17--Female Help Wanted [18--Male Help Wanted '20--Real Estate for Sale {28_Real Estate for Sole |20--Real Estate for Sole 20----Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 4, 1966 25 LADIES Earn everage of $5 per hour working 2 or more evenings @ week, Good personality and cor rewutred, No collecting or delive-ng. 725-3946 942-3 145-942-6603 MAN or WOMAN Required for grill work. Bur- gers and. hot dogs only. Ex- poo seg preferred, Apply in DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dnudes Eust __Whitby APPRENTICE wanted, v experience. Apply in PP aga West. Telephone 728-5444 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, hor | Street North, h, opposite Armouries. WOMAN OR GIRL to mind children while Live in preferred. Tele-/ mother works. phone 723-1390. DO You U NEED "an exira $40 a week. if can spare 15 hours per week and have Peer write Box 19983 Oshawa Times. into my home days to care for three work. Telephone 942- children while 1 5467, FULL-TIME or part-time, Telephone 942-: 3583. A "LADY for | light housekeeping -- and "to! No others in| help convalescing patient. family, Telephone 725-5216. WAITRESS, experienced, rel evening shift. Apply South-End Restau-| SqLESMEN and salesiadies. Married of Earn up to $150 weekly. Show and door name- Must have neat Apply in writing to Master Limited P.O, Box 126 Osh rant, 5 Bloor Street East lity desk TABLE middie aged woman to jook|ing our top qua' s ~ and one pre-|dlates. Age no barrier after one school age child school five-day week, from 6.30 till 4. In or peso Mary Street area. 725-8707. rae MIODLE AGED woman wanted to live in no heavy work, for small rest home, Telephone 725-0149. STUDIO GIRL OF CANADA requires Till Bread, without 212 King part-time work, days only, Victory Grill, 50 Simcoe AJAX, reliable woman wanted to come BOYS WANTED to seii papers on Good Friday MONEY |! PRIZES ! BONUSES ! PHONE TODAY 725-4473 GLOBE & MAIL MEN WITH CARS ; experienced | hairdresser required for Salon in Alax.| Teliable, for! To supervise boys on Good Friday, PHONE GLOBE & MAIL 725-4473 | singie gd Plate _ oor "SALESMEN for established roar | ory. Steady year round work. Guaranteed alary plus commission. Apply Brown's| and part-time representatives in this area.|osnawa. 728-269). MIDDLE AGED "couple or "single r man for Complete training and guidance supplied. Telephone 668-2685 after 6 p.m. | light farm work. LAW OFFICE requires bookkeeper nara] plus wages. Cannington 432-2173. receptionist. Please reply in handwrit' stating age lence. Write Box .1012 Oshawa Whitby marital status and exper- Times, corner of Raleigh and Wilson, Free room and board) "| 19_-Mele and Female Help Wanted WOME can Mills of Canada, Dept. 15, Yonge St., Toronto. TADIES -- like to be your own boss Part or full time. Husband and wife can work with unlimited earning potential together. Call 723-3194. GIRL with grocery store experience for packing. Some typing. State experience ond references to Box *M20401 Oshawa Times. MATURE PERSON marital status and experience 18--Male "Help Wanted N good taking orders for hosiery, lingerie from friends, neighbors. Send for free Sample Kit. ifs 6 work in Brookiin area, some banking experience preferred Write Box 188 Brooklin, Ontario, stating f any Experienced SALESMAN FOR FORD DEALERSHIP APPLY LES MacDONALD STU MacINTOSH MacDONALD FORD SALES 520 KING WEST OSHAWA Telephone 723-5241 623-2534 UNUSUAL REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY Promotion of our leading Real | Estate Representative to po- sition of a Branch Manager has made one opening on our soles staff, If you wish to be with a very busy and prestige fype office, which provides unusual assistance to you and which offers excellent long ronge potential, we will provide confidential interview. Commission, bonus and em- ployee benefits plan Experience in Real preferrtd Please phone for appointment. Ralph Schofield, Supervisor Real Estate Department CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Estate 723-5221 METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. S. BRAND NEW 1525-5Q:-FT: Check these new brick veneer semis before you buy. They corry for $123. P.I.T. rar $2,300.00 down, just off Rossland Road near Beau Val- ley, call tonite. 3 FIVE ROOM BUNGALOWS Yes, three. These good homes listed at $12,500. each. All are good clean properties. Owners ore anxious to sell. Make us on offer. Located on Bloor St, £., Jarvis St. and Burk Street. DOWNSVIEW AREA Brand new splits, 3, 4, 5 bed- rooms, some on ravine lots. Ready to occupy April 15th. Large variety to choose from. Double garages, oil and elec- tric heat. Give us a call. $21,- 500.00 and up. Winter Works bonus available and low 6%4% N.H.A. financing. 