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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1966, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 27, 1960" Off - Year Census # To Start June 1 By JAMES NELSON crops, market value of machin-) and 1,600 census commissioners ie OTTAWA (CP)--Census work-|ery, numbers of poultry and] appointed this month, '/ 4\ers will begin counting popula-jlivestock, sales of milk, part-| Some 30,000 census takers '| tion, farm assets and merchan- time work and employment of| will be hired in the last week and now four more 4} dising esiablishmenis June i injhired hands, yalue of farmj oj May. During the week siari- ~|what has become known as an|products sold and expenditures|/ing June 1 they will collect a off-year census of Canada. on pyages, taxes and rent, about 600 names each, visiting Nermally the federal govern-| The count of merchandising | about. 150 households. More than ent conducts a detailed cen-| establishments is simply to pre-| half will be women, although in *|sus every 10 years. The last|pare for a more detailed cen-|rural areas most of the census '|}was in 1961. sus of this branch of industry/takers will be mer. ' -ea| But for many years it hasito be conducted by mail later! For the farm census, forms conducted a mid-term census of|in the year. Enumerators con-| are being sent directly to farm- CONVICTED agriculture and this now has/ducting the population count/ers in advance of the census William Tamas has been |been expanded to include aj will list the names ot stores and| date. Farmers then can look sentenced to hang May 13. |complete population count. This/ other merchandisers, with ad-|them over, gather together the He was convicted of mur- |year, a census of merchandis-| dresses, head offices, and| detailed information requested, der in Montreal Jan. 18. ing also is being conducted. whether there are more than 10/ and go over the forms with the Preparations have been under employees. census takers when they ar- . . way for a year, and forms and) Officials of the Dominion Bur-| rive. Science Bill instructions now are being sent| eay of Statistics said that while! DBs officials emphasized that to 'census workers. The ques-lthe number of questions being the census is confidential. In- Is A roved | penetrating--or as controvers-| than five years ago, the infor- formation given by an individ- P Pp: jial--as were included in the] mation gathered will be vital to|ual cannot be discussed by cen- OTTAWA (CP)--A bill to help | 1961 census, the results of which) its job of keeping tab on the|sus takers with anyone else, instill order into scientific re-| ate still being compiled. many and varying aspects of|.nq individual reports cannot search in Canada was approved| The population count this/the Canadian economy. be used in court or any govern- by the Commons Tuesday night.|year will be limited to house-| Many of the bureau's reports ment department, other than in The bill, piloted by Industry|hold locations, size of land-|on population, production, em- summary reports prhich bie. Minister Drury, establishes a/holding, and type of dwelling.| ployment and other subjects are close no one person's affairs 25-man Science Council of Can-| Householders will be asked|estimates made month = by- Be ada, its members picked from| whether they own or rent the| month on the basis of sample vernment, industry and uni-/ premises. surveys and other statistical vorsilies. The population count of indi-| data. DEALING YOUR They will make a. broad as-|Viduals will ask for names, re-| 'T9 ensure accuracy of the es- CAR? sessment of Canada's. scientific |!ationship to the head of house-|timates the bureau must occa- hi ao % vs and technological resources,|hold, sex, age, and marital) sionally establish what the stat- needs and potential and make| status. No questions are being} isticians call bench-marks, ac- et ONTARIO MOTOR SALES deep- b utter UMA BEANS {tions being asked are not S| acked this year is far fewer recommendations to the govern-| asked about racial origin, relig-|tya) counts against which the ment. ag" Beyer' wil gro no will estimates can be measured. ition speakers, caution- agricuitura: Cedi DBS has established regional ee tanta MG proliferation of |e more detailed about value of}c¢ensus headquarters in St. govérnment research agencies land, areas sown to various! John's, Nfld., Halifax, Mont- and urging that research dollars real, Ottawa, Toronto, Winni- be well spent, supported the | growth in research. Its budget| peg, Edmonton and Vancouver. bill. | of $330,000,000 in the 1964-65 fis-| Reporting to these are 80 re- Mr. Drury said Canada was|cal year would have to be/ gional office representatives, LTD. entering a period of rapid'tripled by 1980. hired for about a year's work, deep-buttered VEGETABLES |GIANT SAVINGS DURING | PLAY RED & WHITE "EASY CASH" amd Win $1.00 to $1,000.00 BEST BUY! Save 29e! Red & White Brand 8-oz. Econ, Jar INSTANT COFFEE s1 BEST BUY! Save 24c! White er Coloured 'Delsey Tissue Sot-$] BEST BUY! Save Tet ORANGES Season's Best California Navels JLPARSNIPS | SAVE Toc! Red & White JELLY POWDERS . , Baked Fresh! Save 1 SUPREME DONUTS noe $1 Regular 49e! Weston or Sunbeam 8 te pkg. CHELSEA BUNS 45c | he 16e! Supreme 10 yy $1 Dainty Fried Rice 3: 1 | ley Fresh - Full Flavoured No.1 Lge. Stalks [if CELERY 2 tor 43< |) | fi Frost Mellowed - Nutritious No. 1 114-Ib. 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Chicken Wings 3-Ib. $1 Combination Deal! Save 18¢ i Maple Leaf Big 8,10 ox. Both for ij Skinless Wieners Maple Leaf 8-on. sive Rindless Bacon 4(bs. $1 WILSON 'FOODMASTER' Red and White Wilson Rd. S. Shopping Plaza SPROULE'S Red and White Corner Simcoe at Mill BROWN'S Red and White Brooklin, Ont. MAPLE GROVE Red and White Maple Grove, Ont. VEGETABLE MIX'. 2.4b. Bag 39¢]| i] SAVE lie! Evaporated CARNATION WN MILK 6 for $i it SAVE Ive! Clear, ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 3 tor $1 2 ri $i | | 3 for $1 5 tor $1 the first family of vegetables with butter' actually inside them Here's the inside story. It started with Deep-Buttered corn-the first corn with the butter actually inside every kernel. And, now there are four more Deep-Buttered veg- etables where the butter is no longer the outside fact. With Deep-Buttered vegetables the butter is absorbed into every pea, slice of carrot, kernel of corn and every lima bean. Only eo makes Deep-Buttered vege- tables--so thoroughly blends fresh butter and vegetables that what starts as two flavours becomes one new flavour - the unique flavour in Deep-Buttered vegetables. Try the new family of Deep-Buttered vege- tables from Libby's and get the inside story.

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