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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1966, p. 29

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CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS Council received and filed a letter ftom area planning di- rector William McAdams who said it appears that the water Rane! posts was awarded to Mechan- ical Advertising Lid. A $3,300 tender for the sup- ply and delivery of 160 rein- nave withdrawn meir petition|for the proposed Centennial fer pavement. The board of educatior wil) be requested to pay the sost of sanitary sewer, granular base and pavement on Marigold ave., abutting the westerly 114 feet of Parkway. | Jack Johnstone wil) attend the | Ontario Good Roads Association school for road superintendents in Guelph May 9, 10 and 11. advised THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 6, 1966 29 ACT AGAINST NUISANCES Grand Trunk Western Has Full Crew Of Switchmen FREDERICTON (CP) -- The New Brunswick telephone com- is installing a United SAVE $ $ ON y [States device to trace harassing telephone callers. The device prevents the caller from dis- connecting the circuit and al- lows officials to trace the lines AUTO INSURANCE forced" precast catch the school property. The esti-| J.J. Collins, will ALCHUASINS wae) . + as age: awarded to Brooklin Concrete weswior coe ate | Products Ltd. j } be Nisa ee. on 1586 Although a full crew of switch- men was assembled for the reg- ulan dav shift, the railway can- celled the afternoon return com- DETRArr (AP) -- Grand! Trunk Western Railroad officials assembled a full crew of switch- ses pare 9 4 ial Wic Cay 4S Waseteg the oone-foot reserve along the bejnorth side of Belvedeses ave., ang iana unuer waver ia front of Oshawa are still within the jurisdiction of the township. He gaid the situation was noted back. if you are an Abstainer you save up TO. 249 AR Pavey oh Harold Westerman will your-cute-insurance. ACID CALMS TUM while' the area planning staff was investigating original in- ions of the six area municipalities and subsequent annexations. | Robert P. Hann requested the first opportunity of parece the city-owned parcel of lan on the southwest corner of Ade- laide and Wilson if it should be offered for sale. The request was referred to the property committee. The separate school board asked the city by letter to con- struct a sidewalk on the west) A $1,890 tender for the supply and delivery of 1,500 bags of portland cement was awarded oe Coal Supplies td. Tenders for 10,000 gallons of number one grade gasoline at 36.45 cents per gallon and 150,000 gallons of number two grade gas at 31.45 cents per gallon were awarded to Texaco Canada Ltd. A tender for 20,000 gallons of diesel fuel oil at 36.25 cents per gallon was awarded to the D. X. Oil Co. Council directed the treasurer side of Wilson from Rossland |to write off uncollectible busi- south to the Sir Albert Love) school. The request was re- ferred to the works committee. ness taxes amounting to $1,030 as approved by the court of re- vision, which he said may be required 'advised that the. city is not in-|for the 195 feet abutting his prop- terested in purchasing his lotjerty on payment of subdivision charges for this frontage. MELBOURNE (CP)--There is a new gold rush going on in Western Australia. Two Cousins and part-time prospectors, Ted and Ken Holman, started it |when they looked up at the roof of their small mine 300 miles east of Perth and found the whole roof studded with gold. | Ted said later: "It was like a dream. It looked like a jewel- R. Sheremeta, 72 Tecumseh| The separate school board-and}er's shop." ave., asked council to consider closing the street allowance for Algonquin st., extended south from Orchard View blivd., and dividing the land equally among adjoining land owners. The re- quest was referred to the works committee. Solicitors for Fabricated) Metals and Stampings Ltd., ask- ed council to close a portion of Jackson ave. Fabricated Metals said it would like to acquire) the property and use it as @ the St. Francis Parent Teacher) Association will be advised that considerable work has been done} on the maintenance of Elmridge ave., and that the road will be paved and a sidewalk construct- ed in. 1966. Short Celina st., will be in- cluded in the 1966 surface treat- ing program provided that the roadbase is found to be satis- Ken said: "It was all lit up |with big stones hanging from the roof, What a strike." . | Their find is just four