6 ROOM 1% STOREY STUCCO Oshawa Bivd. N. Close to all schools and GM north plant. All rooms are good size. A nice family home with low taxes. Listed at $13,400. Bring in your offer now, ARNHEM DRIVE Large 6 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, double attoched gorage, extra washroom in walk-out basement. Close to downtown and shopping. Coll now for an appointment to inspect. 11 ROOMS Large older 2 storey, good income home, low taxes and close to all services. Asking $11,500.00. Make an offer. RENTALS 3 large business areas. Store and warehouse, downtown orea, and large factory, north end. Call now for more infor- mation OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 KEN HAHN 723-7963 JACK OSBORNE 728-5836 JOHN O'DRISCOLL 725-8585 JACK HOGAN 728-1554 JOE MAGA 725-9191 BOB JOHNSTON 725-9365 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and MLS TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 | | | REAL ESTATE CAREER If you ore industrious, hon- est and reliable with late model automobile, you moy find on interesting and sotis- fying career in the Reol Estate Profession. We have an opening for an aggressive Saleman between 25 ond 40 who can meet these require- ments. Interviews in strict confid- ence. For interviews please contect MR. BULLIED. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED Realtor 723-1168. CUSTOMER RELATIONS MAN| Alert man 25-40 presently engaged in stock control, pur- chasing or expediting hos on opportunity to improve his area of responsibility in of- fice of a progressive Ajax manufacturing company. All replies confidential. Sure-Fit Furniture. Slip Covers Ltd. 458 Fairall St. Ajax, Ont SALESMAN Permonent future for o re sponsible executive or sales type individual occustomed to active contact with the pub- lic, Three year initia! salary plus handsome incentive com- pensation ond all group bene- fits. Oshowa resident prefer- red 21 to 40 no travel, Po- sition offers stable coreer with substantial income and to the right person managerial op portunity. Reply in confidence to box 19899 Oshawa Times DRIVING INSTRUCTORS Wanted full time, with lote model cars. Will be trained at the school. Good wages Oshawa Driving School 728 0091 YOUNG MEN required, m Ity essential. Permanent conditions. Usual benefits. Ajax mechanic Gone SINGER for email "Countr y and Western Group. Telephone 723-5714. TIME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year Does your pres- ent job offer you all the opportunity you want? Adequate income? Advancement Potential? |f your answer is no, write} really a successful year? Box 13198, Oshawa Times. [FROM TIME TO TIME The jAlax ete The Times Circulation at 723-3474, WO WORM pickers, work at night, $5.00 Apply 859) E. from | p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Oshawa Live Balt Co. No fele per thousand, Steady work Nelson St. at Wolfe St |phone calls '20--Real Estate | for Sale | ECHO HOMES jon. $4 981 To i Mortgage homes. Bungalows, split rele ond rancher's. All homes include the following features @ CLAY BRICK STONE FRONTS | #3 Large three bedroom detach- Oahawa| Times has openings for boys or girls to act as carriers in our outlying areas) such as Bowmanville, Port Perry, Orono,, Any boy or girl between the | ages of 11 and 14 Interested in earning their own money plus gaining valuable experience by acting as a4 carrier, call SOD-LAYING TIME Yes, it's all complete ex- cept the laying of the sod on its 60 foot lawn. The ideal 3 bedroom family home with spacious kitchen. As low as $2,400 required down poy- ment. Inspect and arrange your terms, Call Vern Morton ot 728-9474 or 723-8327 evenings. PINECREST ROAD Overlooking the lights of the City, this long ,low bungalow with double attached garage is an ideal home for the dis- criminating buyer. Four bed rooms, two fireplaces, broad- loom throughout and large recreation room are only a few of the many features thot compliment this home. Own er's transfer forces this sale Call Tom Huzor at 728-9474 or 728-5422 evenings for ap- pointment. CENTRAL WAREHOUSE TO RENT 5500 square feet heated and fire protected with sprinkler system. Very clean and mo- dern building. Available im- mediately. For further infor- mation call Vern Morton at 728-9474 or 723-8327 eve- nings JUST RIGHT beat cost of