ar meaitanly SE Ri tay Cel ee ing ee ng nt a : 24--Stores, Offices, Storage| MODERN STORE, 525 sq. ft. Phone 623- 7664, 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments For Rent |23--Real Estate |20--Real Estate for Sale [Ror Romunee Properties For Sale or Rent 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 20, 1966 |23--Real Estate NOW AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE TWO - ROOM OFFICE located on King 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board BOWMANVILLE --- Queen Street, 5 room brick home, new oil furnace, very central. Only $12,000 -- $3,000. down. ' RESTON ROAD SOUTH 5 room bungalow, stone and + aluminum siding, els broadloom, water softener, io decoration. $14,000 with terms. COUNTRY HOME Ideal for retirement. 2 bed- rooms with 4. pce. bath, on VY acre lot, good road. $8,- 500 -- terms. Less for cash. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M. Doug Gower 728-1005 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster, Orono 321 ward Forder, ere 655-3853 Brooklin George Beaton Port Perry P Rion -2987 Bill & Doreen Gimbiett Port Hope 885-4548 Residence 885-2535 en Rae R. Jones Real Estate 668-8841 728-6661 SPECIALS OSHAWA $1,500 DOWN $110. per month carries this 5 roomed, 14 storey home. Broadioom in living room, dining room, hall and both bedrooms. This is an older home in excellent condition, priced to sell ot $12,000. WHITBY $1,500 DOWN $120.00 per month carries this '5 roomed semi-detoched bungalow. This home is spot- less, features a. recreation room and the bath is tiled. A TRUE BARGAIN at $12,- 200.00 Rae R. Jones Real Estate 668-884 | 728-6661 S. D. HYMAN 'REAL ESTAT E LIMITED 232 King St. West 728-6286 SEE THIS 4 room bungalow tonight -- suitable for retired couple or newly weds. Aluminum siding -- modern kitchen -- forced air oil furnace -- excellent financing and low down pay- ment PRICE REDUCED * To $14,900. five bedroom home--vicinity Oshawa Hos- pital -- Inspect this one and try on offer -- Must be sold. | $2164, DOWN if you qualify 614% N.H.A, mortgages OPEN DAILY Sun. thru' Thurs, 2:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m PARK ROAD SOUTH AT PHILLIP MURRAY KING-WILSON AREA New 6 room bungclow -- sunken living room de- * corated -- vanity and colour- | ed fixtures -- 614% N.H.A. financing. $500 Winter Works, Call tonight on this home. ; OPEN * 9:00 A.M.--9:00 P.M. AFTER HOURS CALL , Les Holl 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson 728-1903 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Dick Barriage- 725-6243 { Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 APPLE HILL + Tri-level, 7. room, home.. Excellent Private scle. $19,800 For Appointment 723-4178 No agents please. retirees condition, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUS lai rorses-D PHONE ee SOUTH OSHAWA Full price $16,900.00---Near separate and public schools. Modern Brick Bungalow--3 bedrooms and spacious kit- chen and dining area--lovely rec. room with walk-out to large nicely landscaped back yard--attoched brick garage and paved drive. EAST END BUNGALOW Here is that hard-to-find bun- galow with lots of room for the larger family because it provides three bedrooms on main floor plus 2 extra bed- rooms and a nicely finished rec. room in basement. Here you may have three roomers to carry the mortgage easily. A real bargain with $4,400, down. See this at once. INCOME PROPERTY New Modern Duplex---South Oshawa--Ful! price $27,800. Cash to N.H.A Mortgage of $18,000 at 614%. 3 bed- room apt. rents for $145.00 and 2 bedroom apt. rents for $125.00. Many extras include built in stoves, broadioom, ceramic tile in kitchen and bath, Large spacious rooms, separate laundry room with washer and dryer, two hot water tanks. Electrically heat- ed THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1S AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU SELL -- BUY -- BUILD LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST AFTER HOURS CALL 723-5221 OR Ron Armstrong Tom Houston Bill Taylor Ralph Schofield 725-9592 668-4416 723-9349 728-3376 OPEN HOUSE Every day till 9 P.M. Armstrong Homes In beautiful Rolling Hills 17. distinctively different mo- dels. Down payments as low os $1,676. Choose from 3 bedroom split levels or 4 bed- room, with completed reéc- room and family room. Mag- nificient Ravine lots available. 64% N.H.A. MORTGAGE Directions -- East on Olive Ave. to Keewatin, then follow the signs to our models. 