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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1966, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, April 26, 1966 | Judge's Testimony |AT THE LANDREVILLE INQUIRY MUNSINGER |, And Red Jets Vie In North Viet Dog Fight Mr. O'Brien listed 20 docu- ments submitted at the April 6 secret session as commission! SAIGON (AP) 1960, and the January,/Force F4C Phantom exhibits, including the police) reports--two dated December, --Two U.S. Air hents ; tom jets The desertion rate in the;agency quoted North Vietna- South Vietnamese armed forces Changes Abruptly By JOHN LeBLANC OTTAWA (CP) -- The Rand| suggested he new 1963, _ \clashed Monday with two MiG- Two documents made public\91s, the best Communist stated that Joseph Charles Ar-fighter planes in Asia, in. an- mand Gaston Levesque was ap-|other aerial battle over North ' mayor of Sudbury he had never,took decisions on his own and should buy stock}had them entered in NONG's in Northern mese Premier Pham Van Dong as saying the UN "has no right whatsoever to intervene in the Viet Nam problem." | The premier made the state- almost doubled last year, reach- ing a total of 113,000 men, in- formed sources say. had a Ontario Natural|company minutes Jater. ay in Mr./Gas Co, until the city gave final} Inquiries by the commission 7 jreading to NONG's franchise|at previous hearings failed to tention that he did nothing to! July 17. 1956, disclose any minutes for a July get stock in a natural gas com-) Mr, Rand is investigating the} 18 meeting. pany until after the firm sewed/ circumstances under which) Commissioner Rand sug- up a franchise with the City of]/seven months later--after the gested the Farris letter was Sudbury. mayor had become an Ontario|"designed for a certain pur- The Ontario judge's testimony) Supreme Court judge--he re-) pose and was not truthful, Monday an abrupt changelceived 7,500 shares of stock in| He also found it "very re- from his previous statements|the company. He netted around|markable" that Mr. Justice before another investigating} $117,000 on the transaction, Landreville now should claim body--left the federal inquiry) G. DIFFERS the stock talk was on July 17 or trying to sort out a jammed-up TIMIN aD 4 later and questioned whether timetable of happenings at a! In testimony before a closed|his recollection of the event was pivotal few days of the 1956-57 | hearing of an Onterio govern- better now than it was in 1962. period in which his behavior is) ment inquiry into much-investi-| The Ontario judge said his under investigation gated NONG in 1962, the judge} memory has becn "prodded" by Ivan C. Rand, the retired|had stated that discussions on|testimony and documents pro- Supreme Court of Canada jus-|the stock purchase began be-|duced by the inquiry over the tice investigating the Ontario|fore Sudbury council passed the! last six weeks. the Liberal cabinet which ap-|namese capital of Hanoi to the judge's fitness for office, at one! franchise. The session here, the start Of/pointed him that he couldn't/Chinese border. | point described Mt, Justice Lan-| Monday he said his current final sittings expected to con-| proceed with the inquiry. Saturday, U:S planes shot dreville's new evidence as "re-| recollection is that i! was right|clude Wednesday, was Mr. Jus-| He said Mr. Cardin had re-|\qown two slower MiG-17s. Two markable," jafter final passage--possibly on|tice Landreville's first on the|ferred to charges against the US. F-105s also were lost over Mr. Justice Landreville, 56,|the same night, though he could! witness stand. He had been alformer prime minister in a let- North Viet Nam Saturday but insisted that while he was/not be sure of this. spectator at earlier sittings in}ter to Prime: Minister Pearson to ground fire. | i This caused inquiry counsel Mabie ed pf te home city--| dealing with Mr. Cardin's state- Wie . Sti tk .| Toronto and Sudbury. ents in the © and at! 7 faa co ti a lett goed ; & oviée Guktoraste ar heath, SAIGON (Reuters) -- South ourt ] es |ton to dig out a letter to Mayor) «yp CRropPED UP' fs ' " \Viet Nam's military govern- 2-Year Term To 5-Year | eae vantouren them 'pevi.