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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1966, p. 22

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GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE JANE ARDEN MUGGS AND SKEETER EHOLD! A GENUINE SESYPTIAN TOMB! "TEN PERCENT WOOL, TEN PERCENT COTTON, SHTY PERCENT NYLON= ARANTEED MACHINE WASHABLE!" pay ONDIE--DO YOU REALIZE UAT NO TWO PEOPLE HAVE "THE GAME FINGERPRINTS? WHAT ©° You MEAN iTS A GOOD THIN Sanh oo IT WOULO BE TERRIBLE ) \ _IF PEOPLE HAO To (Uy ( SHARE EACH OTHERS "~s FINGERS 5» WONDER WHY C.c. HUNT RETIRED TO AS ATY. SKINDIVER? THAT WORD/! )/ THAT KEI 47 /\ wr) oe, G WE SHOUL WARNE sang tal Sey ee HAVE YOU LOCATED GEN. TAM'S CAMP IN NORTH VIETNAM? BEFORE PARACHUTING INTO IT, L WANT TO MAKE mem) YOU'RE TO MAKE SOME FAMILIARIZATION FLIGHTS OVER THE AREA, bi2 m ie ap ROI A sa WY) i BECOMES AMERICA NEW SURGICAL SHEERS .. tM A LMA H YOU JUST HAVE AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX, LAD eee PAILUR' NOTHIN? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME, OWL? / T ey NOSOCIATING WITH \BND_YOU FEEL PRE UPERIOR To! OWL! jee THANK YOU DLL VO THA CARRIE / NOT THAT ay IMPORTANT? et World Rights Reverved MP one / Pa] B92 *y 6] YOURE EARLY ~Y | THIS MORNING, | eects MAIL IS KINDA, LIGHT FORA ay NI SOFEW PicTURE /|.|8 GRAMPS, ARE THERE ANY ERRANDS IT COULD RUN THE WAY EVE PUT IT, POPS...1T WAS IMPOSSIBLE I HAVE MY PAPER AND MY TOBACCO... AND MY SLIPPERS... 4-26 (it 16 70 me /) IN FACT THEREARE ) | | AVE ) AT ADVANCE ON VANCE YOU WERE "é_y THE LONE RANGER rat * , %. ub dln, HE. GOES TO MONTREAL'S ICTORIA HOSPITAL, AN OF NOR ONE 7) FOREMOST ANY OF THE TOOLS HE "(DEVELOPS BECOME STANDARD WIPMENT IN OPERATION THEATRES AROUND THE WORLDS ROYAL [2) HOSPITAL IN AZT IBRVILLE 5 Gj - 8 DESPITE ALL HIS SUCCESSES,,, SECRET AGENT X9 LOOKING AT THEIR sauarry / TELEVISION LOG 11:30 A.M. 9--Abracadabra 6-3--Across Canada 4--Dick Van Dyke Show | 12:00 NOON 9%~Toronto Today +-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie @--Luncheon Cate 9:30 PLM, 7--Peyton Pisce 63----Dick Van Dyke 4--Petticoat Junction 2--Buttale Barrie 4--Buftale é--Toronte 7--Buffalo &--Rochester 9--Toronte Channe! 11--Hamitten _sereereorameceveinmancn ar TymeuaAY ave. 5:00 P.M, H--Faemily Thestre 9--Five O'clock Mevie permen 6--Passport Te Adventure Channei Channel Channel Channel Channel 10:00 P.M. 1--The Mery Griffin Shew I Spy 63--News Magazine T--The Fugitive 4-CBC Reports 10:30 P.M, 63--The Public Eye 4--Chopin Singing Society 11:00 PLM, N44-1-6-43-3-- Nowe Weather and Sperte 1:18 PLM, --thetro Final 6--Viewpoint @4--Searc For Tomorrow 3--Noon-day Revert 12:42 PLM, | @4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 1}--Theatre 9--Morning Star 4--Anay of Mayberry Metre | &--Matinee "90 PLM, | .7--Ben Casey Saint | é Luncheon Date 1-3--Tonight show | 4--Meet The Millers 'deere Summer Carousel | ee Mike Dougles show stile waa 1:30 P.M, | 10 P.M 9--James Beard St | %Plerre Berton --Nightcap | | 12:30 P.M, | cag a tes 1i--News, Weather, Sports jaded \s People eapeaer | tents Poona ed ne | WEDNESDAY | 2=Days of Our Lives 4--Across Canade a | 8:00 A.M. | 2:15 P.M, ee Misa | é--Captain Kengeres | 9---Dear Charlotte La gy ve arta | 9:00 A.M, | 2:30 P.M. sane tities Hoke -- | p--Playtime With Unele| @-Peopie in Contllct TRGee weather | | &3-The Doctors ook ' | mA Time For Us | @---Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkietter's Party Movie | 3:00 P.M, N--Donna Reed 9--Fractured Phrases @2--Another World 7--Genera! Hospital |+43--To Yell The Truth 3:30 P.M | 1}--Funny Company 9--Its Your Move &~You Don't Say | 7--Superman Show 11:30 Pam, ' ¥-4--Lete Show | 7--Twilight Theatre | Might 6~Generation r ows, we 1h he' Chuck Healy ete 6:20 P.M, Weather; Sports | Bobty 7--Dialing For Dollars. With Girl Talk Nad Where Are | 4--Mike's Carnival 9:30 A.M, 9--Meta | 6--Extension | 4--Gypsy Rose Lee | 2--Dobie Gillis +--Car You Gilligan's isiand | 2--Huntley- Brinkley | Report 7:30 PLM, 