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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1966, p. 25

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Pon Ob [Ladevile Vitness 9 --]j------rr a Nea that in one day 10,000 shares were bought Kedron Choir Clears Cuts Short Africa Trip fs a ii roximately MANN Oo. 2. 10UN ToeRt ANC of the Sunre: Court of C; ove -- yo on eg a S3-J2uN- Le e Sunreme 1H a ag Pree : pp 7 DW'TVY YUL TORONTO (CP)--A- witness = is Peleg nape for the fed- the : ain é wn eae Ske Ais who broke off an African trip| eral cabinet the propriety of the Sale was rg sRBUON 70 Rerwlpars ant under she tn fyi haant was tect Omar enlngs evga arcana $400 for the Christian Hduca-ting -a--mark~ of-81-~She~steneg/20,teu tie Rand judicial inquiry|the gas firm. The Law Society Leng Bag ead Bape fen Building with ite arles of{fifth in another clase amo | meet Just how 700-chases-of/ 01 Upper Canada (Ontarie) Naar ee eee a tee concerts in recent months. Fol-|mark of 80 ss with' S/gas company stock arrived in| celles fe Ti, JUGS Tmey: oe eee eee nan somuptrregeactagparme Me. 7 lthe hands of Mr. Justice Leo| Ville's removal from the bench.| brokerage firm may have Beooltin. thembers of the choir(BASTER MESSAGE Landreville of the Ontario Su-| The one-man commission had|his account as an accomm kuin, mer of AUDLEY (1G) oc. _preme Court 'in 1957. planned to question Mr, Mc-|tion, and he was not (TC) Rev. M. . Pine would be pleased to were entertained by Mr. and G t it nin: as to whether the trade Mrs. Murray Mountjoy. The|Buttars, of Pickering will de-| The commission moved its betes i te 2 Vancouver teen put ticoueh Ha beet have you visit her soon... Durham Dukes and Dolis guid-|liver the Easter message at the| Normal day sitting into the eve-/°° ey ee tions " oe 128 Wilson Rd. $. ed the group through square 11.30 a.m. service on Sunday. ning to fit into the plane sched- pg resortan te ta Me ie esria am dance figures with Mr. Mount-| The Hi-C Club members at-| ule of John McGraw of Vancou- Tues ao tn tn apn rl to, |, According to evidence given for' eppoittinent ol joy doing the calling. ltended the youth conference at|Per, whose brokerage firm sent y y ronto,!by a former RCMP sergeant : ; z ' 4 i d he was scheduled as the The members of the Kedron|Pickering Sunday atfternoon.|the stock to the judge seven|4" here Tuesday, Mr. Justice Lan- Doubles Club took their fami-|Next Sunday morning they will| months after Sudbury had given/final Witness of the hearings/ dreville in 1962 told two investi- 723-0391 lies on a tour of Reed's green-|attend a Sunrise Service ~ at|# franchise to Northern Ontario) "°'™ "ia! open pugs houses Sunday afternoon before Greenwood Conservation Park Natural Gas Company during Page his evidence, the inquiry returning to the churc h for|4t 7 a.m. Breakfast will be sery- the Landreville mayoralt dbs recess until April 25 when 5 : meeting. ed at the Pickering Christian| term. the resumed sittings--probably A Good Friday service for the|Education Centre. Ivan C. Rand, retired justice at mi aa Pag ge the 56- or = Columbus-Kedron-Raglan charge| Bill Seto conducted the wor-,. ' tere aoaher neg - eo { will be held at 8 p.m. at Kedron|ship service at the Hi-C