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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1966, p. 26

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MICKEY MOUSE OH! I'VE BEEN MEANING Was IMPOSSIBLE! A MONTH AGO L WEIGHED ONLY 100 ON My BATHROOM THE STEAK IG RUINED WeRen's THOUGHTFUL ENOUGH «4 Tee t fs NEVER PART ME FROM-$MACK!- G7 DROOL! - URP!!- THE ONE | LOVE. !! SHOW BIZ FLABMAN FAILS TO APPEAR ON HIS OWN SHOW DRIPPER TAKES 100 PERCENT OF TV. AUDIENCE ~ INCLUDING FLABMAN!! G2. Corrie} sours INVITED! AT LEAST YOU Ona OPENED UI M OVER Your custopy? wes vu wr Sere Oe yee » adnate a ST bs oh ured © King Fearares Syedicera tae. 1964 Workd rights reserved. THE ROAD. v THESE PORK CHOPS, TO FIX MY LITTLE GIRL. 7). 'NORMAL ORE LATIONS, SAWYER, HERE ARE ORDERS. YOU AND JENSEN WILL FLY THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 Ahi Pyare? BAex, Ds WE CANT HIT THEM, siR/ THE OSHAWA TIMES, a Thursdey, April 21, 1966 25 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder im Mester' - Indbvidoel Chemplonship Plow) West dealer. Neither side vulnerabie. Agia JO74 as Ase Ks042. ee 13 863 832 Boba To be a good bridge player you must not only make as few mistakes as possible, but also bid or play in such a way as to induce the enemy to make as many mistakes as 4 Neither goal is easy to at- tain, but one of the most effec- tive ways of putting pressure on the opponents, and causing them to err, is by the frequent use of preemptive bids, For example, take this hand Played in the match between Italy and the United States in 1962, At one table, where the Italians held the North - South cards, the bidding went as shown, The American West "lopened with four clubs, which hi, North | Channe) 3--Buttale 3--Barrie Bperte §-- bupermaen 6--Passport Te Adventure 3-Atom Ant evi O-Lieye Thaxton . 5:30 PLM. Pomndmtt @--Leeve it Te Beever JorRocketship 7 é--Music Hop Ode ~The verte be: vie 100 P.M, 7--Twilight Theatre @--McHales Navy 4---News, Sports 6:3 P.M. Vi--Family Theatre Me, # 9-4+3--News; Weether and rte @--Huntley-Brinkiey News 3--Maverick é--Across Conede 7:00 P.M. 1i--Farmers' Daughter %--The Munsters S--Littleet Hebe News, Weether Sports «--Forest Rangers 3--Green Acres 2--Huntiey-Brinkiey l}--Topper %--Holiywood Palace 'ee--Daniel Beene 7--Shinding + @--Hogan's Heroes 4--The Munsters 2--The Adama Family 8:00 PLM, V--OHA Jr A. 7--Donne Reed #3--Seaway 4--Gilligan's isiend 8:30 P.M, Site Your Move &3--Cher +2--Laredo Ww 7--Okay Crackerty 4--My Three Sone 9:00 PLM, rs Hockey 7--Donna toner 63--Friendly %--Bingo 10:48 ing THE ONES THAT CRAMP AND RUB 2f ON MY TOES / I'D BETTER GET OUT MY TIGHT SHOES MY RAIRErREDIC TING CORNS er Wa | NEED A TUNE-UP,/ DIGNITY. BEAUTY, NOW, ISN'T THERE ANOTHER FEMALE 1N ALL OF MODELING WHO HAS THOSE SIMPLE ATTRIBUTES? I WANT IS A GIRL SLIGHTLY OLDER THAN THIS ONE... NOT ANCIENT AND CREAKY, BUT A FEW YEARS OLDER, 1} a) SHE"S GOT TO HAVE CLASS, LOOK HIGHER... AND LOWER, I SAID YOU MAY &--Movle B--Querter Back Che *:30 P.M, f--Let's Sing Out 0-2--Mona McCluskey t--Peyten Pleee +3-- Telescope é--Musical 16:30 PM. 4~The Series 11:00 PM. UO Pht hwarpotnt 11:20 PLM. ate Show oh 11:30 PLM. Seint 11:40 PLM, moke 4--Ouns: Pierre Berton .. «- 12:30 A.M. News - Weather « Sporte é--Newscap PRIDAY 8--Dobdle Gillis 10:08 A.M. if 9--Playtime With Uncle b jobby 6-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Ivanhoe 4-1 Love Lucy 1:8 A lid -Allen #-2----Concentration Reed 4--The McCoy: Helene 200 A.M. li--Mike Douglas %--Mr. And Mrs, 2--Morn! 7--Supermarket Sweep 6-3--Butternut Square Se intty.o0...Meyos 