9--Musical Showcase 10:0 oM, eee ee The Cor 1-Whiplasn o" e --Piayt On The & 9 eds With Uncle 4--Rawhide | ' 8-2--Fractured Phrases 3--Hogen's Heroes | &3--Ivanhoe 00 Pm 4-1 Love Lucy W--Movie | 10:30 A.M, +3--Take 30 9--Gomer Pyle ll--Ed Allen | 4-Bdge of Night §-2--Please Don't Eat The %--Bingo | 2--Kartoon Karnival Palvies 8-2--Concentration chap death 6-3--Red Skelton Hour 7--Donna. Reed %--Mickey Mouse Club 63--Friendly Giant | 4-The McCoys 10:45 A.M, 63--Cher Helene | 11:00 A.M. | |)-2--Paradise Bay 11--Mike Douglas 9--Mr, And Mrs. |2--Morning Star 7--Supermarket Sweep |63----Butternut Square The Match Game | 7--Early Show 4--Secret Storm B-Rocky and Hie Friends | 4:30 P.M, Secret Squirrel 9--Movie 7--Early Show 6-3--Razzie Dazzle 4--The 4Thirty Show 7--McHale's Navy 4--Red Skelton ¥i00 POM, 0---The Wackiest Ship in The Army 0-2--Movie 63--Front Page Challenge 7--F Troop YOUR HEALTH Overactive Thyroid In Children Rare By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD IT have had mothers of hyperkinetic or over-jin the schoolroom who are try- active children and I've had/ing to work. Couple this to the letters from mothers who didn't|fact that the child himself has know what ailed their young-|a short span of attention-- sters. One described her 8-year-|leaps from one activity to an- old: jother--and you have a picture "T have tried everything to|f a child who cannot get along settle her down. Her schoolj|in school, no matter how bright grades are dropping because|he is. her teacher says she refuses to| And do her work even though she dull or incapable. They are apparently can do it. I have/driven by an inner nervous tried punishment, talking, no| Pressure they cannot subdue TV, etc., but they don't seem| Studies have shown that certain to help." w | 64--As The World Turns | 63~Bonnie Prudden Show | inquiries from)perpetual annoyance to others} these children are not HUBERT MAN'S LITTLE FEATHERED FRIENDS « SHE WAS EN WITH A DISPOSITION } PROBABLY LIKE THAT, SHE SHOULD HAVE > STAYED SINGLE? PROTECTING HER BABIES - But East goes the ace of spades returns a heart, which West ruffs. defense by now has three , and, after West returns a }e mond, you eventually go down one when you attempt the club finesse and it loses. But if you are a meéticulogs dummy player, you wind » making the contract. At two you start to worty abéut the possibility that East may have the ace of spades and give his partner a heart ruff, and you worry about this possibility to such an extent that eventually come up with a than that might save the contract even if it turns out that does have the ace of 6 , You cannot be sure plan will succeed, but it tainly worth a try. A after winning the heart at two, you cash the A-K of dia- monds and ruff a diamond. Now you play a trump, East wins with the ace. regurns a heart, just as you feared he would, and West ruffs. However, at this point West finds himself unable to exit with a diamond, due to your sighted effort early in the to exhaust his hand of that In fact, West now has six cards left, all clubs, and he must lead one of them right up to your A-Q. Your early pre: rations to cover all ev did not succeed in stopp heart ruff, but they did, ever, succeed in bringing the contract. é The moral of the hand,. there is one, is that maybe mt aaa A pays to worry. Anti- American . CROSSWORD Taj Mahal sit | | | | . Hesita- tion 48. Descry DOWN 1, Russian inland sea . Damsel 38. Insurrec- tion . By oneself . Son of - Constella- tion SORE CE marbles . Peoples beyond the Urals . Turkish title . Bears rsery word . Prospero's 2, Famous Swede 3. Lodge oFYCa OF Steve . Unhappy . Looks ash . 