it is a cyst or tumor of a ten-|scar as bad as the spots.--Mrs. don, I have known of instances|F. P. in which a-hard blow smashes} They probably are a form of such a cyst, but I don't recom-| whitehead, or plugged skin mend this method. It doesn't glands. They can be evacuated al vays work, it is painful, other|without scarring or burning. tissues may be damaged, andj Your doctor or a skin specialist there is no guarantee that the|can do it. Don't try it yourself cyst will not seal itself and be-|--too close to the eyeball. gin to swell up again, Surgical removal is the sensible answer. | Dear Dr. Molner: 1 have had! LOOK! LOOK! Homes Wanted Buy or Rent For @ lerge Teronte firm transter- ing Executives and Labor Staff. Anywhere in Oshawe and Suburbs. All Cash for All Purchases . . . + CALL DOUG CARMICHAEL H. KEITH LTD. Realtor 723-7463 = ha tide

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