ANN LANDERS Teach Santa Dear Ann Landers: I read with interest the letter from an older sister who was unhappy because the Grade 2 teacher told her little brother there was no Santa Claus. The same thing happened to our little boy, only it was the Grade 3 teacher who rebbed our youngster of his fantasy. _Our son was terribly unhappy when he came home from sthool. I turned to the World Book encyclopedia for help and fgund it. «Santa Claus was a real per- son. He was the bishop of Myra, who lived in an ancient tewn in Turkey around 300 AD. His name was Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was the kindest ahd most generous bishop known to the world. He started the practice of giving presents fH the needy. The Dutch called him Sinter Haus and the settlers brought e custom to the new world. e: English picked it up from em. So you see, it isn't a lie after all.--Mother of Three "Dear Mother: Thanks for your lovely letter. I'll tell Vir-| Qinia when she comes in. "Dear Anwm Landers: The oman whose husband is driv- img her nuts with his self-taught | lio screeching has a couple of} ings" going for her. She only as to put up with the racket when he is awake and at home. Phen too, there's a chance he} Bight get tired of the cello and quit. I should have it so good.| ™ My husband has been collect-| g clocks for over 20 years.| We have 49 clocks in our house} @nd I can't describe what it is! like to live amidst this collec-| ffon of timepieces. I hear| ehimes, bells, music, cuckoos| and ticking sounds day and setup. er Destroys Claus Myth night until I think I'll lose my mind. I never know if the telephone is ringing or if someone is at the door because we have clocks that sound like the door and the phone. I can't use a timer on my stove because we have clocks that sound like that, too. I'm not writing for advice because I know I must live with my problem and nobody can help me. Thanks for letting me have my say.--His Wife Dear Wife: Nobody can say you don't have time on your hands. Sorry about that pun, hon. Dear Ann Landers: My mom and dad bought a new house. The house is costing more money than they had planned jon spending. Mom and dad let my aunt and her boy friend move in because they help with expenses. My aunt's boy friend) says his wife won't give him a| divorce. | The kids at school know my} aunt and this man are not mar-| ried and it is embarrassing. 1) told mom how I felt and she said the main reason she and idad bought the house was to improve my social standing and| that I am ungrateful. | I was happier when we lived) in the old house and I would gladly move back if it meant} getting rid of this pair. Am I wrong to feel this way?--Head| Down Dear Head: You are not wrong but I doubt that griping about it will help any. Make no apologies to your friends. Anyone who has sense knows full well you are not responsible for that shameful | - Washington Social Quicksand = WASHINGTON .(AP) -- It's|sador's wife finds herself in quicksand of social obligations alled the two - for - one tech- nique: Welcome an ambassador|t tm the United States, then use/| fis wife to snip store ribbons, patronize charities, promote fashion shows and entertain. » It's a rat race, wildest in Washington. » Physically, it's exhausting. Yntellectually, it's a marshmal- A = Columnists promote it and lo- al society expects it. The wife ef a new ambassador is sunk fm the mire before she's off the Fay, vivacious blue - eyed wife | years hat won't let up until she eaves. "It's the limit,' says Lilian of Irish lawyer - ambassador William P. Fay. Married 25 and a veteran of the diplomatic world, Mrs. Fay says: "All this charitable business doesn't go on any place else in} the world. It's expected of a diplomat's wife here. Apparen- tly they expect it to improve our country. Ireland gets along ON A NASSAU HONEYMOON Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgson, Marland avenue, Oshawa, admire the view from the tropical gar- den of one of Nassau's ho- tels. They honeymooned in the Bahamas capital follow- ing their marriage April 9, at Central United Church, Barrie. The bride is the for- mer Marie Ford, daughter of Wemen 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES. Wednesday. April 20, 1966 About 100 people were stung when cases containing 30,000; FREIGHT RAN AMUCK KAGOSHIMA, Japan (AP)-- bees fell off