|_'"t didn't attach much im-|'MISHANDLED CASE' ment has passed a law setting | ent of NONG, offering an option portance to the stock,' Mr. Jus-| At that time, Mr, Cardin had) the death penalty for deliberate on stock. : tice Landreville said, It had|said two or more ministers in| defection by a government sol- Dated July 20, 1 referred to cropped up only when he dis- Mr. Diefenbaker's government, dier to the Viet Cong, it was an- the action having been author- cussed with Farris the possibil-|were involved with Mrs. Mun- nounced today ized by NONG"S board of direc- ity of his doing some work for|singer, that Mrs, Munsinger! eserters will face prison sen-| tors July 18, the day after the the company after he left the| was a security risk and that Mr. \tences ranging upward from| | me a franchise was granted, mayoralty \Diefenbaker mishandled the/fiye years under the new de- | | TORONTO (CP)--Gordon Al-| Mir" Morrow asked how Far-| 'The stock purchase gwas| Case when it was brought to his\cree, with hard labor for life |lan McInnis, 23, of Toronto, Who) 1. could have had time to dis-/Merely to show my goodwill," attention ; for desertion in the face of the! jwas sentenced ho two years less cuss the matter with the mayor|he said. "I thought I was being| Mr, Justice Spence said he enemy a day Nov 9 for gery te a4 after the July 17 meeting at|tather venturesome.' isn't responsible for Mr. Cart- Government sources said the) fed his aoe dialog i! Sudbury--the mayor said it was! There had been no discussion din 7 Rye pi 5 Poagl slates penalties were similar to those | fi wane Be the Ontari Court |! night in his. automobile--and | of amounts or, prices and he had eee aes areee nat Ve wes already being imposed at the | aR toad ga lo Court' cet i* through a meeting the|been surprised to get Farris'|@Sked to do by the cabinet was) discretion of military courts. of Appeal ve, mext day. letter of July 20 ofiering an op-|:nauire into the justice minis- : in auetar4! Mi Justice John B Ayles- "IT can't explain now," Mr.|tion on 10,000 shares at $2.50, He | ter's Statements worth, speaking for ine fe Justice Landreville said. Later,! replied to the letter putting off An attempt now to give ee ee Sg ip bare He said he had come to the con-|any action on a purchase until|Charges, counts or indictments ficiently expressed in the prev- ious sentence passed on McIn- nis, a machine operator who came here from the Maritimes five years ago, He said the sentence imposed |by Magistrate James Rennick| iwas "inadequate and incom- pointed executive assistant to|Vjet Nam. But none of the Mr. Sevigny Sept, 21, 1959, at a) planes was hit in the action, a salary of 8,000. a year which!U.S, spokesman said. was increased to $9,000 June 1, 'The dogfight was the second 1960. between U.S. and Communist Mr. Justice Spence ruled thatijets in three days after 10 the RCMP reports and several|months during which Commu- documents dealing with security|nist pilots had avoided challeng- |procedures be kept secret. Thejing the U.S. raiders. It took others were declared public, place high above the Red River Mr, Justice Spence rejected|Delta in the same general area the demand of associate Con-|of the dogfights Saturday. servative counsel Charles Dubin} Both sides fired at each other, | that Justice Minister Cardin be|the spokesman said. The U.S. | required to specify charges of|planes got off 11 or 12 Sidewin- misconduct, if any, against Op-|der and Sparrow missiles. position Leader Diefenbaker. The Phantoms were {lying Mr. Dubin contended that if|jcover for other fighter-bombers the charges weren't specified|attacking targets along the Mr. Justice Spence should tell] main route from the North Viet- judicial inquiry 4\ puzzle to sort oul tod Justice Leo Landreville's con- HONG KONG (Reuters)-- ment in a lengthy report to the North Viet Nam has ruled out|National Assembly in Hanoi. the possibility of United Nations) 'The news agency also quoted mediation in the Vietnamese) President Ho Chi Minh as tell- war and insists on U.S. recog- ing the assembly: "If the U.S. nition of the Viet Cong guerril- really wants peace, it must las as a condition for holding| withdraw all U.S. and satellite peace talks, it was reported to-|troops from South Viet Nam day. and stop the aggressive war The (North) Viet Nam news'there." THE ST, LAWRENCE SEAWAY AUTHORITY NOTICE OF HEARING and Proposal For Revision of Tolls 1, Notice of Public Heering: Notice is hereby given thot The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority will conduct o hearing on_a proposed revision of the charges in the St. Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls Schedule, as established in 1959. The proposal is put forword by the Authority ond the Seint Lowrence Seawoy Development Corporation of the United Stétes of America following o study of estimoted future traffic ond a general review of the sufficiency of present tolls. The hearing will be held ot the Supreme Court Building, Wellington Street, Ottowa, beginning at H a.m. on May 25, 1966, and continuing in daily session from 10:00 a.m, to 12:30 p.m, ond 2:00 p.m, to 4:30 p.m. (E.0.5.T.) until concluded, subject to being recessed from day to day or otherwise at the discretion of the Authority. 