Clubjrie and Neil Guthrie. The con-| court since late 1956 ig THE KING OF THE United Church. A combined|meeting Sunday evening and|solation prize went to Mr. Wal-| One of the things the commis-| RYTHM AND BLUES choir from the three churches|presented a program on the/tham, Sr. ision wants to ask Mr. McGraw] SOUND will sing. Rev. Winnifred Brid-|use of money. There was a lively) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin|is how the orders were given' i gp big eong bow service. discussion. |were hosts for the club meeting) for the transaction that gave the' AFTER HOURS DANGE CLUB | Mrs. James McNally was host-| The club members and their|Saturday night. Plans are being| judge 7,500 shares of NONG| ; jess inst week at a shower for friends enjoyed a bowling party|made to celebrate the club's|stock without his putting up any| King St. East et the Town Line jJanet Yeo and Wayne Parks /at the Red Wing Recreation|40th anniversary May 28 at Aud-| money. jwho will be married at Kedron | Hall. Winners of hidden score|ley School. David Pugh showed| Examination in Vancouver of Fri. Sat. Sun. Nights 8:30 p.m. to 1:30 am, je -- Nally i fly |prizes were: Mrs. Fred Puckrin,|colored slides of Russia and|the books of Continental Invest-| Every Wed. is Ladies' Night ---- Dress: Must Be Nest | vendouter hia Friday S eee Puckrin, Harold Guth-jother European countries. ments Corp.--headed by Mr. | ere Vee jtwo weeks with her aunt, Mrs. : a Te |Dougias Stewart. : : : ee | Due to the growing member-| ' : : : ship of Kedron United Church) : eee , nominations for new elders will) ; MEET MICHAEL GOULET | "uiizabeth Lambert. é | Elizabeth Lambert, daughter | een | ees Robert Ge and Goulet. Michael, born on ed oe Meigs pases teirl BRIDGE SCORES his wife, Carol Lawrence, March 27, is the couple's {herself very well last week in| 3 a gg sued second child. > aa ber Neges elnge ~--, Festi-| aby son, ael John (CP t |val. c i 11) " ae ite sod Meh scones Photo) [va asses for children ATTRACTIVELY PRICED ... AT SPROULE'S ore. ore SPROULE'S HAVE THE MEAT VALUES The winners and high scores : Ae Oshawa Golf Club, Brooklin and| General Motors Duplicate { aes Ciuks' wore: : iq FRESH KILLED -- GRADE "A" SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- READY TO SERVE OSHAWA NEVER FROZEN -- OVEN READ M The new winners of the Team- , ais . 8 OKED of-Four Trophy are Mr. andj Mrs. Roy Morris, Mrs. E. H.| Webster and Mrs. John Mac-| : be Png s age | PINA'S __INTERNATIONAL HAIRSTYLIST rffick Lean, 17 | of Other scores were Rob Chow .and Miss V. Drummond, S Dr. and Mrs. §. P. Kandel, 16; - . Mike Coles and Mrs. Joyce a j Hammond, Mrs. V, Silgailis S and E. P. Coles, 15; Mrs. James, Timmins and R. B. Davis, Mrs. | D. F, Every and Rene Niglis, | 14.5. | C The new winners of the Jun-| ior Team-of-Four Trophy are: Mrs. Mary Dowdle and Mrs. : Jack Wild, Duncan McCuaig COOKED and J. Willis, 13. Other scores A; were: Betty Pilkey and Coila} ' Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Francis, 12; Mrs. C. Keith and Vi Mrs. John Brady, Mr. and Mrs. | a . THE BUY OF THE WEEK" | ; GOLDEN VALLEY RINDLESS SIDE Lionel Kelley; Mr. and Mrs. R. McDowell and Miss Ruth Hig- ins, 58.5; i Mrs. C, M. rs n Fi . . F » . en en ae Sproule's