a truck on a crowded pier. Of 23 needing hospital treatment, three were in serious condition. KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN A settled posture gives the impression of added bulk. You look heavier than you are. The morale boosting effects of spruced-up posture are particu- larly important for new dieters. Why? You will hear favorable comments when you need them the most. Admittedly, the first few |weeks of dieting, when an un- ruly appetite is being curbed, can be trying. The rewards of Effect Of Improved Posture Is Immediately Apparent jlaxed. The streamlining mus- diet are not yet noticeable. At this stage, the words, "you look slimmer," act as a shot of| adrenalin. The effect of im-| |proved posture is immediately | apparent. Your posture shapes your fig- ure. See for yourself. Take a} |eritical view of you, standing Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ford, Barrie and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Hodgson of Halibur- ton, Ontario, E | Simbassadors' Wives Regard intaraaty" . Jo Aldwinckle, PERSONAL Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Guests from out-of-town at- tending the Laderoute - Baxter wedding recently drew's Whitby, were: Terrence Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, and in St. An- Church, and Mrs. family, Presbyterian Mr Horth and Mrs. Kenneth Rose, all of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lan- don, Belmont; Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Couldridge and daughter, Cara-Lynn, Oakvilie; Mrs. Nell Taylor, Willowdale; Miss A. Moen, Lindsay; Mrs, Hector Laderoute, and Mr, _ Lloyd street, have returned after spending almost three months in Orlando, Florida. While there they spent a few days at St. Petersburg. Mary The French conversation group of the University Wom- en's Club met at the home of the president, Mrs. Lewis, Somerville street, on Monday evening and the Liter- ary group is meeting tomorrow night at the home of Mrs. D. E Laderoute, both of Pembroke. Smith, Mary street, to study ithe writing of Simone de Beau- |friends will |learn that she fell in her room Barnard|" rived at Whitehorse, Yukon, where Dr. Dutta has joined the staff of the medical clinic. Dr.} and Mrs. Dutta motored from Edmonton to Whitehorse by the! Alaska Highway encountering severe, winter conditions en route, Miss M. F. McMahon's many be interested to yesterday, breaking her hip and will be a patient at the Oshawa 'Isnugly with }through the middle of your fig-| sideways to a full length mir-| ror, Stand with indifferent pos-|tinuous ture, small of back swayed in,|posture. Try abdomen out, hips trailing.) She is 5 feet, 3 inches and past cles are not attached to the shoulder girdle. When the whole control is through the middle, you are free to move beauti- fully. Hold your head regally high--you'll have it made! For beautiful proof of the ex- ercise afforded by good posture read this report: "T_have a condition that does not 'permit me to exercise, but| by 'sitting slim' and standing tall, I have a shapely figure. No bulges, no sagging skin and I have a healthy glow." The above line is from a reducer who formerly weighed 210 pounds. At the time, she re- ported she weighed 127 pounds, 50. "I never felt better in my life,' was her comment, The best exercise is the con- practice of excellent it! f @ WALTER THORNTON e MODELLING AND PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT COURSES "THE BEST INVESTMENT A GIRL CAN MAKE FOR HER FUTURE" Think of @ successful model or @ poised, beautiful coreer women end you ore likely thinking of @ Walter Thornton treined girl, We train more girls then ell others -- but it's how we train them thet mekes the difference, Let us stort you on your ladder of success -- You'll be climbing it in no time like thous- ands of others Wave -- ond the cost is low! Personalized Courses for Pre-Teens, Teen-agers, Young Adults and Moture Women so ¢ and Children from 4 yeers. Miss Regi Ruta, shown above is one of the mony average joanne gitls who become a beautiful womon with Walter Thornton Training. Her lodder of success includes modelling in Toronto and New York and the promise of following the other Thornton girls who be- come Movie and Television Stors, PHONE 728-3441 "Canada's Largest and Finest Model and Charm School' Modelling and Personal Developement