a new home, get more for your money and move into an established neigh- bourhood. Attractive six room brick with paved drive. Re- placement cost ot least $1,- 500 more thon offered price. Yours with reasonable invest- ment. Call Vem Morton at 728-9474 or 723-8327 eve- STORMS and SCREENS . or nings. STOVE ond OVEN FINISHED REC ROOM FLOOR TO CEILING FIREPLACE @. EXTRA 2-PC. WASHROOM @ MAHOGANY TRIM @ FURNITURE POLISHED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS @ MANY OTHER EXCITING PEATURES For further information come to Model Hornes just 2 blocks North of 401 on Wilson Rd. / Open Daily and week-ends L. N. BIRD Reol Estate 723- bade AJAX SPARKLING NEW LARGE-LOVELY-LUXURIOUS $1,400 DOWN (If you qualify) Armstrong Homes No. 2 Now Started GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd 942-3310 Phose | 728-9474 PAUL RISTOW. LTD. REALTOR 187 King Street East. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 723-7463 ONLY $12,900 6 room, 2 storey home, oak floors, hot water heating. Close to south General Mo- tors. Immaculate condition, SUNSET HEIGHTS 4 bedroom brick 14 storey home, close to schools ond shopping plaza, on large treed lot. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ot Newtonville. Close to Sep- arate School, large 7 room family home. Only $4,500. Douglas Carmicheal Nat --. "$10, 500. 7 room house close to centre of town. R-4 zoning. Half cash, balance arranged Warren J. Mowat, Phone 668-2601, Whitby | | | | SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, CHOICE LOCATION $23,500 Suitable for the larger fam- ily. Extra large living room and a professionally finished rec. room 16' x 14'. Owner transferred, must sell, BEAU VALLEY RESALE Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow _ with a view of the back lawn from the sliding gloss doors of the living room to patio. Features a two-cor garage with entrance to the base- ment. For further informa- tion call now. EXECUTIVE HOME with all the big features re- quired, including a 29' x 26' recreation room, natural fire- place, 3 bathrooms, seporate den, kitchen with built-in stove and oven, double at- tached garage and many mcre important items too nu- merous to mention. ST. CHRISTOPHER'S SCHOOL Attractive 3 bedroom bunga- low with recreation room, fireplace and extra 3 pc bath. Close to all schools and churches and a -supermarket is' close by, Don't delay -- call now, COLONIAL STYLE back split home with ottached gorage, almost new. In good North-East oreo, Close to schools. Attractive panelled family room, with extra 2 pc. bath. Listed $24,950 with 614% mortgage. Reasonable down payment required, SHAKESPEARE AVE. $16,300 Immaculate 8 year old, 5 room brick bungalow. Finisha ed rec. room, large kitchen. Call for an appointment to inspect. A HOME WITH EVERYTHING Fireplace in living room, din- ing room opening to patio, extra large family kitchen, 2 bathrooms. 3 good size bed- rooms, huge finished recrea- tion room with bor and fire- place, panelled den, also' a double attached garage on this brick bungalow, GOOD SCHOOL AREA Bright and cheerful bunaslow in N.E. area with 3 bed- rooms, Hollywood kitchen, finished rec. room with bor. Only three yeors old ond rea- sonable toxes. A coll will give you oll the details || HAVING A NEW HOME | BUILT THIS YEAR? || Desire the North End? Want a {| | | i | | | \ | | prestige location? Then BEAU | VALLEY is for you! May we! | Suggest you contact our soles- men now. Homesites are get: ting scarce in this ONE OF | | OSHAWA"S FINEST develop- | jment. See us, location, ond let us help you | || with your plans NOW. For further particulars call 723-2265 Don Howe Bill Johnston Mel Dole Irene Brown Ed Drumm Maible Boudreau Marg Hall Allan Thompson Mike Belmonte George Koornneef trwin c ruikshorks Wri, Yasmanicki Reg: Aker Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board. WBeLIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. 360 King St. West 723-9692 728-1066 623-5638 725-3867 725-9345 728-2233 723-1358 728-2870 725-8300 723-2859 Free, easy, safe parking pick out your|| MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE THE RIGHT MOVE FOLLOW THE CROWD TO DOWNSVIEW PARK Oshawa's fastest growing and most conveniently located design controlled subdivision. 