723-6461 if busy 723-8144 GRIFFIN Real Estate LTD. CAYUGA AVE. We are now toking orders for homes to be built in this oreo Directions; Cayuga Ave. is north of Taunton Rd. and between. Simcoe St. North and Somerville St. Price: $21,475.00 Down: $4,975.00 James O'Malley Construction Ltd. 723-7122 runs | ATTENTION NEW HOME BUYERS Choose your plan from quality builder's designs incorpora- ting walk - out basements, built-in garages, electric heat- ing, extra powder rooms. Full color selection, N.H.A. finan- cing. Located on Hillcroft' near Ritson. From $19,500 to $19,975 Paul Ristow Ltd. REALTOR 187 King Street East 728-9474 ST. GREGORY'S SCHOOL AREA $22,500 with low down pay- ment -- well built brick and stone 114 storey home with attached garage. All very large rooms throughout. A few of. the extras include broadloom in living and din- ing room, hall and stairs, drapes, 2 natural fireplaces, aluminum 'awnings, taps for cutomatic washer, extra stool in basement, bor 28 ft. completely finished rec room, sun porch, paved drive. Large, well landscaped 'ot. Call Irene Brown at 725 3867 of SCHOFI ELD-AKER Lio.' ow in INDIAN CHIEF Your smoke signals can be seen for miles around when you barbeque in the privacy of your 200 foot lot on the brink of hill overlooking the City and Darlington Park. Plenty of room. for the papooses too in the seven room sprawling tee pee with enclosed breezeway and two cor garage. Two wood burn- ing fireplaces add to your pleosure. Truly a home fit for a chief. Offered at $33,- 900. Beat your drum if you want us to arrange for ins- pection, $500 BONUS You can't save money any easier and enjoy the benefits of a new home at the same time. Field stone front and warm clay brick combine in a three bedroom, oil heated bungalow just finished and ready for moving. Compore at $17,300 with terms to suit. "DARLING" Just like the Academy Award picture, this seven room split with garage is a real winner. All electric heat, extra bath, exhaust hood, walk-in master bedroom closet and roughed- in fireplace. Built in Downs- view by a quality builder. At $25,900 it invites compar- ison. SHOWROOM About 4,000 square feet of traffic stopping mechandising space in conspicuous loca- tion. Three room apartment above and customer parking adjoining. For sale at rid- iculous terms or for rent. Pro- posals invited. UNUSUAL BUILDING What has six sides and a hole in the roof? The unfin- ished building at King ond Rosehill. Commercially zoned with parking for 15 cats. Finish it to suit yourself and have the most talked about store or office in town, Court or- dered sale-offers invited. PAUL RISTOW LT REALTOR King Street East 728-9474 After Hours Call Vern Morton 723-8327 Tom Huzar 728-5422 Poul Ristow 725-8152 AJAX Four room bungalow, water ond sewers, close to schools and shop. $8500 with 2,000 down, one payment for bal- once. PICKERING AREA Three bedroom brick bun- galow, full basement, one acre land, garage and other buildings, close to bus stop and schools, $19,800 with $10,000 down. One -mort- gage with owner for balance. BOWMANVILLE 15 acre No. 2 Hwy., year round stream, corner lot, terms. THREE MILES METRO 100 acres large stone house, large stream through prop- erty, Y2 mile road frontage. $1,000 per acre PICKERING AREA 104 acres, 8 rooms farm home, buildings, large sub- division across the road. $800 per acre | ASK FOR NORM WOOD W. J. NORRIS REALTOR 942-3364 AJAX ACTIVE 728-5157 DOWN $1000. DOWN Buys this six room . brick, two storey home. A terrific start for a young family Don't delay call 728-5157 to-day. P ' "Harmony Villa' HURRY--HURRY--HURRY Just a few of these low priced single family brick homes left. $500.00 Winter Works Bonus. Aiodels open "till 8 P.M. daily. 1¥ STOREY Older brick home in excellent condition, new. forced air oil furnace, newly decorated, garage, T.V. Tower. Open to offers. Dial 728-5157 now. INCOME HOME Neor uptown, completely re- novated from top to bottom, separate apartments Live rent free, let the tenant pay for your home, dial 728- 5157 for more details two LOVELY RAVINE LOT There's trees too. It's an attractive three year old bun- galow with 3 larger thon average size bedrooms, ot- tached gorage, finished re- creation room with lovely fireplace. One of the best areas in the City. Many extros Listed $23,500.00 with a 642% mortgage Contact George Koornneet of SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED at 723-2859, Douglas J. M. BULLIE REALTOR 723-1168 "VALUE" Two year old 3 bedroom brick bungalow with electric heating, 4 pc. ceramic both, finished rec-room, plus many other extras. "IMMEDIATE POSSESSION" Seven room split level with an attached garage -- with a lower down payment. "FAMILY HOME" For only $19,995 you could be the owner of this lovely 9 room home with complete- ly remodelled kitchen, 4 pc. bath, with on extra 2 pc., four bedrooms -- all this on on extra large lot. "INCOME HOME" Income of $85 4 month to help you poy for your new home in the North West Area, 723-1168 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. KEITH PU lon REALTY LTD. 