courses taught weekly at the CREATIVE COIFFURES SALON 360 KING ST. WEST The Oshawa School is under the direction of MRS. SHARON HOSKIN OF OSHAWA A Walter Thornten Model ce, Now, starting with the pelvic! girdle, get on the beam. As you | pull firmly up-and-in with ab-} dominal muscles, contract the hip muscles. Get the knack of tucking hips down and under--under you. The buttock muscles have the important function of helping to) keep the pelvic girdle properly) centred. | It's wonderful to use your) muscles according to nature't design. When you pull slim) ure, you force the midsection' muscles to take the action. In} turn, this action afford continu-| ous exercise. In proper align- ment, your posture is self-sup-| porting. | Sit slim. Sit with the back of your hips against the chair back. Pull up and in snugly. Lean against your backbone. Stand tall. Which muscles do you use to pull up to your full General Hospital for a few weeks. py, '4 y THI This is the Satin Stripe BRIEFS M.L. Reg. 1.00 O.S. Reg..1.29 . WATSON'S UNDERWEAR The factory clearing of the famous brand; Ladies' Underweor is always eagerly owoited by many of our customers , .. comfort, style and fit... facturing defects, which do not affect the fine wearing qualities... PANTIES Loose Leg imuscles. At ease, shoulders re-| Dinnerware height? Again, it's the middle M.L. Reg. 1.39 O.S. Reg. 1.49 X.0.S. Reg. 1.5 PANTIES Flare M.L, Reg. 1.49 O.S. Reg. 1.69 ee ee ee S WEEK AT WARD'S Factory Clearances Viscose Knit fabric in white known for it's long wearing A big price reduction because of slight manu- -Leg re oie Niece ee oor eerrvereseene plawe. Getting out gracefully, if voir, Dr. and Mrs. I. J. Metcalfe,| MAS, MCC NOP A ctieec cas sibone Wns ce ules ton she wants to, is all but impos- ible. ~ "The only way for an ambas- Sador's wife to have a family life of her own," says one | egy lady, '"'is to speak no nglish." = An English-speaking wife of very well without it. Adelaide avenue east, have re-| Mrs. D. K. Stiles and daugh- Mrs. Fay says she thoroughly/turned from a holiday in St. ters, Ann and Marjorie, Grier- enjoys some functions and) Petersburg, Florida. son' street, spent 'the Easter would not hesitate to accept in-| vacation with Mrs. Stiles' fam- vitations where she is a repre-| Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Jack-jily in Ottawa. sentative of her country, son, Masson street, returned! ' Saturday from a two-month hol-| Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Brash, SHE'S NOT RIVAL jiday at North Redington Beach, Thornton road north, have re- BLOOMERS, elastic-at-knee WoL Ree 3.396 iis O.S. Reg. 1.49 MOS. Rew 1.59 2. si as «+e. O9E BR shee tae ee ee ee? eee reese ee @n ambassador can expect to @ttend a luncheon a day, sev- eral cocktail parties and a din- fler every night, plus various) appointments in between. ™ Women who have accom- panied their husbands to other foreign posts say no other capi- - fal in the world demands so But like other wives, she points out that her country) sent her husband here and sent her as his wife, not expecting | Florida. ceived word that their daugh- ter (Dorothy), Mrs. P. C George Read,| Dutta and Dr. Dutta have ar- Mr. and Mrs, her to rival his backbreaking schedule. Blue eyed, blonde Pepita Tejera-Paris, a former Mexican diplomat in Chile, is the wife of Dr. Enrique Tejera-Paris, the Tfuch from the wife of a diplo- Venezuelan ambassador. BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR special VESTS built-up M.L. Reg. 1.39 NOTE--Please shop ea 0.5, Reg. 1.49 .. we con secure are seldom sufficient to supply the big demand for this clearance, shoulder ha oe seu ee rly while style and size ranges are best . . . Quantities "SHETLANDTEX" CARDIGANS This is another eagerly awaited offering looked for by the "IN" Sweater Crowd... Terrific reductions, due to very slight defects in manufacturing or discontinued styles, or colours . . . Fashioned by Canada's most famous Sweoter maker, this is a group of "High" Styles at "lower than low" prices. 60 ONLY SHETLAND AND MOHAIR BLEND CARDIGANS Classic neck-line and ribbed waist band, Full fashioned, Long Sleeves and Medium-weight knit . . . 