THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 4, 1966 15 Miss Jean Boaprey Honored On Retirement From Duplate The Ladies' Lounge of the|Miss Boaprey was presented Oshawa Golf Club was the set-|with a figurine as an expres- ting for a gathering of her for-/sion of their esteem, and at the mer associates to honor Miss |same time the farewell gift of Jean Boaprey on her retire-|the head office staff, a travel- ment from Duplate Limited. Boaprey was afterwards enter- The evening started with ajtained at a luncheon at Club buffet dinner in the dining-| Cabret. room after which an enjoyable) -- ees Ray ee evening was spent in the lounge | where Suis Boaprey was pre-| SOCIAL NOTICE sented with a corsage of car-| Canada ling case, was presented. Mfss/ nations and roses, and the gift of a gold necklace set with a blue opal. The guests recalled many happy times over the past years and dessert and cof- FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Oshawa, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter, Susan Joy, to) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Powell, |_ Saturday, May 14, is the date set for the wedding of Miss Susan Joy Powell to Mr. Stephen Douglas | Graham. Theceremony | will take place in Albert Street United Church at 3 o'clock in. the afternoon. CHILD GUIDANCE MAY 14 IS THEIR WEDDING DAY can get at them when you are not with him. Don't give him any book or magazine to carry around and manipulate as if it were a toy. ¢. nerente nut inte the baby's hand a cloth picture book. He may get amusement from it. But as he can handle it ever so roughly without tear- ing it, he Will not gait good js practice at using it for learning to handle a book which can be easily torn. i Be sure the book you begin to read to your child is a sturdy book with attractive pictures. Use the same book over and over again in these early stages. No matter how tired you may be of reading from the same pages, he may seem never to tire of it. Later acquaint him gradually with new pages and eventually with a new book. But, as a rule, the more familiar a rhyme, page or story is the more your. child will like it, and the more he will con- centrate as he looks and listens. Keep on reading to him sev- eral times a day. Dad or an older brother or sister should also read to him. By the time he is ready for school, he may enjoy listening to stories of Miss Powell is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Powell of Oshawa, and her prospective bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Graham, Ameliasburg, Ontario. Photos by Stillwell Grade 2, Grade 3 or of a higher level. Do keep reading to him a little, even long after: he en- ters the Grade 1, There is no better exercise in concentration, $RASSS TAL LED i fee were served. Mr. Stephen Douglas Graham, In the Toronto head office |son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce) where the guest of honor con-|Graham, Ameliasburg, Ontario. | cluded her years of service The ceremony is to take place) with the company, the female|on Saturday, May 14, 1966 at members of the executive staff 3.00 p.m. in Albert Street Unitec met in the board room where|Church, Oshawa. | in language development, in your child's growing wish to learn to read and his feelings Child's Desire To Read j ' of tenderness toward a book) Needs Early Stimulation when voute reading to him. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Suppose you saw your child, six, while with several By GARRY C MYERS, PhD {read to him. Then they may You know some children as! give up and not read to him at ANN LANDERS Symbol Of Atroci Is Poor Decoration Dear Ann Landers: My father fought for the allies in Europe during the Second World War He ard his men captured a Nazi {cade-crters. They di- vided tue . i flags, lugers, helmets end olier items which were suitable for souvenirs. A few months ago my dad took his souvenirs out of the attic and decided to decorate the rec room. He placed the Nazi flag on a stand next to the American flag. Anyone could see it was meant as a decoration. Some friends of my came to play bridge last ni When they saw the Nazi they said some words I canno spell and you cannot print. I) guess they were overly upset | because they had lost some relatives in the German gas chambers and the sight of a Nazi flag was too much for; them. My mother says if that Nazi flag is going to cause so muc commotion, dad should take it down. Dad says he is not ex- pecting anybody to salute it-- that it's just a souvenir. What do you say--Bystander Dear By: Salute it yet Your dad must be out of his mind? to place the Nazi flag next to the American flag. And you picked a fine person to ask what | to do with it. The thought of those butchers enrages me s0 that I ean barely see to type the answer to the next letter. Put the thing back in the attic. Or, better yet, tell your dad to) burn it. parents ght. Dear Ann Landers: I am & 17-year-old girl who has a very serious problem. I am sure that my 16-year-old brother is a homosexual. What can I do to help him Our parents are divorced and we live with our mother. I'm not close to mother and it would) be hard for me to bring up the subject. My father would not be interested. Should I tell my brother I want to help him He has never discussed this with me and I have not let on that I know something is wrong with him. Please give me some advice.-- Big Sister Dear Big Sister: While most homosexuals are lonely and des- perately unhappy, some are reasonably content and have no desire to change. Unless your brother confides in you that he wants help, say clk WIFE PRESERVER | Crochet two yarn loops and a-| ttach inside the cuffs of -child-| ren's long-sleeved sjreaters. Then kids can hold sleeves in! place when donning coats. 