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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1966, p. 14

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Flashy Flight Bv Meteorite Eye - Catcher Some people thought it was| "I thought for a minute it a@ plane crashing. Others an-|was a plane crashing. | saw it nounced it was a flying saucer|for four or five seconds then it for sure. disappeared behind a building. Sightings of last night's flam-| It reappeared for about the ing meteorite were reported) same time and then went again. from all over the Oshawa and, "| figured it must have been Whitby areas. a meteorite. It was moving at a One man in New Jersey rang/ terrific speed." & newspaper to ney he had seen Dr. Thomas Nicholson, chair- a man leaning out of the flam-| man of the New York city Hay- She Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUFSDAY, APRIL 26, 1966 Serious Slowdown Looms In Housing Mortgage Money Supply. Short; Building Trades Hit Millions of dollars worth of 'Bargaining Table Return Advocated "We must find new means of resolving the differences be- many as 35,000 fewer homes new housing in Oshawa this| built in Canada this year com- year may be held up because of|pared to the record 165,000 built ja short supply of mortgage last year. |money, "T think tremendous pressure The building bubble hasn't\will be exerted to have the burst but city builders say a bad;CMHC policy (established by ing object waving den Planatarium, estimated the At age ecacagea g ig tl| brighter than a star. rae a try | It was probably he said, mov- had stopped right overhead." | , ' irport and radio|second. He estimated its weight aye Sen 'at several hundred pounds. callers saying they had seen, i Cee the flying meteorite, | H k T | 2 | 'mockey ie@ams Victor Roy and his son} George told the Oshawa Times| Pickering when they saw what| The players and management [tween labor and mansgennn appeared to be a rocket in the of the Oshawa Generals and} jacross the bargaining table, r 5 p ary Club} Canadian labor leader, told Mr. Roy said the rocket|were guests of the Rotary Club) | i ; i ca . shaped object. changed colors|of Oshawa at its Monday lunch- imembers of the Rotary Club of bulge is bothering the business. |the federal government) chang 1 Sani 3 t president cussed in the House of Com- : Hanttray Andre eaihont A former resident of Oshawa, William Tonno, past pres 1 in| ------ to break up into i ot SE aig Bash scomiect | who was prominent in the Cana- of the Oshawa Home Builders|mons," said Mr. Spencer. i : f i r Wy ers just haven't got any money |pen,"' he ed. flying at a high altitude and a|/Generals on wei achievement | @ e er he -- ee : Raat pathy rt g : y a f-...5 . very fast rate of speed. Its|in bringing the OHA Junior "A : is : CTE! | | " 4 , north east time in 22 years and praised the jdependence and that a new jdent, says builder Herman Kas | builders are turning to lending An apologetic voice rang from|visiting club on its achieve- dimension must be introduced # | Singer. companies which have an in- husband had seen the object fly Russell D. Humphreys, QC | ing overhead at 8.15 or so yes-|president of the Oshawa Gen-| "Please don't mention mylians for their hospitalitly name,"' the voice continued The visiting players and ex Times were not so doubtful] Rotarian Jacques Marcotte about their sighting. jcoach of the Shawinigan team rd. e.," said Gordon Robinson | duced by Rotarian Wally Wil of Grandview rd. s.," when I\son, a former Oshawa Generals | No one saw that in Oshawa meteorite to be 10,000 times excited voice said the "saucer |. bag gpharcy leg ges rod Station were swamped with CHANGED COLORS | tary Guest that they were smelt fishing at) Ro ar ues S sky. Shawinigan Falls Hockey Clubs] # |Charles H. Millard, a veteran from white to orange to green|eon meeting |Oshawa here Monday. "It's a serious situation,"' saysjed.. . it has already been dis- He added that the object was the teams. He congratulated the} |\dian -and internationa] labor Association. "'Most of the build-| 'I don't know what will hap-- direction was from south tojtitle to Oshawa for the first} |must meet on the basis of inter- : j d | "The slowdown is already evi-| With CMHC loans restricted, Kedron this morning to say her|ments to date to resolve their differences. i ey. | And the mortgage money terest rate from 7% to 8 percent, terday evening jerals Club, thanked the Rota-| Other callers to the Oshawalecutives were introduced by "T was driving on