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST Realtor JUST LISTED--Oshawa sub- urbs, large store 28 x 56 tt., warehouse 24 x 30,, 2 family home with spacious rooms, large corner lot. Call Keith Peters 728-7328 for full particulars on this ex- cellent investment property. ANOTHER NEW LISTING-- 8 room two family home with forced oir oi! heating, double private drive, near Ritson Rd. Asking $14,900.00 BOND ST. COMMERCIAL-- Now rented, compact bun- galow with finished room in the basement, hot water. oil heating. Don't wait too long for this one. BEVERLEY STREET--5 room brick bungalow with private drive, forced air oil heating. Asking $14,900 with $1700 down. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE | HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL 7 room, 1% storey home, two kitchens, 2-3 piece bath, separate meters, four rooms on main floor, 3 rooms on second floor. Fenced lot, 50' x 107'. Asking $12,500. with monthly payments of $75.00. Be the first to in- spect and make an offer. Just ask for Roy Yeo at 728- 5123 or 725-2217, CHOICE LOCATION Very attractive 5 room brick bungalow. Features good size kitchen, living room, 3 bed- rooms, recreation room, fen- ced lot. Located on Elgin Street East near Cadillac Avenue North. Asking only $16,700. with good terms. Early possession. Ask for Jim Brady ot 728-5123 or 728- aAs0% V400. A REAL BUY FOR THE LARGE FAMILY Brick --- 7 room, 4 bedroom home on Eulalie Avenue at Drew Street. Asking only $12,900. with $2,500. down. Vacant in 7 days, Inspect now. Call Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398. 101 Simcoe Street North Member of O.D.R.E.B. 3 HOUSES on the south side of Nonquon Road Must be sold and MOVED So that the land may be developed --- by May |/5th 2 storey 6 room white clap- board. 5 room insul brick bungalow. 4 room yellow clapboard bungalow. Written offers must be made by not later than April 28th to PARKHILL & YANCH Solicitors for | Birchdale Investments Ltd. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. $23,500.00 An exceptionally good buy this 6 room ranch bungalow is 3 yrs. old and located on oa beautiful ravine lot with trees and a stream. Features include door from living room to balcony which overlooks the garden, built-in stove and oven. in_ kitchen, _ built-in china cabinet with full glass doors,. drapes throughout, completely finished rec room with natural stone fireplace 6nd walkout to patio, Attach- ed garage. Coll Irene Brown at 725-3867 of SCHOFIELD- AKER LTD. Why Pay Less? POW - WOW POINT Street West, @ Year-round resort -- Pen Segal at S. Lake 6286, Unlimited parking. $7: month Er na 5 all utilities. Call Harold D. Hyman Real Estate, 728- Why Pay More? @ Planned recreation, dances @ Finest foods, oven-fresh 25---Houses for Rent YOU GET THE MOST IN AN baking Luxury lakefront suites, ca- bins and lodge rooms, $54- HOUSE -- or two apartments for rent. Oil heated. Near K-Mart. Telephone 728- 5824, WANTE vigil we $74 per adult wkly, all-in- clusive. Write Box 387, Huntsville or call 705-789- ARMSTRONG Sar "Phone - Five or six six girls or gentle- gly furnish. Hobie near penny "CM, Reason- 725-8720. HOME Pretty impressive -- and pric- ed to impress -- from $1640 4951 RESPONSIBLE home, private alicigl \21--Farms for Sale monthly. Telephone 7 FARMS Available May 1, Margaret Lee at S. Estate Limited, and garage. 