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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Magician Show Assists General Hospital Fund sion plans were made for a "Blossom Tea", June 1. Mrs. WHITBY -- The Whitby Gen- 'WHITBY (Staff) -- Ontario; County Council Tuesday ap- proved a one-year extension of eral Hospital Women's Auxil- jary held its monthly meeting Monday evening at Kathleen Reve School with a good attend- Mrs. H. P. Doner chaired Edward Robson gave a report on the "Children's Magi- cian 'ao at Henry Street High School which proved to be most successful, Proceeds will go to the -- fund. The mars. St. Jobn's Anglican C hur h/plans | for Ruth WA met April 25 at the Church Hall for its regular meeting. President Mrs. Gordon it was announced that the group will serve refreshments after the May 15 confirmation service. The annual WA meeting will be held in Toronto May 3 and 4. Any member wishing to attend should contact Mrs. Kyle. Mrs. Tom Baillie reported on J. A. West, 1734 Dufferin st., Port Whitby, has kindly offered te open her home for this event. Proceeds go to the Women's Women's Auxiliary. Members are reminded to britg jams, jellies, candy, etc., for the "Pantry Shelf Shower" to be held May 31 at Kathleen Rowe School, also to notice the change of date. These articles will be on sale at the "Blossom -| Tea". Atrangements were made for the forthcoming "'Tag Days" to be held June 23 and 24. R ents were served by the committee in charge. Week Planned i "Mental Health Week". She told of the many events to take place at the Whitby Ontario Hospital during the week of May 2. The) meeting was turned over to Rev. John McKibbin who showdi slides of his trip to Northern Ireland. He was as- sisted by Mrs. McKibbin. Mrs. Peter Bird thanked Rev. and Mrs. McKibbin for a most en- joyalfe evening. Teg hostesses were Mre. Peter Bird, Mrs. George Pollard and Mrs, Al Rosso. LOBA Lodge Plans Tag Day Vimy Ridge, LOBA, No. 639, held its meeting with Worthy Mistress Viola Rints in the chair assisted by Deputy Mis- tress Sister Norma Brown. It was mentioned that Sister Margaret Conner is now at home after a lengthy stay at the Oshawa General Hospital, and home. Best wishes for a prompt recpvery are extended to them. Members discussed the forth- coming 'Tag Day", a definite date will be arranged at future meeting. The Worthy Mistress will ad- vise members of the date for the next meeting owing to the that Sister May Lintner is ill at May 24 holiday weekend. Spring Fair Fine Success Mrs. Gordon Boles, general /Group No. 1; chid care centre, convener of the Presbyterian|Mrs. Warren Jlowat, Women's Groups Spring Fair} and Auction Sale, held last Sat- urday at Whitby Community| Arena, wishes to thank all who) assisted and attended and in any way made this project most successful. The conveners were: bake table, Mrs. Carman Sarles of Group No. 4; white elephant table, Mrs. William Scott, Furniture Restora The Antique Club held its meeting recently. Murray Gunn presided and introduced the speaker, G. B. Garlatti, a well known furniture restorer and collector of antiques, who gave much valuable informa- tion to those less experienced in the art of restoration. Group No. 2. Group Jo. 3 was in |charge of arrargements for the sale. Special oy to auc- tioneer, Loyal Pogue, who do- nated his seryces, and to all husbands who &bly assisted. St. Andrew's Young People's Group voluntered their serv- ices for the dty in baby sitting and also assiged with the sale. tion Tak Theme Arrangem@ts were made for the next ting of May 17 when guest fpeaker will.be Mr. Pape who j a member of the staff of Jogph Yolles Antiques Ltd., Toror. The soml convener, Mrs. Murray Gun, assisted by mem- bers, servd refreshments. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Driving Under Susyension Brings 14 - Day Sertence WHITBY (Staff) -- Driving with his licence under suspen- sion cost a Toronto man a 14 days jail sentence when he ap- peared in magistrate's court, Tuesday. Douglas Crothers, 92 Kennilworth ave., pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced by Magistrate Harry) Jermyn. The court noted the accused had a long record of traffic offences. Pleading guilty to consuming as a mimor, Brian Gordon King, 20, of 585 Talon Court, Oshawa, was fined $50 and costs with the alternative of a seven days jail sentence. A similar charge, consuming as was hronght against Jack Allison Bethune, 71 Liberty st., Bowmanville. Pleading guilty, the accused was fined $50 and costs or of Brock rd. n., Pickering, w Edward John O'Connor, ronto, pleaded guilty Pleadi, guilty to one charge of theftand two charges of break ad enter and theft, Elgin W Thompson of Toronto, was remnded in custody until May 170 await a pre-sentence report./ A seond Toronto man, Garry |McRa¢ accused of two charges of bk and enter and theft; large of theft and a charg Of possession, arising out { the same incident, was alsofemanded in custody to 17 for a pre-sentence re- one lowing a pre-sentence re- pat requested by. Magistrate J¢myn at Magistrate's