Taunton|The Oshawa players were. intro-| saw it for just a few seconds \player Measles, Chickenpox Incidence | Trend Upward First Quarter If the present trend continues; The number of whooping the number of measles, whoop-|cough cases reported for last ing cough and chickenpox cases|year numbered eight while al-} in Oshawa this. year will be|ready this year six cases have more than double the number been reported reported in 1965, Mumps and German measles Mi snigio RONALD BELL Government Vern for The (Qntario told Singer was last week by Liberal member Downsview that failure to control the auto insu dustry could lead to a crisis of such proportions that the government would be forced to socialize the industry. In Osh- awa these persons were asked whether they favored govern ment control take-over of auto insurance. They aid Arthu~ lezzi, 797 Ritson rd van driver: '"'The government should control auto insurance I have a friend whose insur ance went up to $46? because he had a small accident. It is not right."' Mrs. Gordon Hol- brook, 318 Pine ave., house wife: "It's the innocent guy that's paying all the time in ance in or MRS. GORDON HOLBROOK be more -equa that don't have accidents are pay- ing and paying and paying and never collecting Wal- ter ©. Famme, a director of the 2,400-member Ontario In- urance Agents' Association government cannot con business as cheaply Saskat- People The duct an as private enterprise took over automobile and that scheme is $1,100,000 in the hole now and in le months the gove to have find a new source of money for its insurance fund."' Rob- ert D. Hobbs, 592 Lansdowne dr. e estate salesman: "The r would likely be just if the govern: ment exercised control. I think anybody under 25 years of age should be faced with chewan insurance ss than four nment is going to rea ates as high Mr. Millard suggested that labor and management should agree before going to the bar- gaining table that they will use positive. rather than negative means to reach agreement. "I class a strike as one of the bivd., clerk at General Motors | negative means," he said. "The of Canada Lid.: "The govern- | use of the strike as a weapon is ment should control the insur- |gbsolete except in a few in- ance business, They do it that | stances It would be obsolete if way in Saskatchewan and it |a proper relationship. existed seems to work well. They |between labor and manage- have a good rate out there | ment." which we don't have in On- | Should the parties be unable tario." Bruce V. Mackey, |t9 reach agreement, problems lawyer: "The private. enter- | should be referred to a mediator prise system works better in |and failing a solution the ques- any line of business. I don't /{ions should then go to arbitra- think any harm could come |tion, Mr. Millard said. from a government investiga- | 'There has been a_ certain tion from time to time. Un- jamount of immaturity in the less such an_ investigation /handling of labor disputes. We could turn up grossly unfair |have to realize we are in a new practices in the insurance jage which requires a new ap- field, 1 would be against gov- |proach. We must look ahead," ernment take-over but in favor |the speaker said. of control." BRUCE V. MACKEY they are the ones who have all or most of the accidents." Ronald Bell, 104 McLaughlin ishortage is not just a problem depending on the project and |for builders. \the location. | 'Tradesmen are asking for) "We are getting applications | jobs daily,' says Mr. Kassinger.|from builders we have never |SUPPLIES TOO |heard from before," said one | "I think quite a few trades-|lending company official. ° men will be unemployed this| The official said loan compan- year," said Mr. Tonno ies are very "'selective" in ap- Lumber and building mater-|proving loan applications and ial suppliers report they are/he said the mortgage money also starting to feel the slow-|situation "will befairly tight down pinch. \for the balance of the year'. lcerns us all, Labor, man-) 'Funds earmarked for the to-) Mr. Kassinger says builders agement and government do not/|tal year have been seriously de-| who have not established a good lhave all the answers. We must/pleted," says R. H. Spencer,|credit relationship with lending realize that we cannot live|manager of Central Mortgage|companies over the past few alone. When are managementjand Housing Corporation, which|years will find it difficult to jand labor going to realize they|provides mortgages at a 6%4|borrow money as the companies are interdependent and