miles jfrom where Western Australia's \biggest nugget, the 1,135-ounce \"*golden eagle,"' was dug up in |1931. Their mine is on new jground but only a mile from the nearest diggings of the old |gold-rush days. | "We were just following a Western Australians Have New Gold Rush it was. We had struck it rich." They already have extracted $11,700 worth of gold and they reckon ore still to be treated will yield $22,500 more. And there could be much more left in the mine. The old gold-mining town of Kalgoorlie, 50 miles to the north, has got the gold-rush fever again. More than 500 persons turned jup to see the ore crushed and all the ground around the Hol- |mans' four-acre claim has been staked out since the first find was made. Ted, 43, is married with two children, and owns a welding business in Kalgoorlie. Ken, aged 23, a Kalgoorlie electri- cian, is married and has two children. Each weekend for about two years the Holmans factory. This was recommended) reef about 30 feet down when it\/have travelled down to their by the works committee in view |started to look good," Ted said |diggings in Ted's old grey of the fact that property owners!'We kept going and then there! truck men today and headed back to- ward what they hoped was nor- mal operation after some yard switchmen walked out in a wild- cat strike. The strike cut freight service and held back two of three com- muter trains scheduled for runs from Pontiac to Detroit early to- day. The commuter trains nor- mally serve almost 2,000 Detroit area passengers. WE NEED LESS SLEEP VANCOUVER (CP) -- With hypnosis, the average person could get by with only three hours sleep a night, says dentist Ralph Yorsh. He told a group of university students that the hypnotic trance is three times as restful as ordinary sleep. Dr. Yorsh uses hypnosis in his den- tal practice. A. STOLZENFEL'S KENNELS e@ Grooming & Clipping all breeds @ Boarding & Training @ Pick Up & Delivery CALL BROOKLIN 655-4487 parking lot. | Council's works committee advised the Oshawa Develop- ment Association that tenders for city work are advertised in the Daily Commercial News and are awarded in most cases to the lowest tender. The ODA said it understands there is not a great deal of response to calls | for tenders and asked what the/ city's advertising procedure was. | Rezoning of land to permit an apartment building was re- quested by William Menuk, | through his. solicitor. The land) involved is at the northwest| corner of Stevenson and Cham-| plain. The request was referred | to planning board. | N. M.. Goldman applied for) rezoning to permit construction of garden homes on the north side of Gibb st., west of Waverly st. The request was referred to planning board. D. W. Wilson on behalf of Rossland Park Ltd., requested rezoning to permit the construc- tion of town houses on land at the northwest corner of Wilson and Rossland. The request was referred to planning board. Finance committee will con- sider a City of Windsor resolu- tion asking that the Criminal Code be amended regarding the value of articles raffled. Wind- sor suggests a value not exceed- ing $7,500 instead of the present $50. The jation of i officers of Ontario, district 12, asked Mayor Lyman Gifford to participate in the district's spring meeting opening cere- monies in Oshawa April 27. Council members were also in- vited to the ceremonies and to| a luncheon. | Finance committee is consid-| ering a Town of Espanola reso- | lution asking senior govern- | ments to create a select com- mittee to investigate the rea- sons behind the inflationary rise in prices and that the com-/ mittee submit recommenda- | tions for controlling inflation) and insuring the standard of| living In~Canade A request that Sunday, May) 29, be proclaimed "Poland's | Day" in Oshawa was turned | down by council. The request | was made by the Polish Mil- Jenium Committee of Oshawa. Mayor Gifford said the city's policy is to proclaim special | days only when they are rela- | tive to civic matters. A request | for permission to hold a tag day May 28 in support of the| Canadian Polish Millenium Fund was referred to the police commission. | The Oshawa Chamber of Com-) merce wrote commending coun- cil and city officials involved in the preparation of a comprehen- sive parking report concerning | the central business district. | The Chamber, through presi-| dent James McCansh, said it) would lend its support toward| assisting council to implement! an improved program for park- ing. Willi Roth, through "se bap! citors, applied for rezoning 0!) land on the east side of Oxford st., extended. The request was referred to planning board. Department of economics and) development officials will be in- vited to meet with council April 20 to discuss the Central On- tario Regional Development As- sociation. ii. A bylaw officially setting the) 1966 mill rates was approved | by council. Shop Glecoff's Supermarket For That Wonderful .. . FRESH BROILER TURKEYS 6 TO 10 LB. 43: FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST FRESH PORK BUTT ROAST ..... 