Anti - U.S. Feelings THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 26, 1966 19, Light Hand Is Needed senting the play to the viewers: and commending it. Recommended tonight; In Dominica Noted CBS Reports, 10-11 EDT, A f VE' TER ANS' ASSOC There milit eantry Polish ] Saturday afternoon when the United Council of Vet- erans' ete ations re ed Th was at the Crisis F'a By SAIGON Nam, bled by 20 ye fare, is entering a riod that may break it as a nation Whatever the pled c junta of Premier Ngu} ( Ky to hold elections in three to|the five months, the war with the|thz Viet Cong guerrillas is likely to|the continue. The United States and its a lies are not about to give And there are signs that North| country Viet Nam is determined to con-|moil. Other tinue its efforts to spread com-|tary factors munism to the southern portion | |vene of the divided country. promised el In this atmos iis groggy South Viet ized by guerrillas, haras military operations, is a period of feverish agitation. ANDREW BOROWIE( (AP) tell the of he Nam re V terror- ed b BUDDHIST SEEK POWER The tightly-knit Buddhist BDICAL ONS are seekir The are str fluer Dai rel m ning Jonns FEEL ha LECTIONS POSSIBL t Over 65 ? $200 a month can be mire thy lifo? yours jOr ttje. No pir of a M: live fo get 2 Let' ward. T your r nent is income. The best Manufactu nuity. Petia: 1 over to Manufz years ar our re to have a st way to achieve cturers and risk annuity tif ining an income ] ement your capital < ' ym pined etime month a man of 65 on $23,380 It's we details. Give him a call 1 worth looking into. By BORIS MISKEW Canadian Press Staff Writer The ghost of United States intervention in the civil war in the Dominican Republic a year ago loomed large as Dominican celebrated the first anniversary of the Caribbean country's civil war. The undercurrent of hostility toward the U.S. action was dis- played in Santo Domingo dur- ing peaceful demonstrations which marked the start of the four-month revolt aimed at re- storing deposed president Juan Bosch to power. : Thousands of former rebel fighters and sympathizers marched during tie weekend! For Television Writers study of conditions south of the through the streets to downtown Parque de Indepencencia, nerve which Bosch was elected--failed | to restore Bosch to: power after border called Mexico: A Lesson in Latin, By CYNTHIA LOWRY the early 1600s of the astrono- the civil war. But they did succeed in play- ing an instrumenta' part in the overthrow of the military junta of Dr. Donald Reid Cabral which had been invtalled after Bosch's downfalli--and paved the way for the June 1 Domini- ean election in which the for- mer president is a major can- didate. | 3osch was deposed in a coup in September, 1963, seven months after becoming the country'd first freely - elected president following more than 30 years of dictatorship It centre-of their-eause_in the 1985! civil war. Speakers during the three- hour rally denounced U.S. inter- vention and called for the de- parture from the Dominican Republic: of the 8,000-member force of the Organization of American States which replaced the U.S. marines ordered into the country by President John- son at the outbreak of the revolt DEFENDED CONSTITUTION The rebels--who called them- selves constitutionalists because they said they were the defend- ers of the constitution der OTTAWA (CP) -- An early start on construction of a 68- mile CNR branch line in north- western Ontario was virtually jassured Monday night when the |Commons passed a bill author lizing the publicly-owned rail jway to build the $11,100,000 | project, The bill provides for a track| from Amesdale on the CNR} eos line, north to Bruce Lake, isite o velopme nt. f the Griffith iron ore de- l Amesdale is about 75 miles northeast of Kenora Transport Minister Pickers-| |gill said it was urgent that the hill be handled quickly to allow an ear! ly construction start. GE ETS COLORS iked by Fe j nad Art an Cor Jeffery of s Associa- Shaw of } and | \ehe Veter- if Early Start Is Predicted N.W. Ontario Railway Line | |FREDICTS PROFIT | producers if jand in a number of Latin- |American 'capitals at the time that the Dominisan Republic under heading toward the installation of a Cuban-type government. Consequently, wher. the revolt sian began to restore Bosch to power The Griffith company hoped year