' ro. oe iT A SMe oy 9 1 re THE OSHAWA TIM8S, , Wednesday, April 27, 1966 Survey Held Y At Orono ORONM(TC) -- The Northum- berland - Durham Health Unit is conducting a survey in the middle of the village in con- nection with sewage disposal. It is understood that the survey was requested by the Orono Police Trustees. The trustees will receive a report on the sur- | vey with possible recommenda- | tions. | E. KR. Woodyard, chairman of the board, has pointed out that the Ontario government will construct a sewage disposal plant and main sewage lines at no cost to the municipality. The government, however, charges a use rate, on a gallonage basis, to recover the cost of the main lines and disposal plant. Under this scheme the municipality must construct the arterial, main which would join with the | main line of the system. } The Counties Road Commis- | sion also met with Mr. Wood- yard last Tuesday when consid- eration was given on paving the main street from curb to| {curb and also the installation lof storm sewers along the coun the centre of the DE Pe TORNADO DAMAGE IS SURVEYED IN TEXAS the building at approximate- $150,000 ty road in village. Compress, survcys damage tornado hit late last night to the huge structure after a Vernal Smith, superinten- dent of the Kenedy Cotton New Method Seen Curb Like Risk , On Dutch Elm Disease -- Wishart [4 DID You KNow... TORONTO (CP) -- Speculat- mE Cat, (Ce)--A sew pees cpa te 0ce Oe taxes who dropped a bundle of y in|me Ss: =| oy ' | Se iceas grates for controiting| tion to prevent the spread of the| money on Windfall Mines and | Dutch elm disease could halve|deadly fungus from diseased to} Oils stock probably would do it) the number of trees killed when healthy trees through the roots. | again, Attorney-General Arthur only conventional methods of| He said the method, which to) Wishart said in a speech to the control are used, a botany pro- his knowledge has not been used) Canadian Club Monday. has... TOUCH-A-MATIC CONTROL @ New 11 |b. tub. @ 6 vane metal hydro-foil gyrator @ Latest design power pump Model 22-4 with pump PRICED FROM BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE STARR A TRY! STARR Furniture and Appliance 723-3343 491 Ritson S. OPEN FRI. TO 9 P.M. again," said Mr. Wishart *So I am not so naive as to fessor said Monday. in Ontario, is used in conjunc-| carey a : Dr. L. V. Edgington of the|tion with present control 8 Ni gy gga hae 4 University of Guelph told a ods which include removal of} oi. ¢, si es jity of Guelph to --| diseased trees and: insecticide people from their own stupi¢ ity. spraying But it could enact legislation to a . uu felt 3 ss require full disclosure of all in- No Li wor Dr. Edgington said a series Of | formation so that the investor | holes is drilled in a line sepa-| can exercise his own judgment. (rating healthy from diseased) 4), re , ieee and @ CheMieal GMa ee" ee ne wee he er iM \investigated the collapse of Order Seen called Vapan, diluted with wa-| windfall stock, said in his re- ter, is poured into the holes. The| .,1+ iat "ithe 6 at Wimionity fumigating is done in July, when | P° nig '4 hdr ae fe . elms first show symptoms of even of e losers, would trade mpossl e the disease. }in speculative mining securities Dr. Edgington said the com- bined treatment is the best an-| . VICTORIA (CP) -- Attorney-| swer yet to the disease that has| think that the public can be pro- general Robert Bonner said| been ---- the elm popula-| tected against itself by legisla- et '"noition in North America. -- Per grog Plot He Said it is difficult to esti-/ Explaining aspects of the Con- impossible to impose on the 216- mate costs and effectivness 'ac-|servative government's new se- member Nootka Indian band at curately, but a combined spray-| curities act, Mr. Wishart said Friendly Cove on the west coast and - soil - fumigation program |it contains no provisions to wipe of Vancouver Island. would probably cost about $10 a/ out primary distribution of secu- ~,| tree and could save up to twice|rities by the Toronto Stock Ex- Mr. atopy gr iat -- the number of elms that spray-| change. But this would receive is hee anid he rae tuk: ing alone would save further study ing steps to place the entire} band on the interdicted list, would have a big job on his hands. Interdiction would forbid . . ~ . - lead Spread it thin! Spread it thick! their possession. Pp In ° [ | | ° The magistrate would have to ' hold individual hearings, Mr. S d f Id! Bonner said, to hear evidence prea ] ({) Z against each person before drinking privileges could be taken away. A liquor control board spokes- man said the British Columbia Liquor Act says before a per- gon's name can be placed on the list it must be proved that he "'mis-spends, wastes or les- fens his estate, or injures his health or interrupts the peace and happiness of his family" by| excessive drinking | Magistrate Tasker said last) greek a number of deaths by fire| and drowning in the remote) community were a direct result} of too much liquor Want Action Taken Against Offenders FREDERICTON (CP) -- The New Brunswick Amateur Bas- ketball Association has reco{n-| mended that action be taken against Woodstock Senators for using an ineligible player in the Canadian Senior B basketball playoffs last month against Montreal YMHA President Duncan McGeachy| of St. Stephen, N.B., said the} association, meeting here Sat- urday, decided to recommend action be taken against the team by the Canadian Amateur TIRE FOR SUMMER | Spreads smoothly even when refrigerated. Serve it in its own container. Two attractive table-service tubs in every pound. They save refrigerator space, can be used as serving dishes for your margarine. They're re- isable in dozens of ways, and they're unbreakable. A delightful new idea from Blue Bonnet, Canada's favourite margarine. New Soft Blue Bonnet is sosoft... you can spread it ice-cold on anything from the thinnest cracker to the softe bread. (Even on potato chips} Electrical Tuning Equipment Have your engine tuned for top performance by Licensed Tune- Up Specialists. @ FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY General Tire Service OF OSHAWA 534 Ritson Road South 728-6221 It has the flavor Canada loves best! That sunny-sweet Blue Bonnet goodness that comes from Easy to blend, easy to measure. Ideal for icings, pure vegetable oil. sauces. Won't burn in your frying pan. Now! In the dairy section of your food store! CART-FULL OF SAVINGS 4" GLECOFF"S supermarket Shop at Glecoff's and load your cart up with carts full of savings. Shop Glecoff"s and enjoy friendly atmosphere and friendly prices. CHOCK FULL OF NUTS 5-OZ. JAR -- REG.1.12 cA QQe war 69° ma Eee 89° 2ron 59° oars 1,00 62° 87° satu BBP 39° > ey INSTANT COFFEE NOODLE SOUP 'sicxe"" 4 TEA BAGS *"" CORNFLAKES "***" BREAD FRESHER OR BUTTERMATE BUTTER GLECOFF BRAND BOLD 'Sin size cerencent Te new MIRACLE IN WASHING | SPRAY STARCH """ | GLASS CLEANER "**" Nee eC eae ea ee sn manatees SAVE 7e SPECIAL REG. 33¢ A BOX SAVE 20¢ 5 SAVE 7c LB. FOR ONLY SAVE 10¢ 20-OZ. PLASTIC BOTTLE ape nealing iene A ae ROUND STEAK f or ROAST 89 | BACON .":". 79 COTTAGE ROLL.::59: PORK HOCKS 33: ALL GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS Drugs and Clothing CREAM RINSE WOODBURY'S 1.39 VALUE DRYAD ROLL ON DEODORANT ALKA SELTZER se DP we 29° 2.1on 39° BANANAS CALIFORNIA FRESH STRAWBERRIES CALIFORNIA NO. 1 ICEBERG LETTUCE LARGE HEADS 99° 75° 68° SPECIAL REG. 78c Play the Fun Game SPELLBOUND Last Week's Winner OLAN WRIGHT 329 OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH VALLEY FARMS FRENCH FRIES "" Act gor GLECOFF'S Supermarket 174 RITSON RD. S. PHONE 725-3445 FREE PARKING -- OPEN 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY