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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1966, p. 27

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HAD PUNK SERVICE IS WAITER! TLL THERS DIME YOU LEFT ME 1S VER RARE COIN! WORTH THOUSANDS! AND THERE'S NOT ROOM ENOUGH OvER HERE Ui! © King Fenteras Syodicnta, tony 1966, Wadd rights coperved NO, DEAR--- » WE CAN'T PUT IT THERE EITHER TEN LONG YEARS *---- IN THAT SLIMY -SOB/= SKINDIVING SHOW~ DRESSED IN THOSE.STUPID 5 ¢ FLIPPERS --WITH NOBODY eo #% oe Cte f F Y CARRIE, YOURE owe BORN .....1TS D. UST BEING IST DON'T LIKE 1T/ THE MAN I PROM VIPN'T HAVE A B ISEB} EA . HE WENT AWAY? DD "TO MARRY RO BEFORE THE MONEY L€OT FOR SELLIN' MY HOSS OUGHT TO KEE E UNTIL T COLLECT THE REWAR? FOR THIS CRAIG MORAN PM THE LONE RANGER STEALTHILY THE DISGUISED LONE RANGER AND "TONTO CLIMB ONTO THE BARRACKS ROOF +++ SECRET AGENT X9 DB eg Pp gp saath og 2--Buftale 2--Barrie 4--Buffale 6--Toronte 7--Buffalo 8--Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilten enromneennans mre ae WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M. Channe) Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel +21 Spy S-- Superman | 4~--Passport Te Adventure 3--Secret Squirrei B--Lieyd Thaxten 5:30 P.M, T--Rocketship 7 4 Across Leave it Te Bowver ¢--Music Hop 0 Metre | +-4--Lete 4:00 P.M, Twilight Thestre 4--City At 6 +News, Sports Gruck Mealy 8--Golf 4:20 PLM, News 6--Sports 2 dhovie | 0--Plerre } | ond | @--Huntiley-Brinkiey | +--Captam News | D 1966 Wah Dieney Praduetione World Rights Reserved 7 7:00 P.M, N--Gilligans island %--Camp Runamuck @--Rip Cord - TELEVISION 6-3--Festivai \63--Across Canada | 4--Dick Van Dyke 10:00 P.M, ll--Merv Griffin Show 7---Amos Burke -- Secret Agent 4--Danny Kaye Show 10:30 P.M. %--Sports Hot Seal 7--ABC Scope 6-3--Festival 11:00 P.M. | NO97-643-3--Newe Weether, Sports 6--Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, S--Hudson Bay Might Metre | Wi PLM, 1}--The Saint | 1:40 PLM, |-3--Midweek Theatre | 12:30 A.M, |1}---News; Weather) Sports| 4--AMeet the Ailttere | 6-Newscap THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M, | Playtime With Unele| 3:00 Bobby LOG { 11:20 A.M. 11:30 A.M, $--Abracadabra &-2--Paradise Bay 4--Dick Van Dyke 12:00 NOON %Toronto Today o4--Call My Biel 7--Money Movie 4--Luncheon Date 4--Neon News | BPepeye end Pots 12:15 PLM. | 4-Speaker of The House | 12:30 PLM, tee 11:18 PLM, Pinel &-2--Let's Play | @4--Search For Tomorrow 3--Meenday Repert | 12:48 P.M, | +4--Guiding & ight 1:00 P.M, '--Fhaatre | %--Morning Star 8 Matinee 7--Ben Casey | Luncheon Date Kone Berton 2--Summer Carousel &-Ailke = Devgies shew | 1:30 P.M, | 9---James Beard Show +4--As The World Turns 100 P.M, | 9--Kide Is People 7--Nurses 64--Password | 2--Days of Our Lives Kangeres I'LL MEET YOU AT THE CAR- WHERED YOu PARK P Henge nA Ee 4 genaagy THE OSHAWA = BF ty 'April 27, 1966 ben BRIDGE = By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in ' Individue) Championship Pley) -- South dealer. a: Neither side vulnerable. u i AK Winn ~ >a > Mee one S$ e a i Periyt oe 34x Siar = geese 12 98 3 19 Opening This hand was played in thes Intercollegiate Par To in 1963. North-South were pected to arrive at four and East-West were expe to defeat the contract. The rected opening lead was they four of spades by West. _-- Declarer wins the spade rs dummy, plays a heart to tig king followed by a heart to the ace, West showing out and dis- carding the deuce of spades. For whatever it is worth, this discard tells East that West started with precisely five spades, and, hence, that de- clarer started with two. Declarer now leads three rounds of clubs, discarding @ diamond when East ruffs the third club with the queen. East must now be sure to return a low diamond, not the king--for if he leads the king, the suit gets blocked and South makes the contract. Actually, East has all the in- formation he needs to justify a low diamond return. He knows that South started with precise- ly two spades, five hearts, two clubs and, therefore, four