9-button front closing . . . Colours Orange, Tile, Red, Ruby, Spruce, Mauve, Cinnamon, Turquoise, Camel, Black, White 8 99 ..» Sizes 34 to 42 (Not all sizes in each colour) Reg. 12.98. SALE ea. Wa ast. She has three youngsters un- ~ The merry -go - round draws| der seven, and is expecting a impetus from the beliefs--| fourth. She tried to curtail her fhostly mistaken--that an am-|social activities because of her ssador's wife expects before-| pregnancy. and to take part in such social) 'Pepita is popular," says a Boopla (few do, except in line|friend. 'The columnists have with their husband's activities), | built her up and everyone grants that she considers it part of her! her to appear everywhere." duties (they don't), and that) This is. the fifth diplomatic Her country applauds her 10-/ post for the Marquesa de Merry hour working day (most don't) Del Val, wife of the Spanish am- LTD, Know about it). always veady to draft a new face into Her favorite charity and as- suming the ambassador's wife ill feel neglected if she isn't ancluded in everything in Wash- ington. «No ambassador's wife com- Plains of her official duties, which are manifold. She expects them. But what gets anany of fhem down is the extra-diplo- matic duties imposed on them By Washington existence. = Within weeks, a new ambas- = LOVE TRIES AGAIN " COLCHESTER, England TCP) -- An Essex newspaper earried the following advertise- fhent: "Jilted sweetheart wishes to dispose of bedroom suite as leaving country. Tear- flained pillows if desired. £20 €660) or nearest offer, all inclu- ve, but not including sweet- art." |bassador. None of the others, |she says, has been so rigorous. The..masquese..and.herhas |band have guests every day for) jlunch and dinner, unless they} }go out themselves. A dinner) |party each week for 60 or 70 isn't unusual. Publicly, all ambassadors and | their wives put in a gay appear- }ance. Stifled yawns are kept in the cloak room or muffled with | crackers and cheese. Privately, many are troubled by the pace. NUNN PINA'S INTERNATIONAL HAIRSTYLIST Pine would be pleased hove you visit her soon 128 Wilson Rd. S. for appointment call 723-0391 Have You Seen Our Pole Lamps 0 Thursday -- Fri Recently? OFF day -- Saturday ZELLER'S Downtown SIMCOE ST. SOUTH -- 723-2294 Three full length coats in plaids and quorter and two tones. Imported fabrics Boucle, Heather, Knits and Worsteds. ionable woman should have of Every fash- one of these ensembles in her spring wardrobe. . Priced From 59.95 SEE OUR SELECTION OF SMART SPORTSWEAR ARRIVING DAILY LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE NORTH -- 'OSHAWA Open till 7? M, Fridays SONATA NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED 40 Piece Service for 8 No Down Payment REG. 29.95. Our exclu lovely dinnerware. Available in 8 EACH dinner plates bread & butters cereals cups & saucers OPEN: TILL for spectacular savings. your family, or give your favorite bride this . . . here's what you get: 20 SIMCOE NORTH f WISHIN 1. Mrs, 716 Jasmine Oshawa -- Just $4 Month And Congratulations t Congraiuiaiions to tnese:-- M. Matinichuk A $50.00 Drapery Voucher stores in the latest and very successful Downtown Merchants Contest. G WELL CONTEST WINNERS From WARD'S 2. Mrs. Verna Rothenbush 147 LaSalle Blvd. Oshawa week-end stay at the Statier-Hilton tel in Buffalo, New York. Cres. A Ho '9 the other prize winners drawn from the many other sive dinnerware priced Set a pretty table for A wonderful buy--Tre choose from... the mark-downs ... A No. 479--A shift with patch pockets and side Open Stock Sizes 6 to 18. in Dacron Pucker. Reg. Ne, 480---A simply sty ing and 2 buttoned pot 8-fruit dishes Sizes 6 to 18. l-vegetable bow! 1-meat in Dacron Pucker. Reg. PROFESSIONAL UNIFORMS Models that have been discontinued are the reasons for in Cotton Poplin. Reg. 10.98 ......... in Cotton Poplin. Reg. 10.98 mendous saving--and Four 'White Cross" styles to ll are New Stock, Crisp, White and First Quolity . .. wing-collar and 34 Front button opening . . . Tailored slits . , . Can be worn with or without tie-belt . . . 6.98 14,98 led tailored collor shift . . . Full buttoned front open- ch pockets ... detachable tie-belt and side slits . . 14.98 --P.S. platter our store ,. The 1966 display of 'Cole of California' Bathing Suits is now on at . We invite you to shop and choose your Made-in-Oshawa Cole Suit early, while selection is largest .. when you use WARD'S "Lay-Away Plan', . There is no extra charge Simcoe St. South at Athol WARD'S Phone Est, 1919 725-1151 9 P.M. FRIDAY §