11:20 A.M, 63--Across Canada 1:30 A.M, 9--Abracadabra |6-2--Paradise Bay 4--Dick Van Dyke Show TELEVISION LOG 10:00 PM. riffin ¢4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, Theatre %--Morning Star 3--Ben Casey 4--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers Movie 2--Mike Dougias Show 1:30 P.M, %--James Beard Show @4--As The World Turne 2:00 P.M, Kids is People 7--The Gator Bowl 64--Password 3--Proflie 2--Days of Our Lives 2:18 P.M, Deer Charlotte 2:30 P.M. %--Peopie in Confilet 64--The Dectors 7--A Time For Us @--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkietter's Party 3--Movie 3:00 PLM, Ni--Donne Reed $--Fractured Phrases 04--Anether World ¥--@eneral Hospitet 643--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, 'l--Funny Compeny | OI Your Meve 68--You Den" Sey 7--Superman Show +3--Take 30 4--Edge of Might? &--Kertoon Karnivet 4:00 PLM. P--Mickey Mouse Club 6 The Match Gome e Glant A.M, Ster 7--Eariy Show 63--Bonnle Prudden Show 4--Secret Storm 63--Razzie Darzie 4-The @Thirty Clue 3--Sting Rey Interlude YOUR HEALTH Eat At Meals Dear Dr. Molner: My four- year-old hardly touches his food at the table. However, within an hour after dinner he is look- ing for something to eat. I have tried everything, in- cluding bribes, no dessert with- out finishing dinner, etc. Have you any suggestions? Also, since I usually "clean up" my boy's plate, I need to reduce.--Mrs, 0. K You've tried everything ex- cept the one way that virtually never fails--and that's to put food before a- child at meal- time, let him eat it or not, but establish a rule of no eating between meals. And make it stick, A good rule is no dessert un- @ss an adequate dinner has been eaten, but it won't cure the habitual food-fusser. The no-eating-between-meals will. At the age of four, any child can have some rather firm ideas and habits. As soon as you try my suggestion, I'm sure you'll run into some complaints ana whining and maybe tears A healthy child's appetite, un- Be Firm With Child: Only By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD der such a rule, fairly soon makes it clear to him that the way not to be hungry is to eat his dinner when it is served. Since you usually "clean up" the boy's plate, it is eminently clear that his food-fussing is a habit by now, so don't expect him to change in the first day or two. (Does he watch you clean the plate?) It may take him a couple of weeks to change habits. During what will be a dismal time for both of you, remember that he isn't going to starve and his health won't suffer. When he's really hungry, he'll start to eat. Another part of the rule is this: No fussing at mealtime. If he doesn't even raise a fork, ignore it and ignore it just as firmly and calmly when, as he is sure to do, he tried the old system that has always workec for him before: Trying tc wheedle food an hour afte: dinner. Dear Dr. Molner: If a ches x-ray is taken while the patien Don't get mad. Just be firm.jis letting breath out, does thi make for a good result? 0: King Foataree Sredicate, ine, 1956. World sights seserved: CROSSWORD DOWN 1. Throw 2. Ege- shaped 3, Fork prong 4, Columns, in archi: ACROSS 1. Whole 6, One kind of pigeon 11. Sheeplike 12, Mother. of-pearl 18. Ana, Barbara, Clara, etc. %.tesaie's headgear 8. Peruvian plant 9, Pristine 10, Can be pink at aparty 14, Dispatch 17, Failing grades 16, Pulled apart, as tangled threads 18, Depart 19, Famous Albert 22, Moccasin 25. Neighbor of Manit. 