28-9466. D. Hyman 728-6286. FAMILY for this two and half storey five bedroom eight room $150 SIX-ROOM home, close to downtown. $110.00 monthly. Call Real down. SOUTHWOOD PARK, AJAX and Small Acreages Buying or Selling? Then place your confidence in a former farmer who knows the District and your problems. Coll ALLEN THOMPSON -- Repres. of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 728-2870 Second phase now started ed garage andd GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 942-3310 ~ WHITBY SPECIAL 8 year old 3 bedroom brick home in splotless condition. Located close to schools and shopping. Asking only $13,- 900.00. Try our low down 728-6424 or apply 30 T! | FOUR-ROOM house, c ADELAIDE STREET Telephone 725-8375. (22--Lots for or Sale | SIXTEEN To TWENTY lots for sale, | | Stevenson and King area. Duplexes, semi-) |detached and singles, from $5.500 to cle cated. No pets. Telephone 108 8475, Street. entra two-bedroo |INCOME HOME , $145 per month, Eigh rooms, acto location. Available ie | 728-9446 TWO-bedroom country home with attach- breezeway. June 1. Will also rent acreage if desired. Apply 8 Box 21018 Oshawa Times. Available TWO-bedroom home, central location, one or two children welcome. Avai 2. $110 monthly. Retai lable May fee required. TWO-BEDROOM house, modern conven- iences, driving distance to General Mo- tors, Oshawa. Possession May 1. Box M21165 Oshawa Times, Write ally lo- droom house, close to north GM, hospital and schools, $100. monthly. Available May 15. lig hpareancate for Rent. |$7,000. Mr, Brady, Bolahood Brothers Lid, 728-5123 or 728-0483, | payment, Owner anxious to | | EXCELLENT L LOCATION for sell. Early' possession, Ask for Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or _725- 2217. | $900. DOWN | 10 MILES TO OSHAWA Three -becrom, 2 storey, on large lot, inside plumbing, aluminum storms and screens, low monthly payments, Ideal for large family or retired couple 723-6541. ~~ VO-suite | apartments, north Oshawa area. Call Mar-| ilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or 728-5103. W. O ; Martin ealtor | LAKESHORE LOT, 100' x 150', on Pine| Lake, Haliburton, good beach, good road,| | MANS hydro. Telephone Port Perry 985- 7496. 23--Real | Estate 'Wanted URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR CASH BUYERS 2 and 3 bedroom bungalows, $15,000.00 to $20,000.00. Price range, clso income pro- perties. Call George Twoites ot 723-1133, evenings 723- 2008 CARL OLSEN REALTOR 20 Ray Street utes eral Motors. @ One, room suites | $2,000, DOWN -- six-room older bunga |low, Cedardale area, new oil heat. Only| $11,500. One open mortgage at $80. Bet- ter hurry on this one! Ed Drumm, 725-| 9345. Schofield-Aker Ltd. | WHITBY modern, large six-room oil-heat- | ed ranch style bungalow situated in resi- | dential area. Lot 60 x 206'. No agents please. Telephone 668-5963. THIS FIELDSTONE home on Roxborough) Street is to be sold. Immaculate three bedrooms, dining room, large kitchen, liv- ingroom with stone fireplace, gumwood trim, Garage, paved drive, large lot.} |Make us an offer, Perry Real Estat 723-8123. | 12 ROOMS with two kitchens, two bath- rooms, two oll furnaces, large lot, Call Will Irvine, 728-2868, Keith Peters Realty | Limited | SIX-PLEX in Bowmanville, prestige type | building on very large lot, lovely trees. FM music @ Large balconies. Daily 1 885 Oxf PHO be Sell-ective Sell Your Home SHELDIAN IONS Immediate Occupancy Special terms for first appli- cants --- Rent now and you will save. Located -- 5 min- walk from South Gen- two and three bed- includes every- thing @ Swimming Pool Intercom con- trolled @ Mail delivered to your door @ 2 elevators @ Rental Representative on duty -9 p.m, at apartment ord St. NE 723-8261 Morning and ofter hours 723-6255 it is rented and a real money maker, |Private sale. Telephone 725-8576. | | COUNTRY HOME -- 'Eight "rooms on none | lacre lot. 10 miles from Oshawa. Asking | |$12,000, Call Jean. Parr 263-2508, Don | Stradeski Realtor. _ 773-4651 |FOUR-BEDROOM two - storey _brick| Real Estate Ltd. |home eest end. Call Don Stradeski Real | 723-8144 thru Estate. 723-465). IMMED 2 bedroom apt balcony. IATE OCCUPANCY 1-2 and 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS One of Oshawa's best apt. buildings. Elevator service, in- Available No children under 12, Shown by apt. only. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 123-5281 Adults only. 'frig, balcony, stove, drapes. Ample parking. Close to Osh- awa Shopping Centre, e 723-6944 | | | Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APART- MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA, Two Buildings One Reserved For Adults Only Starting at $125 and up FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suités. Free Hydro Oshawa's largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30 inch range, fully automatic Extra large Fridge with Freezer Linen Drapes Extra Two Piece bath in all 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large Balconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 Exclusive Agent Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited eee © © @00 @ 00788 PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indoor pool Sauna facilities Carpeted sun. deck Bus stop at door Controlled entrance Plenty of parking Laundry room each floor Plastic lined kitchen cupboards Free hydro Model Suite Qpen 2-9 P.M. 1221 "SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 Walk-in closets in bedrooms | TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE MAY 2 AND JUNE Ist Adults only, refrigerator, stove, drapes, balcony. Ample parking. Close to Oshawa .