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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Apr 1966, p. 6

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. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 6, 1966 Orono Police Trustees View Subdivision Pla ' ORONO (TC) -- A plan, sub- This will include money for the, mitted by the engineering firm/installation of a new alerting | of Marshall, Macklin and Mon-| system. oghan, for the area west of| Chairman Woodyard said he Main st. n., was viewed recent-/had obtained approval from the ly by Orono Police Trustees.|chairman of the centennial fhe plan showed 114 building committee for an extension to lots along with proposed streets.|yse the present dump site. He The trustees will take the plan,|said he is investigating one or with the plan for the area east two sites for a new disposal of Mill st. to the planning! qump. board. Resolutions were passed ask- The plan for the area west of 112 Clarke Dawias to collect Main st. was also discussed) 9599 for the village on the with Mr. Ochonski, a builder, police assessment and to estab- as a possible link with his de-iiich a road budget for 1966 of velopment farther west in the $8,000, Of the latter amount! township. $4,500 is for new construction. A request from Bruce Myles ENFORCE BYLAW to erect a commercial building at the corner of Mill st. and : 1..| The chairman, Mr. Woodyard; MillsogeHill Gea! aes be aie suggested the trustees enforce an old bylaw which is still in cussed with the planning board. effect as a centennial project, FIRE BUDGET é A budget of $4,500 was set for/ This bylaw requests an owner the Orono Fire Department.|to clean up his premises and if Jackson's Pee Wees Score 5-4 Victory BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Tom-jCollegiate and Vocational Insti- chishin scored two goals in the|tute, Oshawa. Judy Cochrane, third period to give Jackson's|Nancy Dorrell, Judy Swain, Pee Wees a 5 to 3 victory over|Elizabeth Thompson and Mar- Hall's Pee Wees in an exciting} lene Tomchishin received their game recently. Jackson's gave a fine display commissioner, Mrs. Gunn. of puck contro! in the first per-- Mrs. Hibbard, of West Hill, iod to gain a 2 to 0 lead. Jack-| gave an interesting tank on the} son scored both goals with For-| life, customs and conditions in} est and Rick Prosser assisting.| Brazil at the March UCW meet- -- |The increase is to be discussed certificates from the provincial) Count. Teewaral Ca-onirarents ly delcared a 3 per cent divi- |dend on 1965 member business and also a 1 per cent dividend on lay ration and broiler mem- he fails to do so the municipal-/b¢T business. ¢ ity may take action to have the) Total sales during 1965 work done at a cost of the own-|amounted to $343,320 with a net er. No action was taken on the! Saving of $15,229 or 4.4 per cent. suggestion. Operating expenses totalled The chairman also reported |$37,516. The cost of goods was that the water extension to the |$292,200 with working capital of park must be carried out this | $87,300. |year. In. this Mr. Simpson asked| The retiring directors were where the money was coming| John Stone, Everett Cryderman from to do this work. The trus-'and Robert Morton. Messrs. tees, after some discussion, |Cryderman and Morton were re- passed a resolution asking the'elected. Sam Turner was the township to have the Ontario|third member named to the |Water Resources Commission|board. G. H. Watson and part- carry out the project. ner were named auditors. Discussion also centred) A banquet was held in the around increasing hoe trustees' | United Church in conjunction fees from $75 to $125 a year.) . i |Mr. Woodyard said he would be with the annual meeting, Jean agreeable if an exemption was made from the total for each solo with Mrs. Everett Cryder- meeting missed by a' trustee.| man at the piano, Alma Freitag Mr. Simpson could see no rea-'.54q Mary Smith gave an accor- exemption as it had pai BB agied ghey Aye past, dion and electric guitar duet, Mrs. Alice H. Bickle won an electric iron; Mrs. B, Hooey a shirt and overalls and Clarence Allin, house paint. again. SEEK STOP SIGNS | Mr, Simpson raised the ques- jtion of having the United Coun- \ties erect 'Stop Signs' on streets intersecting with the county road. The secretary was in- structed to write the counties in this matter. He also request- led that the flag purchased by the village, some six months BROUGHAM ---A grant of |ago, be put up by Hydro. $1,000, to cover the balance Mr. Simpson also requested owing by the Pickering Town- the trustees to send a letter tO ship Hockey Association, has Curvply asking if it intends been authorized by the Picker- to connect to the water main jing Township Parks and Recrea- and use water at its north tion Committee. plant. He said the trustees had Grant Assists Hockey League 'Has Good Year Ma ORONO (TC) -- The Dirk | js sag ss Parr contributed a St. Patrick's h |Farmers Co-op | Music Night Attracts For Fine Evening WH ete 4 me mb dd hance akc |Anderson Street High School choir, Accordian Club and Band turned Music Night into an over- i\whelming success. The even- ing started with several num- jbers by the choir under its con- \ductor, Keith Norion, Included | were Jerome Kern's "Ql' Man "Thaw Dance | Disappointing Blair Park Vista annual | Spring Thaw Dance was a bit disappointing as a fund raiser, though there was some profit, | BROOKLIN -- An organiza- tion meeting of the Oshawa Sakebbol River" and Wreddv Grant's}... OF Tai, fa) composition ot "They Call. I\Gicbe' was held' last week in _|the township hall. Ken Holliday, rantomenty made by "C.o1in|Brooklin and William Batty, Brown to-six-numbors, the -most|Brooklin, the 4-H Leaders, con- popular being Seiner's composi-| 1ucted the ejection of officers, tion, "A Summer Place'. and Calf Club executive --presi- Gold's "Exodus". |dent, Doug Batty, Brooklin, RR After a ont atereiee te the|1; vice-president, John Davis, band, conducted by Steven Duff.|}oshawa, RR 2; secretary-treas- Most popular seemed to be|2: Press reporter, Harold Guth "Thundercrest" by Eric Oster-| rie, Whitby, RR 2. ling followed by Paul Yoder's) Grain Club executive -- presi- |arrangement, "Barn Dance'. | dent, Grant Beath, Oshawa, RR | The evening ended with alo. vinenreci sentimental sing-along whieh|2: vice-president, Ted Hunter, featureed a singing duet by San- Brooklin, RR 1; secretary-treas- As a community social event jeveryone in attendance declared jit an immense success. June Ruttle, social convener, d the event well in hand and diversified the program to the delight of all, Prizes were won by Mrs, George McWalters, Ajax, Jack Ing, Whitby. and Miss Dianne {Richardson, Oshawa. | One-Stop DECORATING Wollpoper and Murals Custom Draperies Broadloom C.1,L. Points end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Points DODD. & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byren St. S., Whitby PHONE £68-5862 The group was particularly | honored with the presence of Whitby Mayor- Desmond New- jman and his wife. OFFER TIPS FOR SONG LONDON (CP)--The British Standards Institute, an inde pendent quality - testing body, has issued a booklet advising jamateur music groups how not ito give a shocking performance. Several guitarists have been in-| jured by badly - wired instru- urer, Ivan Wilson, Claremont dra McIntyre and Conrad West- 9. : . erink followed by a guitar duet|= 4, press reporter, 'Keith by Janis Shaw and Doryce Ac-| Baty: Bronkiin, RR 1: |ton. | Several new features have | Dairy Calf, Grain Clubs Elect Their Executives Club, have been a en Ge a group. mee! e junior members, but will be offered 7 more advanced program. | Also, 4H Grain Club mem- been added to the 4-H program bers have had. the choice of this year. Senior club mem-|oats or barley as their project ders, WIUIN Lhe #i Dairy Caliscrop ims year eet a Poetic Mente Re aati! Blac PUMPS For Your Home -- Farm or Cottage SEE THE... PLUMBING MART Piston -- Jet -- Submersible -- Sump --~ Plastic Pipe & Fittings. : 5 20%, OFF ALL PLUMBING SUPPLIES 149 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY, ONT. 12 P.M, to 9 P.M. -- Sat, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M, Closed on Wednesdays -- Phone 668-6601 Mr. Norton was presented with a landscape painting by |Lois Delaney from the choir. The band presented Mr. Duff {with cuff links and a tie tack. ASPIRIN CAN HELP YOU FEEL BETTER FAST! FAST RELIEF FROW Five Bee eriCOMrORT OF HEADACHES COLDS * Aspirin Is the Registered Trade Mark of The Bayer Company, Limited, Aurora, Ontarie Ron Stewart, chairman of the | ments. put the water across the high- association, said $3,970 had been Scott, assisted by Forest scored ing. Mrs. H. Kyte presided and another goal early in the sec-| Mrs. Walter Wright took the de- ond period. votional. With the game well in hand Jackson's relaxed and fell vic- tims to two goals by Phinney and one by Hall. Cartwright Bantams played a $-all tie with Greenbank in their best of five series. Bryon Wolfe with two and Leonard McLeod) were the scorers for Cartwright. | fn the second game Cartwright ORONO (TC) -- Heather tame back from behind to win| Rebekah Lodge, No. 334, re- 3 to 2. Wayne Kirkpatrick, Den-|cently celebrated its 19th birth- nis Romeri! and Mar! Malcom! day when 65 members and visi- scored for the winners. tors sat down to a pot' luck Pupils of Cartwright Centralisupper. Birthday greetings Schoo] made a fine showing at|were received from the lodges the Peterborough Kiwanis!in District 8. Music Festival. A girls' triple) Noble Grand Sister Lola Ken- trio from the senior grades won nedy presided, assisted by Vice first prize with 84 points. A jun- Grand Sister Jean Wood. Sister for choir from Grades 3 and Margaret Graham presented the 4 took second place with 83 flag. The chaplain, Sister Betty points. Mrs. Carol Wonnacott,|Major, conducted the devo- Bowmanville, is