2. Subject Metter of Hearing: The subject of the hearing will be the rates of charges for transit of the Seaway. The Authority and the Corporation have agreed, for the purpose of the hearing, to propose a revision of charges, which will be subject thereafter to joint review to determine the extent to which the proposal will form the basis of recommendations to the Governments of Canada and the United States of America, The proposed revisions would become effective at the opening of the 1967 navigation season for o period of 5 years and is as follows | SCHEDULE | TOLLS Loke Ontarie to or from Loke Erie Welland Cano! Montreal to or from Lake Ontario in $ (poyable in Canadian dollars) $§ Payable 72% Cndn, dollars, 28% in U.S, dollars; + For transit of the Seowoy @ composite toll, com- prising (@) @ charge per gross re- gistered ton, occord- ing to the national ragistry of the vessel, opplicable whether the vesse! is wholly or partially laden, or is in ballast AT OTTAWA HEARING Ivan C. Rand, retired Supreme Court of Canada justice who is conducting a judicial inquiry into the fit- ness of Mr. Justice Leo Landreville to continue in office as an Ontario Supreme Court judge, ex- amines law book before start of Monday's hearing at Ottawa. Mr. Justice Landreville obtained shares of Northern Ontario Nat- ural Gas company stock in 1956 while mayor of Sudbury when the company got a franchise to distribute gas in that city. KEEPS BUSY STABLE KINKORA, P.E.I. (CP)-- Stanley Mayhew has the biggest | stable of harness - racing horses | in the Maritimes, He plans to) race 80 trotters and pacers in rn Canada and Maine this o charge per ton of cargo, as certified on ships' monifest or other documents, as follows (i) bulk cargo stricted to listed commodities in lots of 100 tons or more) (ii) general cargo (re- 02 (suspended 08 " @ charge per posseng- er 4.00 subject to the preced- ing provisions of this item, minimum Winston| expressed doubt his father knew lof the doctor's intention, a clusion that Farris sometimes'after he left the mayoralty. would indicate he was prejudg- full representations to the in-| Year: quiry mensurate with the gravity and be specified now, he would have|action. Churchill's son joined today in the criticism of his father's doc- = ing the case, If he made a re-! WEATHER FORECAST C. F, H. Carson, senior Con-|to consult Mr. Diefenbaker and viciousness of the crime," tor for publishing memoirs de- ; port later alleging misconduct, notice would be given the ac-|' cused so that they could make) Easte <a Cooler SpellOn Way , servative counsel, said that as|Davie Fulton, Conservative jus- urc S on S Cl d W d a result of Mr. Justice Spence's|tice minister from 1957 up| ( decision that charges need not|1962, on their future course q | The sentence apealed | d | 8 , hs Phe sentence re ee +f ome ou S e nes ay) | jthe attorney - general's depat cores Memoirs. ™: LONDON (CP)--Si: b ' hal A oh ithe publication of his medical) scribing the mental and physi-} cal decline of Britain's | wartime leader. posed to do,"* McInnis had pleaded guilty to wounding, a charge that carries 14-year maximum sentence, 'Lord Moran seeks to defend| SHOWN PHOTOGRAPHS Two photographs of the face memoirs on the ground that he|of the victim, John Weatherup, great!told Sir Winston what he pro-|36, of Toronto, were submitted Randolph Chur-|to the appeal court and viewed In a letter to The Times,|chill wrote. "I know nothing of| by the judges. journalist Randolph Churchill|this, nor does my mother. accused Lord Moran, Sir Wine) «write father rar r< my ston's physician for 25 years, of any was stil] |testified at McInnis' alive she told Lord Moran that | Weatherup was beaten when John Zemsia had trial that he Detective publishing his diary against the). would rather he did not|came to the rescue of a friend, Churchill family's wishes. He} write about Sir Winston, and ex-|Karen Ripley, about 20, who TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued by the weather office at, Low tonight, high Wednesday 5:30 a.m. EDT Windsor ,.. 40 55 Synopsis: An area of rain and Trenton ... 35 48 snow in the central U.S. threat-| St, Thomas , 40 50 ens to move into central and Killaloe ... 32 45 southern Ontario later today. London .. 37 50 Mainly cloudy weather is fore- Muskoka .. 