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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1966, p. 22

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Ser pare gp cas spacer esti an ! COUNSEL John L. O'Brien of Mont- real has been named com- mission counsel for the in- quiry into the Gerda Mun- singer affair. Mr. O'Brien was named by Mr. Justice W. F. Spence who will head the inquiry. New Crime Laws Need Stressed OTTAWA (CP) -- New crim- inal laws are needed to curb the dissemination of hate propa- ganda aimed at ethnic or re- ligious minorities, a special committee reported Monday. A committee set up a year ago by the federal government and headed by Maxwell Cohen, McGill University law dean, recommends three new Crim- inal Code sections to prohibit the advocacy of genocide and incitement to group hatred. Advocacy of genocide would be punishable by five years' im- prisonment. Inciting hatred against any identifiable group, where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace, would be punishable by two years imprisonment. The third new offence would be communicating group hatred through spoken or written words, gestures, signs or other visible representations. This also would be punishable by two pears. The committee was set up after widespread concern was expressed about mail distribu- tion of anti-Semitic and anti- Negro hate literature, much of it originating from extreme right-wing, white - supremacy groups in the southern United States Two such organizations and their Canadian agents have been denied the use of Canadian mails. Hate meetings by Fascist groups have provoked incidents of violence in Toronto, The report, tabled in the Com- mons by Solicitor-General Pen- nell, said the volume and sources of hate propaganda are relatively small in Canada but a potentially dangerous problem exists. There were some anti-social and irrational persons in Can- ada who were capable of doing great damage. "The triumphs of fascism in Italy and national socialism in Germany through audaciously false propaganda have shown us how fragile tolerant liberal so- ¢ieties can be in certain circum- stances." The report said freedom of ex- pression has been abused and that present provisions of the Criminal Code are inadequate to deal with the situation. Most countries in Western Eu- rope had various laws to curb hate propaganda and protect minority groups against defa- mation. The report was tabled just after a private bill was intro- duced by Wallace' Nesbitt (PC-- Oxford) to provide for the in- clusion of hate literature in a section of the Criminal Code dealing with group defamatory libel. Mr. Nesbitt said it would pro- vide that a person convicted of distributing hate literature be placed under mental observa- tion. Such material was the product of "sick minds." Penalties Provided TORONTO (CP)--A new sec- tion of the Workmen's Compen- sation Act which provides pen- alties for companies with a poor accident record "is perhaps the Single, most effective piece of legislation ever introduced in Ontario for accident preven- tion," says business executive J, W. Henley. Putting teeth in the legislation has resulted in companies "which had previously given only lip service to the cause of accident prevention now digging im to do the same kind of con- structive job they have been do- ing in other aspects of their op- erations."' Mr. Henley, vice-president of personnel! for the Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd., Hamil- ton, said in his presidential re- port to the Industrial Accident Prevention Associations of On- tario that his group doesn't act as a policeman for the WCB. Its function was simply to re- port to the board what it knew Joseph Morris of Ottawa, ex- ecutive vice-president of the Ca- nadian Labor Congress, said la- bor is convinced that an essen: tial development in safety pro- grams is joint tabor-manage- ment committee. These pro- Selection came almost seven lying manpower for} Faced with a rapid-fire pace|ments. Francis, Kan.; Air Force Maj.|/Stuart A. Roosa, 32, Durango, supp: flights to the moon and beyond./of flights, the National Aero-| Since the manned space pro-|Edward G. Givens Jr., 36, Quanah, Tex,; Fred W. Haise!Denver, Colo.; Navy Lieut.ling rapidly. | nautics and Space Administra-igram began, the United States Colo.; John L. Swigert Jr., 34, the vicinity and they are sian b 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 6, 1966 tion picked the largest group of|already had named 36 men as|Jr., 32, a civilian, Biloxi, Miss.;/Cmdr. Paul J. Weitz, 33, Erie, astronauts ever at one time. /astronauts. Three were killed inj Air Force Maj. James B. Irwin,|Pa.; Air Force Capt. Alfred Called "fifth generation" jet crashes, two resigned and/36, Pittsburgh, Pa.; M. Worden, 34, Jackson, Mich. BUY YOUR t C astronauts because they are the|three are not on flight status} Dr, Don L. Lind, 35, a civilian, " a onal Orps Seats one, Ra Pagel att because of medical disorders. Murray, Utah; Marine Capt. CATS INVADE TOWN | cludes' four eisians, The new astronauts are: Jack R. Lousma, 30, Grand| CHESHAM, England (CP)-- a . Fam, J All are jet pilots, Two became Vance D. Brand, 34, civilian,|Rapids, Mich.; Navy Lieut.