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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Mar 1966, p. 32

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32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 30, 1966 tenders opened recently were all too high. $35,000,000 EXPENDITURES FORESTALLED --Smaller public buildings, such as post offices, in On- tario and British Columbia, Construction Jobs Delay Announced where construction was par- ticularly heavy. --Improvements at various: airports and harbor and ma- rine works in coastal areas where there is "serious pres- sure" on the construction in- dustry. OTHERS TO FOLLOW others will be announced later. GE ? 8 . Sig" emai cue Da DeCIAtion | He added that Crown corpora- tions are being asked to slow their construction work, too. Lo- cal centennial projects would not have to be completed in 1967 to qualify for federal grants. Apart from construction pro- jects, new federal programs of assistance requiring substantial Allowance Continues OTTAWA (CP)--The 50-per-| cent depreciation allowance for capital spending by business to cost allowance p) cograms--some of which nave be en replaced by a program of g rants, particu- larly slow growth and high unemploy- ment--will be al lowed to expire jon schedule. prevent water pollution will be|preciation on pi'ant and equip- said in his budge t speech Tues- are scheduled to expire Dec. 31 day night. He said other : special capital in design ated areas of With a capital cost allowance, companies in s:omputing their taxable income may charge de- this year: A 50-per-cent rate of allow- ance on new machinery for manufacturing or processing businesses, or newspaper or magazine businesses by an individual resident in Canada or a company with a degree of Canadian ownership. --Extra allowances to permit a full write-off in four years for grain storage buildings and machinery in grain ele- vators. for increased spending on scientific research. This pro- gram has been replaced al- ready by the general incen- tives for research and devel- pment program initiated the industry department. Scheduled to expire on March 31, 1967, are these programs: -~A 20-per-cent rate of allow- ance for new buildings ac- quired in designated areas. --A 50-per-cent rate for new machinery for business, which has heen ranleced b~ --A grain elevator at Prince Rupert, B.C., delayed because Mr. Sharp said these defer- extended one year to the end of|ment as an exprense. ments are only examples and : 1967, Finance Minister Sharn! Threa of th: ooccial pivesaumno) OTTAWA (CP)--Federal con- struction projects 'worth about $35,000,000 will be put off for at jeast a year, Finance Minister Sharp announced in his budget Tuesday night. Tue ucat puase im owe Cun struction of the $150,000,000 causeway between New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island will be slowed as part of a pro- gram to ease inflationary pres- sure in the construction indus- Council and buildings at ech : ' central experimental farm. cent deduction! --A 1a - per - a grants program. spending in 7 also were ruled out, Pfograms\announced previously /are not affected. | 7: WIN ONE OF THESE GREAT PRIZES! try. Mr. Sharp announced a 10- per-cent cut in the govern- ment's $348,000,000 construction budget for the fiscal year start- ing April 1. He suggested to the provinces that they exercise similar restraint in their high- way-building programs. The causeway - bridge -tun- nel project to connect P.E.I. with the mainland, Jaunched with fanfare three days before the Nov. 8 election by former mines minister MacNaught, rated one paragraph in the budget: : "A readjustment of the time- table for the next phase of the Northumberland causeway pro- ject (is planned) in order to minimize the pressures on the peak summertime employment market and to maximize win- ter employment possibilities. WILL BE HELD BACK A government spokesi/an said this means the next contract to be awarded likely will be held back until next winter. The first contract, for a road hag : ; to the New Brunswick en : Z the causeway near Cape Tor- ' $ 'ch. Winners will mentine, is scheduled to be ol 's eeder 3 completed this summer. fe Mr. Sharp listed the following oth Clark Foods on projects that will be deferred Winners will be anno until after April 1, 1967: --Several buildings in Ot- tawa, including a new na- tional museum, a headquar- ters for the income tax di- vision, a structures laboratory for the National Research CLARK FANCY QUALITY Tomato JUICE WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE CLARK BEANS PREMIUM (10 VARIETIES) CLARK Reg. Pri ce tin 39 9: uy ENTER! Rk FOODS PRODUCTS one Number on r Facsimile on en eee 4 COLOUR RCA TV SETS 130 KODAK INSTAMATIC 104 CAMERA OUTFITS 6 RCA PORTABLE TV SETS 300 KODAK HAWKEYE INSTAMATIC F CAMERAS 130 SAILOR BOY PUNCHING BAG BALLOONS (3"% $4.95) TOTAL PRIZE VALUE *15,000-° Reg. Price tin 39¢ -- SAVE Se 2369. 