director of tional. music at the school. The District Deputy Presi- The Town and Country Club dent, Sister Jean Rutter of Port had made a $12 donation to as-|Hope, was introduced by Past t delegates to the Christian) Noble Grand Sister Betty New- lucation Conference in King-| Man. in. The club meeting was fea-| In memory of the departed by two debates by high|sisters and brethren, a memo- school students. rial service was portrayed by Lorna Wright and Nadia the past noble grands. Flowers Schwartz took the affirmative Were Placed on their altar in and Elizabeth Thompson and|™Memory of the departed. -- | Dennis McLaughlin the nega-| Sister Betty Newman was in: Heather Rebekah Lodge Marks 19th Birthday way but to date Curvply had not connected to the main. charge of the bingo in the ban- quet hall. Lunch was eerved by Sister Gladys Gansby and her committee. Mr. Bunting gave a talk and showed films on water conser- vation at the meeting' of the Senior Horticultural Society. He stressed there is no shortage of water but that its misuse is a tragedy. The printing of the prize lists for the spring flower show and the summer show in August was authorized. Mrs. Jenny Norton will siow films on her trip to Virginia at the April 28 meet- ing. A feature of the meeting was the literature table with hints for gardening, house plants and seed catalogues. Several pro- jects relative to competitions, and gardens were discussed. Draw winners were Alfred Johnson, Mr. Quantrill and Mrs. Elsie Woodyard. ~ | quired paid for buses to transport play- ers. He said $468 would be re- to cover the last five Saturdays. The Red Cross Society asked an allotment of $250 to pay water safety instructors. Bud- gets of $700 and $900, respective- ly, were received from the Brougham and West Rouge Park groups. The Greenwood Park Board submitted a budget of $1,645. The board asked that flood- lights be installed. The board has a balance of $800 to help finance a paved area for volley- ball, dancing and tennis. DEALING YOUR CAR? The Man To See Is JACK HUGHES e ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. Sweet HAMS and LOW PRICES! at BRI The size and price right for EASTER Fe ing. DEVON BRAND tive on "Should euthanasia be legalized in Canada". Judy Cochrane and Betty Bradburn took the affirmative and Judy) Swain and Douglas Metcalf the negative on the subject "Should Capital Punishment be Abol-) ished". | Special Fellowship meetings were held last week in the Anglican and United Churches! with a fair attendance. Rev.| Rose spoke on "The Faith" and "The Sacraments'; srvhile Rev Romeril spoke on "The Church" and "The Ministry'. Twenty-five Girl Guides, their leaders and friends attended the Central and Toronto Areas Gold Cord ceremony at McLaughlin OPEN GOOD FRIDAY WRY NOTP SLICED SID BACON uv. §9* PEAMEAL BACK BACON qT: b } y the piece BROWN'S Competition often dictates policy in business. REASONS to fly to Europe this summer t prefer f BOAC offers you 29 excellent feasons why you should fly to ' Europe this summer -- a re- jeord number of 29 trans- | atlantic flights from Toronto. There's sure to be one to fit | with your travel plans. Jet | direct to London by magni- ficent BOAC Rolls-Royce 707 Vor Air Canada giant DC-8 jet, From April 1 transatlantic fares are the lowest ever. (Bxample: 21-day Economy Excursion Toronto - Rome will cost you only $465* re- turn--a saving of $40.) Come to think of it, that's another good reason. That makes 30! "See your Travel Agent. He'll give you severa! more. "Subject te government approval. =" BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA These policies, however, are not always in the best public interest. They often interfere with customers or staffs' religious or moral views. So that we may help preserve the freedom of re- ligion which our fathers fought for and won we in the com- mercialization of this religious day. to become involved Again, as in the past, we will be CLOSED | GOOD FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY as Usual 10:00 a.m. -- 10:00 p.m. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE BREAD wows 1,00 LOVES +) BRIDGELAND FREEZER SPECIALS RED OR BLUE BRAND | HINDS BEEF 39: b 145 to 250 Ibe. HOME OF "THE KING OF MEATS" 728-3361 Such Tender Juicy, Spicy- LAND MEAT-O-RAMA., MAPLE LEAF BONELESS apm y Feasting Ag such DGE- just atur- PORK LOIN CHOPS u. 69° BEEF HAMBURG 3 ins, 1.00 BRAND NEW ILSON FREEZER -- 5 YEAR WARRANTY 149.50 CANADA PACKERS CANADA PACKERS 1ST GRADE BUTTER | MARGARINE SLICES 4 ws 1,00 3 xcs. 1.00 CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE | mn TEL Sc ON MAPLE LEAF Tenderflake CHEESE LARD 4 us. 1.00 COMMERCIAL BEEF SIDES 49: 250 to 300 Ibs, RED BRAND BLUE BRAND BEEF | BEEF SIDES | SIDES da: | 22 250 to 300 250 to 300 Ibs. RIDGELAND war ox 909 SIMCOE ST: NORTH (At The Crosswalk) COMMERCIAL HINDS BEEF 49: HOME OF "THE KING OF MEATS" 728-3361

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