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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1966, p. 28

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within the village eet OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! . Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks always on the ready to serve you. Fuel Oil Budget Plan available. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 ins. for 1968 red with 02.520 rate a dential assessment will amount mills in 1965. [tient 1212 mills. |to $41.96. With the cost of water|for 1966. The average home assessed | The Clarke Township rate for lon a 60-font lot the total in-| 'The total residential rate in at $2,500 will have a $35 in- |those in the township (exclud-|crease in 1966 will amount to/Orono amounts to 98.0625 mills crease in taxes over 1965. The|ing Orono) amounts to 24.6199 |$74.16. hee in 1966 as compared to 81.2778 increase is almost 20 per cent |mills of which 17.057 is for pub-| Like the properties in the/in 1965. The commercial and in- over the 1965 rate. lic works. peigrrcy | = ae ae ha eae rate in 1966 amounts to The bulk of the increase is, Those in the Village of Orono|/ (JE SIh™ pe ; 1.8711 mills as compared with \j through the District High |will also be faced with educa-|'" gp a td oo 90.3571 mills in 1965. School rate with the County and|tional and municipal rate in- an Ain i eg e This is one of the most sub- "F * ] " Ire wor S Clarke Township Public School|creases along with costs asso- township rate of 1,4298 mills| stantial rate increases ever to Board following. The High|ciated with the installation of|along with a slight Police Trus- exist in this municipality other ORONO (TC) -- The com-|mills compared with a total/School rate has increased by 8-|municipal water. The educa-|iee rate increase of .24 mills. 4 : : bined tax levy for municipal aig last year of 80.3987 mills, |25-75 mills while the County in-|tional and municipal rate' in-\)\-ided in the township rate than those which occurred in and education rates on farm crease amounts to 3.4442 mills|creases amounts to 16.7847 A ts ik a a 1965 through the amalgamation and residential property in the| The commercial and industrial| and the local School Area rate|mills or better than 20 per cent,|#5 applied to the police village, of individual schoo! sections Township of Clarke is 95. 2348 rate amounts to 105.0434 mills'by 3.026 mills. The Clarke! This increase on a $2,500 resi- lis an amount to cover the road'into a single unit, COAL & SUPPLIES " GRAVE DIGGER * Marcel Bernier, 44, has {) been sentenced to hang July A&P HANDLES ONLY CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED RED BRAND STEER BEEF " 22. The Shawinigan, Que., ; grave digger was found AsP IS YOUR ' euilty of the sex slaying of EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING | bata 3 SUPER-RIGHT BEST BUY BLADE STEAKS H/ 'Postal a QUALITY THIS WEEK | | oA]: FRESH MINCED GROUND CHUCK | 16% 7-INCH CUT -- FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY BONELESS PRIME RIB ROAST «79: ¢ DELMONICA STEAK +1" BRAISING RIBS BRISKET POINT soneess » 5 Q | pont Ns > De wo ans » & Q | prey "89. "Super-Right" quality meats offer you more good taste--more value for your money! ' * . 'Request Option . | OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- ment cannot stop civil servants m going on strike, but Par- jament can order them back to work with compulsory arbi- }ration, Revenue Minister Ben- son said Tuesday. !) The minister, chairman of the cabinet committee responsible for the government's employee felations, told a press confer- ence that all groups in the civil Service but postal workers ap- * parently will accept collective hargaining procedures and a no- $trike rule under new Jegisla- tion being introduced. in the Commons. i The postal workers want to take the alternative option, con- ciliation procedures under exist- ing labor law which recognizes the right to strike. Mr, Benson said that they could do so. ' The minister told reporters that denial of the right to strike srould only be written into Jaw. for civil servants whose work is vital for the safety and secu- Hity of the state. These did not include postal workers. Two ex- ples he gave were airport ight controllers and peniten- tiary guards in maximum secu- bity prisons. + James Cox, president of the Federated Association of Letter Carriers, said the proposed leg- islation accorded postal work- ers the right to strike with full collective bargaining rights. | "Now we will be treated like any other union," he said. Britain Takes "Mini-Census" BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADE ROAST SHORT OR CROSS CUT RIB ROAST | ROUND BONE - SHOULDER POT ROAST FROZEN FOOD VALUES ASP PEAS nan ea 3: CREAM PIES oim3: REALEMON -- 549. VEAL STEAKETTES +59: Hove You Checked AsP's Low Prices pin eng Bip norm OY nam 3 SKIN CARE SIDE BACON som 57. | BEEF BOLOGNA »=39. | MENNEN MAGIC rte pe Ty NURSERY POWDER SAUSAGE MEAT ty O° Z.8.7. » LONDON (CP)--Some 32,000 tensus officials scattered across Britain Monday to collect the evidence on where 5,000,000 cit- CORNED BEEF ROLL «79: MAPLE LEAF VAC PAC HOSPITAL SIZE TIN 69. BACK BACON °. «89. | NURSERY POWDER COOKED HAM «::59. | TOOTH PASTE CANNED HAMS 1.09 | _FASTEETH ASPIRIN TABLETS FOR UPSET STOMACH er HEADACHE BROMO-SELTZER WELCH"S WELCHADE MIRACRAFT LUNCH BAGS DDLINIEC » 59. wo 39 %-LBPKG 69. WIENERS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY CHICKEN LIVERS SUPER-RIGHT BRAND -- SMOKED, SLICED, BACK BACON {zens spent the night of Sunday, April 24, and, among other pense. whether they ate break- jast in the kitchen. * One in 10 unsuspecting house- holders had heen chosen hy computer to take part in Brit- gin's "mini-census," designed to give a profile of British life as well as count heads. » Everyone "alive at midnight" census night in the chosen 500,000 households, whether residents or visitors, had to fill in the form with its 27 ques- fions ranging from personal ta to household amenities efusal meant a $30 fine * The forms were delivered last Week and collected Monday * The net gathered in the engn and humble alike. A jorm was handed in at 19 Down- Mg Street, requiring, Prime Minister Wilson, as head of the household, to record his job, fmethod of travel to work and whether he shared a '"'fixed = with any other house- GIANT SIZE TUBE 49. 201 PKG 69. BTL OF 100 TABLETS KR 9. FAMILY SIZE BTL yg. FEATURE PRICE 32.fl-o2 hin 3 9: FEATURE PRICEI 2. ie 30 5 Reg. Price pig Be -- SAVE 4e RON Oe OPT ae et © Seafoods Cost Less At A&P! WHEATLEY PAN READY FRESH KILLED CHICKEN CUTS HADDOCK | SMELTS me Qe me | | AQ | 25: WINGS Bbople live," said a census of- A&P Can Save You Money On Fresh Fruits And Vegetables BEVERAGES CANNED Lae sp » 33 GINGER ALE, KOLA, LEMON-LIME, ORANGE or ROOT BEER LOW CAL GINGER ALE er LOW GAL KOLA eS WHEATLEY (Canked in Better) ! Britain's Jast full-scale census +-they are held every 10 years +-was in 1961, when a popula- tion of 52,709,000 was recorded. * Data from the "mini-census" Pill take 350 workers two years te process fully. But a pre- Gminary sketch of population movements, the number of . 4¢ademically qualified Britons and other information will be teady in three months. Remote School| Finds Friends | NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C ¢CP)--An experiment aimed at ptomoting understanding be- tween Indians and whites is apne conducted by two schools miles apart. "Students at Sir Richard Mc- Bride elementary schoo} here have been linked with Indian @idents at the remote Gilford Large Clusters, Sweet, Tasty, Ne. 1 Grade BARLINKA GRAPES 39: MAKE A&P YOUR HEADQUARTERS For Spring Gardening SUPPLIES MULTI.PURPOSE, 777, HOMESTEAD FERTILIZER 402.59 HOMESTEAD ROSE FOOD s»»°1.19 We also carry a complete line of Vigore and Green Diamond Fertilizer, also Peat Moss, Grass Seed, Rose Bushes, Assort- ed Shrubs, ete. ARIZONA, VALENCIA, NEW CROP, SUNKIST, No. 1 GRADE, SIZE 113's ORANGES A&P FOOD STORES LOCATED AT... 237 KING STREET W. 501 RITSON ROAD S. 1150 SIMCOE ST. N. OE ceca 223 BROCK ST. N., Whitby 185 KING ST. Bowmanville OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL % P.M, LOTS OF FREE PARKING THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIAC TEA COMPANY ITD. FOOD STORES A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY All PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1964 Se SEE ees ee Bay school on Simoom Sound, te exchange tape recordings FLORIDA, STRINGLESS, No. 1 GRADE POUND 2 5. t y "e- What may become a province FLORIDA, FRESH, CRISP, No. 1 GRADE ign of Vancouver Island anc schools ir isolated Indian com- 190. miles northwesi of Vancou- CALIFORNIA, LARGE, FRESH, GREEN HEADS ver | + At first the students will ex- Change letters. Laie: they plan BROCCOLI NO. 1 GRADE BUNCH 2 9. aid photo albums and eventu- 'y have students from one school visit students at the ather »The. experiment is part of . wide project marking the 100th ayiniversary this year of the un- : ¥ mainland British Columbia. ie : + EAR : S BUNCH 2. 5. **Planned by 50 students from all 'parts of the province, the project would seek to have \0f = munities paired with non-Indian schools.

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