have a fine selection of Swift's Premium Hams in various size cuts and slices . . . Elliot, 56.5. . Roasting Chickens . . . Duck's .. . Hen Turkeys, 10 to 12 Ibs. and Red Brand Beef for your April 6 is the night of the | es new Open Pairs Championship. festive table. . BROOKLIN E. P. Coles and Roy Morris, @® FREEZER FEATURE e FRESH 49.5; Kay Hunter and Janet Bar- rand, 46; Mrs. Wm. Medland 2-LB. BAG and Rene Niglis, 45; Mrs. Roy WHOLE LOIN Morris and John Miller, 44; Mr. and Mrs. H. Barker, 40.5. There will be no game April lb 6. due to Canadian National | Ib Bridge Tournament in Toronto, April 6-10. ; . : Cut in Chops and Roasts as required GENERAL MOTORS ot gion and Mes. "H. Cruwy: | SPROULE'S HAVE THE GROCERY VALUES' ~ Marden and Mrs. H. Cruwys, ; Mrs. M. Clarke and Mrs. Ro i 3 Chain "A 69c --- 18" wide Stuart House -- 28-oz, tin Del Monte Fancy Chain "A! 39¢ -- 16-0z. Jer Rose Sweet Mixed Roy Morris, 117.5; Mrs. Kay Chain "A" 57c¢ Hunter and J. H. Winter, 114; FOIL WRAP 25-FT, 59° FRUIT COCKATIL 45° PICKLES Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, 111.5; ROLL Chain "A 47¢ -- 16-0z. Jor Miracle Whip Chain "A" 25¢ -- 20-oz. tin Lee Crushed or sliced My er ra ae | | MARGARINE 25° Salad Dressing 39° PINEAPPLE 4... 89° EAST - WEST -- Peter Broes-} ma and Mr. Kelley, 129.5; Mr.} : PRINT and Mrs. E. Jeffries, 126; John/| ct hells | eames sds: celuhnie; cacae Gimed Condos and Peter Kaukenon,| 125.5; Mrs. James Timmins} and Mrs..G._A. Rundle, 118; Cc J. Willis and Duncan McCuaig : c mn 117.5. ' ios ta yr Deposit " There will be no game April AF WwW & & rorya 7 Ce an a ae : Toronto at the Royal York. sa Ss Ed er Se SPROULE'S HAVE THE FROZEN FOOD VALUES' Marks, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jef- | ~ fries, 11. . j GOLF CLUB : e: fi ; Cc Mrs. James McCansh ond f ' 'Y-Ib. Mrs. H. Lapp, 65.5; Mr. an es, ; MA, Mrs. B. Wilson, 64.5; Mr. and ' if LY Ss package Mrs. E. Bastedo, 61; Mrs. G. H. ae J wee , PE 7 due to the tournament in AMERICAN TAKES OVER os gh a PO any slp Pure, natural goodness that comes from 100% © BAKERY FEATURES @ © FROZEN FOODS e Pelieachor of West Side Story iia aalat as A 39: ca irect a production of Eu- i ° A mt is to iret 4 oroaucuon of Vegetable oil, Every day..more people brighten their || ANGEL FOOD CAKE STRAWBERRIES 'nc. AD pre ining rg direct Britain's| | j . SUPREME -- 6 TO A PACKAGE ¢ 5-LB premie arama company, whic meals with Blue Bonnet than any other margarine. HOT CROSS BUNS 33 FRENCH FRIES "100 uses the ic theatre build- | _ oe kee * ** [Pe ee ee om oe ag JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM THE PRODUCER **NEW SEASON | EXCEPTIONAL FINE QUALITY Gollon Size Quart Size Va Gallon Size e ron THe 4 i 13 LB., 2 OZ. 52 OZ. 105 OZ. SWINGING SET" ae APLE SYRUP 695 215 i Little. Caesar | é and the i ONE POUND ATTRACTIVE FRUIT BASKETS 2. ater 2 PRINTS || «MADE UP FOR ALL occasions --_| 'rkuir3 a | SPROULE'S HAVE THE PRODUCE VALUES Easter Store Hours EASTER Firm Ripe Imported Tomatoes Open Wednesday ond Thursday FLOWERS Nights till 10 o'clock. Closed Good CELLO oe Ss Friday. Open Seturdoy till 10 Attractively Priced PKGS. c o'clock. 100% VEGETABLE OIL | 6 MARGARINE LE FRIDAY |

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