| Mortgage. THREE-BEDROOM older home, low down| |payment, low cost living. Perry Real } 123, OORSabaaOT ~~ two-storey, brick, eran 5 " wo-storey, rick, |two bathrooms, north-east section, extra BUNGALOW WANTED April Ist. jlarge lot, $17,900, H. Keith Limited. | 723- 7463. WwW. ; ' e have just sold our clients' | arnaerive "fwo-bedroom brick bunga-| home for cash. They now re- low, close in location, immediate posses- hy bed ts |sion. Call Bob Johnston 725-9365 Metcalf} uvire three room bunga- Real Estate Limited. | low and will pay a top rea- $1500 BOOTH at Scugog Point. Get ready | sonable price for the summer business. Perry Real Es- Pleas: one Ral hofiel tate, 723-8123, # phone ph Se eld, | THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, "Hollywood | CENTRAL kitchen, only three years old, Asking $16,900. Perry Real Estate. 723-8123. | PRIVATE -- spacious modern bungalow. | ONTARIO Main Street, Port Perry. Treed lot, at-| tached garage, sunken livingroom, broad-| TR iS] |loom in 4 rooms, finished rec-room. Port} |Perry 985-7205. | = a | si ' |LARGE THREE BEDROOM bungalow, 723 522] or 728 3376 two bathrooms, in Whitby, $13,200 full | price with $2,000 down. Easy terms. Call 3 |Arthur Weinberger Real Estate Broker. | 725-8851. S |WEST -- handy to Shopping Centre, |2 three-year-old brick bungalow, a clean|S | well decorated home, three nice bed-) lrooms, extra large living room, modern | ¢ | kitchen with built-in stove and oven. Sepa- rate dining room, partly furnished rec/S room. Electric heating. Priced at only |S | $17,950 -- terms. Act fast on this one |Call Henry Stinson 725-0243 or 723-1133 S Carl Olsen Realtor S | FIVE-ROOM bungalow, hot water heat,|S large rec room. For inspection call Jack S Zurba, 728-9466, Oshawa |_ Realty. FOUR-BEDROOM brick bungalow, with|< walk-out basement, large Hollywood kit-| chen with built-in oven and stove, many |S extras. Full asking price $16,500. Suitable |S for extra apartment in basement. For a | pointment to see, call 728-5103. W | Martin Realtor | NEARING COMPLETION -- exception-| ally well built three-bedroom brick and} |stone bungalows, two only at the low! price of only $17,495 less $500. vert |work bonus and only 614 per cent NHA Act fast by calling 728-5103. | |W. ©. Martin Realtor |SEVEN-ROOM brick bungalow, three | bedrooms with family room, large lot, north section, $17,900 full asking price.| |For appointment to see call 728-5103. W. O. | Martin Realtor | RETIRE in Whitby, insul brick home. Keep living costs low |$12,500. Perry Real Estate, 723-8123, |FIVE "HUNDRED winter works so | only seventeen thousand and nine hundred - |dollars. Three-bedroom, Hollywood kit |chen. New home, Three thousand, five| | hundred down. Perry Real Estate. 723-8123 | |RANCH BUNGALOW in the- country, three - bedrooms, good sized lot. $16,900 9h ly. two miles from town. Perry Real Estate. 723-8123. }VLa PROPERTY east end of Bowman | ville, 100° x 670' lot. Six-room home and |barn with seven box stalls, buildings in| excellent condition. 20 young fruit trees Contact Joe Crawtord 723-1021 Joseph Bos | co Realtor DUPLEX Oshawa Bivd., two three-room apartments, new furnace, garage, paved |drive, good income property. For details | call Larry Andely. 725.4539. Joseph Bosco | Realtor. . NORTH WEST area, five-room brick bun-| galow in excellent condition.' Close to all schools and shopping. Large lot. immed. iate possession. Open to offers. Contact Murray Boyle. 723-4270 Joseph Bosco | Realtor. |BROOKLIN new. six-room brick bunga jlow, 1,100 square feet of living area, |fireplace, spacious bright kitchen, large jvanity in bath, nice treed lot. To in | spect call Sally wallace 725-6297. Joseph} |Bosco Realtor. - saeteressaininiehels = | COLLEGE HILL close to bilingual school, large six-room brick home, modernized jkitchen and bath, large fenced lot, paved drive and garage. To inspect call Gord Chariton. 728-8569. Joseph Bosco Realtor | PORT PERRY -- one year old five-room jbungalow with carport. Electric heat, |finished rec-room, lot 56' x 225° Home| has many extras. For details call Gerry| Osborne 728-6724 Joseph Bosco Reaitor.