3 VARIETIES CLARK STEWS TINS CLARK (WITH MEAT SAUCE) Reg. Price pkg 49¢ -- SAVE 4e SPAGHETTI DINNER "45: " rene a-oe areuce Ey amemnce emg | | Fresh Fruits and Vegetables | , ASPARAGUS California, Long, Green, First Of The Season, No. 1 Grade nO PINEAPPLES Royal Hawaiian, "The Aristocrat of Pineapples", No. 1 Grade, Large wi JO! ARIZONA, FRESH, CRISP, GREEN, Ne. 1 GRADE r LETTUCE 1 12>: Dew 3 5. CALIF., By the Bunch, Fresh, Green, Spring Crop, No, 1 Grade : LARGE ORIGINAL BCHS ¢ TEXAS, CURLY LEAF, No, 1 GRADE 10-02 CELLO BAGS Cd SPINACH BUG YET? DAFFODILS no 39: : C heck These Low, Low Prices LIPTON SOUP pci 2 enveloves 2 7c China Lily 10-f-oz bil 2 Se SAUCE EVAP. MILK ier 9 KETCHUP 2 i5-H-er bis AO A&P Fancy Quality SOCKEYE SALMON #510 57 Scotties (White or Coloured) Reg. 2 pkgs 676 -- SAVE 126 FACIAL TISSUE = 3 r%s:01400 89 Crest Reg. Price tube $1.09 -- SAVE 1060 TOOTHPASTE i tomiysizente 99c Rose Brand Reg. Price jar 37¢e -- SAVE 116 PICKLES "iit 3 i6407i001.00 SWEET MIXED 5e Off Deal Reg. Price pkg 89¢ -- SAVE AN EXTRA 4e SOLO MARGARINE 314s 8 5¢ remem econ Withholding Tax Removed In New Budget OTTAWA (CP) -- Federal, provincial and municipal gov- ernments will find it easier to borrow money with removal by Finance Minister Sharp of the 15-per-cent witholding tax on in- terest payments to non - resi- dents on securities of Canadian governments, The exemption, to aid the sale of Canadian bonds and deben- tures in the United States and Europe, is to come into effect April 15, to enable the three levels of government to borrow funds more easily for needed public services. In addition to the three levels of government and their agen- cies, bonds of hospitals and edu- cation institutions guaranteed by a province will be able to qualify for exemptions. The minister said in his budget speech Tuesday night he has decided against making any decision on whether bonds issued by business or individu- als 'in Canada should qualify pending the general revision of the Income Tax Act after re- ceipt this spring of the Carter royal commission report on taxation. 9. Reg. Price 2 tins 37¢ -- SAVE 17¢ SOUPS J 49: IT'S THE |EAT| IN THE | ME|AT| THAT COUNTS AT As?! GRADE "A" -- IMPORTED -- 18-OZ. MINIMUM WEIGHT -- LUXURY EATING AT A&P SENSIBLE PRICES ROCK CORNISH =] GAME CHICKENS BURNS WIENERS "8X BRAND, COLD CUTS 8X BRAND, TRAY PACK, ASSORTED BEEN BITTEN BY THE BURNS, VAC PAC PEAMEALED HALVES camera oe BLADE STEAK PORK SAUSAGE MEAT +53: CONTAGE ROLL 6% SUPER-RIGHIT QUALITY -- CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED RED BRAND STEER BEEF PORK HOCKS tb B35 SHORT or CROSS CUT ine, Sliced lb &9c BLADE BONE REMOVED lb PEAMEALED CENTRE CUTS END CUTS RiB ROASTS | BEEF BOLOGNA 2. 2-07 pkos &9c Super-Right! Brand, Vac Pao MAC. & (CHEESE LOAF Burns, Rind! ess, Vac Pae SIDE BA\CON SPECIAL! SAVE 77: Jane. Parker LARGE SIZE NGEL CAKE $1.00 Regular Price 59 each 6-0z pkg 29- %-lb pkg SYe 2s 99 BLADE ROAST BACK BACON) +99 189 ROUND BONE BEEF POT ROAST LEAN, MEATY b 7 5c SHOULDER ROAST-47: BRAISING RIBS +43: CORNED BEEF This summer it's harder than ever to put off that trip to Europe. You have the choice of a record number of 29 transatlantic jet flights from Toronto every week. Jet direct to London by magni- ficent BOAC Rolls-Royce 707 or Air Canada giant DC-8 jet. And it's cheaper, too! From April 1, new low transatlantic air fares come into effect. (Example: a 21- day Economy Excursion Toronto-Zurich will cost you only $412* return--a saving of nearly $22.00). Let the Travel Bug bite you, See Furope this summer. But first . . . see your Travel Agent. "Subject to government approval > BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA FOI A LOW PRICE DISH -- CHOOSE AéP FISH PINK SALMON i) | COC)KED PERCH FILLETS ib 59e HADDOCK FILLETS b4Qe BRE:AD CRUMBS 10-0z pko B Le LEMON JUICE 2 2-f-oz eins 25 SWEET & SOUR PACIFIC (HALVES) iM. TOMATO SEA SEALD JANE PARKER SUNKIST RECONSTITUTED PLASTIC SQUEEZE CTNS. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD }GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 2 1966. AD) FOOD STORES ys f Aa P MEANS DEPENDABILITY

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