dia- monds, East's only hope of de- feating the contract lies in his partner's having the ace of dia- monds and in cashing three dia» mond tricks in a hurry, Accord. ingly, he returns the diamond deuce. The burden of defence then shifts to West, who must careful not to win the diam with the ten after declarer plays low. Winning the trick with the ace may seem wtn- natural, since the trick can be won with the ten, but it is the right play nevertheless. West also is in a position to assess the situation accurately. He knows that South started with five hearts, two clubs, and (from East's play of the deuce) four diamonds. He must there- fore assume that, unless three diamond tricks can be won right away, the contract will be made. He therefore takes the diamond with the ace and re~ turns the ten to defeat the cor: tract. we Adults Smoke = In Classroom © HALIFAX (CP)--Adult volume teers are acting as guinea pig® in Nova Scotia schools to illuas,, trate the dangers of cigare smoking. It's a simple demonstratii The adults merely sit front of the classroom, sm: They demonstrate to the dents the changes smoking brings about in their pulse and body temperature. The health department bes lieves this form of illustration can give children the facts mogf vividly, But the facts are as fap HWM... L BELigve YOURE &News, Weather, 9:99 AM. | 2:15 PM, pseoigy | 4Gypsy Rose Lee | %Dear Charlotte | %Doble Gillis | 2:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M, %--Peaple in Conflia |11--Whiplash |8-2--The Doctors 4-2--Fractured Phrases 7--A Time For Us | 63--Ivanhoe 4--Love That Bob | 41 Love Lucy 4--Linkletter's Party vie 10:30 A.M, 4--The Meneymecners 3-12 O'clock High 8--Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:30 PLM, i--Green Acres 9--Gidoet CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Tumbler 23. Greek letter 4, Stud horses MICKEY MOUSE f GRANDMAS FEELIN' DOWN. IN THE DUMPS MAYBE YA OUGHTA _ [two THINGS WILL SNAP \ VISIT HER WITH LITTLE} SEEING PUPPIES OR BABIGS.. | ER OUTOFA BAD CASE ] AND WE DONT. o------s_ 62--Virginian 7--Omle. and Married 6--The Courriers Sing 4--New York Philharmonic 8:00 P.M. Ni--Special Movie | %--Bingo | 7--Donna ¥--Patty Duke Show | 11--~Ed Alien | 6-2--Concentration Reve | 63--Friendly Giant | | 4-The McCoys | 10:48 %--My Favorite Marten (4.3. cher Helene |\\--Donna Reed | ®--Fractured Phrases | 6-3--Bonnie Prudden Show Ot--Ancther Werte 4:00 Pm. A.M, %--Mickey Mouse Clb he! Match Gomme #3--Okay Crackerberry 8:30 P.M, 11:00 A.M, |11---Mike Dougias *-- Mr. And Mra 6, Afloat 11, Eagle's nest. 12, Rascal 13, Memorize 14, Trades 15, Articles value 17. Tastes slightly 18. Perches §. Guards 6, Land measures T..Wolf whistles ofa sort 8, Once more 9. Furnished 10. One of Hitler's 25. Half an em 27, Azurite 29, Ra- dium: sym, 31, To- ward 34, Japa- nese outcast Yesterday's Answer as the department chooses te go. me "You can't scare chil with the idea they may get lun cancer at 55," says Dr. A. Morrison, supervisor of curri lum and research for the edus cation department. = "They just won't eave: can just put the facts bef eee iy 20. One of the leagues: abbr, 21. Butt 24, Back or the neck 26, American moth 28, Harden 30, Enroll 2 fs s 32, Close to henchmen 16, Railroad stop: abbr, 19. Conjecture 21, Narrow inlet 22, Exact opposite TOPAY, MOM / tJ THIS e et ppyY 7 iceax 7--@iager {t2--Morning Star Alvin ana "tne : AFTERNOON ry Ts es thsi ate ape al coast \ ¢3--Bob Hope | 7-Supermarkat Sweep | Chipmunks 2 Pi more , | S-Beverly Hiltbiities | 4-3--Butternut Square =| #---Mavie a . \ | 4--Andy ef Mayberry | 7--The Berly thew +3---Razzie Dazzie 4--The 4Thirty Show 2--Yog! them and hope they make the sensible decision." pe 4 There's also an appeal vanity, something of which m teen - agers are always cons scious. Says Maura Morton 41,Denomina- 47, Hye in- the health department: a4 tion flammation "Our pamphlets ey su % that show more intelligent c Y be oa id dren are less likely to smoke, | 33, Man's GY "We try to convince thi | nickname "Ln | 35. Poem Y Death Brought Close oat 4 ey dont smell gooc when aemperenr] | By But One Peanut ae 4 smoke," HAVE ONE TILL I START SHAVING J By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD ; by pee ack ip" reesth | 42, Where : \ es Dear Dr. Molner: | want tol £ doubt that anyone who many are - ) 4 add my two cents worth to your|hasn't worked in the emergency cold but few column about not letting chil-|department of a hospital has are frozen dren eat popcorn or peanuts.