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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Apr 1966, p. 1

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Weather Report Clear at night and little change in temperature. Low tonight, 30. High tomorrow, 52. : Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajex Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. She Oshawa Cines Authorized es Second Closs Mall Post Office Department Ottewa and for payment of Pastage in Cash. TWENTY-TWO PAGES" VOL. 95 -- NO. 71 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1966 Mystery Angles Build Up In George Spencer Death Three Say They Saw Him Well, Sober On Wednesday VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mys- Spencer was missing when his tery built on mystery today in|body was found, was being in- the death of George Victor/vestigated. So was a report by Spencer, central figure in a spy|neighbors that he shunned his jcontroversy that has rocked|home for weeks on end, appar- Parliament. ently moving from address to The frail, sixtyish dismissed | address. mail clerk was found dead sit-| Yet when his body was found, ting at a kitchen table in his|the door to the house was un- home last Saturday night about |locked. 1l p.m., just four days before} Harry Rankin, Spencer's law- a government-ordered judicial/yer, said he had telephoned inquiry into his case was to|Mr. Justice Wells of the On- open here. A half-finished beer|tario Supreme Court, appointed was on the table. to conduct the Spencer inquiry. Medical and police investiga-/He was told that a hearing tors said he had been dead at|slated for Ottawa Wednesday least four days, possibly six. An|would deal primarily with a jautopsy showed he had con-|statement made by Spencer to sumed a considerable amount|the RCMP some time ago. Mr. of alcohol. Coroner Glen Mc-|Rankin said he would decide Donald said alcohol may havejafter getting a_ transcript ' contributed to his death but was|whether he would need to do part of the 2nd Battalion, [not directly responsible. |any cross-examining at the Ot- 16th Regiment, and mauled | Now three employees of an|tawa inquiry. it severely. (See story on |EFast Hastings Street beer par-| "I am still involved in the Page 3.) lor say they saw Spencer, well|case," the lawyer said. "I will and sober about 9:30 p.m. the|be acting on behalf of the es- previous Wednesday night. tate." Bar Manager Jim Mortimer,| Garbage cans full of empty who has known Spencer about/liquor, beer and wine bottles 30 years, claims he bought the|were found outside Spencer's little man a beer. Spencer told|home. But Robert Taylor, oper- him he was feeling fine and was | ator of a rest home where Spen- Junta Pledges Voting SAIGON (CP) -- Anti-govern- |ment and anti-American dem- ;onstrators marched in two ma- | jor northern cities again today as South Viet Nam's military government pledged to hold elections as soon as a constitu- tion is drafted and the election machinery set up. ' But the Buddhist opposition cold-shouldered the preparatory congress at which the offer |was made, Addressing an assemblage of § WHILE PARADING FOR PEACE The traditional British scheduled police activity en Square two Americans join- Easter peace march, which route, Along London's Ken- ed the marchers in an anti- --AP Wirephoto by cable from London (AP Wirephoto) | derscored its boycott of the con- tain pass. A spokesman said it Since the United States Te-| and The eight-engined Stratofor-|symed the air attacks on North |Mortimer's story as to the date and everybody had hounded started in High Wycome sington Gore, the police Viet Nam war demonstra- about 40 miles north of Lon- battle a demonstrator who, tion, (See story on Page 2.) falgar Square Monday on to break away from the schedule, but with some un- main march. In Trafalgar Gy ea SO Me ry representatives the junta had | convened from throughout the} | MATCHMAKER EAl a 8 tes ne | Nguyen Van Thieu, said the| the Ist U.S. Infantry Divi Gia east of Saigon in South CHANGES MIND lruling generals want to turn| Sion sits with his rifle to- Viet Nam. A Viet Cong lover power to civilians 'in the| "ay next to long lines of battalion attacked and sur- VANCOUVER (CP)-- | shortest time possibie." | bags containing the bodies rounded the U.S. company, Informed South Vietnamese) . cision to bar women from a } nes d di ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP){cells taken from some of the| professional boxing card here |" i am 5 Penh pain gag cil l S SCUu 'e | e ar Advances in biology research|animals soon after their sei-| April 20. pend drringdee