ae POLITICAL INTERVIEWS TABOO, HE CLAIMS LaPierre Relates His Side Of Story logue be opened, and that the corporation had failed to put the two founding groups in com- munication with each other, Seven Days had proved that a dialogue could be started, By MICHAEL GILLAN ecutives from both the English OTTAWA (CP)--Laurier La-jand French networks, He said Pierre said Monday night hisithe committee wants to trace troubles with the CBC as co-|the chain of command from bot- host of the Seven Days program|tom to top, and then determine may have started when man-jwhether there are troubles in ( Sta : agement was talked into with-jthe French network, He criticized CBC President drawing an order that he be! Mr. LaPierre said he was told) J. Alphonse Ouimet for stating barred from interviewing politi-|in mid-April by Mr. Leiterman|that a reason for not renewing cians during the last federal|that his contract about his loy-jhis contract was that he had election. alty and that he used tthe wept on one program. Mr. LaPierre told the Com-|Days to express a persona eee ee mons broadcasting committee! viewpoint, |TEARS FOLLOW DECISION WASHINGTON (AP)--Spokes- men for the U.S, auto industry tell Congress today that car |manufacturers have themselves and agreed to a Pent a ra c ct cept yf al safety standards for all new vehicles. Faced with rising congres- sional demands for mandatory regulations, the industry aband- C- ibe allowed to devise its own jsafety standards, | The industry's new stance, to jbe outlined to the house com- merce committee by vice-pres- ident John Bugas of Ford Motor Manufacturers Accept Car Safety Standards oned its insistence that it should) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 26, 1966 3 |ministration's bill in the key matter of safety standards. LANSING, Mich. (AP)--At- 'Michigan Attorney - General 'Raps Proposed Toll Boosts the U.S. side of the international The administration proposed torney-General Frank Kelley of | waterway, proposed last Tues- increases for the St Seaway and demanded Monday that a hearing be scheduled in Detroit; transportation secretary if h ition is created--he empowered to set such stand- ards. But the auto makers plan \o r | jto tell Congress they favor re+| The St. Lawrence Seaway De-} quiring him to set standards. The auto makers were re- ported seeking a revision giv- jing the states a role in setting and enforcing the standards-- Silt something not included in the| Monday. administration bill. Auto mak-| Thirty congressmen are spon- ers wete reported to 'view the) soring bills to establish manda- key question as not whetheritory federal standards and set operator of jvelopment Corp., outlined initially to members of the commerce committee late reversed|that the commerce secretary--| Michigan attacked proposed toll| day an increase of about 10 per Lawrence| cent in the toll structure. | Kelley said the presence of any tolls or lockage charges of lall is "blatantly unfair, fag fKantly inequitable and invidi- 9 sly discriminatory." | The corporation has scheduled \hearings to begin June 1 in Chi- cago. a4 To Remember 'f Good Nem Agi songpang | REAL ESTATE PO gr ire eto + va Pi Schofieid-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 » 85 - .4e| He said he knows the decision; Company, embraces most of the|there should be standards--but! 4 ne, Hh NEUSE TeeAUN i to rehire him was made in|Johnson administration's legis-|how they should be devised andUP 2 'ational traffic satety | to co-ordinate federal late January or early Febru-|lation--with some reservations.| enforced agency ary. "I didn't weep until the) But jit goes beyond the ad-' The new industry position was'efforts. that' Douglas Leiterman, the; producer, had told him manage-|sense to him, since the loyalty ment didn't want him to inter-|aspect concerned civil liberties view politicians during the cam- and -- apply 8 a8 edédia of March." _But it | paign. son working on contract, an The CBC oburd of directors » Mr. LaPierre said that in the| his performance on Seven Days hich 1 iy waakond upheld the end he did interview politicians| was edited and approved by the re ana cmaat epee poo pn because the issue was fought|producers. es neue cielem 1 the aoa and 'management acquiesced." | When he concluded these rea-| nittee and in the Commons The committee headed by|sons were "irrational," he then] wjamber for its remarks haut! newspaper man Gerard Pelle-|began to think that he and Mr.|,,, parliamentary committee's | tier (L--Montreal Hochelaga) is| Watson were being removed nr a ge ; Je investigating the CBC decision|the CBC could improve its "'cor-| 4 paragraph in the board's| to drop Mr. LaPierre and Pat-|porate image" in order to at- statement said "the direct inter- rick Watson as co-hosts of the/tract more advertising revenue.