32 45 cast for Wednesday in both|Kitchener . 50 northern and southern Ontario| North Bay ......+.. 40 with chance of rain or snow in!Mount Forest ...... 35 48 Northern Ontario as another|Sudbury .......+++. 23 40 storm develops and moves to- Wingham . 48 wards the Great Lakes. BarltOn .cccscscoss 40 } Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| Hamilton 48 Forecast Temperatures ANNUAL MEETING CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY charges shail be (i) Pleasure Croft (il), Other Vessels 21.00 35.00 24,00 40.00 Between Montreal and Lake Ontario, in either direction, 15 per cent per lock of the toll under item 1, with a charge of $3.00 per lock for pleasure craft transits and $5.00 per lock for the transit of other vessels ) Between Loke Ontario and Lake Erie (Welland Canal), in either direction, 50 per cent of the toll under item 1, provided thet no toll will be assessed unless ot least one lock is transited, with @ minimum charge of $12.00 for pleasure craft transits ond $20.00 for the transit of other vessels.-No toll will be assessed for transits of Lock | of the Third Welland Canal at Port Dalhousie + Welland Canal, lockoge charge--applicable in lieu ef Lake Ontario. 'ed ton: Loke Erie charges per gross register 1967 1969 1970 1971 Mihail pad amma owen $ 5 60. 100, 1968 pressed her regret that he in- ty Corgo or P ote, Vessel, per loc $ 20 of the County of Ontario and The City of Oshawa 40 Thursday. April 28th 8.00 P.M. ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH PARISH HALL -- 300 Dundas Street West WHITBY Speaker: -- JOHN BROWN ossenger k $ 80. 3. Future Traffic Tell Requi and Annucl Treffic Reports: Copies of the Summary of Fulure Treffic Estimetes and Toll Requirements, prepared by the Seoway Entities on the basis of their joint review of the sufficiency of Seaway tolls, end the Annual Traffic Re- rts of the St. Lawrence Seaway may be obtained by writing to The ecretary, The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, 396 Cooper Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. 4. Pp ion of Orel T present oral testimony at Appearance (in imony: Persons or argenizatinns desiring to the hearing shall submit their Notice of 10 legible copies) prior to May 15, 1966, to The St, Lawrence Seaway Authority, 396 Cooper Street, ttawa 4, Ontario, (Attention: Secretary). The Notice of Appearonce shell include the name and address of the party ta be representated and of any person who will appear as a witness, an estimate of the time to be. requested for oral presentation, and, if not accompanied by a written brief, it shall include.a summary statement of the porty's interest in the subject matter of the hearing and of the position to be taken 5. Submission of Written Briefs: Persons or organizations whe de not desire or will be unable to be heard orally may present views, date or argument on the subject matter of the hearing by filing written briefs (in 10 legible copies) witn the Authority ot Ottawa prior to May 25, 1966. 6. Supplementery Statements: Within 10 days after the close of the hearing, supplementory statements or arguments may be filed (in 10 legible copies) with the Authority. 7. Hearing Trenseript: A transcript of the hearing will be made for the use of the Authority, Copies of the transcript and of written briefs will be available for sale to interested parties, L. E. Belend. Secretary HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Director of Warrendale Treatment Centre for Emotionally Disturbed Children Executive @ EVERYONE WELCOME @ Refreshments Will Be Served April 13, 1966, whati 200d was being jostled by two met.#ake Huron, western Lake On-|St. Catharines .. 48 s \tended to do so. When she wrote| Detective Ze msta testified|tario, Niagara, Windsor, Lon+| Sault Ste Marie. ac. a enti |Lord Moran asking him to show |that Weatherup was knocked tojdon, 'Toronto, Hamilton; _ In Kapuskasing Jher the proofs before publica- the ground by McInnis and re-jcreasing cloudiness today. Scat- roronto : s tion, Lord Moran refused." peatedly kicked about the head'tered showers this afternoon White River pointe The letter said "in recent and body. and evening. Mostly cloudy to-| Peterborough .. 7 years se of the r yall Clay Powell, counsel for the;night and Wednesday. Much|Moosonee ....+++++. . 