weenie hs alae) ranging from a possible new/ures reached a peak. | The decision wasn't his Fre sage e cei | clue concerning the mechanism! He said the research appears; | He made the announcement | ' =o looking forward to clearing his\cer stayed for three months, name at the inquir said the ex-mail clerk was ni ory transfer," were reported to-| within brain cells where the! who plan to initiate monthly quiry ordered by k was not day. seiures apparently begin, and| boxing shows with a 10-round | to cling to power," Thieu said dismissal without pension for| «Th i y ; ' é . ice , it was alcohol that Thi were described in re-|the chemical enyme system! match here between light | cuppestin s ossible form- 7 A : 5 ey say ports prepared for the 50th con-|which apparently is involved. | heavyweight Eddie Cotton (ula saw . satienal aivemnbly| SAIGON (AP) U.S. Airjthick jungle where the Viet|routes in western Laos known "Mortimer "said Spencer tin: aoe anion Pie poe i --Ani i -| Seattle yyweight Emil | 4 AP) -- U.S. Air| , | m|. : vention of the Federation of ---Animal experiments sug-| Seattle and heavyweight Emi | that ale the anemabers could be | rorce B-52s struck North Viet|Cong have held out since the as the Ho Chi Minh trail, the |ished his beer, ordered two|don't believe it," Taylor said, mental Biology, one of the'ries may some day be trans-| many. elected, the others appointed' Nam for the first time today,/days of French rule. |infiltration channel into South|™ore bottles and a package of| Honing: KILLED HIM world's largest scientific con- ferred from one individual to| Brown said. the head of the | tient | nt j ) : 's | claves. janother by means of chemical] Seattle group, Windsor Olson, The Buddhist leadership un-/explosives on a strategic moun-|lasted five hours ap ge si gids me yo soul. The government Approximately 20,000 scien-|substances extracted from the| was opposed to allowing lgress by demanding that thelw, he a . Bsslt ps tists from 47 countries are ex-|brain, Dr. Georges Ungar of| women to attend fights be- |7¢ mee Oe ene largest: Bernese wee DOMD Bree ere Viet Nam Jan. 31 afters on re, |and time, They sald Spencer|him until he was heat, That's a. oe " a 18 iM ' | , | i had been stomer the end of the five-day meeting|Medicine, Houston, Tex., re-| stronghold of masculinity.' | Sitee" "ed a rd yee ona While the United States esca-/a0e --o wil oy et peatedly hit by air force and | years, ---- there pal Coroner McDonald-said it {% 'Whiel-will feature nearly 3,200 ported. eae , | but Fhed no idea it was | mier Nguyen Cao Ky. eee teak Cake eetihceibass,, a funnel tor sien 90d ny. Caras mekke a unt) 'Srenterte elentn never Goin nee ae te wee scientific papers detailing new! He told of tests in which ani-| going to turn out like this," |" . oe jnorth, a Viet Cong battalion)* 455, |fort to cripple southbound mili-| ibed hi h : jeaused the death of Spencer, findings in such fields as heart|mals were gradually habituated; Brown said Monday night. A communique issued by the| mauled an American rifle com-|@™ms to the south. |tary traffic. s | Yet. mas & heavy drinker. | ho had long suffered a can- bs . | P . | The defence department ac-) gan transplants, human and an-|ous man-made fright-producers! stopped ringing since the an- be og A aboridely pe gp Sec east of Saigon. An army spokes.|sive an meee ngge Dose knowledged in Washington|con7l Fagg areca 24 parts per parently had healed. Autopsy imal nutrition, and drugs af-|such as the production of sud- nouncement came out. betes pie hen the Sehtn cn man reported heavy Segre vehi | RRO pla meanwhile that the air war in|' lresults are not yet complete. fecting human behavior den sounds. One woman told my tends to wage"'a civil oar with ec nne perhaps one-third or a the south had been temporarily| There were also reports of a} The corner said there are a oo nee highlight reports of Later, when the ~rmneng 09 pose og Knog she has fc ly S. - . more of the Americans were, Other air force and navy|eyrtailed because of a shortage | Missing briefcase, of a violin-| number of questions yet to be e first morning's sessions grown immune to being fright-| tended fights here since 19 | U-8. y at full strength has 178|sions against the north Monday, | és bodyguard, identified as Bill t will be most thorough. He i leant ® sia cial ine anawnc cauta| on feo Spe apa ot Assistant Defence Secretary | |quest will be m ugh. Ue pees: Casi Sat witenc ito chan eat | SsST*Y cate"scoy hat | compete" otha el At Infantry Divison meal eae eee a anon |e iotier. tad tat toluee> "ee Me Senved UWI Ne weet sae oe Dee ton of erileptic seiures | mals, And the latter creatures; to do about it." "11,500 South Vietnamese marines| were attacked from all \ +4 ss "dit {political troubles in Da Neng) Though police -- both Van-|thtocr cote: Sur Se pda 4 in rats, and the electron-miscro- | virtually ignored all the startle- Brown says he plans to ap- jit had sent to Da Nang last|while on Operation Abilene--in into the network of jungle) .