have a!percent interest rate. jare interested basically only in |public. responsibility - to intro-| Mr. Spencer said. loans are|"blue chip" projects. duce to this whole field this|being made only to persons who| He also noted that the Na- new dimension? own property and who plan to|tional House Builders Associa- "If it is to start in Canadajhave their homes built by a/tion has urgently requested par- |we must °all realize that we| general contractor. \liamentary action to remove the | must grow up as Canadians. We} CHMC loans are not being|6 per cent ceiling on bank |must find a way to resolve our|made to builders 'who build onjloans. This would solve the |differences across the bargain-|speculation; to builders who|mortgage money shortage by |have buyers; or to builders who | (CHARLES H. MILLARD getting the banks back into the In the Oshawa health depart-| : | ment's quarterly report, for the|"28°S, Showed a sharp decline! first part of this year, 73 cases|for the three month period: of measles were reported in; In the first quarter of 1966 comparison with 136 for last|there were 4 cases of German year. measles reported in compari- Chickenpox cases for the; son with 40 for all of last year! three month period were 44/and 9 cases of mumps com- while in all of last year there| pared with the 1965 figure of were 108 cases reported. 99. higher insurance rates _be- cause surveys have proven the insurance business. If the Nati sing Act government took over it might ational Housing mortgage field. Toronto real estate board president Jack Key says Cana- dians need $2 billion worth of residential mortgage financing this year. (Oshawa Times Photos) | Bruce raising Attorney couldn't help smile Crown Affleck a sad On Saturday his wallet con- taining a large sum of money I was stolen in Toronto. Yesterday the wallet turned up in the mail neatly address- ed to "Mr W. Affleck Masson st., Oshawa" The money course; but was intact "Except for a single thing Mr. Affleck said ing. "Apart from I was very pleased to get the wallet back. is guess me get on Bruce had of thing gone too much." Mr. Affleck lIpst the wallet while attending a convention at the Royal York in Toronto, this morn- "IT went into a phone booth the money and left the wallet When I went back gone."" every else th was missing," money not it relies up on the recreation com- "So often these children are just abandoned in the world to take any job that is offered them." wee FIRST EXECUTIVE JET LANDS HERE ing before an old Harvard. The Lear jet carries some six to eight people in stylish lux- ury. "Some day soon', commented airport' manager ¢ "This is something which con-ling table," said Mr. Millard. ie ee eae 2 | sell a lot in a subdivision (on the Pe eR ce mc tee we 7 jhome) and apply on behalf of e ° jthe lot purchaser for the loan. t am al n { Mr. Spencer noted that Her- ancer Ocleé V | T 0 H T bert Hignett, CMHC president, : 2 'LoUpen mere 1 OMOrrow 'Well On Way To Objective .,:. ! annual public school] Intermediate choirs featuring ' ' Ld | e nh ay O ] 1 choir competitions will be heldjtwo part singing and drawn ars ara e n e 10n tomorrow at the UAW Hall on|from Grades 5 and 6 at West- \blitz looks as though it is welling records. fully. ear ee and -- ha por er Vincent Massey School ou a C ouse 0 a jon the road to meeting its There were places where the, City campaign chairman H. R.| Participating pupils will be ad-| (Miss Marina Puffer), Ritson In Use At Oshawa Hospital \sis 000 target figure flu-bug hit rather hard; but de-| Manning ste eg this morn [mitted free = ---- hens School (John Evans), Mary St. | ght s canvas¢ > this ¢ 5 a oe i The competitions wi gin|§ Mr. Lawr aH ; Last night some 800 canvas:spite this handicap most of the' ing that money collected so far come I' begin) School (Mr. Lawrence Gauer),| ane 99 million people in the|operating cost of the rail com- Be tiswn | eueeal Sbivital's| CT he eadiblbgiet involved: tah Money counting began at the from ~ _ Harmony|Ena_ Brooks), Conant School 3,200 square mile region bound-|muter service in addition to its : l alologist ar J ng. OE schools under the direction re-|(Miss Marie Watson), Adelaide}; new $27,000 Image Amplifier|either watch the examination via se eben ae a : spectively of Miss Marie Wat-|McLaughlin School (Miss Mary og make more than rng mh ment. out-moded fluoroscope. lisleviaian monitor," he said STOLEN WALLET RETURNE headquarters during e 1al€'son and Mrs. Doris Houck. Fol-|Jane Sanderson) will complete cians o aineen in malar ve Chief technician, Doug Gor Heart operations can now be ; i mee : vig : "ts re eae \hicles. D t G th ed don said today that light reach | performed with better results = By midnight the total amount | Westmount School, Miss Faye At 1.30 five Senior: three-part a d a er ing the fluoroscopic screen 1s in-|the image amplifier facilitates WITH EVERYTHING: NO FUNDS a * ; ; ; ' mare : raed ee pees ae ee ee Mcintosh), E. A. Lovelljthe Metro Toronto and Region On New School plifier thus eliminating the ne-'diseased area 5 Publicity chairman Ken| Saher saga piled ager Mrs.