96. lots sold in 1965 103 lots already sold in 1966 in this subdivision 40 homes nearing completion for your inspection ---- all under the $500. Winter Works Bonus and 6%% N.H.A. Mortgages. Quality horres by | BUILDING ASSOCIATES \VROOM CONSTRUCTION | LTD. DOWNSVIEW CONSTRUCTION Call -exclusive. agents Lloyd Metcalf | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 30 King St. E. -- 728-4678 W. Frank REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-3393 Member. Oshowa & District Real Estate Board LAKE ONTARIO FRONTAGE Near Newcastle, 83 acres choice cloy loam, room home with all city conven- iences, barn 36 x 60' with wing 36 x 20', Toronto milk contract, CPR and CNR through property, 3 road frontages. This is an excel- lent investment for future de- velopment at only $31,500. Terms. 250 ACRE STOCK FARM Near Millbrook. Very sceni¢ property. 9 room home with two bathrooms, oil furndce, borns 30' x 80' and 30' x 50', stream with good pond site, Only $22,500.--Terms. WARD STREET PORT HOPE 2 storey frame house, con- sisting of 2 apts. with living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath. Full basement, 2 separate heating systems. A home that will pay for itself. A good investment at $8,500 with $1,500 down. WELCOME CORNERS On No. 2 Hwy. 1% storey brick in excellent condition. Fireplace in tiving room, din- ing room, lots of cupboards in kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, modern bath. Bedroom and lots of cupboard and closet space upstairs. Also apt. on main floor which could be used as family room and kit- chenette if desired, Finished Bedroom in full basement. Good garage, hot water heat- ing. On 1% acre with shade trees. $15,000.00 COTTAGE SCUGOG ISLAND Hurry -- 4 bedroom cottage, lot 68 x 165', fully furnished nicely treed lot, garage. Ask ing $8,500.--terms. Call 623-3393 After 9:00 p.m. Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Doug Gower 728-1005 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry Bill and Doreen Gimblett Residence Pt 985-2987 885-4548 Hope 885-2535 HYMAN | | | | Jack Sheriff | | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 INCOME PROPERTY Just listed this three family dwelling with an asking price of only $15,500. -- the three apartments are bringing in an income of $210.00. per month. A wise investment -- call-today for further infor- mation NORTH WEST This six room bungalow. with attached gorage on Glendale Ave. in Rossland Manor hos paved drive and recreation room plus mony other extras. Listed at only . $19,700 Call for an appointment to inspect. | | | | | | | $2164. DOWN if you qualify 614% N.H.A. Mortgages OPEN ik aah PARK ROAD SOUTH AT PHILLIP MURRAY FAIRLEIGH AVE. Five room frame bungalow, asking price $13,500. Own- er onxious to sell --- make on offer with low down poyment. Call today. OPEN 9 am. -9.p.m. After Hours Call: Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Les Hall 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson 728-1903 Munro Smith 723-3533 Diek Borriage 725-6243 723-3775 KING STREET EAST 8 ROOMS Large brick 4 bedroom, 2 storey home with bathroom ond hot woter oil heat. Gar- age, notural trim throughout. fireplace, large lot, located at Central Park Blvd. Requires good down payment or can be refinanced. Asking only $19,900. Call now to inspect, JACK APPLEBY 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. LARGE SELECTION New Homes Trades Accepted Low, low down payments N.H.A, financing Variety Oshawa locations PHONE 725-3557 1.3. McMullan Real Estate Broker a id Simcoe Si. | | | GUIDE REALTY LTD. c Y- 723-5281 TEN ACRES 1 @ of good level land in ex- cellent location within five miles of Oshawa city limits, Reason- ably priced. e COUNTRY LIVING Il @ We have listed ao three bedroom home in a lovely coun- try setting close to Oshawa. There is an attached garage with breezeway. and a very good well on an acre of land with severol fruit trees. Close to pub- lie school. Coll now for an op- pointment to ae COMFORTABLE II} @ and neat two bedroom home centrally located on quiet street. Nice bock yard over- looking the Children's Arena. Priced to sell with reasonable down payment. e EXCELLENT IV @ development property on Taunton Road East, city limits erty. This area is building up fast, so act now, e SUB-DIVIDER'S SPECIAL V @ Are you interested in pur- chasing 200 acres, mid-way between Port Perry and Oshawa, overlooking Lake On-| torio and Lake Scugog. This property has an existing house, barn and driving shed. Ten percent down ond ten percent per annum at reasonable in- terest rote. For further informa- tion, call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED. ® SIMCOE STREET PROPERTY VI @ Are you interested in ap- proximately 1% acres, ideally situated for oaportment