10-PIN ACTION... ,eIN ABC TOURNAMENT | ____7¥* oss rors, wiser. dont 89; #806 99 RIDERS SIGN GUARD cuUP SURVIVORS ® ® : OTTAWA (CP)--Roger Perd- rix, former University of Cincin-| _ Memorial Cup Survivors ' * By THE CANADIAN PRESS nati offensive guard and line- East ise gan Bi backer, has been signed to a adie int ruins, . ' ; ' a i . 7 Oshawa Generals, North Bay The Kastway Men's Thursday|Doug Gray 581 (205), Don ross, wore meh to his WKings and Alex wits ane eran anes rolton| 1966 playing contract by the Ot- Trapeers. Night League is proud to wel-|Frayne 562, Glen Copp 557|Bob 'Worsley 563, Doug Gibbs 547, Ron/left on the docket, the Falcons captured | tawa Rough Riders of the East-| West -- Estevan Bruins Ea- come back Erinli Golf Club and/(202), Bob Howlett 556 (234), | Ciara ee eee ate (ams), Bab | with age ee era ar ihe Jets |ern Football Conference ton Oil Kings "s Goch's Supertest, after their so-|Len Rose 546 (213) and G. De-! , . if lon ed into second place by scor- i : journ to Rochester, where they! Long 542. : He, bob Paske Fite san Laracon, Sis 'and |ing o 3-0 victory over the 'Eagles. while made such a fine showing in Doubler Harm Prakken 427 ig Clark S00. ihe Tigers were settling foro 2+} win over) | i} Results in the Championship brakcet roll he Hawks, end third place. The Mus-| the ABC tournament. Slot: o" fangs nipped Hornets 2 to 1. | (212, 215), John Mason 415jotf: at the end of the first night --| Wen hy ge Oe BOR te " , j Central Auto Body 2,273, Speedy Muffier 5 Gech's excelled in the Booster| (225), Ray George 415 (224), All ines". 261, mendes Sunoco service 2,169, (short in the fast game, a de ai group, while Erinli, though not|Saunders 372 (222) and Bob! orphans 2,103, North Oshawa Golf Range reavin guctes ch se and aie a Senet aners ' : . . Doug winning any prizes in the regu-| Worsley 371 (200). Bonds Clothes 97s, "Meligs 2089 and' snd Bob Richardson hed fine days, with| isi ih i ff while Bi lar division, nevertheless topped | TUESDAY NITE MEN'S {vena celal alata: i Wiabdbiicks Clann. oe Ft pe Mg olen the Oshawa contingent pith a| touse of Chow, which had an easy) els, 2164, Nu-Way Photo 2,130, Esses 2,115,/and Frank Sobil turned. in 587's. Big 2,716 total pinfall in the team | time all season long with their opposition: | race ash, Morings Gane reg 2s] Sonrme, Lawrence had - 586, a uF J 2S \found the going rough as the first night a rocca a unior 0 a een a al the plavelle act Uniar way. Oshawa Cleaners 1,924, : Standings | -- oricons bons e like e. : ' | Tigers 52, s 50, Mustangs agles Vann 550 (203). peg end Mo gy Sanebvie falling, Pee OM TEN PIN 45, Hornets 34 and Hawks 20. | ann (203), Ralph O'Reilly) . 9 | With two weeks left in the regular cocks, and Corvettes and General Aggre- 549 (206) Kennie Fi her 543 i | schedule, the Rooks are apparently ser. OLYMPIC MAJOR 2 gates, settling for fourth place and irail-|inus on gaining a berth in the champlon-| The Aces and Bullets are waging a Practice (210), Bert Harding 542 (387) 70 BY © Sep count, |ship. playoffs, as witness their Friday strong battle for section § as ac} and Ray George 526 (200). Nice|, Pinfall results -- Peacock Lumber |night's showing when they managed a/tion enters into the final two weeks of oing, lads! 192, Corvetts 2,760, General Aggregates| 4/2 to 2% triumph over the powerful|league play. Only a single point sep- g ' 8: 2,703, House of Chow 2,633, Thompson| Flintstones. |arates the first and second placers, with The first leg of the. lea |Plumbing 2,505 and Burns Shoes 2,495.