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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1966, p. 28

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IN, ASE EAD INO I ID EOL SIO: FEM LD I SEG DD De LG SD: ORT OD RS RSE SS SP a San ene ae ee CH PANORAMIC CAMERA Wednesday, April 20, 1966 [SO HEH: LEVEL PHOTOS wiTH AN 18- | 28 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, tN THAT SHOT, BUZ, , Ler , US COUNT THE MISSILE SITES 60 MILES AWAY AT CAPE BRIDGE bina By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable, Wott aden connect; PLANES AT PATRICK, 00, DUNALD DUCK 7 AND UENSEN MAKE LOW-LEVEL RECONNAISSANCE FLIGHTS OVER FLORIDA AND GEORGIA, TAKING DAY AND NIGHT PICTURES OF RAILROADS, BRIDGES AND HIGHWAYS, BUZ SAWYER TT I THINK A \ OR HOW ABOUT FACING } RS | Ik +HANK You, LARGER WRENCH THE DRAIN PIPE AWAY } iH miRS WOULD WORK FROM THE VALVE? 4 BUMSTEAD)) BETTER ON ' ae f THAT VALVE . [AFTER OBTAINING @AK3 @K9542 @K1068 Pt) The bidding: THE GIANTS Toronto leiegram N Opening lead -- five of clubs, en Most players tend to be lazy to i aboyt counting to 13 and the re- we're ) MIRRIONS ) FLAB,BABY/!-DON'T BLOW YouR )' I'M ABDICATING, sultis that they miss much of , rr. ; 1 wall THE HIN 3 A y 1 "7 YS, TOVTO/ THE TRICK WORKED! ; ' ARE WAITING, ) CAREER /7-YOU'RE THE KING? / FOR THE DOLPHIN ' Pao / BY HAVING THE HONOR GuaeD Hold ms} |the pleasure and satisfaction '\. FIRE, THE ASSASSINS" GUNFIRE that come from counting out a REVEALED THEIR avid: There are some _ so-called guesses which are not guesses at |all if you pay attention to the |card that everybody played. |Everybody knows that each |player is dealt thirteen cards | and that each suit contains thir- teen cards, and making use of this knowledge is not really be- yond the ability of anyone. In most hands all you need to do is take advantage of this know- J |ledge and many oi your prob- lems will be solved. " J IPICUL THAT'S NOT BOSH! YOU'VE 4 i Hil South is in four hearts and is You vo eve rune © TRUE) PIERRE PAMPERED HIN AN! ? MILLIONS, THE IS MARINA EL SINA, SHARVA 4 on yo, down, as the cards FOR THAT POG! _/ DOES ALOT OF SPOILED HIM TILL HOW MUCH \ CHALKIE, Gheanwhile ¥4 and | pHi -- Burt DONT see | yi IKNOWTHE | |hie but he may wind up makin : THINGS HIM HE DON'T KNOW - i a{ _IS IN THIS MILLIONS / Bill Chander check \ ANY BOAT NAMED *SHARVA' /! CRAFT, } Drie sBie! Fi etee conte | 1e7 HOW 70 00 - out Chalkies ue Sm fs EFFENDI/ the contract unless East is on THINGS ON scribbled note f Z le . e. the ball. HIS OWN !! j ; ; . West leads a club, East wine ning the jack with the queen and continuing with the ace. De- clarer ruffs and plays the A-K of hearts, hoping for a 2-2 di- vision, but West shows out on the second trump and it then looks as though South must go down one. However, declarer sees a ray of hope and plays accordingly. He cashes the A-K of spades and exits with a spade, sadiling SE THE WRONG BABY, a i ik we ; As Ant fast with the lead. East first WILL YOu ¢ Soe JURE fF cashes the queen of hearts and = then is faced with the problem of what to do next. He realizes a aia \ that if he returns a spade or a ppl Aether bapeea yy Avy pie Ven Oke ow club South will get a ruff and Channel 4--Buffaio |1--Merv Griffin Show | 12:00 NOON , . | discard, Channel 6--Toronto |#-2--! Spy oT to T i Channel 7--Buttalo | 7--Amos. Burke -- oacall say Blot p If East succumbs to this fear Channel 8--Rochester | Secret Agent 7 ey M Fs >, ; Channel 9--Toronto | 4--Danny Kaye Show ian Date and returns a diamond, South Channel 11--Hamilton 10:30 P.M. 4--Neon News 2) ? A\¥ jcan make the contract by -------- 9--Sports Hot Seat | BPepeye and Pots '7 | guessing correctly and avoiding j | WEDNESDAY | 2-<ABC Scope 12:18 P.M. éé the diamond loser | LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 4--Speaker o The House ™ rs ¥ - 5:00 P.M, ; 11:00 P.M. | f But if East is on his toes he fom Thesire = lngeresesnon | § | |realizes that Soutn -- who is B--Buperman urs ee |! hove, Luey gan intra te have acing: wail pete assport To Adven a 115 PM, |8-2--Let's Play | hee cisely three spades, five hear Partai