| neat two bedroom, $10,900 for jovely clean two-bedroom bun-| galow. Ideal home for. young couple get-| ting started or people wanting to retire, | with low taxes. Only $2,700 down and $75 per month. Bill Johnston 728-1066 Scho-| field-Aker Ltd. | BARGAIN! Private, builders cwn brand new six-room split-level home. -- Many extras, 6' per cent mortgage. Winter| |works bonus. Wilson and King area.| 723-0575 | '20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent COTTAGE FOR SALE, Stoney Lake, | foot frontage. Owner wishes to buy home. | Telephone 728-3983 for full particulars F | WAREHOUSE FOR RENT: 66-| loading dock. Modern buildin: washroom,: Reasonable. b. 728-9191, |CLOSE TO OSHAWA, Lake Simcoe area, 1600 sq. fit |two bedroom -coftage for rent, fences, good fishing and swimming stn or weekly. Telephone 725-8747 WANTED TO RENT, three-bedroom cot {tage with fireplace, for the lest weeks of July, Telephone 723-3183, 1S IF YOU SELL -- BEFORE CALLING US WE BOTH LOSE LIST WITH DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 63 King W. Oshawa URGENT largest hydro pro- ject west of Whitby, have employees waiting to buy your home in Oshawa, Whit- by, Pickering area,, Contact Douglas Carmichae! repre epre sentative for Ho KEE LTD; 723-7463 Ontario's Buying & Selling CALL TONY ZAKAROW SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 WE NEED YOUR HOME! Bill Yohneran 728-1066) R_LTD. SCHOF BILL HORNER Can sell your home for cash. ACTIVE REALTY LTD. (728-5157 Listings Wanted Patrick G. McDaniel! A.A.C.1, Realtor and Consultant 169 Simcae N. 723-2861 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS aot lable One bedroom parking, close after 6. HOnHHHHHHUHBUHUHUHUHY! APTS. -- ROOM and Phone 728-1070 Mon. Office hours: 10:30 a.m, to | 'til 3 p.m LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 BRUCE ST. GROUND FLOOR -- ment, heat, water and lights for. middie business couple. 3 Close to North Plant. aged or mediately. |phone 728-8823. a SESE aE IRS Aare | |ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments. conveniences, All modern Pool and controlled ele Free parking. __Whitby | in apartment building, |$105 monthly. Avail After 6 Fridge, stove, balcony, ample Shopping Centre. Adults only. 723-6 @ FOR RENT @ |FOUR ROOM apartment, one bedroom, | Telephone 7 723-8218 after 1 p.m. P.M, hey AS Shopping Centre. 723-6944 After 6 P.M, apartment to Oshawa ONE-BEDROOM apartment, close to Osh- awa Shopping Centre. Available May 1, Working couple preferred. Telephone 725- 1959 after 5 p.m, 455 private bedroom. -- | Whitby, SHARING bachelor apartment furnished, Must be reliable and abstainer. Apply 740 Dundas Street East, controlled ROOMS Telephone 723-826' BOARD to RL. | floor, 9 p.m. Sat. |refrigerator, drap Whitby. 668-5447. apartment, privat "three-room apart- SIMCOE ST. S$. 1 ONE, two and three-bedroom apartments available, refrigerator, stove, FM music, entrances, swimming pool. 1 or 723-6255. THREE-ROOM apartment, stove, second share bathroom, couple preferred. $80 monthly. Telephone 723-8664. |THREE-ROOM apartment, including sto stove, es. Adults. Telephone Three room basement le bath and entrance, frig and Stove, utilities paid, newly dec- Ame 5 grated. Luxury large 1, room apartments, OCCUPANCY ARLINGTON TERRACE MODEL SUITE OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2 or 3 bed- $115 up. Extra 4 pce. baths in all 3 bedroom apts. Intercom controlled Two Elevators Draperies included Broadloomed Corridors Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid Laundry rooms on each floor FM Music throughout Within Walking Distance of schools and shopping Rental Agents on Premises APPLY SUITE 102 190 NONQUON ROAD Phone 723-8365 ROYAL APARTMENTS Carefully planned one ond two suites, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Featuring the utmost in mod- ern living at moderate rental rates. bedroom apartment Bus Service at Door Within walking distance of Shopping. Electrically Heated Completely Soundproof Controlled Entrances Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied Mail Delivery to each suite - Broadloomed Corridors FM Music throughout Plus many more modern features. LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF NONQUON ROAD To inspect call: 728-5282 or 728-1582 THREE ROOMS, private bath and en trance. Utilities paid. THREE-BEDROOM pe + aaa Apply 35 Gibb Street, vailable May 1. Also garage. Telephone 728-5571, sas "6 sc ieeeniitcneeeninenicaiatitiai, CENTRAL -- Three-room apartment, pri- jvate bath and entrance, heavy duty wir \ing, parking, TV antennna and newly dec | orated, Telephone 725-449; | PRIVATE apartment, bedroom, elephone 728-7050. apartment, Private Kitchens ette, livingroom, bathroom. Suit working couple. Close to bus and shopping centre, Apply 306 Pacific Avenue. 