ago, Johnson ordered to ship 1,500,000 long tons of United States troops into Santo was feared in Washington Bosch's leadership was | NEW YORK (AP)--Construct- ing a télevision series or even a single special program so that it lands on happy neutral ground between the sponsor's demands and the viewers' inter- ests demands delicvute balance. It cannot be too exciting be- cause the commercial interrup- tions would irritate the viewers. And it can't be too bland or viewers would turn to another channel It must be provocative--but not so controversial that some viewers might stop buying the sponsor's product. That is a basic ieason why the really controversia! issues-- U.S. policy in Viet Nam, legal abortion, divorce, auto safety, health hazards and others--are infrequently the subjects of-tele- | vi d dramas. They are more y to be handicd as neatly grams, leaving any conclusions up to the individual viewer. sPOn Ore 8 year On = cites d Domingo to foil any attempt by | line, starting in early 1968 Communists to assume -cause ¢ oncentrator andj 3 Because a concentrator and during the crisis. |pelletizing plant were to built, the operation would em-| HINDERED CAUSE The U.S, intervention hindered ploy about 500 men \the rebel cause but did not end lthe civil war As fighting con-| tinued between the ie right-wing military junta, U.S. marines were joined by forces from the OAS and later t mart of the OAS force. ch. head of the eftist Dominican y party, took a toward the a Last follawe John Turner, out portfolio, said the pected to make year on the would be compen shipm jlow a certain level "There is absolutely no pros- jpect of any loss by the CNR but a substa c 0 if profit position i M minister with CNR e about $1,000,000) operation It} | ated he nts. fell be by t me ary for liver week he irom leh ower) power} 4 | Fame rebels and| moder- |= Revolu- cautious | CONTROVERSY RARE NBC's long-running series of amatie specials called Hall of and its long-time greet- ing-card sponsor have rarely alled into the turbulent seas of | controversy. Ratiier, the pro- zram has specialized in the safe hical drama -- Florence le, Queen Victoria, Oli- Wendell Holmes' and Nap- Ni yer olecn I er this season it tackled} 'mildy controversial! adapta- on Of Inherit The Wind, a play bout the famous Scopes mon- y trial in the 1920s, But there are few crusaders today against Darwin's theory of evolution. 'anced documentary pro-|_ mer Galileo against the teach- ings --of--the ---Roman--Catholic church that the earth was the centre of the universe, Galileo believed that the planets re- volved around the sun, and the church gave him a rought time for his heresy. But while the plot line is his- tory, it is still controversial to a degree because it shows a man in conflict with his church--and church leaders play the villains of the piece. So, to add a little anti controversy insurance, Hall of Fame will have a Ro- man Catholic archbishop pre- 'Featuring LOSE E LVN PRESB ESPIONAGE... TERROR... JAMES BOND DOES IT EVERYWHERE! "THUNDERBALL Panavision STURN GwiveD ARTIOTS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS JOHN SAXON IN RELEASED BY ALLIED ART DAR ATE a different story of haltle- be: Now T+) ENTERPRISES INC vem fat fame try UNITEDGTARTISTS "A House Is Not A Home" 6: - 10:01 "City Of Fear' 8:25 Lost Complete Show 8:25 BAY RIDGES DRIVE-IN THEATRE i In South Vie | Pickersgill said Michael St (PC--Ontario) | asked whether the ore is to be |shipped out of Canada for pro cessing arr A Varsity Denies | 'Cover' For CIA ssh" EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP )| sAnanaea The president of Michigan State fay FE sydney e | University denied Friday that | counted for "the MSU knowingly provided a fr ront| ent beauty of right said high it there,' This employ- alse | t| ticiy ac-| I par- | ticipating in the affair This led to | the pro-Castro | Movement leftist arty 14th only allowed to vate in the election, that }Bosch had destroyed the unity of the rebel cause and that he had sold out to the United States. of June the par- accusations from} extreme Hwy. 2, East of Liverpool Rd. Wednesday night it moves into a slightly more dangerous area with Lamp At Midnight. _This- tells of the struggle in BILTMORE | DIRECT FROM ITS PREMIERE SHOWINGS, emcee Wellin vaiees| ., ECL ENGAGEMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES. NO