|any idea how often children . Drills 37. Fine line of a letter 39, Entitles 40, One of a famous 45. Biblical couple name 43. Town dwellers of Turkestan 44, Cows 9:00 P.M, %--The Big Valley 11:18 A.M, #-2--Bob Hope = Summer Fun 4--Green Acres 6--Fields Of Sacrifice Bear YOUR HEALTH STOP KIDDING I KNOW.. BUT AROUND! You I JUST WANT DON'T HAVE ( GRAMPS TO SEE TO SHAVE... ME SHAVING... te Cadbaiby (WELL, YOU KNOW I'VE \ BEEN AFTER HIM TO BUY ME A MOTOR --"\_, SCOOTER. SALLY'S SALLIES i ie re Y ™ MUGGS AND SKEETER i if MR. TEAGUE DOESNT TALK,..HE BARKS, JULIE. NOW, DON'T LET HIM 7 ris A READY, YOUR HIGHNESS? {AS ALWAYS... {. AT YOUR COMMAND, MR, TEAGUE, CAN YOU DO : ANYTHING WITH HER, You are so right. Andy suddenly became ill. got up in the morning, but it was of a wracking type. After treatment for "pneu- monia," I told the doctor about Andy might have a nut in his lung. I remembered that he had top, and J said that maybe a nut "went down the wrong way.' I didn't know then that one peanut could bring death so close, The doctor, after further ex- amination, found there was a nut in the lung. It finally was removed but not before we went through a great deal of worry. The doctor said after- ward that it is my duty in life to tell other parents of our near tragedy.--Mrs. J, L. this cough and suggested that had ice cream with peanuts on} come close to death--and many At the age of 23 months our|do die--because of something In}lodged in two weeks he lost six pounds/trapped in the lung. and ran a low fever. He coughed| only after his nap or when he the trachea, or A child's trachea (windpipe) a small. His automatic reflexes are not well developed. Hard |candies, nuts, popcorn, buttons, toys, anything that a_ child might: put in his mouth, and is small enough to enter the wind- pipe, deadly, If I had my way, no child would be allowed nuts, popcorn, hard candy or any object, toy, button or anything else smaller than his thumb until he is old jenough to join the cub scouts. I don't suppose parents can make such a rule stick, but at least they can be extremely careful until a child is old enough to start school. And don't think that older children don't sometimes get in is a hazard, potentially force . With full Y 34 . Manifesto . Kind of roof . Southpaw . Chemical compound DOWN . Festive . Dregs » Macaws az Y Y Y 421 ous caught in. the windpipe, they manage to swallow the most unimaginable assortment of coins, bottle caps, safety pins and other junk. Dear Dr, Molner: My 3-year- old daughter grits her teeth while asleep. Friends tell me she has worms and a few drops of turpentine and sugar will get rid of them.--M. L. H. trouble that way, too. Even if they don't get something peril- Pinworms are a common cause of such gritting or grind- ing of the teeth, although other irritations also can be at fault. If it is a case of pinworms, |the old-fashioned turpentine and lsugar will not help at all, but in the last few years some ef- fective medications have been developed. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 14 and have been told that _ short- winded people shouldn't take physical education. Is this so or 'not, and why?--J, C. terete "A tight leash is a smart idea even on the two-legged variety." o It depends on what causes the short - windedness. If there is sorhething wrong with the heart or lungs, your doctor might ore der you to avoid exertion. Tf you are short-winded just be- cause you haven't exercised enough to be in good condition, then physical education, is just what you need.

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