27--Rooms | for Rent HOUSEKEEPING ROOM home. Phone 728-7760. ROOMS for rent, weekly Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Oshawa. QUIET clean furnished room, suitable for nurses or General Mary Street 1 to 8. Telephone 728-0260. ONE LARGE room for one or two ge tlemen. Single beds and- light Iheusskees- ing if_desired, near South General Mo- lors. ROOMS or room and board, downtown lo- cation, central, single or to share, single beds, 4 Albert Street, 728-9643, FURNISHED | housekeeping room Tooms, vi very central, sink and cupboards, double for two to share, only. T ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Avaliable in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 FURNISHED ROOM for refined man, abstainer, adult home, Apply Grooms Avenue or telephone 72790. TWO PRIVATE bedrooms for girls, pri- vate bath, kitchen privileges, all furnished. Phone, TV, and laundry roorg available, Plaza in Whitby. Ti ings, 668-8549 days, LARGE furnished housekeeping roo suitable for one or two gentlemen, nor! end district. | FURNISHED ROOM Please call after 5.30 p.m. 319 Road South 723-6363. ntle- m7 rooms air Part Reasonable, e 12 ever Near phone _Telephone 725-9344. 90M for 9g gentlemat Ritsé, EK I private only. Close to hospital. Ladies rate. Apply Street North, Motors girls, near on_ Adelaide. Afterncons Telephone 723-5923. Parking space. Apply single or Working ladies 725-9559. 'Tele-| =, Apply 25 Division MODERN two - ments, two wash 725-0657, 723-1996. wimming ator, Near school. 668-6936, utilities included-- able immediately. ment, private b A bi now. THREES ROOM apartment, Available RITSON SOUTH, | private bath- refrigerstor, immediately. Street. three bedroom apart- rooms. Call anytime. room apart- and garage. 723-6865. 19, thi athroom |tercom conffolled ent: elevator service, fenced in playground, outside swimming pool, jor telephone 723-2347. | TWO and three-bedroom apartments, in- rance, FM music, couple, $70 mont! 822 Glen Street hydro. Heavy dut ONE AND TWO-bedroom apartments, re- frigerator, stove, drapes, FM music, con- | trolled entrances, intercom, balcony, laun- Apply 349 Marland Idry on each floor. 725-2227, THREE-ROOM | |now, 1-2 bedrooms, electric |refrigerator, drapes, intercom, controlled entrances. Immediate 340 Marland, Apt. 111. apartment, stove and refrigerator. newly decorated. Close to south ;Plant. Apply 133 Mill Street. |CAVALIER APARTMENTS and private entra afier 5. "unfurnished, Adults, Available Refrigerator and included. FOUR-ROOM apa spacious heat, Hi-Fi, stove, $79 per month inc occupancy. Apply = Telephone 728-4283. |ONE two and three-bedroom apartments ALL! available, refrigerator, jcontrolled entrances, | Telephone 723-8261 or | Simcoe Street South, APARTMENT FOR RENT. able for couple or Stove, FM musSiC.| 799 5099 atter 4 Pp. swimming pool. 723-6255. bathroom, private wiring, $75, hydr welcome. Apply 446 THREE-ROOM apartment. C fo buses and schools. One child welcome. 346 GLIDDON, three- room apartment and WESTMOUNT Sireet, 29, three-room un- furnished apartment, shared bath. Suit hly Includes heat and 'y wiring. Parking. Ap- ply 396 Pine Avenue. THREE-ROOM basement apartment with bath. Electric heating, close to bus stop nce, Telephone 723-7370 Central. Close steve. Heat and hydre Available immediately. 728-2886. riment, private bath- room, children welcome, close to schocl, ludes everything. Tele- Phone 723-5575 before six. IN NEW BUNGALOW, nice clean dry, three-room basement apartment. Suit- two gentlemen. Phone m. 30 AVENUE STREET -- bedroom in quiet home for gentleman, Parking, $8. per week. Telephone 728-6802, Clean single FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, gentle men only. Parking. Telephone 723-2955. FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Apply a Nassau Street or telephone 725-2198. ROOMS FOR RENT for single men. Ab stainers. LARGE furnished bedroom for ledy of gentieman, LARGE ROOM, gentiemen. Private home. 79 McGregor Street (near YWCA). LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING + weekly. Apply 143 Clarke Street or tele- phone 728-3420, ELENA AVENUE, for two gentlemen, also one single room, quiet clean home, South General Motors. 