'Vy a family have found it BERS attorney - general's department,' cooler. Winds easterly 10 to 20. Kingston . Movie Zar lto ar into" covenants with said that Weatherup was in hos-, Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-/Timmins .......... \ their domestic staffs inhibiting pital for three weeks following, burton: Variable cloudiness and WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hally-|inom from. w riting anvthine|tHe attack, He said he lost his}much cooler today and Wednes- wood has turned again to the|i6. jearn while in service. _ left eve, both jaws were broken, | day. Winds northerly 15 becom- U.S. political scene for a new) "rt to nee f : ' his teeth were loosened andjing light this afternoon and "ozar" of the movie industry-- jooks as i eminent peo-inlastic surgery was necessary|east 15 to 20 Wednesday. this time to President Johnson's Re ee = roving in{to repair cuts to his.lips and, Georgian Bay, Algoma, Sault aide, Jack J. Valenti, | FO enter snt0 SIMNar COV"! nose, Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sud- The 44-year-old son of Italian a pe! pep mag i mn ' Weatherup, a former truck) bury: Increasing cloudiness to- immigrants Monday quit his ord Moran, $4, sparked Of) driver now working as a bever-jday with a few showers or $30,000-a-year job as Johnson's the cantroversy by publishing | age room employee, is suffering|snowflurries. Mainly cloudy to- special assistant to become geal Ma yg Oa Bagg han |erain on the remaining eye and night and Wednesday. Colder president of the Motion Picture F ht For § sh ; 1346.85 >|may have to have his teeth re-| Winds northeast to easterly 10 Producers Association of Amer-| *18%! For survival 1930-bo--' moved, the court was told to 20. ica. His new salary, though un-|!" 8 British Sunday newspaper. - disclosed, will be much higher. The diary pictures Sir Win- Of the assistants who came|St0M as an ailing man whose with Johnson to the W hit e| judgment as far back as the House in 1963, only press sec. | {inal Stages of the Second World 963, ) ; ; retary Bill D. Moyers now re-| Va" was impaired, by mental foxins "wn tire: payroll and physical exhaustion Valenti's predecessors at the _ After the first instalment ap- movie association were Will|Peared last week, a leading sur- Hays, onetime Republican na-|8¢0n wrote to Lancet, journal tional' chairman and iatsiaas of the British Medical Associa- ter-general, and Eric Johnston,| ion, accusing Lord Moran of foreign policy adviser to U.S.| breaking confidence" by dis- presidents. jelosing details of his patient pn who died in January, 1965, at ---- a the age of 90 i KEEP UP SPIRITS The journal chided Lord Mo- There are 30 groups of Am-|ran and implied that he had vi-| nesty International, an organi-olated' the Hippocratic oath! zation which works for the re- which holds that a doctor should| lease of political prisoners, in not divulge medical details! Norway. about his patients. 50% MOR ° 100% MORE ° Central Ontario Trust OFFERS the Oshawa 50 M | t t working man 0 ore interes on savings We search constantly for something good ,.. good things, good ideas, good people, and good times. But we're sel- dom satisfied until we begin to understand the only real basis for man's fulfillment. Jesus described it when he said, "There is none good but one, that is, God" (Matt. 19:17). Hear a one-hour public lecture called "What Is the Good that Satisfies?" by EDWARD C. WILLIAMS, C.S.B., of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship. Christian Science lecture on Friday, April 29th at 8:15 P.M. n (We ALWAYS here) paid tram and the day the account is opened, No walting sa | period. 14% querterly impounded Minimum co account CONTEMPORARY STEREO 100% More Saving Hours 9 am. to 6 p.m. Mendey te Thursdey 9 e.m. te 9 p.m. Friday 9 om. to 5 p.m. Soturdey You will like the style the sound the price! This two speaker AM/FM Radio Stereo is ideal for apartments where spoce is at o premium, Features include 4-speed automatic record changer that shuts off, plays all size records automatically . . ..two 8" duo-cone speakers diamond / sapphire cartridge . . . FM/AM radio tuner with FM qutomatic frequency control tape recorder inputs/outpuits . . . All wood Swedish walnut cabinet ---- it all adds up to a sound investment, @ 4% Persone! Cheauing Aceounts--no service charges @ Estate Planning @ Mortgage Loans @ Reo Purct @ 6% Guaranteed Investment Estate Sales ond Certificates--1 to §$ yeors ° th we! ; id FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 64 Colborne St. E. lecture is of t v ¢ n F ed @ Investment : . The: Brew Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 723-5221 key porticulor interest Young People PAYMENTS AS LOW AS ADMISSION FREE e EVERYONE 18 WELCOME $2.75 WEEKLY

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