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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1966, p. 3

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has attracted widespread publicity in recent weeks, Public interest in the case lins Bay pententiary three years ago. Dr. Scott says he is not afraid of an in- quiry into the case, which DR. GEORGE SCOTT, a Kingston psychiatrist, has been treating Steven Trus- cott since he arrived in Col- eeneenceceeeecnonninmmnnennetionin "1 Days" Hit | Doctor Says He Knows By "Gerda Ban Whether Steven Guilty _ . -- Leiterman KINGSTON (CP) Prison| Solicitor - General Pennell] TORONTO (CP)--The execu-| psychiatrist George Scott says|Tuesday ordered a review of the tive preducer of This Hour Has|he knows whether or not Steven| Truscott case. Doubts have been Seven Days said Wednesday|Truscott murdered 12-year-old raised recently as to Truscott's; night he was not allowed to tele-|Lynne Harper in 1959. guilt, notably in The Trial of increased after publication | of a book, The Trial of Steven Truscott, by Toronto author Isabe! LeBourdais. --CP Wirephoto CBC GIVES GERDA' COSTS OTTAWA (CP)--The devoted $9,050 and 107 utes to coverage of CBC min- Gerda Munsinger, blonde centrepiece | in sex and security allega- tions, compared with two min- utes and 55 seconds and no cash outlay for coverage of | HOUSE BROADCAST COMMITTEE MEETS TODAY By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP) -- The CBC brass and its ginger generation confront each other as the Com- mons broadcasting committee begins today to dig into the fir- ings on the television show This Hour Has Seven Days. It took a lot less than seven days for the public controversy to reach the stage of strike threats by Toronto and Ottawa producers and to land in the laps of the 25 MPs, who make up the Commons committee. The committee meets at 11 a.m. EST. The task of its members will be to sift through the welter of charges and denials for clues to the state of affairs in the pub- licly-owned corporation. The Seven Days crisis began less than a week ago. Co-hosts Patrick Watson, 36, and Laurier LaPierre, 36, were told thay would not be used on the show next season. PROTESTED QUICKLY Public protest was rapid to |this news about a public affairs |program which claims a net- work audience of 3,000,000. State Secretary Judy La- Marsh, who reports to Parlia- ment for the CBC, went before, a political convention of the Lib-} eral party's younger elements to explain why. LAURIER LAPIERRE, co-host of CBC-TV's This Hour Has Seven Days, said 25 MPs To Discuss "This Hour' Firings In the past, he suggested, it has been slanted and included sleazy things. The staff mishan- died controversial topics and resisted management di- rectiyes, SAID DID JOB WELL Hosts LaPierre and Watson and producer Leiterman made it plain they regard controversy as their job and figured they handled it well. Mr. Leiterman saw as an un- derlying issue a division be- tween top management and su- pervisors of public affairs over "conversial programming." Mr. Watson said he was dropped from the show mainly over doubts about his loyalty to the management and the CBC itself, Management also had questions about "my attitude toward my country." Mr. LaPierre said he was ad- vised the reason for letting him out was that "I lacked loyalty to the top management of the CBC and also that I allowed my personal opinions to show on the program."' He pleaded guilty-- "and I am very proud of being guilty"--to letting his opinions show. 'SQUABBLES NOT NEW Internal squabbles in the CBC THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, April 21, 1966 3 Gordon Backs Grain Sales TOKYO (AP)--Donald Gor- don, president of the Canadian National Railways, said Thurs- day most Canadians regard Canada's large grain sales to China as desirable and as an eventul contribution to peace. Speaking at the Foreign Cor- respondents Clup of Japan, the former executive of the Bank of Canada said he had participated in some of the negotiations wiih the Chinese and had become convinced that trade is of pri- mary importance in producing understanding among countries with different political systems. He had been struck, he said, with the ease with which tough, formal discussions. with the Chi- nese rapidly turned into per- sonal friendships once a feeling of respect had been created. HAS OWN MIND Speaking of Canada's inde- pendent foreign relations, he said it had maintained "a mind of its own in Viet Nam' where | it is a member of the three- nation armistice commission. The Canadian member acted impartially in reporting all vio- lations. He listed Canada's stand on Viet Nam and China as signs of a policy independent from that of the United States. Speaking of internal problems, he described the movement of French-speaking Canadians for greater cultural identity as but one of many evidences of dis- agreement within the confeder ation, He said the result would OTTAWA AT - A--GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS WEDNESDAY, April 20, 1966 The budget debate contin- ued in the Commons and ths government introduced three new items of legislation. The new items would in- crease the lending capital of the Farm Credit Corp., spell out that Newfoundland con- tinue to get a special $8,000,000 grant each year and integrate existing government pension plans with the Canada Pen-- sion Plan. Prime Minister Pearson gave notice that special com- mittee hearings will be held on collective bargaining for the civil service. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers issued a letter calling for low-salary civil servants' to abandon their present organizations in a bid for the right to strike. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER are nothing new. In 1959, the) cast material collected about| Dr. Scott, who has interviewed|Steven Truscott, a book by Tor-| He said broadcasting committee held a|be to "zive Canada a new and the Gerda Munsinger affair. Truscott over a six-vear period,/onto author Isabel LeBourdais. the Queen's visit to the West Indies. Wednesday that William 50 YEARS She fanned the outcry by sug-| Hogg. above, CBC director Douglas Leiterman, speaking 'said Tuesday night: ig aay Hot Nteald OF an An: on the Pierre Berton Show, said; 'What I know is between the quiry," Dr; Scott said. *"The-tm-| this included an interview with|patient, the parole board and) a3 #3 : J. B. Donovan, a New York/me." lawyer who has worked on Truscott, now 21, is serving a United States security cases, |life sentence at Collins Bay pen-| and a man-on-the-street survey.|itentiary here for the murder of The Berton show, a daily tele-| Lynne Harper. He was 14 at the "IT know whether he is inno vision program carried to ajtime of Lynne's death which oc cent or guilty. But that's all 1} number of stations in Canada,|curred near the RCAF station|can say, If Steven wants to. get was broadcast on CFTO here. {at Clinton, Ont., where they both up and make a statement of Seven Days had negotiated an| lived. course he can." Scott Criticized portant thing to me is that this} fellow be well-equipped to come} out of prison, whether he is in- nocent or guilty. | | by The information was given to the Commons Wednesday State Secretary Judy La- Marsh in written replies to questions by Social Credit Leader Thompson The replies said the CRC paid $5,000 to Mrs. Munsing- er's agent and $3,000 to the Toronto Daily Star for & spe- cial interview with jthe woman Justice Minister Cardin says was involyed with two or more Conservative cabinet ministers. He also said she once was engaged in espi- onage activities. The CBC recovered $2,000 of the interview payment by re- sale of film to NBC in the United States. Transportation costs and staff expenses added another $3,050 to the coverage bill. Mrs. Munsinger was given 88 minutes of television time in regular newscasts and 19 minutes in special newscasts. The Queen got a total of two minutes, 55 seconds regular TV newscasts during the West Indies trip and film on this was obtained without | cost from a British agency, the return said. BEASTS RUN FREE Nepal's wildlife sanctuary, the first in central Asia, has about 200 rhinoceroses, 300 ti- gers and an unknown number of leopards. GERMANS READ MORE West Germany publishes about 22,000 new books a year, 'eompared with France's 13,00. | dian capital into development of Canadian resources Rorrowing in the U.S. by Ca-| Finance |fadian business in January and) the|February had been 11 times higher than for the same period | . jin 1965, while personal savings| or le Canadians had jumped $800,-| 000,000 over the same period. castigates the "T think an increase in pro- "failed |ductive capacity of 50 per cent and ef lin the next couple of years could national |/D@. achieved without any diffi- Op- Munsinger, Mr. Leiterman said, in which interviewers could have asked her anything they wanted about sex and security| allegations in Ottawa. He said he was told later by his auperiors at CBC it would not TS TUuUSCO be proper to seek or execute 8 such an interview. OTTAWA (CP)--Prison psy-; She was commenting on a Eaicean tates saarvewes chiatrist George Scott feels her, statement earlier by Dr. Scott j j lson Steven is guilty of murder,jin an interview that he knows ak Pomoc atl -- |Mrs. Dan Truscott said Wednes- whether or not Steven Truscott man said he and others in his %#Y- hat D beng ses the murder on department felt the interview), Her son has told her that Dr.\© wee girl had been restricted Scott expressed : this opinion,' Mrs. Truscott said in an inter-| He said Seven Days had in-|Mrs. Truscott said. view she is annoyed that Dr. | terviewed Mr. Donovan, the sae ~--~|Scott made his statement when 1 i ae ' the case is destined for review. lawyer who represented by ap h pointment Russian spy Rudolph Queen Mot é Mr. Pennell said he has not Abel who had been arrested in dealt with any reports by Dr.) the U.S. 4 Scott, He declined any other mir. Doncvag 2 sonnet on Seeks N.Z. Fis eral 9 ain aces state- spying were interesting and | : relevant because of the security) WANAKA, N.Z. (Reuters) --/ments. angie involved in the Munsinger|Clad in thigh-high waders and) - Mrs. Truscott said prison psy- affair, Mr. Leiterman said.ja floppy felt hat, the Queen chiatrists begin their interviews Seven Days was not permitted|Mother today fished the Clutha)with prisoners with the pre-| to use the interview. River in New Zealand's south! sumption that the patient is| A man-on-the-street interview island. guilty. And patients sometimes in the hometown of one of the' Accompanied by Gov. - Gen.) were under influence of drugs. | persons accused of having