|School (Mrs. Eleanor Bailey),| Transportation Study, are based cessity of performing this form| Mr. Gordon said this ac Mr. Affleck went on to ex. |Smyth pointed oui this morn-|Janet Rice, director, will be! Ridgeway School (Tom Park),|on interviews with 24,000 house-| Local representatives from y cmelnie' te x a aoe easton niain that the wallet arrived jing that there were still | . ieee | of X-raying in a darkened room.|complished by a catherization EOE ie lholders with findings project- Technicians, he said, are no|procedure perfotmed before the} NE ne eral areas in the city yet to be | Hiemstra) and T R. McEwen| d gs Pp "| for Children With Learning Dis- paper 'parce} | counted | ] ee }School (Herbert Knox) will be| ed. 'abilities attended a three-day adapter goggles as the brighten-|. 'A small tube with a Jead tip," | ; the thief really | wHaNKS EXTENDED Isits AGE | competing. Finally a Senior) The survey showed there are| conference in Toronto last week. tinctly visible » SZ ' ser > of aati ; RE fades Scgipeeeet i | re hoir fr Rag, , ne ag -- Mee 8 1a spo ager ssionciaed athe wanted 19 it back. | aise the campaign has yet to four-part choir from Dr. S. J- spout 750,000 cars garaged in| The conference was the North The amplifier is used in con-jamplifier. until it is within a | tion of Miss Dorotky Smith will|the region, roughly equal to the} 5) Cy : | { stamp lé igtein Shildren of stamps it {cal industries ihe. envisphncnial canitann be heard. number of households. Among the local representa sion circuit and video-tape sys-|area." "But with the money he had | "We fully expect to be able to! otis, of the Oshawa health FENWICK ADJUDICATES Oshawa and Pickering Town-| tives was Bruce W. Affleck, who oo. produce X-ray movies, » 4 er seiiy ot obpaiie made, I guess 60 cents wasn't Prag owt target figure," said qepartment has been busy with) ape fe iship were two of 11 municipali-|jvas among the founders of the § - PC Db tn rou- A . 5 , will be Dr, G. Roy Fenwick.|priefs to transportation study! Commenting on the confer- new system is the psychological! great amount of die had to be |1 would like to personally thank thie Borel ae a hag ware mane a? until a few years. ago was|officials 'last fall. 'lence Mr. Affleck said that one a se. ea 3 | i picwueas nae sf fe . ' q SHE | " | cantar | PY oe ewhat ice Lace! with ae A ao ra <a be po ac ihe oasbe Sin gues eating establishments and | We oe hype enon ag we Purpose of the study is to con- | of =| baa oe gage oe z g s | > city 55 | re tr i .|heard durin e three - days apprehension by many patients Any portion or the entire pro-| |so generously." in the city, some 55 ltremendous development in the sider future transportation re sg y' school music field. _ : é There were 60 inspections of| * ____|make recommendations to the| heads the world's largest school 'an = ; fetid 5 had | toe J ' é p -- e s : r Baars te ote coca tease ti med pny yp ' Pig not be calculated for procery and variety stores, 10 [provincial government. One re-|for children with learning dis- bein examined Ay play sock or fut e studie & The cam aign now butcher shop inspections, 3 soft |commendation being implement: -- g ' play ur dies. Pek pace es drink plant visits, 16 bakery| led is the experimental rail com-| In his halk Dr. Brutton gave | y to ring | i eee ce tittle bit further and| {2 cxamination pf food vehicles. | For City Parks to Dunbarton. | Phledetetin, is run and organ- le atl Has . the target',,. Samples taken during the) Gity parks -eiy-| Other statistics in the A pr il|!2€¢- ' Rig tayo vivre the target, three months and tested were: Isa Gale aiiwal antag tenoary (cme bulletin issued ed Pig ae Mec Mr, a i sig ob lata eg 9 i i : Firckitss | Saree : | , "is something we ry- fprete wh 279 pasteurized milk and cream ays P J. Kennedy, city parks,|MTARTS include: eck, om: ig we are try: i De: s 234 civic water-bacterial, 51/P™°Po 'on ji 4 (is something badiy