neice' | Scaesnony gaa > and one club -- has exactly four THAT FELLOW YONDER 16 A TEXAS RANGER, 60T A MINUTE? NEED 5:30 P.M, | : | 12:45 PLM. diamonds and that: a ruff-dis- RANGER... BUT I'7? RECKON HE'? SOME INFORMATION, 7--Rocketship 7 ee aes | +4--Guiding L ight card cannot possibly help him, BE LOOKINY ee A death - Sciseve it Te Revver 11:30 P.M, | 1:00 P.M, \ F Accordingly, East plays a spade YOU LOOKIN uf " ¥ 6--Music Hop |!1--The Saint 1--Theatre 1 1 / or a club and South must even- 3--Hudson Bay 6--Sports 9--Morning Star | - 6:00 P.M. 3--Movie o--Matines tually lose a diamond and go T 7--Twilight Theatre 11:40 P.M, eaten ues HOW SHOULD to } Ui 3. | $--Plerre Berton ee es | I KNOW ? YOU +-3--Midweek Theatre 3--Summer Carousel | o bynes, Ment, spots! ate" Desi anew | de iunecer ) S& L&=1| Egypt- bound Sub | 6--Newscap 1:30 P.M, 9--James Beard Show | THURSDAY [ o+-As en -- Turns ee } - Flies Soviet Flag Ni-femily Theatre %-43--News; Weather and Sports e--Huntiey Brinkley %--Piaytime with: Uncle 2 Days of Our Lives | ~< é : marine, destined for delivery ta 1--Cheyenne ; belie . 2:15 P.M, S ie the Egyptian Navy, surprised emei PMg orl tok ek ae observers recently by steaming 11--Gilligans | Isian : .M, y . i Rirap oi + fare kinins | Mikes Carnived \-dessle ln cae H into an Egyptian port with the &Rip Cord 9:30 A.M, 8-2--The Doctors | / a Russian hammer and sickle em- , Weather, | &Gypsy Rose Lee 7A Time For Us | H 7 ~ : blem flying from its superstruc- % Z s Z tit ol Lo / 2--Dobie Giilis ote Aleti res / ture ; me Z = f : js v7 10:00 A.M. <link Fe ; 3 g : eS Whee 12. O'cl 11--Whiplash Movie Normally, Soviet ships WHAT'S THIS | "~Zg Zz 2 #--Huntley-Brinkley §-2--Fractured Phrases 3:00: P.M. _|marked for delivery to the Lint Report | 6-3--Ivanhoe 1--Donna Reed = . = ; ; fe ; MO) | Egyptians hoist the Egyptian ) ay : 2 Gidget HE Allen Wer Arab Republic's territorial wa- irginian 9--Bingo ters é Sai ere Siig T--UGhAa Weed y ' 4--New York 63--Friendly Giant » Wedge- brother rumors of a possible Russian- | 8:00 P.M. 10:45 A.M, shingle cuckoos Egyptian naval agreement. The --Special Movie Soe ane amet ae, Chinon : Vooal 4. Soaks in : Sins 0 recent Soviet naval goodwill 43--Okay Crackerberry |1]--Mike Douglas i quality liquid visits to Port Said and the pres- --N | j Fitch ct Aontreat | 7--Supermarket Sweap | 4--The 4Thirty Show . European 3. Monograms sian trawler fleet, well equipped 6-3--Bob Hope eee Relativeof 5. Breaks 4-Beverly Hilibiities | W115 A.M. the 6. Europ, . Yesterday's Answer 9: -- ig Vall ' 7 se a | 11:20 A.M. nacre . Spruce 7.Conjunction 25. Troubles 32. New --or leave it alone A 4 | TL e ' ' ; GREEN THING Z 7:30 P.M, 4-| Love Lucy 0--Fractured Phrases Ss | poet ttt [T's (seca | CROSSWORD ag when they enter the United ~. a, | 7--Onsie end Harriet 4-2--C trat 7 ae AoPascs At Abana : Hage ed ; oncentration, 3 2 phe ietated aaltepet The incident has touched off Philharmonic s--The McCoys Fe shaped 2. Keel-billed mo PS . ' i iy ee er eevee. aces [+ 3~Cher Helene t caldiet ane oe . Begone! DOWN rumors were heightened by two tage lpacaerian air" -3--Razzie Dazzie . Not any 2. Hourly r [AIN|T] |ence in the Red Sea of a Rus- 1--Gldget rea + Yool: Geer finch 4, Troops : ces ioeismg | with electronic devices. oa Jos ar Fun 5:00 P.M, : | 6--Flelds Of Sacrifice Rockies rabbit to do--a greater supply of bulk 4-Green Acres |63-Across Canade 6--Passport To A . He p 8 26, Goblins Dear Dr. Molner: Is the 9:30 P.M. 11:30 A.M, 3--Atom Ant : 9 y 6-3-Festvai | p_abracadabra |SLieya Thaxton ree ee a cause of cataract. known in - $$$ ---- ---- ----$$$_________-- . lef che: . Transaction <9. ° people over 50?--M. M. . Elevates 15. Strength 31, Sail- Conn i eal re YOUR HEALTH Pig | Babylonian 28. rriers ing, SE: Eclamae ye entaracts," which develop aa : Bae g sy part of the aging process iw ee eis Be 3 Tae fe |? te Uy, some individuals, Other causes om : 4 Vda 7 Z are heredity; eye injuries; ex- Not What You Eat ee x 9 10 YZ, posture to great neat; systemia diseases such as diabetes, para- ek i thyroid disease, and disorders How Much Matters - é which directly affect the eyes. rT Youre WLOu,NOT CAN | [THE OnLy TIME IM LOST By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD i ee tae ae CAN I HELP SAY 11S BEEN | |NoT Lost, Y ALWAYS FIND mY |1]15 WHEN I GO QUT ON " s Z oes 1s nos kely Se te Oe eee You ?2.. 