| Only the Chevelles cou i | Rotars in third with 31 markers, followed Al a Pp kk g league In the consolations, Modern Grill have! rook applecart as they piel igen Be | by Bombers 28, Missiles 25, Huns 22, exan ra ar playoffs over, the results are as} 2,794 pins, Cadillacs 2,685, City Hall 2,631, Hermits 21 and Rifles 20. | follows -- In the championship | Police B's 2,594, Police A's 2,476, and Cate] Roor ee he ford The amazing Herman Prakken annex-| an OPIONSNID | starters 2,473 under pressur Ssmen' could falter | 4 the only fitle left in the league, when : group, Goch's lead by 20 pins| Herm Prakken's 639 (255, 207) was coped he gained the season's high triple by Th sda A 1 21 over Exinli, Les Eveniss trails |the best individual total for the night, fol-|, Dapper Dans seem to have folded a5 / coming through with a 662 series, to go| ur Y: pri TDEGEDELCERO TL TRSSRRSRSRHPL LARP ESATA ET, : jlowed by B. All twirled 576, they dropped @ 7-0 decision to the Paint ' { the golfers by 24, Ontario Motor| (234), Bil Rkaczuk $66 (200), E. Buech-|ShOD, while, In the remaining matches | wont as' roitmaying tae head one aa it | Sales back of the salesmen by ||er 555 (226), B. Heard 549 (203), F. Johns | Jewel's, Minute Men and F85's scored! average crown. | Tim 6:15 16, followed by Wilson's with|547,(20. R. Wright 547 (210), Gene su-)7-0 wins over their opposition Bob Edgar is flexing his bi for the | e : 2.656 pin 2 ets pryka 539, R. Trudell 534, Kenn Gunn Fred Brown rolled the high on the| coming playoffs with 630 and 606 series. Ape pins, and Mackie's with|529 and Glen Copp 528. Haga ees Mar Lig series, followed|Bob Richardson and Fred Brown also é a y Bi adertord 5! 228), Jake Wind|made ready for the roll-offs with 600 : ae EASTWAY MIXED 578 (258), Joe Friedrich $77 (221), Ron|cards, not to mention Don McLachlan, ANY BOYS AGE 18-21 ; ef the consolations, Clint S|, ate Pag ge hi Pech Shei cag Mel re 547, Bert Wind| who tossed @ 626 card last week. | y ead with 2,741 pins, Houdailles|\, h a poee mer Oe Sa. Gren Cope Sa) é , . wns, J Si way last Wednesday, with no less than|George Turner 532, i Fi - d . : have 2,713, Dyett's Sports 2,680,|seven of the fair sex tossing series of Tom Krawehuk 530 od Gea Wey BRIDGE GIVES DEATH INTERESTED IN TRYING OUT Ideal Dairy 2,666, Homes by better than 500. Carole Collis was tops 526, | Fi ' : xB PGP ©? |for the night, with a 566 (211, 200) card,| Standings -- Flintstones 452, Die Room| Since 1937, 300 people have ROMAN CENTURIANS INVADE LADIES' CURLING -- [iarsons "2.61, "air *Survey itt' u'r: nate, fina 3, 4.temn| snes Tiga gemple Ravel] = FOR SCUGOG CLEANERS ATTEND 2,631, Aldsworths 2,623, H and L.|jon Peake 330, Mary Mothersili $27, Jean |Men's Wear 33, Chevelles 31, Dapperican Francisco's Golden Gate 7 : ; " | ; : rence » Marlene Gillar » Anne , Mi y ai x | When the Ladies' Section the most colorful of these gold, The not-so-fiernce in- | Industries 2,601, Pepis 2,588 and| pene s12, Joan Ross 490, Hazel McLach, |Cate 2, imax seae' aa eh il ' bridge. \ of The Oshawa Curling Club was the foursome of vaders were, left-to-right-- {Scugogs 2,408. lan at, Eileen Worsley 475, Mary Cole | -------------_ Be by ; 4 ; " i a 'De sae é S ss 474, Doris Vann 465, Mavis Taylor 462, | held their annual closing "Roman Centurians" shown Joan O'Brien, Betty Kitch Top Triples on the night had|Ada Flooody 462, Fairley Bouckley 452. last Friday, no fewer than above, in their clever re- en, Lorraine "Elliott and | yarry Hutcheon "tops" tlh 61 Martha 'Stuatter 450, 'Helen Neal 4a and M 7 j 0 fees i Marielle Guay 434. 20 rinks appeared in a wide productions of the colorful Joan Batten. | (233), Frank Sobil - 605 (246),'" Ki Neal, who of late has found "beat variety of costumes. One of uniforms, in scarlet and --Oshawa Times Photo® jo ; : Hope Soccer 'Film Night ==. Caticrminetn' GOOLE LESSONS leg in Glasgow 1-0 last week. ka LOA 3 of emipty 'whisky: and Qualified C.P.G.A. Instructors n= |beer bottles rained down from : . me Starts Successful Season the crowded terraces. Hundreds Professional Teaching Stoff. = The Oshawa and District Soc-|to carry on the many duties of of rans spilled over on to the * Wilson Patterson * Alf Hvestis * John Delmore "cer Association welcomed the operating a successful league. pitch to escape them. new. s ood omen, when All seven positions have been| _ As the crowd of 53,000 swayed =<Oshawa's Terty Kelly was re- filled by competent and en-| dangerously,some _fans fell and Private Lessons For All Golfers "turned to the chair as presi-|thusiastic men and they arejwere trampled. Eleven of the BEGINNERS AND DUFFERS WELCOME S-dent of the Ontario Football/hoping to launch one of pha inlured, ore Pacing ar ee -- iati the recent an-|league's most active seasons,/man wi a broken skull an : . Seal testing of the governing and about the 24th of May. | both legs fractured. For Tha: Best Selection tn. Golfing Equipment body in Toronto. As a pre-season kick-off, the Liverpool now meets Borussia/ Visit Our Completely Stocked Pro Shop Terry Kelly was one of the executive has organized a plsuedeath final ot ibe! kes of ms ; : ' | -wo men who helped « ight'? is § ,a§ s1aS-) Let us toke strokes off your game for more Golfing Pleasure, enhtard-working P Film 'Night' for this Saar gow's Homeden Park Median. "put soccer "back on its feet' day, when a film featuring tw i eewith the formation of the local of the top European teams, in | Thunderbird Golf Club "body, some years ago. World Soccer championship) GERMANS LOOK TO SEA o= This year the Oshawa and/competition, will be shown. East Germany's shipyards! ASHBURN, ONT. PHONE 655-4952 ' ° s=District Association is looking) he event is being held at the| build about 60 ocean-going ves-| w=forward to the coming soccer) pojish Hall, Olive avenue, and|sels a year. ieseason, with a great deal Oflis scheduled to start at eight|-- zenthusiasm and for the first!»'clock. Match secretary Joe = time in a while, has a complete|/nuylhecco is urging all soccer list of executive officers ready | fans to support "the show" with Scunsi aise bases attendance. | OPENING Initial Practice | 100 Soccer Fans Oshawa Scugog Cleaners Jun- Hurt In Riot, jor "A" Softball Club will hold its first practice of the 1966 sea- Th B ] son, tomorrow (Thursday) eve- TOW ott es ning, at Alexandra Park, at) 1iyvERPOOL (AP)--A bottle- 6:15 o'clock. throwing riot injured more than With many of last year's|100 soccer fans Tuesday night team now graduated to the in-| after a 2-0 victory by Liverpool termediate ranks, due to over-|over Glasgow Celtic in the Eu- age status as Juniors, every|ropean Cup-Winners' Cup. position on the team is "open"| Trouble erupted three minutes \ = and all interested players will|from the end when the Scots = be welcome at tomorrow night's | were disallowed an offside goal « workout. that would have tied the aggre- Put your home "i ©6295 Ritson Road South in this picture with THURS., FRI., SAT. | APRIL 21, 22, 23 EXTRA ON GENERAL | viscounT/ JT AIR TT 100% FIRST OK CREDIT PLAN LINE : KAISER Aluminum Siding Ny ne us wae LIMITED OFFER! You get the quality you expect from KAISER @ Ends maintenance Kaiser Aluminum Siding won't peel, rust or crack -- ends % bs g es | painting worries and saves you money. . \ R Free Treats For Economical to install The Kiddies LAWN Kaiser Aluminum Siding covers any surface -- makes any A ied Porent. ccompanie y a 'arent. pth oe with lasting beauty. Save GREEN CROSS Kaiser Aluminum Siding makes your home cooler in Sum- | 20-10-5 mer, warmer in Winter -- cuts fuel costs. : . mT pasa : LAWN GREEN Sahay See Our Full Line of [4] Bim (). LAWN GREEN a Arrangements made for: Group Lessons, Offices, Club, etc, a on o « a * at " ee a a a7 ~ = pa ageeaesesse STREP eeeres This guarantee is exclusive with Kaiser--and adds sub- PIECE SET tantially to the resale value of your home. GARDEN PLANT FOOD 9 10 colours i e oP ; KITCHEN - COTTAG Modern, bright and pastel colours to choose from, with a : 500 So. 5 : ue CA s. full selection of accessories. ee 0 FT. : -----. Kaiser Aluminum Siding is C.H.M.C. approved. --_ ™ _-- Available in horizontal and vertical, acrylic finish. Consult the Yellow Pages for your Kaiser dealer-or contact: - _-- KAISER ALUMINUM COMPANY <4 wusel ERVICE SPECIALS 1 Arhoe Rod, Seton Ona The Family oi Fine Paint Products | BRAKE ADJUSTMENT | FRONT END ALIGNMENT soe oe CONTACT YOUR LOCAL KAISER DEALER ----ALSO-- Dingh Coeds end, ecto BS bot fam oa $ 88 rage le pin Heme $8.88 : SUPREME WINDOW Full Wall Murals and Top Quality Wallpapers b (a 8 oon 8 aves AND DOOR PRODUCTS nite tes evens snes. SUNWORTHY (GENERAL TIRE SERVICEG=> 15 PRINCE ST. OF OSHAWA 725-4632 or after hours 723-2797 + oe Se es Es SR + SEY 534 RITSON RD. SOUTH PH. 728-6221 : | mak R A ss a | | -- INSTALLED = STCARROLSSCLSSLNLLST THT SSCS TCRATERS TESST SLSERERTET ASL RRR TRAE RE REP eR EES? isertessse 4