inti-/sir Bernard Fergusson and, She and her husband would! mate knowledge of Mrs. Mun-||ady Fergusson, she cast her not have consented to a psychi singer was also banned. \line, posed for photographers, |atric interview if they had been "T don't know why," Mr. Lei-'then waded into the river. aware of the techniques used, terman said. The Queen Mother has no of- she said. 2 eee ficial engagements until Friday, 2 when she continues her tour to Non-Confidence tin: . Defeat Likely OTTAWA (CP)--Despite position criticism of Minister. Sharp's budget, government is expected to de feat a Conservative dence motion tonight Commons The motion government for having to deal constructively fectively with major Ff problems." A vote is scheduled| 'ulty at all for 9:45 p.m. EST -- The Commons enters its fourth day of budget debate to.| SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE day TO MEMBERS OF The government already has survived one confidence test on ND? aii Tie Soviai Credit party is on record as op posing any motion that could force another election But Social Credit Leader Rob ert Thompson thumped Finance Minister Sharp Wednesday for "stepping on the brake' in an effort to attack threatening in- flation, when he would have been "'better advised to take hold of the steering wheel." 'TACKLE WRONG END' Erik Nielsen (PC -- Yukon) said the budget "tackled infla tion at the wrong end." It was cutting down demand instead of helping production. Canadians were being 'penalized in an era of plenty because the gov ernment has no confidence in the capacity of the economy to produce enough to meet de- mand,"' Mr. Thompson said the case for inflation 'has not been made."' Mr. Sharp's budget should have redirected Cana- MeL ELL ET Pt Peet El OUR PRICES FOR FREEZERS START 164° FROM PHONE 723-1163 Anyti i IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che KRih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M, Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL Claret and Sauternes, i Jordan Valley Table Wines are wines to be enjoyed. They're for people who are enthusiastic about the good taste of wine anytime. With or without food. Keep all five Jordan Valley Table Wines at home, they're surprisingly inexpensive. Enjoy them all... anytime. Jordan Valley Red Table Wine, White Table Wins, Stit! Rosé, JORDAN WINES me in bottles and half bottles. In | gesting the firing was sympto-| matic of a deeper cleavage in| the CBC, likening it to the vis } ible part of an iceberg with| nine-tenths unseen In quick succession came op- position demands for an emer \gency debate, press conference by CBC President Alphonse Oui- met and Mr. LaPierre and Mr |Watson plus threats by CBC | producers in Toronto and Ot- jtawa to withdraw services, COMMITTEE FORMED A Save Seven Days and CBC Integrity Committee blossomed! and Pickets supporting. Mr. Watson and Mr. LaPierre ap- peared at CBC headquarters and at a meeting in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., where Miss La- Marsh was guest speaker. Nobody has come up with a 'simple explanation for the. fir- jing. There have been sugges- |tions from various quarters that jthe Sunday-night show was too controversial and too editorial. Executive producer Douglas) |Leiterman, 39, a former news-| |paper reporter, laid his own job| on the line unless Mr. LaPierre and Mr. Watson were retained.| Mr. Ouimet said the decision! jto replace them is final. | Somewhere along the line, the case of another CBC producer, Wilson Southam of Ottawa, who of news and public affairs, has been earmarked for "elimination" by the cor- poration. --CP Wirephoto had worked on some Seven Days shows, got tied in He was fired in February and, his producer - colleagues here| cumstances similar to those| surrounding Mr. Watson's fir-! ing. They sought a review of this decision. Mr. Watson complained that! the CBC management gave him the chop without advising his boss, Mr. Leiterman, and after guaranteeing earlier that there wouldn't be interference from the top with CBC departments. | "T think the core of _ the! thing is emasculation of the type of program we are pro- ducing; that is really what is) at stake," Mr. Leiterman said. Mr. Ouimet took to the public prints and the airwaves like his) erstwhile employees to deny) that emasculation is the aim of the firing and to deny that} the CBC is afraid of contro- versy. The program, he said, 4s} "good, virile and provocative.' | Only the hosts would change, series of hearings on protest Vital federalism." resignations of CBC personnel over cancellation of Preview |Commentary, a program of comment which sometimes trod heavily on sensitive political toes. But this committee includes few veterans of that day and its chairman, Gerard Pelletier, lcomplained it was done in cir-|@ Liberal, is a freshman MP who has never experienced the pitfalls of such an inquiry. The committee membership is divided among 13 government supporters and 12 members of opposition parties with Mr. Pel- letier holding the balance of power. By custom, he votes only in case of a tie. REED'S WEEK-END CASH, CARRY Flower Special ROSES 95° sit NCH REED'S Florisis Downtown Drive-In Simcoe & Bond 163 Bloor W. OSHAWA not the program. available only at | | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST! 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