|The peace of this quiet Buck- Bolstered | 0 JU I Oldl \the only bachelor asironauis,--%°T"- Longmont. Colo.: Lieut.|Thomas K. Mattingly, 30, Chi-|inghamshire town is wrecked by | John §. Bull, 31, Memphis,|/cago; Navy 'Lieut. Bruce Me- the cries of hun cae wate __|SIX_WOMEN FAILED Tenn.; Marine Maj. Gerald P.|Candless Il, 28, Boston; Navy|'"® giles: ' HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) -- The years after the U.S. selected its) Officials picked the i¥ from|Carr, 32, "Denver, Colo.; Air) Licut, Cmdr, Edgar D. Mitchell.|swarmed in when pensioners in United States bolstered itsjoriginal seven Mercury astro-|351 s¢n and women. who ap-|Force Capt. Joe H. Engle, 33,/36, Hereford, Tex.; Air Froce|a municipal housing estate were astronaut corps to 50 Mondayjnauts, first Americans to ven-|plied. Six women tried but didjAbilene, Kan.; Navy Lt.Cmdr.|Maj. William R. Pogue, 36,/to9 generous. Health experts naming 19 new spacemen,|ture into space. not meet the minimum require-/Ronald E. Evans, 32, St.j}Okemah, Okla.; Air Force Capt. say there are more than 100 in vided direct personal contact with employess, SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY YOUR CHOICE AGED RED BRAND STEER BEEF PORTERHOUSE ROAST WING STEAK or ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST BONELESS SIRLOIN POINT ROAST BONELESS, BOTTOM CUT ROUND STEAK ROAST ROUND STEAK MINCED STEAK . 4 Continuing our eustom of observing statutory holidays, A&P Food Stores will be é CLOSED ALL DAY, GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 8 ee OPEN WED. & THURS. UNTIL 9 P.M. Regular Store Hours Saturday, April 9 EASTER STORE Don't Forget To Buy Extra Jane Parker Bread WHITE BREAD maNuiceD OF UNSLICED 24-07 loat Dae || Baked in our own bakery by A&P Master Bakers = JANE PARKER l | JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE HOT CROSS BUNS ~-.33: A&P SKIM MILK POWDERED Reg. Price box $1.09 -- SAVE 10¢ pe INSTANT 9 xt 39. MILK +99. 12 PORTIONS Reg. Price 40 -- SAVE be LAYER CAKE sousre och Qe RAISIN BREAD 2iserm 43 Crastrut DRINK = nom 3 Ze 1 ve: oats eee-onm CHEESE susscuner .. 39, 'A&P Jane Parker Brown 'n' Serve Reg. Price pkg 29e---SAVE 4e TWIN ROLLS W0-0r package 2 Se -- i Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 460 -- BAVE be IONA BRAND PEAS 2 15-fl-oz tins 3 1 € AtP's OWN SUPER-RIGHT BRAND GRADE 'A' -- OVEN-READY 47 HOW GOOD ARE A&P TURKEYS? So Good We Dare To Offer DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! We know how important the Turkey is to the success of your Easter dinner. That's why we ool the finest A&P Super-Right Brand Turkeys. We're so sure you'll be pleased that we confidently offer you double your money back Hf you're not completely satisfied (either the price label or register tape le necessary, ef course) and low, low prices tool 6 T0 10 POUNDS VAC PAC FRESH KILLED -- GRADE "A" -- OVEN-READY TURKEYS +53: 6 TO 10-LB AVERAGE WEIGHT STUFFING BREAD --JANEPARKER clout SAUSAGE MEAT =" 3 mush sake +89 COOKED HAM = #59 BEEF BOLOGNA «= "4.9 SIDE BACON 57 "a - "a " COFFEE CAKE ovonce twist cach 39c MAPLE LEAF HAVE vou cwecxen axr's tow pevcs on ASP CORN cos crow ™ Dera 33¢ | WHENERS vac rac . 5 9: HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS LATELY? FRUIT COCKTAIL -- 4 i5.H-or tins 99. ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS 1-LB | RESDAN "sszivsra* o%o1.99 CHEESE SLICES ot eusem ce scorns Oe SIDE G ACON wo.1 Grape | KG & 9. COUGH SYRUP -- 42.059 STUFFED OLIVES mttiisitit oricatorin Be ml BABY LOTION small size bi @9e HUSKY pe oo babar aaa Fancy Quality es ct e 2 Utes ae a MOUTH WASH 10 100 71.2: 69 sine ce he! Te eee cons ae ee ie er nee CREAM DEODORANT MARGARINE ** "**»,.ce'er &"" 216k 3¢ += INSTANT POTATO Flakes 12<:k055< | UNCLE BEN'S RICE 28-02 pkg 5 3c rane wolwese ASE SPAGHETTI «tite © 2hoto 39 GILLETTE RAZOR BLADES. roscis59. GERBER BABY FOODS 4¥%ierw.47- || NRE OTN OO eee atte em33* HONEY POD PEAS -- Zistarin3® HAND LOTION" conarti69. SCOR E JOHNSON Mtann E TOILET TISSUE og gyre ake - SWEET MIXED. PICKLES cea White Swan SERVIETTES too! 3049 BABY OIL worsobone 1.19 VEGETABLE OIL set. sanorwi79e QUAKER CORN FLAKES 2itorin59¢ QUICK WHIP Monten 22erpias Se TOOTHPASTE --versisente 1.39 -- PEARS seins racy ens anton 28-forindYe FRUIT COCKTAIL zone 39. COCKTAIL JUICE ni thor bi Ye Snare werner Tenet, ni

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