suites Close to shopping, bus and schools, @ HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN Vil @ We have listed a home in one of the prestige oreas of Oshawa. Three good sized bed- rooms, exhaust fon in the kit chen, T.V. tower, rotor and controls. Landscaped to perfec- tion. Modest down payment with on end price of only $16,800 Call today for an appointment to inspect e RURAL LIVING AT ITS BEST VIII @ Have you or will you be retiring in the near future and want something to do in your spore time? We have o home for sole with approximately one acre of ground situated just off Highway, For the man who enjoys gardening, this may the No. 2 be the onswer to your dreams For your inspection ond op- proval, call now. e TRI-PLEX IX @ Here Is on opportunity to be your own landlord. Located in a good area with good sied bedrooms. and attractive kit- chens. Wosher, dryer, stoves and fridges included. A good return on your investment. e SECURITY FOR TOMORROW X @ Why pay rent? With o little effort you con plant your own roots and have all the com fort of apartemnt living in this real buy, just outside the city in the North West oreo. Four room home on a well reeed lot of 100 x 160. Garage, Call to Inspect tonight ond avoid dis- appointment. e TIRED OF PAYING RENT? X! @ Spring is hére at last, and the golf clubs ore starting to swing. How about having your own back rd to do a little pree This home is minutes to town with a good sized lot and modern in every way, Call to inspect, priced at only $13,300. e COMMERCIAL PROPERTY X11 @ This valuable property in the downtown area is priced to sell. Good sized lot and on main artery, Phone for further particulars, PORT PERRY XII1_ @ This lovely clean home on Lilla Street has two bed- rooms downstairs,. modern kit- chen with double stainless see! sink and ample cupboards. Good sized lot with garage. Home hos recently been remodelled. Priced right with a low down payment BUILDING LOT XIV @ We hove oa ten acre building lot, ideally situated be- tween Oshawa and Bowmon- ville. Only $2,500 down pay- ment and you may start plan- ning your dream home, ® CLOSE TO. ALL SCHOOLS XV @ It is seldom we get a home for. sole that is so con- veniently located close to all schools (including Bilingual), tronspartation end shopping as this well-kept two bedroom home on Pacific Avenue, Finished rec- reation room, a large bright kit- chen, and qood sized living room all in a lovely condition Waiting for your inspection Let us make on appointment for you, iJ SIMCOE STREET SOUTH XVI @ Just south of Mill Street, we are offering this large Cl commercial lot with dimen- sions of 89 feet frontage by a depth of 132 feet with seven room frame dwelling in -this much sought after area. Please} call for more information, inside the} Lot size 84 by 282) feet and there is a two bed-! room stucco home on the profp-| situated GUIDE REALTY LTD. S+ 723-528) GOLDEN HORSESHOE XVII @ Offers many opportuni- ties. We invite your enquiries for an excellent service station, restaurant combination at the eastern outskirts of Oshawa. Two bays with on approximote annual gallonage of 130,000. Restaurant is well equipped for Mod- Cail counter and table service. ern five room apartment. now for further particulars, ® NEAR SOUTH GENERAL MOTORS XVIIl @ This modern and near- ly new brick bungalow can be reasonable price bought at a featuring four piece tiled bath, large tiled kitchen, door chimes, forced air oil cellar. orranged, Call now. ® CORNER LOT XIX @ Attached garage, North West, bungalow, broadioom, two and finished room, Only $4,900 Please call for built-in stove doors, fireplaces, oven, shower recreation down payment. full partic ma NORTH WEST AREA XX @ See this charming three bedroom bungalow with many features, The modern kitchen is sparkling large full basement rec- room or hobby room, with ample space left over, au- eliminating washdey headaches. And what's more, it is priced to sell. at only a woman's dream bathroom, semi-finished for rumpus, reation tomatic washer $17,900. Don't delay, call now & TREE SHADED XXI @ Retire and live on Bev- Brick home all on good sized living room, modern kit- chen, and garage. Economically erly Street. one floor, two bedrooms, priced. Call now, e FOUR BEDROOM XXII @ two storey home really modern and up to date. Attach- ed garage, located in the North sell at West oreo, Priced to $23,800. & DUPLEX XxX Centre Street. ment for the balance. e JUST OUTSIDE THE CULY. XXIV @ Three bedroom home with many feotures. that will