5 } i old as five, six or seven who| | enjoy. the selfsame books from | which they were read to before) |the age of two or three. This |did not just happen. It resulted | from thoughtful guidance by his) |parents from his earliest years | When your youngster begins} to show interest in pictures in la book or magazine, be with |him while he looks at them and talks about them. Show him nothing. to him--or to anyone), hook with many pictures and else. The family physician}, small amount of nursery| would be the one to talk to if rhymes or attractive meaning- your brother asks for your coun- | ¢,)j prose connected with these sel pictures. While your child looks ' at the pictures on a page, talk| Dear Ann Landers: When Tito him about them. Before you was in the tservice I met a girl) know it, you will be using the I liked a lot. Her parents were | words on the page for this talk-| jvery good to me and I had) ine_you will be reading to him.| many wonderful Sunday dinners ' : Your child may 'be excitable at their home ae eek eee and want to turn to the next) ' | t : y do} and have invited this girl to geo age tan ioe free Se | it roughly. Gently and tenderly} meet my folks : (She lives 200| restrain his hand and try to in-| miles away.) I told her she) gice him to wait a moment till could stay in our home and) yoy talk (read) a bit more. Use| share my sister's bedroom. She | your best judgment in deciding| ties flag | wrote that she and her mother | how long to make him wait. He) TEACH BOOK CARE would love to come. We don't have room for two people because the bed in mY|on tp wait till you have read sister's room is the only extra} 1 ¢ vord that es. | bed. in the house. Also, if lie veer joc pba t00 ex girl's mother comes, my mother cited or resistant, close the would have to entertain her and/ hook and put it away, to bring mother isn't the social type. " What stiould I do?--n A Picite. |, was ent tim "eet and| Dear Pickle: Obviously the again during the next few girl doesn't consider it proper| weeks. You may be amazed at) to stay in your home unless her) the way he will look and listen| > Wa} an | mother accompanies her. Can't your sister sleep at a + weg for a longer and longer | friend's house for a couple of | nights so your girl's mother PROVIDE ATMOSPHERE can have her bed? Your mother; Some mothers write me that needn't entertain her. All she their child as old as four or five! has to do is be pleasant 'will not be still long enough to; may not be willing to wait long. | Put your home in this picture with KAISER Aluminum Siding | You get the quality you expect from KAISER @ Ends maintenance Kaiser Aluminum Siding won't peel, rust or crack -- ends painting worries and saves you money. Economical to install Kaiser Aluminum Siding covers any surface style of home sparkle with lasting beauty. Greater comfort makes any Aim to cause him as time goes|or any other books where he other children throwing stones) at a streetlight near your] home. What would you do? | A. I would go out and paddle) him soundly then and there. | | all. If this child is yours, spend considerable time getting him calmed down. Provide him with| a quiet voice, keep the radio and TV silent most of the time. Encourage your child in quiet fun like drawing, molding with dough or clay, or making other things with his hands. Often when he is excitable, cuddle him, rock him or sing to him, ii he likes it. After some days} at such experiences he may be-| come more ready to sit near) you while you talk with him about pictures in a book. As you begin reading to this Electrolysis fidgety child, he may seem to 3 ith the kREE listen raptly for a few moments| reat es then want to stir about or play| > reveal- with some toys. When he does one this, close the book and put it worry HO Bs away. Don't try to read to him barrassment -- while he is jumping and running FREE CONSULTATION about. But just figure that each) time he looks and listens for al) MARIE MURDUFF few moments he is_ getting) will be in Oshawe et the ready to look and listen longer Genosha Hotel. later. Don't let yourself give up. April 4, 5, and 6 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment en these dates. RENTS ROSE FAST Rents in Canada rose 44 per| cent. between 1949 and 1960, / while clothing prices rose only 11 per cent. SUPERFL vous HAIR] Don't leave his favorite book Sale! Sale! Sale! Full Length Formals AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS srnine arnvats °49,.95 SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 RITSON RD. S. 725-3338 BUY YOUR TIRES = AT -- ZELLER'S And Saye! 12.47 and Up Adult Building: Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@ORGIGN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH? OSHAWA Kaiser Aluminum Siding makes your home cooler in Sum- mer, warmer in Winter -- cuts fuel costs. 20-year transferable guarantee This guarantee is exclusive with Kaiser --and adds sub- tantially to the resale value of your home. 10 colours Modern, bright and pastel colours to choose from, with a full selection of accessories. Kaiser Aluminum Siding is C.H.M.C. approved. Available in horizontal and vertical, acrylic finish. Consult the Yellow Pages for your Kaiser dealer or contact: KAISER ALUMINUM COMPANY 191 Ashtonbee Road, Scarborough, Ontario | i | @ Will Look Like Telephone: 755-2261 AUTHORIZED DEALER ALSCO SALES (Toronto) LTD. 137 Brock St. S. Whitby PHONE: 668-6863; @ Will Feel Like New When Cleaned By "The Best In Town" Phone 725-1191 |\CONTACT YOUR LOCAL KAISER DEALER 1700 SIMCOE ST.N. pie / Va SUPREME WINDOW -- AND DOOR PRODUCTS 723-9843 7 EXTRAORDINARY FREE OFFER TO THE HARD-OF-HEARING Take Advantage of This DOCTOR RECOMMENDED PLAN Doctors Say "Try It Before You Buy it." FREE 12 Point Checkup eon Your Heoring Aid. FREE Hearing Aid Tests and Consul- tation, FREE Test of Your Hearing Aid On The Fabulous Acousticon Goin Meter Me. J. E. Remoey To Check Its Response Curve. Monaging Director Of Acousticon ONE DAY CLINIC -- Hotel Genosha 10 A.M. -- 7 P.M. 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