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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Apr 1966, p. 19

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34---Automobile Repair |36--Legal 361 Bloor E. 24 hour towing -- auto parts. USED AUTO PARTS, anything. Apply Chaskavich Auto . Wreckers, east of Oshawa on Hwy. 2, corner of Solina Road. 3$--Lost ond Found OSHAWA SPRING SERVICE 723-0821 Repsirs ond instaiiarons oF Springs to all makes of cars and trucks. DOC'S AUTO SPEED & CUSTOM Serviced by licensed mech- anic. Open 7 days till 10 p.m. 1600 King St. E., 728-7781 (formerly Oshawa Towing) six miles Lost 7.3% a.m. Thursday. 299 Simcoe Street) South. telephone 725-4585. 36--Legol -- Toy Pomeranian, disappeared Children's pet. Please return or DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Ceportment of Public Works of Canada, Room B 326, Sir Charles Tup- | per Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa , and endorsed "TENDER FOR DREDGING OF APPROXIMATELY 45 000 CUBIC YARDS, PLACE MEASUREMENT, CLASS "'B" MATERIAL, COBOURG ONT. will be received until 3:00 P.M, (E.D.S.T.), WEDNES- DAY, MAY 4, 1966. Tender documents can be ob- tainde through: Chief En- gineer, Room E-443, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ont.; District Engineer, 241 Jarvis Street, Toronto 2, Ont. | To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment ond must be accom- panied by the security speci- fied in the tender documents. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS | IN THE ESTATE OF | PETER FULLER | All persons having claims against the Estate of PETER FULLER, late of the City of | Oshowa, in the County of On- torio, Press Operator, De- ceased, who died on the 10th day of March, 1966, must file their claims with the un- dersigned before the 25th day of April, 1966, after which | date the assets of the Estate | will be distributed hoving re- gard only to the claims so | filed. DATED this March, 1966. HYMAN & HYMAN, 86 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor 31st. day of | TAKE NOTICE that on application will be made to the presiding Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario in his Chambers at the Court House, Whitby, Ontario, on Thurs- day, the 28th day of April, 1966, ot 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon by Frank Har- old John LeBlanc, residing st 115 Barrie Avenue, Osh- awo, Ontario, to change. his name to Frank Harold John White. DATED at Oshawe, Ontario, this 17th day of March, A. D. 1966. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH and VICTOR 5 Simcoe Street North | Oshawa, Ontario. | Solicitors for the Applicant. TENDERS For Additions To ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL Tenders ore called for the construction of the nine classraom schoo! ad- dition with general purpose room to the existing St. Fran- cis School located on Hor- mony Rood South, Oshawa Tenders will be accepted not later than Tuesdoy, April 12, | 1966 at 4:30 P.M. at the | office of the architect, Wil- | liem Saccoccio, 215 Morris Rd., West Hill, Ontario The owner is Boord of R. C Separate. School Trustees, Oshawa. presently being SEALED TENDERS. Will be accepted until April 15, 1966, on o Case tractor, double discs, 2 furrow plow and spring harrows. All qood condition To inspect coll | ANTHONY SIBLOCK 728-7576 | THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its meeting to be held on Monday the 2nd day of May, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. -at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Osh- awa intends to pass a by-law to close up: All and Singular those certain parcels and tracts of land and premises, situate, lying ond being in the City of Oshawa in the County and Province of On- tario and being composed of all of thot part of the lone lying between Lots 65 and 80, lots 66 and 79, and lots 67 and 78 as shown on Plan 40.B, lying between _ the south limit of Midtown Drive as opened by by-law number 4446 ond registered as in- strument number 141179 and the north limit of Bagot Street and a further port of the said lane lying between the south limit of Street and the North Limit of that part of the said lane closed by by-law number 3167 and registered as in- strument number 83667, the soid last mentioned limit be- ing o line drawn through o point in the east limit of said lot 67, fifty feet north of the south-east angle of said lot 67 and parallel to the pro- duction of the southerly limit of said lot and that part of Bagot Street bounded on the east and west by the produc- tion of the east and west limits of the said lane which parcel may be more particu- larly described as follows: 1. PART OF SAID LANE: COMMENCING at a point in the east limit of Lot 65 where it is intersected by the south limit of Midtown Drive. THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches. more or less along the south liimt of Midtown Drive to its intersection with the east limit of soid lone; THENCE South along the eost limit of said lane to the south-west angle of Lot 79 (being also a point in the north limit of Bagot Street); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the westerly production of the south limit of Lot 79 (being along the north limit of Bagot Street) to a point therein be- | ing the south east angle of Lot 66; THENCE north along the east limits of Lots 66 end 65 (being along the west limit of said lane) to the point of commencement. 