needed. | Pinewood Hits chemical. | missioner, oo to 6 million in the next! "<«Pphe work that this school in Other city inspections inclu-|. Parks department employees|?? Years; : |the States does is invaluable. It ded:177 garbage storage and have been cleaning-up and fer-- --the Ontario highway sys-|is trying to turn out pupils who ? lfew weeks. When the ground is;cost of $3.35 billion during the) well-trained jobs fat ' Derby|Shop, 8 housing, 4 school and i E | jobs. ] ones Seer nde septic tank dry, said Mr. Kennedy, ball dia-/past 20 years throughout last week : In all there were 17 depart-|monds will be graded. --the government will have to) | | The Derby is now well into;ment visits concerning commu-| "The parks all look i an estimated $1.5 to $2 planned for June at the. Civic! ee Auditorium | Last week's results were Pack 15 (speed), Gary Shep-| jguson, John Dyck; design,! & Wayne Roberts, Donald Rob-} erts, Mitchell Dager, John Shaw mure, Richard Reinholds, Dan} Walmsley; design, Randy Fre-| tag, Gery Bryant, Keith Or mand, Bill Widdecomb ter, Lawrence Fallis, David) Mouch, Stephen Bend; design, David Holliday, George Baucv- meister, Stephen Wigmore, Da-} | Pack 16 (speed), Eddie Misz- tak, Allen Kitchen, Tommy ' A 5 \Kern, Bobby Saunders: design, ; GE ae ea 4 i |Stephen Simpson, Zane Lowell, | Pack 28 (speed), Gordon Phil- lips, Blake Dewhurst, Roger Saudett. Gary Doswel!: design Jeff Rodgers, Kenneth Jones,| S h ] Ch . C titi |condition they will construct the has predicted there could be as New 527,000 Amplifi ew a mp ] 1er | Oshawa's Cancer Campaign mined bid to smash all collect-|city was canvassed success-| Bond st. e. from 9.30 to 3.30) mount School (Mr. Robert Rus sers hit the streets in a deter- fully. amounted to $14,27%. at 9.30 with Primary choirs|Dr. C. F. Cannon School (Miss ed by Oshawa, Barrie and Ham- | capital investment on equip- has successfully replaced the|the optic system or on a special evening lowing this Junior choirs from/the morning. had stretched over the $14,000)Smith, director, Vincent Mas-| choirs from Conant School) iP Statistics, compiled by tensified 1,000 times by the am-|greater ease in pin-pointing the 1 sev-| competing. Sunset Heights School (George| |the Ontario County Association neatly wrapped in a brown- longer required to wear dark-red! operation. s 7 + fy * ee 'i Solio hy | Phillips School under the direc- | i il f ion- The parcel had 60 cents worth | receive -donations from the Jo To City Eateries: p | American Council for Exception junction with a closeed televi-|few millimeters of the damaged | inspection The adjudicator for the dayjties in the region to submit|local county association. Another aspect in favor of the|bled area whereas previously a| "Everyone was just terrific dish jand who was responsible for a swa : i i g was one by Dr. J. Brutton who he said, "is now looked upon|cedure, which is seen, he said,| there. | The full amount of money col swabs taken jquirements in the region and ' . 2 | ' Spring 'Tune-Up au dears and bakeshop inspections and| |muter service from Burlington|details of how the school in 21 ice cre 5 ink ; ; .,|ing to introduce in Ontario. It 21 ice cream, $5 soft drink and property and --population of the region will id ad oO Home Stretch disposal, 14 beauty and barber-|tilizing parks during the past/tem has been deviloped at a/are ready to take responsible, lthe home stretch with the finals |nicable diseases. |good," said the commissioner.| million dollars of the annual pard, Arthur Dyck, Bill Fer-} Pack 5 (speed), Rene Le- Pack 30 (speed), Clifford Cot-| ® vid Bosy |Danny Traviss, Billy Traviss. oohn Chesher, Larry Walters George Slocombe, "'most of out traffic will be these jets. They are becoming more and more fequent."" --Oshawa Times Photo rived Friday for a brief visit. It was quite an event for the airport staff. The jet was the first of any sort to fly into the city. It is pictured here stand- This sleek executive jet flew quite suddenly into Osh- awa Airport. The twin-engin ed jet carrying a party of | American businessmen ar- OSHAWA GENERAL Hos- pital's assistant chief techni cian, Allan Bigg, manipu lates the dials of the hos- pital's new amplifier cludes the and $27.000 The intensifier housing, circuit with fluoroscope tre, and the corder in the right. The: amplifier is used image ystem in tube left, a closed to assist in. dianosing inter. video-tane re nal problem pecially be background, fore operations. x8

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