in- Big kit- designed cupboards which include o lazy Larae living room with terest the housewife. chen with very. well susan, corner window, Large well de. signed bathroom with vanity. Family room, nicely decorated, to fenced patio. Large lot with possibili- walk-out basement ties. Close to school and church e RANCH BUNGALOW-- ATTACHED GARAGE XX! @ $18,500 is all we ore asking for this six room ranch bungalow with attached garage Large living room, separate din- ing room, three good sized bed rooms. Electrically heated. Come and compare, there is no better buy anywhere, To inspect call tonight. e ONE LOT LEFT XXVI @ Would you like a creek at your back door? If so, let me show you this beautiful building site, iedal for walkout basement. Look! 60 ft. by 255 ft. situ- ated in the North West end of the city. Don't wait and be late, coll tonight for inspection. e NORTH WEST XXVIII @ $18,900 full price for this 5% room ranch bungaolw. Large living room, three nice sized bedrooms, Kitchen finish ed with French Provincial cup- hoards. Recreation room, office and two piece bath in basement, Heating costs approximately $100 yearly. Situated less than a block from public, high schools and shopping. Don't wait, hurry and call now. e $17,900 FULL PRICE XXVIIl @ for this beautiful five room bungalow with nolly- wood kitchen, spacious living room, and three master sized bedrooms. This 1 year old home has just been decorated and ready for immediate occupancy. To inspect, call now. e $2,500 DOWN PAYMENT-- NORTH EAST AREA XXIX @ The owner is moving out of town ond must sell his split level home. This beauty is on a lot of 60 x 200 feet on a quiet street where its safe to raise your young family, An in- spection can be arranged by calling our office tonight. @ Call 723-5281 for full porticulars, Open daily from 9 o.m, to 9 p.m. After hours call Doug Trivett 723-7390 Walter Mittler 728-7083 Edtih Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Evelyn Cassell 725-3710 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Art Johnson 723-8738 Judi O'Donnell 725-6713 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Eleanor deJong 728-2949 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Jack Graham 725-9947 El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lioyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 We list exclusive and Photo M.L.S Member of O.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale heat and fruit Early possession may be} @ All on one floor on Priced at only $12,700 with a low down pay- ment and one easy monthly pay- H. REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot Street 128-1678 GLENGROVE ST. 7 years old, all the work has been done for you. Lovely fire- place in the L-shaped living room --= dining room. Eating area in the kitchen that also boasts a built-in stove, oven, hood and dishwasher and exhaust fon. 4 pc. washroom with vanity. Smal! dressing room off master bedroom, also 2 pc. washroom on lower level. Beautifully finished rec, room, ample cupboards and storage space, wiak-out basement. Stone patio, Full price $24,900, INVERNESS DR. Built for the people who want a large family room plus 2 washrooms, 3 bedrooms and study. Family sized kitchen with French Provincial cup- boards, L-shaped living room --dining room, indirect tight- 1 valance. Carport. Fully decorated and _ landscaped. $22,900, PRICED TO SELL Close to public and separate schools also to McLaughlin High, 3 bedroom brick home storey and a half. Large lot 58 x 130'. Broadloom in living and dining room, fin- ished rec. room. In excellent condition. $15,900. NORTH WEST AREA Tri-level, immaculate condi- tion, attached garage. 3 large bedrooms with den and finy ished rec room. This home has all those extras any wo- mon could desire including built-in stove and oven, buf- fet, intercom, radio speakers, humidifier, T.V. tower with three outlets. Broadloom, built-in book shelves, patio, fenced yard, close to all schools and shopping. Priced ot $25,500. IDEAL SITE FOR LIGHT INDUSTRY Located in_ the central area of Whitby %-- lot is 176 x 107, There is o 40 x 60 quon- set building with small office on the property. Railroad sid- ing adjacent 723-3788 668-8558 723-3240 723-3770 723-7335 668-2624 John Kitchen Larry Cond Phyllis Jubb Loreen Kellett Syd Goodfelow Tunney Morison GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR DIAL 668-8826 LOOK ONLY $7000 5 room home at Pickering Beach. Commuting distance G.M, or Toronto, Low taxes. 