2. BEING ALL OF THAT PART OF BAGOT STREET DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING ot the south- eost angle of Lot 66 being | a point in the north limit-of | Bagot Street; | THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the easterly production of the | south limit of Lot 66 (being along the north limit of Bagot Street) to the southwest angle of Lot 79; THENCE south 49 feet 6 inches more or less along the southerly production of the west limit of Lot 79 to a point in the south limit of Bagot Street (being the northwest angle of Lot 78); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the westerly production of the north limit of Lot 78 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the northeast angle of Lot 67; THENCE north 49 feet 6 inches more or less along the northerly production of the east limit of Lot 67 to the point of commencement. 3. PART OF THE SAID LANE COMMENCING at the south- east angle of said Lot 67; THENCE north 50 feet along th east limit of Lot 67 toa point in the: east limit (being also in the west limit of said lane, said point being the northwest angle of that por- tion of soid lane described: as Pacre! 2 in instrument 83899 Oshawa) said point being the point of beginning; THENCE north along the west limit of Lot 67 (being along the west limit of said lone) to a point in the south limit of Bagot Street (said point being also the northeest angle of Lot 67); THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the easterly production of the north limit of Lot 67 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the northwest ongle of Lot 78; THENCE south along the west limit of Lot: 78. (being the east limit of said lane) to a point distant northerly there- in 50 feet from. the south- west angle of said Lot 78 (said point being the north- east angle of that portion of said lone described as Parcel 2 in instrument 83899 Osh- owoa); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less and par- allel to the south limit of Lot 78 (being along the north limit of that part of said lane described os Porcel 2 in in- strument 83899 Oshawa) to the point of beginning A plan showing the parts of the lane and that part of Bagot Street to be closed is on file and may be examined ot the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario AND TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE thot at the said meeting the Council shall hear in per- son or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-low ond who applies to be heard DATED AT OSHAWA. this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1966. L. R. Barrand, Esq., City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA, Ontario. ' | 38--Coming Events _ 136--Legal SEALED TENDERS Will be occepted until April 15, 1966, for demolishing a 1A san 2 storev home at 374 Farewell Avenue, Osh- awa, Ta inenect the building call A. SIBLOCK 728-7576 |38---Coming Events BINGO UAW. HALL 7:30 P.M & GAMES-OF-$20,,..$30., $40., $50, JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH LEGAL NOTICE Would anyone knowing the whereabouts of VIOLET BAINBRIDGE HARRIS, kind- ly contact PATRICK G. -Me- DONALD, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, ot 411 Anglo American Building, 330 Ninth Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta DEALING IN SERVICES? An ac in the Business Service Directory brings extra customers a> moderate cost. 123-3492 to place your ad. Telephon MONDAY 8:00 P.M BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East at Forewell -- FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE -- 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 SNOWBALL---$210 in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line. Regular Jackpot $100 in 55 Nos. $20 Con. SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Tickets Available at The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Please. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO MON., APRIL 4th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize. $250 Jackpot Nos. 53 and 57 $50 Consolatio Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or less $50. Consolation $150. Jackpot $20 a line $50 full cord 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. $100.