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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1966, p. 7

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New Corporation Tax Effective Next Month By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP)--The tax de-| partment will be ready to-col-) lect the new five-per-cent re-| ~"findable corporation tax when} it goes into effect next month--| even if Parliament hasn't en- acted it. 'The tax is expected to yieid about $250,000,000 a year. Ex- perts say if large parts of this lare deposited in the govern- |ment's account in the Bank of |Canada, money will be scarcer. A finance department official Says: If the government de-| Revenue department officials | posits a company's tax payment! said Tuesday forms to accom-'cheque in a chartered bank, pany remittance of the tax will|funds are merely transferred go out to the department's 26/from one bank account to an- district tax offices well in ad-jother. This has no effect on the vance of the first due date,|Canadian dollar deposit liabili- May 31. The fine points of the new tax! may not be decided until Par-| liament translates Finance Min- ister Sharp's budget proposal into law. That won't stop the tax collectors. Adjustments can be made later. The tax, calculated on a com- plicated formula to get at cor- poration cash profits, is to be| collected for 18 months and then repaid to the corporations, with interest at five per cent, in the following 18 months, depending! on the state of the economy. It's a novel federal venture into taxation as a dampener on over-heating of the economy. DISCOURAGES EXPANSION Finance department officials say the money collected prob- ably will be deposited initially in federal government accounts in the chartered banks. This won't have much effect on the money supply at the start but it will encourage companies to postpone reinvestment of their profits in new plant expansion. Later, if the government fee)s the economy needs more tight- money treatment to curtail spending, it can deposit the tax | ties. }some interest. cash jties of the chartered banks as a group. But if the same cheque were | deposited by the government in its central bank account, the Bank of Canada then would present it for payment to the | chartered bank holding the com- pany's account. Possibly the| jchartered bank's account with the Bank of Canada would be| drawn down as a result. MUST KEEP DEPOSIT The chartered banks are re- quired to keep money in their tills and on deposit with the} Bank of Canada amounting to, at least eight per cent of their Canadian dollar deposit liabili- These are their cash re- serves. In addition, by agreement among the banks and with the Bank of Canada, an additional seven per cent is retained in cash, Government of Canada treasury bills, and day-to-day loans--assets that can be con- verted quickly to cash, but earn Combined- with reserves these are the banks' liquid assets. The official said in times of easy money, when the char- funds in its. account in the Bank|tered banks have money more of Canada, officials say. This| | freely available for loans, their will not only draw money out of|liquid assets may run as high the spending stream but reduce|as 20 per cent or more of their the chartered banks' cash re-|Canadian dollar deposit liabili- serves, forcing them. to cut back/ties. For the whole of 1961 the the money supply. \ daily average was 18.1 per cent. 1 | || the beginning of last a the liquid asset ratio was down to 17.6 per cent, and in the first half of this month it was 16.57 per cent, represent- ing a drop towards the agreed 15 per cent minimum. | SPEAK OF RESERVES their deposit liabilities to ex- pand to 12% times their cash reserves. In an Ottawa story April 4 The Canadian Press erroneously said the Banks can increase their loan assets by 814 times = Canadian deposit liabili- ties Bankers are quick to em- phagize the eight-per-cent cash reserve requirement doesn't mean a bank can loan 92 cents for every dollar of cash it holds. Nor does the 15-per-cent agreed reserve mean it can loan 85 \cents of dollar. Laymen speak handily of the) They say a bank can lend eight per cent cash reserves\only about 60 cents of each requirement as meaning that|dollar it takes in after meeting the chartered banks can allow'reserve requirements and lay- CITY OF TWO