725-: SINGLE furnished room for lady. Use of kitchen. WHITBY -- Furnished bedroom, for young lady. Private entri Park, Telephone 668-8376. Apply 859 Ritson Road South. Central. Telephone 725-7073. single beds, for twe 725-6721. room, $10 24, furnished room parking space. Near 728-7120. itable . Blair FREE ROOM and use of apartment for keeping same tidy. or two respon- sible girls. 723-0! One or entrance, heavy duty 0 included. One child 725-4573. SUBLET ultra TWO-BEDROOM apartment, large living lroom, large kitchen, | aerial, Telephone Newc | ONE BEDROOM with |hot and cold water, | hydro, for only $110 per month, Sibby's | Rear Estate Ltd., 728-7576, TWO-BEDROOM, living and kitchen, month, |Call 723-1282 after 5 | THREE large room basement a apartment, jin fairly new home, |vate entrance, stove, | beards, $95 monthly, 7! | TWO-ROOM furnished erator and stove, suit couple. No children. Apply 681 Myers Stre TWO-ROOM apariment; rate entrance, 9,000 sq. OR LEASE -- 5000 sq. rt office. For light manufact conveni-|ing. Truck level loading. Ample parking, |rWwo Sea- 86 Russett Avenue TWELV™ space. two} etc. 'monthly. Telephone 725-0793, 725-1260. HUNDRED quare feet of te Located on Simcoe Street North, office PM rent "warehouse | ing, suitable for storage or body shop| controlled $100|Apply Superintendent, nue or telephone 723-4368, stove, '24--Stores, Offices, ih una facilities. One child only. Phone oe 'AND TWO bedro ur-| formation apply 371} | building; loor | ere heat, water, dri entrance. modern | apartment, on short term lease. Children | welcome. Telephone 728-1855. stove and frig. Ready for May 15. One child. Telephone 668-2296. | ONE-BEDROOM apartment, in new build- refrigerator, stove, "BEDROOM apartment, rent includes -- steve, three-bedroom share the bath. hone 0 Ff Decorated bathroom, garden,/ E CAS astle 987-4232. Motors. "stove, refrigerator, electric heat and/ $65. Private baths. LARGE one-bedr room, "dining ro room $110 per! controlled entranc p.m. pay refrigerator, curtail: private bath, pri- new birch cup- 25-9308 after 6. P.m, 723-6396. apartment, Fr refrig- vate entrance, wal General Motors, tional NEW two loom, electrically and oven, private south plant. Would et. # bathroom, refrigerator sepa- and om apartments for Two - home. Apply 365 phone 725- 42.40. |TWO - BEDROO: Meee private Te phone 725-2580. drapes. For in-|: Albert Street. | - modern retrig- 'apes. Elevater a Adults let, in new apartment building. refrigerator, stove, Must rent by May 1. TWO LARGE ROOMS, main floor, pr THREE-ROOM apartment, ground floor, Immediate possession. One alae welcome. Apply 15 Fairbank Tel 725-2389, minutes to General two - bedroom apart- ment, $85 per month. Furnished bachelor, _Telephone 942- 0953. com apartment to sub: Includes balcony, FM music, e. $115 monthly. Tele- phone 728-6686 after 5. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, Stove and ins. Centrally located Telephone after 6 pri- Iking distance to South Stove, refrigerator op- Available now. 725-6778 bedroom apartment, broad- heated, built-in stove entrance, close to GM like tenant to care for small child. Call 723-8217 after six. BEDROOM basement 2 apartment, kitchen and private bathroom, in new Windsor Street or tele- IM apartment, kitchen bath, utilities' included preferred.| THIRD FLOOR one- bedroom apartment, 321 Marland Ave- | stove and fridge. Available May 1. Adults only. Apply 822 King Street East. for sleeping. Gentle Ri men only. Phone after 4.30 p.m. Apply '6 Nassau Street. FURNISHED bedroom, Apply 574 Crerar Avenue. ADELAIDE AVENUE EAST -- clean, furnished room, light housekeep- ing, central. All conveniences. now. Suitable for quiet older gentleman. Telephone 728-6844. 28--Room and Board Phone 728-9348. parking space, large, Available ROOM AND BOARD, $200 weekly. Telephone 728-0315. ROOM AND BOARD, Gentleman. hearty meals, six days, Telephone 728-0960. ONE OR Two gentlemen, good meals lunches packed. Telephone 728-4082. ROOM, board if desired, f for two gentle men, Whitby, central location. Telepho@ Whitby 668-2109. SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Division Street FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, quiet, clean home, Road (by K-Mart). parking. 43 Garrard 723- 2786. seven day week, Laundry, lunches packed. . Good lunches packed. PER MONTH $)) 3 The cost of this ad, daily for one 2 Too small to be noticed? You're read- ing WP