~. ; couver officers assigned th@/recent activities before his scopic examination of brain'stuff right from the start ) | "> |ships with ordnance to other un- ? 8 : don Saturday, reached Tra- with other anarchists, tried leountry, Chief of State Lt.-Gen. A WEARY TROOPER of of his dead mates near Dinh 2 On Epilepsy | Matchmaker Dave Brown is | Boeing eneereinas AMES Ae sources said this could be with- | ® e of epilepsy to studies in "'mem-|to have pinpointed the sites! last week for a Seattle group |DON'T WANT POWER i "The military does not want Prime Minister Pearson into his}a heavy drinker. American Societies for Experi-|gest the possibility that memo-} Umek of Frankfurt, Ger- |from the provinces. | ; 4 i 7 J cigarettes to take out left. P idropping hundreds of tons of} The battle Monday night|Viet Nam. |g @ out and left. i ite was a peor, lost, dows 'pected to check in before the|Baylor University College of! cause boxing "is the last | U.S. government at once end its/raids of the war. ;than 200 raids on Viet Cong tar-|nause, the pass has been re- 'what killed him," , disease, cancer treatment, or-|to the startling effects of vari-| "My telephone hasn't | unified Buddhist church in the|pany in the jungles 40 miles) A U.S. spokesman did no' Yet an autopsy showed an al-| -erous lung condition which ap- |U.S. backing" to hang onto killed or wounded. A rifle com-|planes flew a total of 36 mis-|of bombs. playing friend and apparent/answered and indicated the in- --Dr. Ott Sellinger, Univer-'ened by such things, extracts) --and she said she was com- | Power sides| Mu Gia Pass feeds directly) ad foreed: the diversion °F peal to Olson to allow women | week in U.S. transports to take . tienen loading areas, He explained case. and the RCMP who lind/death. Hong Kong Foundling Girl | Adopted By Ontario Family BURLINGTON, Ont. (CP) Her name is I Suk Pak," The long, anxious wait is just) Mrs Mair said today 'it about over for Mr. and Mrs. means 'pleasant personality, en- Robert Mair of Burlington during as the evergreen.'."' Their newest child will be The Mairs, who have two with them soon young sons, came up. against The Mairs battled red tane the Halton County Children's 5 tor a 'year beiore they "tinaliy Aid 'Sotiety Gnd provincial Child Pt received permission to adopt ajwelfare department about 18 He leaves his foundling girl from Hong Kong,|months ago, when Dr. G, K.'S0, Andrew, managing and the two-year-old child is be-| Askwith, director of the county|f the Toronto Telegram ing prepared for the long trip|society, declined to sign the| Born April 23, 1893 to Canada and an opportunity|necessary papers Carleton Place, Ont., he wife near was a to attend over the northern city from dis-| lthat' yj been ordered to keep watch on| Spencer was fired from his sident troops | FOR INDONESIA lthat South Vietnamese unload- p Pp | | from unwed mothers," Dr, Ask-| At age 14, Dr. MacFarlane 107 primary education in To Visit Expo The provincial welfare depart- Scholar in 1916. Esti Hirlip was told by "'unof-|way to the ports; provide them 4 ; | . * ; I ; schools smashed or seize: | session of six boxes of French} San Gavandeg. kis alton an-icate, saying that' 'oo eulteble oe Se Russia Marks Space Anniversary ' ling crews had failed to report|Spencer -- were tight-lipped, it|postal job here without pension | Dr MacFarlane | eee ae, meee oe ord ifor work in recent days. ,was learned a note was found/some time after two Russian ie jaar a persons, -- e Health guid another sacton ion Spencer's kitchen table |embassy staff members in Ot- a ing 5 soldiers anc tha wid ; vhi : | 7: y Dies At Age 72 100 armea cd al the "temporary reduction. in| Which read: e tawa were Geparteg: Son 1 was g 100 arme its, marched in} ] | sorties within South Viet Nam"|_. Vic: Sorry I missed you. Ijdisclosed two Canadians were TORONTO (CP)--Dr. - Joseph], tow anti-government demon-| lwas that the South Vietnamese |Picked up my violin." |involved in the spying activities stration in Da. Nang | was that the South Vietnamese ; cceeees oo ate 4 Arthur MacFarlane, 72, who re et i "are mounting fewer attacks The note was signed "Bill."|with which they were charged. tired in 1961 after a distin-| CARRIED U.S. ARMS | lrequiring air support.'