1M THE i. M YOURSELF '\ WAY AROUND HERE] i] A GOLF COURSE! - Dr. Moi ; Bs : ; . Electrified answer to "anemic conditions.' GAME WARDEN... : \ ARE You?) IN THE WOODS... fear Dr. Mower: We are (WO.eat some potato, which inf particle My suggestion is that you let > : / girls, aged 15, who weigh 149) 5994 nutritious food, and it . Compass - your doctor decide whether you pounds and we know it is toO \on't be fattening provided it point ps have anemia and what type. In much. We have cut carbohy- isn't fried, slathered with but- . Wayside x some, bi2 is the treatment. Oth- drates and fats completely out/ter or covered with gravy. Say hotel ers just' require iron. An ade- of our menus, but our parents/, 4, otato with very little . Rapped A ae, - force us to eat them for ala plagiee ets , Behold quate diet with sufficient pro- 8' butter or margarine i , nutter o g é 'Aegean, tein may correct the whole "balanced diet." we keep on! : : e ae coon bread 'anal You can be perfectly healthy for one Wyn situation. cake, how can ge lose weight?/and still control your weight, Suspend i --Trying and your parents ought to be Deep-blue / SALLY'S SALLIES ( . Overweight is not entirely a happy. The only point that wor-| , Scegataal 7 Thi 6; , AT matter of what you eat, it's also| ries me is this; Some people,| % Greet. 1 ci hy \ a matter.of how much you eat,| without any good reason, con- paginas SER AACR ny nnd geneage | YOUF parents evidently do not|fuse plumpness with health. "place MR. TEAGUE... ' THAT'S RIGHT ! YOU ( IN THE SHAMPOO realize that almost all foods|Maybe your parents do, Actu- econ, Kanoeres | skids Ie People ' ae 9:00 A.M. Boke i | bees y -- CAIRO (AP)--A Soviet sub 64--Password Y MOUSE MICK' TODAY, GRANDMA / | MUGGS AND SKEETER yi HERE'S THE GIRL WANT ME TO MAKE IT RACKET THE BACK OF contain some carbohydrate, and| ally, you girls are on the right YOU WANTED TO See, J" ya EVEN CLEARER?' THEHEAD 1S MORE. A. thatia auother point 40 concider. | track. LEER USO ce THE YOUNGER OF \ IMPORTANT THAN THE \ ss aa avert re 'i # Kin a ati ' Been a out ' " TURN AROUND! '\ FRONT! \ Ls If you girls get plenty of| Diclaee 1 taking If you eat less, and have less;cooked vegetables, with special THE TWO... ? 0.K., SHE'LL | '. a oe ae {| Dear am : i cae "ile j } protein (lean meai, eggs, fish,| ; ae .|food residue to dispose of, obvi-|emphasis on leafy ones, celery 3 - . DO, BUT GET | dairy: products) and dutifully diet pills and avoiding all foods Ss ) OTHER i / /4| eat*your vegetables and fruit og lt ae ously your basic will not ent seein gah sticks, which gine and juice, and drink a couple cannot) move as pientifully as|provide a good deal of bulk in of glasses of milk a day. vou|Stipated. and have been taking|they did before. Thus what/the form of cellulose but which will have a balanced diet. (You|'@Xatives. Do you think the/some people regard as consti-|will give your intestinal tract will get enough fat 'that way,|Problem is from the pills or the} nation isn't really that at all.|some fibres to keep it busy. Or too. Americans on the average| det Should I continue the Jax-} {t's just that there is no need|you can use one ofthe bulk- eat twice as much fat as they|#tives?--M. S. for the amount of bowel activ-| producers, such as agar, for the | really need.) ' This is a matter of what you!'ty to which you had become!same purpose | Can't you make a bargain| "onsider constipation. | accustomed No, don't continue laxatives with your parents? Have cerea'! This is a rather commor One easy answer is to eat| Mere's no point in irritating mient over that item the for breakfast every. day; skip|complaint among dieters, until|considerably more volume: of|your colon into activity unneces last time," cake or other descerts entirel | 'he facts became clear tn them I'nw - calorie fonds: Raw or! sarily. Fither give it something JULIET JONES

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