TRAFFIC OSHAWA CLERKS No. 2 SALARY RANGE--$4,348.00 to $4,943.00 (361% hour week) Te set vo an results cf "rotfic studies, assist in mo'niain street inventory records, process ond record obtaining and mainta ning T affic data, pavement width, Condition of road surface, structures, street lighting facilities, traffic control pertaining to traffic and amendme Full High School. Required to hove standin, Apply % writi only ving full 5:00 ig 966, p.m., April 26th, devices, accident records, 'by- laws nts to 'by-low: 1966 Chauffeur's Licence in good personal date, education, etc. by PERSONNEL OFFICER CITY ely gos Before you buy any 'Piano or Organ 79 Simcoe St. North 728-2921 REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMAND ' Tropical Punch BEST BUY! Save 9c! Vegetable Played ~ ow WIN Ee PROM BEST BUY! Save l7e! Orange - Grape - Apple 48-oz. Tins Del Monte Fruit Drink 3:91 | BEST BUY! Save 10c! Shirriff 'Marmalade Seville Orange or Good Morning Soup ii $1 1.51000 Gi 24-02. Jar A% 12-0z. Pkgs. Kellogg's Com Flakes 2257 BEST BUY! Save 14c! Aylmer 10-oz. Tins 35% BEST BUY! Save 4c! Red & White ? 9 16-0z. Jar PEANUT BUTTER 39% $100.00 WINNERS MR. ALBERT GAYLOR, TEMISKAMING MES, W. DESARMEAUX, NORTH BAY MRS, J. KORVER, STRATFORD MRS. P. OFFRODI, BURKS FALLS MRS, Pos VANTRIGHT, WELLAND WM. A. EWING, KIRKLAND LAKE $20.00 WINNERS MRS. E. HANES, MASSEY MRS. T. ARMSTRONG, MATHESON MR. SAMPSON, COBALT BETTYANNE THIB, ENGLEHART ETHEL MAXWELL, TARA MRS, K. ZIEROTH, PEMBROKE MRS. O. RICHTEER, PORT ELGIN MRS. BESSIE TUCKER, LITTLE BRITAIN Plus dozens of other major prize winners Save 34c! 15e Off Pack Instant Coffee 6-02, Jar CHASE & SANBORN 99c- Save 6c! Mother Jackson 18-02. Pkg. Jiffy Pie Crust Mix 37c Free! 1 Pair First Quality Nylons with purchase of 2 General Electric Lamp Bulbs at reg. price Free! Save 4c! Chef Boy-Ar-Dee With Meat or Mushrooms 15-02. Tin SPAGHETTI SAUCE 2 29 Save 12c! Floor Wax Take-In-Money Contest! SUNSHINE Tender - Fresh Juicy - Flavourful Garden Fresh GREEN TEXAS | CABBAGE «==: Sturdy |" Tubing wide range of colours L_--= ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIR POLYPROPOLENE WEBBING BEST BUY! "House of Ajax" Giant Pkg. Save 16c! AJAX Laundry Detergent 83 FRESH PRODUCE Specially Selected -- Choice Plump Grade "A" Chickens 10: | SPRING ASPARAGUS |b.39- California LEMONS 6 for 35c arge Bunches ) GREEN | ON ONIONS Bio 25¢ AERO -WAX LIQUID 8 87< Save 18c! Deep Browned - With Pork 206-o2. Tins LIBBY'S BEANS 4 for $1 Save 8c! Coloured 3-Ib, Parchment Pack Margarine Blue Bonnet Bis Save 12c! Healtho Dog or Cat Food 10 for 9 95c BIG SAVINGS! Reg. 72c! LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC Reg. 69c! BROMO SELTZER Reg. 53c! MODESS REGULAR Reg. 49c! BAND-AID Plastic Strips Johnson's J-CLOTH All Purpose Towels 39; 2% to 3 Ib. average Tender - Tasty - Choice Portion Cut - Chicken LEGS or BREASTS lb. 63 For a Pleasant Change - POT ROAST Boneless Ib. 69 Shopsy's "Aloro PIZZA PIES Small Pepperoni Save 10c! AJAX Liquid Cleaner 89 Brand" Shopsy's - Tender - Tasty Ro! each 69¢ CORNED BEEF per mv. 79¢ Mild Cured 2 to 2% Ib. avg. Giant Size | Save 10c! 3c Off Pack Giant Tins Ajax Cleanser 255. Reg. 49c! Banana Weston or Sunbeam Guest Cake .... Frozen Foods! Save 4c! Old South 6-oz. Tins FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE .... 2 for 43¢ 45c Supreme Brand Fancy Peas __ 2-Th. bag 53e SPROULE'S "Red and White Corner Simcoe at Mill WILSON 'FOODMASTER' Red and White Wilson Rd. S. Shopping Plaza Red and White BROWN'S | MAPLE GROVE Red and White Brooklin, Ont, Maple Grove, Ont. ing a prudent base of invest- ment in government bonds and other securities. y|AREN'T SURE Revenue department officials are not sure how many compa- nies will be affected by the new tax but are estimates about 16,000, Latest available statis- ties show that-135,000-companies paid taxes in 1962 and that 57,- 000 others were not taxed be- cause they operated at a loss. Not affected by the new tax are companies whose cash prof- its amount to less than $30,000 a year. Initially, companies will have to estimate their tax liability and pay on that basis. Later, when they close their books on the year and are able to arrive at their precise tax liability, the amounts wili be adjusted, The initial effect of the tax on the economy now is being felt, officials say. Many corpo- rations are