? One RCMP spokesman said aj Spencer was later identified guished career as a surgeon] The students carried US| als deanna jreport a briefcase belonging tolas one of. the Canadians. and dean of the faculty of med-|carbines, grenades and pistols as } ed | | icine at the University of Tor-|issued to them by South Vietna _-- im CTE eter nN * onto, died Monday night of can-|mese officers. Other demon- . . reasure cer in Princess Margaret Hos-|strators included women, chil-| TOKYO (AP) -- China de -jcials with the necessary facil- | NEWS HIGHI IGHTS ' ¥ Tauren and woundet" soldiers in marded woday "hat "Maonesia' ities: ee ae ee eae ri ee and one | blue hospital pyjamas arrange he evacuation of} The note. made public by the I C t d | editor ee ena --_ Magen New China news agency, said n us 0 y | U.S. Sends Note To France ' cuted an ade homeless by jthat since last October "Indo- | Space Cabin setiwing meeny rg hig jnesian rightwing reactionary | io ; PARIS eggs: 4 a be ige teen Phos Hig | 1e foreign ministry in Pe-|forces have launched massive rance a note saying April 1, , Js too early a date for she probably would never get in| "Here, in Halton, there are 80 SPecialist in abdominal surg- a |king handed Indonesian Am-! campaigns against the Chinese | erl | the withdrawal of American forces from France, U.S. Hong Kong. permanent CAS wards, with an-/erY, and served in both world Said 15 To |bassador Djawato a note which|nationals in an organized and| : | sources here said, The American note was delivered to the other 20 babies expected soon| Wars. ns eh Indone be bound by/ planned way. In all parts of In-| SYDNEY (CP) -- Sunken| French foreign ministry this afternoon by U.S. Ambassa- PM And Wile with said at the time. "My job|moved with his parents to Nok-| BUDAPEST (AP) Russia more the Ch nae eae ee ree phd nm bealigaan tee hewn Sees orm yes held in| French note "setting the. Onley fee Tres withdrawal is finding homes for children, |o™ins Sask., and obtained his hy plan to launch a 15-ton| The note also called on Indo-|the unbridled persecution of in-|@ Sheriff's custody here today | from NATO's integrated military structure and for the lnot children for homes." A aitsdenton teoneht ager pa Be india Sie hack! nocent Chinese nationals." be a legal gag developed over} removal from France of U.S, and Canadian bases and the A SCNO! : : | : Son; i. "Allo e | lits ownership. headquart f NATO' r-all d tral E 5 ee | » . } Ii a , | - ', It said houses and shops of, eadquarters 0) 8 ove ana centra uropean OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-| ment, after first refusing to en- vee , ong yg of yoga ob pegie ~ oe om Soeeeeoer air own effects and funds. 'thousands had been stuatemaa| Sheriff. James MacKillop of| commands. ter Pearson and his wife willjdorse the adoption, finally asked/20@ ne became a Khodes e Budapest newspaper} 2. "Ensure their safety on the/.1q burned, associations and|Cape Breton County took pos-| visit the site of Expv 67 in Mont-|Dr. Askwith to sign the certifi- After the First World W he | ficial les" i i R food d ' After the First World ar, he /ficial circles" in the ussian|with food and accommodation) ; 2 gold and silver coins Monday in| nounced today. Details of the studied medicine at the Uni-' capital. while they are at the ports; fa- many persons beaten. response to a Supreme Court or-| visit are to be announced later. child' was available for the 'Mairs in Ontario. | Studied at Oxford and in Lon- The report was carried by the|cilitate their departure from In-|. "Many have been murdered versity of Toronto, Later, he : Budapest paper today. donesia for China. jin cold blood, or even be- idon and wrote his fellowship in ithe Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. | In recognition of his contribu- i ition to medicine and adminis- tration he received many hon lors, including the OBE for his wartime work. The circles told him that "'an' 3. "Protect the Chinese of-| headed, disemboweled, dismem- interesting space experiment"|ficials to be appointed by the/bered and burnt alive," the| is being prepared, but. that it|Chinese embassy and consu-|note- charged. would be hard to say when the lates in Indonesia for assisting) Anti-Chinese feeling has been launching would be carried out./in 'the return of those Chinese! strong in Indonesia since. the at- The paper added the experi-;nationals who desire to come|tempted coup last October. Pe- ment may be the 15-ton space |back to China of their own will; |king was accused of secretly| cabin, provide the said Chinese offi-' sending arms to the rebels. | aut der issued in Halifax. His