100' by 200' lot. Some incon- venience but worth investigat- Ing, 3 BEDROOM FRAME ' On Seo Breeze Road with large lot, clean decoration, low toxes, plenty of cup- boards, 3 piece bath and ex- tra rooms upstairs for expand- ing fomily. STURGEON LAKE COTTAGE with modern furniture. Patio, smart decoration; Good fish- ing here too. A close in hide- owoy for the water loving family. Shaded with--heavy wooded lot. Full price $8, 500 with good terms. Inspect and make offer. $1500 DOWN OSHAWA BLVD. S. 2 bedroom home on small lot mokes for low upkeep here for the economy minded fam- ily. Plan to see this Asbestos siding home while it lasts at only $8,750. COLLEGE HILL OSHAWA $10,900 4 room white clapboard bun- galow with forced air oil heating, low taxes, clean dec- oration, full 4 piece bath: Make a point to see this com- pact package tonight, $2,000 down will handle. COCHRANE ST. WHITBY $21,300 6 room brick home in fine residential area of town with wide lot nicely landscaped. Cozy open fireplace, 2 baths, full dining room. If you wont better town living investigate this one for about $4,300 down poyment. AJAX EXECUTIVE BEAUTY $23,300 Immaculate split level brick. 3 bedrooms, family room with fireplace, 2. baths. Built-in stove, oven, oodles of kitchen cupboards, You: can't go wrong with this beauty with 6%2% mortgage. Family will be pleased with the dining room too. $1300 DOWN PAYMENT ON THREE BEDROOM brick, in Whitby. Need good monthly poyments to pay principal. interest and taxes on balance. The full price is $15,500 but make offer for quick sale, KEITH NEAL Ot PEER REALTY LTD. 103 King St. East 728-7328 PRESTIGE TYPE HOME with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nicely decorated ond land- scaped, mahogany trim and cupboards. This home is only 2 years old and has many extras including indirect light- ing, door chimes, stove, = and fon, attached situated on a lot 75 x 2) ft, and must be seen to be appreciated. Asking $22,- 700.00. KEDRON $23,500.00. In- spect this beautiful brick and stone bungalow with extra 2 piece bath, large hollywood type kitchen, glass patio doors, attached garoge, un- Ft Bris wiring, lot 100 x t. 31 ACRE FARM--Productive clay loam, large modern 9 room brick home, 80 ft. barn, about 10 minutes from Osh- awa. Asking $30,000.00. 158 ACRE FARM -- Near Blackstock, mostly workable sharp productive land, mod- ern 2 family home with 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, oil heating, large barn with run- ning woter, 2 acre spring fed Inspect this one. today. Coll 728-7328, HAMPTON--Inspect this new listing with 6 rooms, lorge modern kitchen, spacious liv- ing and dining room and one bedroom on main floor. 2 bed- rooms and bath with vanity on second floor, 40 ft. beth garage, nicely landscaped lot with fruit trees. Asking $11,- 900.00. This spotless home in excellent condition will self fost, Call 728-7328, To Buy or Sell We Serve You Well GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. WALK DOWNTOWN This 3 bedroom brick home is very conveniently located for the couple that prefers to walk, The large kitchen has loads of cupboard space, Taxes are only $247. For economy try your down pays ment on this "best buy", Call 723-8144, $1,000 DOWN Older 2 storey home. One pay+ ment of $95 monthly. Home is vacant. If you _ to = come a home owne: this one now. Coll 7. 723-8144. DUPLEX In the East area. 2 apts. Low taxes. Good income property. Let someone help you bee come oa landlord. Call now 723-8144, CHOICE NORTH AREA Large 2 storey brick home. Lovely spacious bedrooms, Kitchen, Dining room, Com- fortable living room, See this today, Call 723-8144, RETIRED COUPLE ? Is your home too large for you? Then come and see this 2 bedroom brick bungalow close to shopping. Low taxes. Call 723-8144, $11,500. Mad, Mad, World, But not se mad when we con offer this frame & stone 2 bedroom bungalow with living room & dining roo paved 2 crv, gor age, on a 'large beautiful treed lot, for the price of $11,500. Carries for $75 monthly. Call 723-8144, NEARING COMPLETION in Excellent North End Location just north of Rossland Rd. close to schools ond buses. 6-room 3 bedroom homes separate dining room brick veneer aluminum soffits electric heating factory built cupboards 1525 sq. ft. floor area sodded lawns with tree $2,300 down $123 monthly includes Principal, interest and taxes -- 6%4% mortgages Just 16 available so act fast Call exclusive agents LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 |20--Real Estate for Sale | (Continued on Page 26)