| vention of a parliamentary com- popular public affairs network' te said he has no proof hut/mittee regarding a managerial program, This Hour Has Seven jolieves the CBC plans to em-|decision has made more diffi eee bark on a policy of cult its task and that of man Both men have argued that\commercialism to raise money agement.'" CBC. management erred in by-\ig pay for the $870,000 extra| Opposition : g passing the program's producer) .oct of a possible new wagelbaker charged | in the decision. was "contemptuous of Pariia- Mr. Watson, a veteran CBC of Canadian Radio and Televi-| ment." Prime Minister Pearson a>@p q* my Ow producer, concluded his. testi-'sion Artists (ACTRA). said he would ask State Secre- tary Judy LaMarsh, who re-| p ports to Parliament on broad @ 1 a) interest: greater Leader Diefen-} the statement) agreement with the Association mony Monday morning. He has ee been offered another job--that AFFECTS IMAGE of producing a CBC program Seven Days erin of be casting, for a: text of it. | concerning Canada's centennial Me aigpn go ge ile "0 : y be Bryce Mackasey (L -- Mont 7 "ug ¢ F t foste Z , in 1967 Grug. costs Nac Not tostered Bical Verdun) at. one point) threatened to have the directors) cited for contempt, | ed He later decided against this} course of action but said he CBC image that would inducé TRACE COMMAND CHAIN would have no hesitation in advertisers to spend money with Mr. Pelletier announced that/the corporation, he said. taking it if the directors make any more "ill - advised state the committee would hear ex Mr. LaPierre said he jments."' start of Monday's Com- mons broadcasting commit- tee hearing at Ottawa --CP Wirephoto LAURIER LaPIERRE, co-host of the CBC program This Hour Has Seven Days, talks with his wife prior to thinks ase uae Seven Days now is dead Even if the CBC rescinded its decision and the same person- nel returned next season, the vitality had een PRESIDENT PULLED UP President S.o Grant was once apprehended by a po- Ulysses liceman for riding a horse too fast, and had to go back to the White House on foot played an "We made. sure we'd never have to face hig furnace repair bills. We invested $13.95 in Lander-Stark's Furnace Paris Replacement Plan." Call 725-3581 for full information CE Drwmy isha 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA an raws raise | Mr. LaPierre said that as a |French-Canadian he had been WINNIPEG (CP) Seven director for Canada Emo, "the| Prairie, Veterans' affairs made dians about Quebec years of planning by the Emer- existence of emergency plans--jits Deer Lodge Hospital avail- He was convinced that only spring by the flood waters of ally to the general efficiency of! peg hospitals the Red River the entire program." When it appeared a shortage unteers worked under the co When the initial alarm was eral departments for reserve ordination of the federal agency| sounded, its officers took their! equipment. Its disaster plans were dusted|vincial and municipal authori- boxcars for storage of home- off in early March when fore-|ties owners' belongings where danger of flooding. In the next]ments were drawn into the!sistance to establish evacuee six weeks, it organized, ad-| fight. reception areas and early pay- "There's no question about|move from their threatened re-| ment Service recruitment of ci- - _ eaten aeari omar vilians for dike work. DeBakey Learns Much |ception of EMO in 1959, if, for no other reason, because it ex espite e u : er S €a lessons were learned." The provincial EMO set up clin meprisees x ar i. Mar-| Testimony made public in,set up co-ordinating offices in cel DeRudder, has learnt mu "be ashington Monday night |each of the affected communi JeBake elt the auxiliary ro ig P . hooves gon' Tales fine and hag eae * Yop amaeeuma ordinator, says EMO. officers ; mH tee March 29, carried out the host of "house- ; gerne rae a hs aid ei he | Program of the National Heartlof the flood fighting program > , uth that hel] g rogre s itu agedea ryt tg Behe ne? | Institute for further refining the! About 65 persons, paid and persons would receive it , r medical area. From our stand-| tion. point the only thing a patent | program's ° ° * r Flood Crisis | Red Rive concerned about the ignorance 1 gency Measures Organization particularly provincial and mu-|able for iron lung patients through the CBC could a dia- For more than a month, thou Canada Emo, too of water pumps would develop, to mitigate the effects of alplace in the main flood control Other federal help included casters sounded the alarm that} Before the threat was passed, |homes were threatened; na- vised and assisted in measures' 'The Indians affairs br anc h{ ment of allowances to residents "It was the best exercise in tended over a six-week period,' NEW YORK (AP)--Dr. Mich-|patented, but should be avail and matined the flood control from the operation