62 PORK HOCKS.......... 39 MODESS VICKS VAPO SUMMER DRESSES ofeee RUB Reg. 51c for 43c To Clear $2.00 up Reg. 64c for 55c EASTER GROCERY SPECIALS GRADE "A" SMALL HARRY HORNE 3-LB. JAK NESTLE'S ; QUICK BUTTERMATE OR FRESHER BREAD BUTTER HOT CROSS NUT BUTTER 1-Ib. Tin Reg. 65¢ 2% bOz. 99° Reg. 1.29 1.09 SPECIAL SPECIAL 55° 24-07, 1.00 LOAVES u, 62° 'sreut OO" BUNS APPLE PIES SWISS ROLLS Paaske Bread BUY 1 BAG OF 69c SOUP COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION OF EASTER EGGS AND CHICKENS, EGG COLORING REG. SIZE COUPON WORTH 39c FOR A BAG OF CHEEZIES HEINZ 10-OZ. TOMATOE OR VEGETABLE ov im i 30° "-- SPECIAL 39° 35° 65s CHIPS AND GET A =. Ar, LARGE SIZE 8 ans 89° TINS mtacn 19° 3 MUNCHIES De EASTER PRODUCE SPECIALS ICEBERG LETTUCE "** Tender Green Onions Vine Ripe Tomatoes TURNIPS us, 29° us. 7 PLAY SPELLBOUND WIN $25.00 CASH This Week's Winner--MRS, FRANCIS LAWRENCE, 1475 Evangeline Drive A $2,340 tender for 1,350 gal-| lons of white traffic paint was awarded to Sherwin-Williams' Co. Ltd. A $12,360 tender for the sup- ply and delivery of 750 cubic yards of concrete was awarded to Curran and Briggs Ready Mix Ltd. A $4,582 tender for the supply | and delivery of 3,000 feet of; GLECOFFE'S SUPERMARKET SHOP BY PHONE, CALL 725-3445 174 RITSON ROAD NO RTH : GLECOFF'S OPEN 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. DAILY FREE PARKING GLECOFF'S CASH PAY CHEQUES AND BABY BONUSES muter trains from Detroit be- cause of inability to get the morning frains out of yards in Pontiac. |sistant Detroit superintendent, said some of the regularly-sche uled day shift switchmen failed to show up, But, he said, enough replacements were comprise a 'just about normal" crew. a day to keep healthy. Anteaters kept in captivity] need one drop of formic acid Henry Keel, Grand Trunk's as- 7 : runk's aS-|_ rSVERSOVRS. IN BUSINES: GARAGE located to 15 CHURCH STREE STEPHENSON' 725-0522 725-0560 "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL le 728-7567 Ss ul DPDRWG STORES PRICES GOOD UNTIL APRIL 9 AT 1.D.A. SUPER SPECIAL Kodak Verichrome Pan 127 OR 620 SIZES 2 FOR ag. ALKA-SELTZER GIVES SPEEDY RELIEF FROM UPSET STOMACH AND. COLD DISCOMFORTS » 67 FILM, 127 OR 620 SUGG. LIST $1.55 SUGGESTED LIST 65¢ EACH SUGGESTED LIST 78¢ KODACOLO 1.33 DENTAL CREAM COLGATE WITH FLUORISTAN 97- -. WILKINSON SWORD STAINLESS STEEL RAZOR BLADES "THE WOLD'S FINEST BLADE" 4 BARS WITH FREE SUGGESTED LIST $1.19 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 75e FOR 65¢ CEeracel, "Sets SUGG. LIST $1.40 1.07 DOVE BRUSH AND COMB SET 88° COLOGNE SPRAY DESERT FLOWER "Oioou.°***, 3.19 COLOUR SHAMPOO SUGG. LIST 2.25 NEW DAWN KODACHROME II 1.88 4.29 8MM, MOVIE FILM SUGG. LIST $5.25 SYLVANIA FLASHBULBS,,, sue. "8! 46 sues, M2° M28 LIST $1.80 1.49 tsr $1.92 1.59 BEAUTY BEGINS WITH A $2.00 or more purchase at 1.D.A., plus this coupon, entitles you to receive FREE, either: 1 pr." Lovely Lady" Nylon Hosiery (Nutwood or 3 Wilkinson Sword Stainiess Steel Razor ? 2 of i} Customer's SIGHGHUBs.. vccecesaessncesccs Check your choice of free item here: BRECK SHAMPOO Consumer Special $1.75 Value For $1.44 IT'S EASY WITH SELF STYLING HAIR SPRAY BY TONI WITH FREE BIKINI COMB $b33 SCOTTIES HANKY PACK FACIAL TISSUES 2 1m 39. SUGGESTED LIST $1.89 REGULAR 2 FOR 4le PACOUINS EXTRA DRY HAND CREAM SUGG. LIST $1.29 1.09 '1.29 DESERT FLOWER SPECIAL shade) Blades (Coupon valid only when signed) 4-0Z. DUSTING POWDER WITH FREE 1¥%2-0Z. SPARKLING COLOGNE $1.59 ARRID CREME DEODORANT ne eg. $2.50 VALUE FOR $1.75 Law's 1204 Wecker Drive 725-3525 Eastview Pharmacy 573 King St. kb. 725-3594 SUGGESTED North Simcoe LIST 78 Pharmacy 907 Simcoe St. North 723-3418 Karn's 28 King St. East 723-4621 \ Mitchell's 9 Simcoe St. North 723-3431 McCordick 360 Wilson Rd, South 725-8711 Lane's 302 Stevenson Rd. ' North 723-1131 and 2 Jamieson's 241 King St. East 725-1169 guiderail, terminal ends and)

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