next} job is to count the money and| report to the court, The sheriff's count may help} clear up the question of how much the big haul is worth. Es-| timates have ranged from $10,-| 000 to $800,000 | | MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet Union celebrated toda:}_ the fifth anniversary of man's first space flight, while avoiding any official hint of what it expects to do in the next five and reports published in east years. Comments by several Soviet cosmonauts Europe had indicated that the Russians hoped to put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s; Alexei Leonoy, the was quoted as saying as earl first man to "walk" in space, y as 1968 Island scuba diver, revealed ieet| Canada Plans Kenya Mission 400 MARYLAND PRISONERS IN RIOT BREATHEDS VILLE, Md. (AP)--About 400 prisoners at the Maryland Correctional In- stitution rioted for two hours to- day before state police and prison guards controlled them. Tyo prisoners and one guard were injured in the melee, which broke out about 5:30 a.m. as the first breakfast shift pre- pared to eat in the dining hall.' They were taken to hospital in nearby Hagerstown. None of the injuries was believed to be serious Preston Fitzberger, superin- tendent of the medium security prison for young offenders, said COMMUNITY RESCUE crewmen and prison guards ly stitute's dining room. short- after 5.30 a.m., injuring in the dining hall to get break- fast when they began overturn- ing tables and throwing chairs, plates and dishes, Fitzberger said. State police barricaded them in the dining hall and the rioting continued for two hours. miles western Che institution, six from Hagerstown in Maryland, has 1,495 prisoners aged 15 to 25. The superintend ent's office said it was built to hold a maximum of 800. About 40 state troopers and several sheriff's deputies joined prison guards in halting the riot served in two shifts because of crowding at the prison, said Mrs. Mary Stain, secretary to the superin- tendent. She said it was the first major outbreak of trouble at the prison. The called tory for The prison, set in the middle of the farmland, has no outside walls. The men are housed in dormitories, with the dining hall:in the middle. Mrs. Stain said guards at the institution do not normally Breakfast is prison formerly was the Maryland Reforma- Males |week that he and two compan- jions recovered the money from | the 1725 wreck of a French pay | ship bound for Louisbourg, N.S. | Soon after this announcement janother Cape Breton group j headed by Robert D. MacDon- ald of Glace Bay, aiso a scuba diver, got a court order prevent-| ing Storm and his co - workers from disposing of the riches | pending a hearing April 22, Mac- Donald says his group made a search agreement with Storm that is still in effect. MacDonald's group followed jup Saturday with another in- ;junction ordering the coins | turned over to Sheriff MacKillop |for counting and safekeeping. |! MacKillop said he seized six|: | boxes of coins in a Sydney bank. |" }Storm says the find is worth OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada will open a diplomatic mis- sion in Kenya, likely next year, External Affairs Minister Martin announced today. Canada first established diplo- matic relations with the African country in 1964 through the Canadian high commissioner in Tanzania. Kenya achieved independence from Britain in 1963 after years of black-white strife. Une UMA | ...In THE TIMES today... Politicians Await Tax Report--P. 11 Whitby Aree Girl Guides Poss Tests--P. 5 Crushmen Eliminated--P. 8 Ann Landers Obits--~21 City Newa--11 Sports--8, 9, 10 Classified--18, 19, 20, 21 Theatre--17 seyeral prison guards .and he Some 40 to 50 State trouble. H and local police were sum resumed after about half moned to quell the riot. 400 returned to their cell (AP Wirephoto) The man were forming help load an injured Mary- land Correctional Institute inmate into an ambulance, An estimated 400 inmates tioted early today in the In- inmates ordered had no idea what caused the itzberger breakfast toured: the carry weapons. Although it is | situation quieted down, not a maximum. security | of the talking to guards and prisoners tution, prisoners are there s. to try to determine the reason practically all offences a line for the outbreak. Stain said. prison instil. | for Mrs. | only $10,000 as metal, a figure of $700,000 was the discovery first nounced, was an- r although |= esti-| = jmated in some quarters when|s Comics--17, 22 Editoriol---4 Financiel--21 Whitby News--5, 6 Women's--12, 13, 14 Weather--2 WAST

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