RESERVED SEATS. MONTREAL (CP) --A go- g0 | dancer the is typical modern | e ambassa promises, ane between SDI Od cad and tl The } ~~ Alderman: RONTO (CP) for the U.S. Centra! Intelligence | Agency in South Viet Nam President John A. Hannah! made the statement at.a press| }called to answer charges by | the monthly magazine 1. | Barts that the university al-| jlowed itself to be used as a} cover for CIA agents while it was helping the Vietnamese 1954-62. The magazine, which has been critical of U.S. policies in Viet Nam, also contended that during the mission MSU bought guns for the regime of then president Ngo Dinh Diem and violated the 1954 Geneva Agree- ment limiting the military eapability of both North and South Viet Nam. Hannah denied both charges. MSU's assignment in part was mestine to provide advice on setting up ivan tiday : civilian police organization, ith a compromise to retain aennian says yard of contro] but Mr. Pic- ninni said money is not part of the deal. He admitted that} pital Burns, ° St ie ei A stack of 200 gold ingots, 'ge! >| worth £1,000,000 and weighing are underpaid but' said}, ak Minalnwa ae atients Die | the a ¢ using the current two tons, was displayed at Lon- inland (Reuters) : lever to get more|d0n's Ideal Home Exhibition in 11957. ied t e hospital in| vy trv "A DANDY FAMILY PICTURE! Jack Lemmon --Bosley Crowther, N.Y. TIMES. Tony Curtis-NatalieWood 'om The Great Race" greatest comedy of all time! TECHRICOLOR® PANAVISION' FROM WARNER BROS. A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Alderman Monda ck of Bi Mr. Pic spokesman for the city's 18 aldermen, was comment ting on puuiished} repor wh said the deal} | wou Md 1 include a salary raise for} jaldermen to 00 from $4,000. The repor that in re- turn for the aldermen's aban- {donment of their campaign to eliminate board of control, the would meeting lier Robarts and J. W. Ontario municipal af- minis to approve the} predict what|+® 0 can IL brin sasily topple the with its: pledge throwing w into political tur- political and mi may easily i now and ections the th the ts said it of con- | board seek vith P spooner fairs ter, alary incr The aladc were layo GAPE AT GOLD not a AIM AT Tur INUIT AL TE SHOWN DAILY AT 1:00 --- 3:35 -- 6:15 -- 8:50 He thought would go to j mills most of the ore But although Bosch has turned Hamilton -- stee} down the endorsement of the l4th of June Movement as --{14th of June Movement as presidential candidate, a a the Norman Fa | Nick cel Belt) s 'Ap (NDP was happy| operation vote for him nevertheless. 10 to 14 You con earn money and gain valuable experience as an Osh- awa Times CARRIER It's an interesting job for every young per- son who wants to make his or her own spending money. P. Andrey epresentative Bus. 728-7391 Res, 725-2502 "'scien- of earns are i¢ J. Frendo-Cumbo Representative Bus, 728 7391 on the income you need Res. 655-4520 ~ 1 } alter 60. for example, talking about would cost unufacturers has all the MANUFACTURERS LIFE s INSURANCE COMPANY 280-66 T Name Address School Age City Phone Your Application will be considered os soonas a route is openin your area MAKE YOUR egg ages | Mail or Bring. Your Application to the Times Canadian, says Rey. Crawford of a suburban Presby- jterian church: "lots of move- ment but not getting any where." The clergyman said ;churches must adapt themselves Ram-|to see the CNR goi ng into the| movement urged its followers to| jto the new age and help define goals Harty | if | Winner of 8 | "j Academy Awards coding Penn LUIDREY HEPBURN REX HARRISON TECHNICOLOR® aa I SUPER PANAVISION'70: FROM WARNER BROS" CALLING ALL Puc «a Featured at 2:00 p.m. 5:50 p.m, and 9:00 p.m. Daily ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 50c SORRY --- NO ADVANCE TICKET SALE Oshawa Showing LON WILLIAM a) CA FOLN AN CHANEY ctx BENDIX: resin iar sev a Box Office Openet 8 P.M. |OSHAWA | Last Ti ] night Me To- in Oshawa ec: Whitby Oshawa Cimes (MNENNENENENENE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT aT DRIVE-IN - Ty yy ey fF To-Nite JOSEPH E.LEVING mreseres Dardrg Julie Sophia LOREN Mastroianni Marriage Italian Style ENTIRELY IM ENGLISH ACADEMY For Best Actress of the Year! AWARD BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:00 First Show 7:30 TE PEE DRIVE-IN LIVERPOOL RO. NAT 401 282-8369 or B39