reassessing their ex- pansion plans in the light of the requirement that they start pay- ing the tax next month. U.S. Commander Is Contradicted WASHINGTON (AP)--The de- fence department contradicted a U.S. naval commander today and said an_ electronically equipped Soviet trawler kept watch for two weeks during U.S. efforts to recover a missing hydrogen bomb off Spain. In response to questions, the Pentagon said the trawler re- mained in the sea search area THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 20, 1966 JF" , near Palomares Beach, Spain, until March 2, about two weeks before recovery of the American bomb. been no Soviet trawler or other. ship in the search area at any time since we began our work." This disclosure contradicted a statement madc by the com- mander of the naval force a few hours after the weapon was re- trieved April 7. "I can say categorically," "Rear-Admiral William Guest told reporters at a press confer- ence in Spain, "that there has How te relieve BAC Pile ior prompt ae strom. the condte ACHE === SPRING 99. @ BENDERS 3.88 MAIN FLOOR Special 4-Player CROQUET SETS All hardwood construction; complete with wire cages. Compare ot 6.98 set. FOR PRICE SAKE 4.99 MAIN FLOOR Canadian Made 6-ft. Solid FIBRE GLASS SPINNING FISHING ROD with cork handle and rust- proof guides. FOR PRICE SAKE 2.99 MAIN FLOOR Early Bird Special 6-12 INSECT Repellant SPRAY For mosquitoes, black flies, etc. Compare at 1.39 FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR Adulis Only Allowed Specials Lysol Spray Disenfectant Kills household germs ond deodorizes. Compare at 1.99 FOR.-PRICE. SAKE 1.23 MAIN FLOOR Fits All Tubs BATH TUB TRAYS Holds your soap, sponges, wash cloths, etc.; easy to reach; un- breokable and sanitary. Choice of white, pink, blue or black. Compare at 2.9 FOR PRICE SAKE 1.44 LOWER LEVEL 32-oz. Corning 'Ware SAUCE PAN WITH COVER Compare at 4.98 each FOR PRICE SAKE 3.33 LOWER LEVEL NIVEA CREME In dispenser tube compare at 79c FOR Beier Cave oN wreee 49: MAIN FLOOR Pre-Seasoned 1012-Inch CAST IRON FRY PAN Ready to use. Compare at 2.98 each FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Write on Anything! "MAGIC MARKERS" Black, Compare at 29%¢ each. FOR PRICE SAKE 2.25. MAIN FLOOR red, blue or green. DIN W/ VISIT US at the SPORTSMAN SHOW APRIL 28-29-30 OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM Carter-White Petroleum JELLY For general use; guaranteed pure, 812-0. jar FOR PRICE SAKE 33: MAIN FLOOR Famous "Vigoro' FERTILIZER One feeding keeps lawns We have @ complete stock green all summer. of Vigoro line including Sgt tae Ree. " a: Golden ~ Vigor") Mak Vigoro Weeder and Feeder; All Purpose; Rose and Evergreen Food; Bone Meal and Limestone. PEAT MOSS re... 1.99 2.99 3,99 Patio Display 4 cu. Fr. 6 cu. Ft. Men's Wool JACKET SHIRTS Red, blue, green, white, black, etc. Be in step with the style. Compare at 9.95 each FOR PRICE SAKE 4.99 MAIN FLOOR The Nearest Approach to Breast Feeding "PLAYTEX NURSERS" As seen on TV; dramatically reduces spitting up and colic; no bottles to dispose of, their disposoble. SPECIAL PRICES ON SINGLE BOTTLES AND COMPLETE KITS MAIN FLOOR "DRISTAN" NASAL MIST DECONGESTANT TABLETS Regular 1.25 size. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR /, New Spring Stylin MEN'S HOODED® MADRAS PLAID ZIPPER JACKETS compare at 6.95 each FOR PRICE SAKE 3.99 MAIN FLOOR "SAFE GUARD" deodorant and antke bacterial soap with RD-50 compare at 25¢ FOR PRICE SAKE 2.33. MAIN FLOOR @ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES @ Noxzema 3-way Brushless Dedicated SHAVE CREAM compare at 65¢ FOR PRICE SAKE 33: MAIN FLOOR Limit 2 per customer Samson-Diminion Model 2801 DELUXE ELECTRIC SLICING KNIFE aerosol spray Deodorant compare at 1.25 FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR Special! georey per Deluxe PADS With six positive heats from a Complete with stand that may be wall hung. compare at 25.95 FOR PRICE SAKE "Poly-Gaz" Sportsman WINDPROOF BUTANE LIGHTERS bier ll eae For PRICE SAKE 4.99 LOWER LEVEL 3-Inch Magnetic TAPE 200 feet Maxell two- -sided No wick; no liquid fuel; just-os pure as a match. Regular 4.95 each FOR PRICE SAKE 9.97 MAIN FLOOR OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 KING STREET WEST AT GARRARD ROAD reel. Compare et 1.50. 66- MAIN FLOOR LTD.

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