THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 27, 1966 17 chocolate bars Peppermint candy stick vanilla wafers or chocolate candy coins ' Chocolate coated animal cookies Sweetened whipped cream Turn ice cream bricks out onto a long serving plate, Working quickly, press a choco- late bar onto the top of each brick and join bricks with pep- permint stick. Press wafers or candy "coins" into place for : : the wheels and [li im spaces ve-} - a " -- ste peeking ice cream inte gaily tween with squares of remain- ( , ' a d ¢ | sters can help, cutting the lie-| orice and offering decorating | advice. Glue a small tie to the 8 paper around each cupcake and pop them into the freezer until ready to serve. HOUSE OF FABRIC FINALLY COMES TO OSHAWA CANDLELIGHT CAROUSEL Candles are a must at any party, but they don't always have to go atop the cake. Little guests will adore candles of their own to wish on, served far Wore for » hou colored. paper, cups oF DUP] ing choclate bar. Press. animal ith an aiimaal 'cricker cours (eens yy Senondhy each as ti ' "i and pipe whipped cream \- round with colored candles and tween cookies tor' the bars: of gp tr ah presckigg ot Tent the cage. Place in freezer until Fe ee the candles and dim the lights, |"e@dy_to serve. Fun for all concerned! HIDE THOSE GARTERS CENTERPIECE EXPRESS While your skirts are prob- | It's all aboard the circus ex-| ably not thigh-high, they're still |press, with two large bricks of|/ant to be considerably shorter ad yey " se give vray ivmieg than before. This means extra It's all aboard the circus ex-| care is needed in the selection of press, with two large bricks of|a girdle. The best procedure is ice eer a. Pecaags Fes enpe gh to wear one of your new shorter ers an ew Ci rs. Aienatle' this aousett "center. SKUs woes, 7 mop os piece in less than half the time|gitdle. While you're being fitted, children will be charmed with these new party des- serts made from their favorite dairy food. ICE CREAM stops the PANY os... 08 8 . Circus Train, as Beatle Cupcakes or as Candlelight Carousels. Whichever you choose, the Beatle Cupcakes. Circus Train Charm Child's Birthday Party Birthday parties what; will upstage any other food on can be quite so exciting or half|the party table. Start with as much fun when you're very chocolate cupcakes -- the young? The anticipation is al-|youngsters won't care if you most more than one can bear,|buy them ready made -- and the fun and games beyond all top each with a scoop of vanilla expectations, and afterwards ice cream. Add long strips of well it's worth talking 'string licorice for the wildest about is! . Nest tind ceiwr a birthday|"'8* €Y° <a happy |2 in your family, add to the mer-| faces from gumdrops and jelly riment with these jolly ice|beans. Here's where the young-|3 cream desserts we - - os - oa ICE CREAM CIRCUS TRAIN | (Makes 12 to 14 Servings) (1 quart) bricks vaniila ice cream large (approx. 3-ounce) created for| party-people by the Canadian| Dairy Foods Service Bureau. | % The youngsters will never| recognize their favorite of all party foods unless, of course, they've been in on the initial production. That can lead to lots of fun too, the morning of the party, and serve the dual purpose of keeping excited folks busily occupied for some time. At party time they'll beg for seconds when this fun food is unveiled in merry shapes and forms. And best of all, you know each serving contains the same good food value that's found in fresh whole milk --/|_. who could think of a_ better party disguise? BEATLE CUPCAKES For a rousig chorus of "oohs" | 7 and "ahs", Beatle Cupcakes |7 DRAPERY FABRIC DRAPERY TRIMMINGS HOOKS, WEIGHTS TRACK and ACCESSORIES DRESS GOODS BEDSPREADS CAFE CURTAINS CUSHIONS SLIP COVER FABRIC HOUSE OF FABRIC Here is your complete selection of fabrics for every purpose and use in your home or long? Once the children dis-|girdles stay out of sight. ' - te 14/2 King St. East it takes to bake a cake. How-|bend, stresch and sit down, to ever, don't expect it to last}make sure that garters and cover it's edible they're sure t0 | Ses mae jdig in and eat it up before the ice cream has time to melt! A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D OPTOMETRIST " Ae > ' . 723-2721 I. ee oo | PR Il KING ST. EAST GIRLS' & BOYS Se me a. ie ) SIZES 1 TO 14 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Ledies' Shortie Pyjamas MISSES' Sleeveless BLOUSES Cotton sleeveless blouses attractively styled with Rayon overiace on front in white, Sizes 10 te 18 in pink, blue and yellow, for making your family wardrobe; plus accessories and assistance to help make your home fabric fashioning simpler and easier. Come in, browse around, and select your fabric needs from our vast selection, OPENING SPECIALS DRAPERY THROW | paTHROOM CUSHIONS FABRIC SETS 36" met and stool cover with ex- Ulire-feminine Cotton shortie pyjamos with embroidered or shir- red trim oecross the front yoke, and a dainty bow et the centre front! Avail oble in pink, blue, or moise in sizes S-M-L. Compareble Value Comporable Velue $1.99. $2.98. APRIL SPECIAL APRIL SPECIAL SS abies' oni "4 SHORT GOWNS SPORT SHIRTS shedes Beautifully styled to match the shortie pyjamas described above. Comparable Value 2.98 Your choice of a wide vanety of top quality sport shirts at this special low price! Available in a wide ronge of colors ond sizes 24" «x | eH yd. elusive Pride foam becking; essorted decorator a colors. ea, B a a0 7.70 : --__ s.r ar Prints and stripes 2. ¢ * yd. 36" Printed Cotton DRAPERY FABRIC APRIL SPECIAL APRIL SPECIAL GOOD QUALITY 45" Summer Weight SAILCLOTH In co-ordinated colors; patterned and plain; ideal for many summer war- Cotton Sateen All colors in assorted patterns ...... rota Mame 150. | 98 | 189. CHOOSE FROM OUR EXCELLENT SELECTION OF DRAPERY MATERIALS, TRACK AND ACCESSORIES TO COMPLETE YOUR NEEDS FOR MAKING YOUR OWN DRAPERIES. ; 1OUSE OF FABRIC Everything For Home Sewing JR. GIRLS' NANAOLA SLIMS TRANSISTOR RADIO Pretty printed Cotton slims with elostic The perfect companion for the warm Sum- bock mer days ahead --- the Nanoolo 8 tran sistor radio! | bond portoble with botteries Comparable Value 19.99. APRIL SPECIAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED SPOUT PAIL in' turquoise, blue, pink, or white, Comperoble Value $1.19 waist. Choose from @ variety of potterns in sizes 3 to 6X. Comparable Value 98c APRIL SPECIAL SPECIAL 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER KRESGE'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 11/2 KING STREET EAST PHONE 725-4551