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children under 16 not admitted Tickets on Easter Hams to be drawn tonight. SATURDAY, APRIL 2Zna 20 GAMES $10 A GAME BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION Jackpot 56 and 50 €! Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners BINGO, Bathe Park, Evlalle Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m. and Euchre, Saturday, 18 p.m. |NEW DEMOCRATIC Youth Organization Speaker Dr. Otvos. For further information contact Terry |meeting, April 13. | Smith, 725-9257. CLASSIFIED CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 | LenS | IZZA | Phone 723-0241 s or 728-0192 SATURDAY NIGHT OLD TIME and Danee to RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN Toronto's Most Versatile Group DANCE NEW TORNADOS DANCING vcs From Young Couples A- Courtin' Te nniversary Celebrants Covortin'. It's rer Assurance of @ Per- t Evening. Pircnpy print ean iy oucnrs Tas | [ce ibe rr 'uLuliBik PICLUNES promants as MATT HELM COLUMBIACOLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT wer COLOR 'rus prooucrion + A COLL BAY RIDGE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Hwy No. 2 Block East of Liverpool Road North FREE IN-CAR HEATERS ADULTS $1.50-- CHILDREN FREE TONIGHT IN COLOUR 12 \ tg SPORTS | Shells World | of Golf 5 P.M. Channel 2 and 8 ADVENTURE FLIPPER 9 7:30 P.M. Chennel | 2 and 8 / \ 6 WATCH COLOR TELEVISION Choice -- 8 Models immediate Delivery CHERNEY'S Any Time is a delightful time at 1626 Simcoe St. North Canadian Diabetic Association Meeting Thursday, March 31st McLaughlin Hall 8 p.m. Speaker: Mr. John Kessler. Movies of Bermuda and West Indies For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION Gord's THE KING OF THE RYTHM AND BLUES SOUND 245 KING ST. £. THE OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE Serving Full Course STEAK DINNER SPECIALS for only 1.95 daily. OPEN EVERY NIGHT for late evening dining. Telephone 725-9111 Pian now to attend this all new well supervised and friendly teen to twenty night club. First of its kind In Oshewe. Open 4 nights every week. The club offers you ean exotic atmosphere for dancing, gomes or T.¥. In the lounge. AFTER HOURS DANCE CLUB King St. East at the Town Line Fri, Sat. Sun. Nights 8:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Every Wed, is Ledies' Night'-- Dress: Must Be Neot Membership $1:00 : Continues All Next Week SAVE °2" Per Gallon CILTONE '" Reg. 9.95 GALLON 7:35 CILTONE ~~ Reg. 3.35 QUART 2°55 ed GOODE'S HARDWARE 723-9312 "GET"' THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Feoturing: LITTLE CAESAR and the CONSULS 50c Members @. 75c Non-Members DRESS: -- Shirt and Tie CONTINUOUS DAILY FEATURE TODAY AT: 2:25 - 4:45 - 7:05 - 9:30 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 2, 1966 19, GOT A BAND? Register Now for Dates-- Dances, Weddings, ete. Use Scseaceee SOOM ING | AGENCY, LTD. BOX 192 WHITBY, ONT. (CUSTOMER ENQUIRIES ALSO INVITED) Never Seen Before! - Teen-Agers Zoom To Supersize And Terrorize A Townl O08 C.L.A. MAN 1m SAIGON... BT Now Playing INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 DIRECT FROM ITS PREMIERE SHOWINGS. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES. NO RESERVED SEATS. NOW EVERYONE CAN SEE THE MOST LOVERLY MOTION PICTURE OF ALL TIME! my, FAIR LADY Wier of 8 'ye Academy Awards including Best Pitoe zoe, MIRC HORN REX HARON TECHNICOLOR" JPY, SUPER PANAVSION"70- FROM WARNER BROS. ll" OPENS THURSDAY April 7th PLAZA THEATRE 4 Shows Daily LEADING LADIES "Rhythm end Blues' The Way You Like Them. Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. Matinee Saturday 4 P.M. te 6 P.M. KING ST OSHAWA FOR YOUNG MODERNS" "COOL JAZZ Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 4 P.M, to 6 P.M. DUNDAS ST WHITBY ALFRED HITCH pO THRILLERS FOR THE PRICE OF (ve SOREEN'S MAN OF THE YEAR Y Prepare yourself for in the most provocative sheer stabbing situation imaginable! ™" snocKk! + Ww J | Mc + mi | TECHNICOLOR '| TPP HEDREN |] OIANE BAKER MA" GABEL Serenpay by MY PRESSON ALLEN An ADULT DS -- 1:30 - 5:35 - 9:45 --3:30 - 7:35 - L.C.S. 7:35 Tonight Only At 5.20 & 9.30 WIGLETS 100% Real Hair with Beautiful WIG CARRYING CASE wy 1 fa OSHAWA BEAUTY SUPPLY 15 King St. East PHONE 723-7011 Bridgette Bardot -- IN -- "God Created Woman" TECHNICOLOR ADMITTANCE 2 10 Penson 'i 19 vem OF oct OF Oe BIG features Storts Sunday ot 6 p.m, 61-475 ABMMNER FM PRODUCTION 404 CPeon BILTMORE DOUBLE FEATURE TREAT! NEVER BEFORE SHOWN... ANYWHERE! CHILDREN Lie MATINEES BESAT. AND SUN. | ~ MATINEES SAT. 1 & 3 P.M, -- SUN. 1:30 & 3:30 P.M, BILTMORE 58

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