20. Tho i; ¥ 4 . Fuel 24. Mend §. Edge, as in a molding ! . Galop, for one 9, Loops of ornamental edging . Well-known Yesterday's Antwer 34, Worth 36. Storm 38. Above 39, Donkey cry 40. Place 42. Girl's name 43. Old times 'ZZ orricer . Initial 3. Bow . Tropical bird . Depot: abbr, . Yes: Sp. + 7 . Classifica- tion, in biology: abbr. + 38. Artless 5.One kind of brake . Early . aS Survey Claimed a! WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena tor Richard Russell called teday for a thorough survey of publie opinion in South Viet Nam cities and said if it shows the majer- ity of them are anti-, "I think we should now." 4 "We can't possibly win if wa are fighting an enemy in of us while the people we supposed to be helping are against us and want us out their country," said the Geor Democrat who heads the Senate armed services committee. ~ Russell, in an interview in U.S. News and World ssaid U.S. forces could be a drawn from Viet Nam "'withédt great loss" because of: U.§. command of the seas and air. Russell also said a majority of the American public dise agrees pith the administra- tion's handling of the war. He said most of the people he hae met feel that, "if we have the means to get this war over, then we should bring it te a conclusion as speedily as we can." s "We'll just let it out = trifle for you, Madame." nomads . Silly 4. Measure of capacity . Type of shipyard . German submarine 7. Furnish temporarily jareas of the brain are super-|- ity, but knowing a little about it can help them decide when it is time to get expert advice and diagnosis. Dear Dr. Molner:; What de you think of whirlpool baths ter tired, aching muscles?--L, 0. Whirlpools have been in use medically for a long time. They add a form of massage te the soothing effect of a hot bath. la iv witha x | ; There is such a thing as ane ae to ordinary cea. holly different type of drug]sionals can distinguish between overactive thyroid in children.|!0n, and the child reacts by Although it is rare, it must be|Deing overactive or. hyperkin-|Sometimes is even better, one|the two, and then some real conkidered. But. there is also| etic. that gives a "'lift." This appears|progress becomes possible. hyperkinesia -- because of a| MAY WARP GHILD to help the child focus his un-| When the child is genuinely neurological condition, the child) This supersensitivity tends' to/ruly energies into useful activ overactive, neither a demand The important thing is to knew when the tiredness and aching stem from some underlying cause that needs other treat ment. TO SAY NO, SHE INSISTS THAT IT WOULD MEAN A LOT TO HER CAREER TO GET THIS AD CAMPAIGN, WALKS CHEERFULLY INTO DISASTER 1 'p i AND $0 BIG SISTER | Bde tp PACKS HER PRIDE IN Be ere imorheg! A SUITCASE AND. gee) DUE IN Pe MORROW MORNING. | 06h World naghite searverd) JULIET JONES 1 Sag Fomcres Sgmtueane, ta is so wound up, nervously, that|quiet down as such a child ap he or she has to be doing some-|proaches puberty. However, b thing all the time, and not|then the pressures may necessarily something useful.j/been such that "the child is This compelling urge to be con-|emotionally warped Stantly active finds its outlet in jitters, fussing, tinkering, talk-jhim through the early trouble ing, teasing, walking around,|if. possible. Fortunately t is fidgeting, anything often possible A mild sedation have} diagnost Hence it is important to help|act Naturally such a child is aimay help, but oddly, enough a logically ties instead of random action.|that he use will power nor pun- Clearly this requires expert|ishment can cope with his inner as well as knowledge|pressures. Punishment will about what medication to give|merely make him resentful and and how much,.The truly over-|rebellious because he isn't -be- ive child. must not be con-jhaving im this way because he fused with one who merely/wants to, but because he can' needs discipline help it Child psychiatrists or psycho-| There is no way for average sophisticated. profes-|parents to diagnose overactiv- Note to Mrs. W. §.: There is no medical reason to believe that masturbation is harmful. It is extremely commog among boys at some time in lives. Among girls the prepertion is lower, but still hardly small. I hink you are torturing yourself Oo no purpose by w . Just ignore the erection ae will take care of it.

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