26, Indian SIT IMESICIAIT] INIOINE| is INDIES INIEIATT RE SIt IPLINE TTS) BISMNATRIAMMIAIDIE) CLIAMBE IR) [AIGIAIS Mi | [OINMEESIE | LT ININEICINIOIC I< TE ID) ISIE IABHIAINK buffalo 27, Forward 29. Trinity lectively 36. Indefinite article 37. Expectant 41. Venture 44. Famous rider 45, Indians of Bolivia 47, Entices 48. Mosquito 49, Lazarus and others 4-21 should another picture be taken while the breth is being held?-- Mrs. J. 8. The best x-ray is when the ratient is motionless and hold- ng the breath in. X-rays are aken at exposure of about a enth of a second or so--some- what slower than the speed of in inexpensive camera. With a ast camera, you can shoot juickly, and the picture will be sharp. With a slow camera, any motion leaves the image some- what blurred. | That's how it is with xn x-ray --the sharpest picture when there is the least motion. The best chest x-rays are taken with the lungs inflated and the breath held. If at the instant of exposure the patient is breathing, the x-ray still can show gross ab- normalities, but another picture South had a difficult problem to solve. To pass was more or less out of the question, the only real problem being to choose between responding either four or five diamonds. South elected to bid five dia- monds, which turned out badly. East doubled, and the outcome was that the Italian declarer went down 700. West led the queen of hearts, which held, and shifted to the king of-elubs. East ruffed the ace and played the A-K and another heart. De- clarer ruffed high, but East still had to get two spade tricks for down four. At the second table, with an American pair North-South, the bidding went: i North East South 3 Dble Pass 86 Pesos Poss Pass \ At this table, West opened three clubs, not four, and there was much less reason for ¢ jump response. When South re 'sponded three diamonds, North had no real alternative bid buy to pass. South gvent down two for a loss of 100 points. The Italian West probably should have followed the gen- eral rule that if you decide to make a preemptive bid, you should preempt as high as pos- sible, Had he opened with four clubs, the result at the first er might have been dupli- cated, Trio On Spree To Aid Science NANAIMO, B.C. (AP)~Three men went on a drinking here--and were applauded by spectators as civic officials watched, They were trying to get in- toxicated in the interests of testing a machine that meas- ures through the breath the amount of alcohol absorbed into the bloodstream, It was part of a civic pro- gram aimed at pointing up the a of driving while drink- ig. Capt. Mike Murray of the navy came out on top in the drinking contest, downing 15 ounces of whisky in the allotted time. He was game to take a bit more but sober officials cut him_off, Capt. Murray could still talk coherently but admitted he was sleepy. He couldn't walk a Straight line. The machine rated his blood alcohol content at .15, an undisputed reading of intoxication. He received hearty applause from the audience--"the first time I ever got an ovation for. drinking." . Two reporters also took part. Harry Moffatt and Larry 'Thomas tried to keep up with Capt. Murray. But Mr. Thomas quit after 10 ounces and his rating was .08, considered im-_ pairment by most authorities depending on physica! aptitude. " Mr. Moffatt consumed nine bot- tles of beer and ended with a~ .07 reading. During the two hours of drink- -|ing, safety officials explained . the operations of the breath- testing machine and showed films of car accidents. " SALLY'S SALLIES "He never lets me get in the TTTETETETI usually will be taken for a image. last 'word. He hangs up."

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