despite De-| showed DeBakey appeared be-|ties throughout the valley the basic design had proved it-| ty urging the subcommittee keeping chores" that contrib- Planned slight modifications of a ntificial heart, he explained volunteers, worked directly would do would be to prevent |sapped By ALLEN SACKMANN it," says I. H. Deyman, regional; serve to safety near Portage la among English-speaking Cana- was tested and proven this/nicipal contributed materi-}moved from low-lying Winni- sands of civil servants and vol-'integral role it was EMO that canvassed fed- river intent on damage headquarters to work with pro-| Canadian National Rail ways the Red River valley was in|17 federal agencies and depart-/tional health and welfare as- to cope with the river. helped the Roseau Indian band] of the valley; National Employ- peace-time disaster since the in says Mr. Deyman. "Important acl E. DeBakey, who implanted| able for everyone headquarters in Winnipeg and Rudder's death tocay |fore a House of Representa-| 4 y Bentley, provincial co self." to provide more funds for the|uted to the over-all efficiency the auxiliary puinp and more i " "We do not get patents in the;with the provincial organiza- someone from _usi ig it." which he These modifications had hoped to make within 10 days or two weeks, may be de layed as heart specialists study DeRudder's death DeRudder, 65, received the implanted device last Thursday and NeRakes WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY «s+ LOOK TO CALTIATICNT ™& nw whhWk iksata> "shennan LAWYER RESTRICTED JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) attendance Rath well.known at his death today at Methodist z Hospital in Houston, Tex WOULD SIMPLIFY The surgeon said he planned slight modifications in the way pump tubes are attached to the heart and to the aorta, the main artery from the heart, for greater simplicity, and in the frame of the pump device "to fit the chest wall better." DeBakey has said the device every night he helped develop never will be: lic holiday. MISS GREEN OSHAWA GREEN GAELS GAEL 4 Beauty Contest OSHAWA'S MINTO CUP CHAMPIONS ore holding o Beouty Pogeont to se lect Miss GREEN GAEL was in Usvman t Jo hannesburg lawyer prominent political trials during the last few years, was served Friday with a five-yea> banning order under South Africa's Sup- pression of Act The order her to Johannesburg magiste- and te her home weekend and pub- in Many @ Residential FREE SAFE, EASY PARKING at rear of Building ot 360 King St. West eRe ®@ Industrial HOURS 9 A.M, till 9 PLM, SAT. Till 5 P.M. @ Commercial MORTGAGES Ist and 2nd, Arronged Communism ond purchased ined ional! Look into Nat You'll make 4% interest, on the minimum half-yearly balance, on your National Trust Savings Account. That's just one advantage. You'll find our office hours are arranged to suit-your busy schedule. You can even make deposits by mail. (We pay the postage!) And you can write any reasonable number of cheques on your account free of charge. But National has even more to offer you! conti pore mss aca the rial district 9 Besides Savings Accounts, National Trust offers two other modern savings plans: High interest-earning Guaranteed Investment Certificates which can be bought for periods of 1 to 5 years, and Natrusco, National's thriving Mutual Fund that lets you share in our country's bustling economy. All are backed by the Company's experience in managing more than 9ne billion dollars under their administration or supervision. Save with safety ... look into National. wn NCE 1898 32 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa and 14 offices in Greater Toronto er and single All Entries To Be In By Tues., May 3 est Talent be held TI Y, Cont ide ond -- Lovely Family Home situated in one of Oshawa"s choicest | lot has o view for miles around. Plenty of room for y which must be inspected inside to be fully notural fireplace separate dining large kitchen 2 pc. powder room, On 2nd floor: 3 very spacious bedroo Another features of this home is an entrance to garage ro Owner is moving into on apartment and is t ee : « % '. down payment and one open mortaage for balance property. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED. -- 723-2265 ations. The beautifully landscaped mming pool, A home sts of living room with emi-Fin HELD MONDA Game inched . ur Own pri MAY 16th aot the GREEN appreciated. Main fl ate or cons GAELS Opening National Trust room laundry room off kitchen, also tiled bathroom, un deck modest soon on this fine s ond large 4 p which could make a fine List price $24,900 all us anxious to see an offer Be sure to real Course Dencing ' LD-AKER 723-2265 "Over ao Quarter SCHOFIE 360 KING WEST additional Listing Adevertised Daily in Ce For Information Contact: JIM DOSWELL Central Ontario Trust -- 723-5221 (See Classified Section