Court, jonths in County jail. Convicted on two charges of reak and enter with intent, To- to the its hospital grants program to include a new hospital in the village of Port Perry. The grants, which begin in 1969 and continue for five years, includes a total of $400,- 000 for the new Port Perry Hos- pital and $1,053,000 for the Whit- by General Hospital. Both municipalities must faise 25 per cent of the total cost of the hospitals by public subscription, explained Whit- by's Deputy Reeve George' Brooks following the noon ad- journment. He said the. Whitby hospital campaign now has re- alized more tan $400,000 of its $500,000 target. Mr. Brooks said approximate cost of the 115-bed hospital for the town is $2,000, Ed Oyler, reeve "of Reach Township and chairman of the finance committee of county council, said the Port Perry Grants To Hospital Approved By County Community Hospital Board has bought a six-acre parcel of land near the Port Perry High School for the future site of the new hospital. He said the community has found it difficult to get surgeons to come to the old hospital to practice. Mr. Oyler said the provincial government has refused to make any more grants for addi- tions or repairs to the existing Port Perry Community Memor- ial Hospital. He said that when the new hospital is built the old building would likely be turned| 2ue5 into a nursing home. The extension of the grants system of the county in -- to hospitals was recommended by the standing committee on a 8 1969 with $29,924 to Port Perry and $78,774 to Whitby; 1970, $82,972 to Port Perry and $218,- 417 to Whitby; 1971. $91,241 to BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE BOWMANVILLE -- A Quebec non driver was convicted in magistrate's court here Tues- day of wilfully neglecting and causing damage to an animal. Gilles Bonneau, of St. Alexan- dre, Quebec, was fined $25 and costs, An inspector for the Ontario Humane Society said he check- ed a load of livestock on High- way 401 and found a sow dead in the truck. A post mortem revealed her litter of unborn }young had been so badly crush- ed the sow could never have given birth. "For such neglect a fine of this size is like handing out a) medal," commented Magistrate | Crawford Guest. Showing off for his friends Lights Are Turned Down WHITBY (Staff) -- The topic was traffic lights and Pickering Township Reeve Clifford Laycox saw red when Ontario County Council Tuesday turned down signals for the Base Line and Liverpool rds. Mr. Laycox said there have been 12 deaths at this intersec- tion in the last 12 months. He said the last traffic count, taken early last year, showed 7,000 vehicles travel this inter- section in a 24-hour period, "but I believe itt would now amount about 10,000 vehicles," he said, "and the pedestrian traffic is al- most as heavy". Mr. Laycox wanted to see the traffic lights, costing approxim- ately $3500, installed at the in- tersection within a month. Neglect Of Animals Results In $25 Fine cost an Orono man $150 and costs or 10 days. Clarence Haits- ma was given two weeks to pay the fine. The court was told the accus- ed stopped for a traffic light in Bowmanville, then tramped the gas pedal to the floor. The car shot ahead, turned a complete circle and half way round again and ended with the rear end on the sidewalk. The officer said the driver smelled of beer and explained to him that he was just show- ing off for his friends. His conviction on a charge of impaired driving cost a St. Cath- arines accountant $100 and costs. [egal possession of liquor brought an additional fine of $75 and costs. Alfred Bays pleaded guilty to both charges. An officer testified he found a car stopped in the Highway 401 median. The tracks indicated the car had been westbound on the eastbound lane. Beer was found in the car and the officer was of the opinion the driver was impaired. Counsel for the defense said there are four exits at the junc- tion of Highways 115 and 401 and a number of signs which could be confusing, especially at night. SHUN OLD TASKS DUDLEY, Englan (CP)-- The three Indian elephants at a Worcestershire zoo don't mind light work, such as giving chil- dren rides on their backs. But the zoo keepers tried to use the animals instead of tractors to move felled trees, only to find that the thought of work as they used to know it caused sudden loss of memory. Port Perry and $240,186 to Whit- by; 1972, $97,328 to Port Perry and $256,209 to Whitby; and 1973, $98,535 to Port Perry and $259,414 to Whitby The finance committee's recommendation that a grant of $750 be made tn the Ontario So Seow Wisewen ae Gym Plans Requested AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax Public School Board gave ap- proval Monday night for final drawings for the $160,000 St. Andrew's Senior School Gym- nasium. The architects, Clifford and Lorry of Toronto, will be asked to submit plane for the svm- nasium to the Ontario Fire Mar-|f snaii's office and to tender them Regiment toward the cost of its| for centennial celebrations was also approved by councii. County councillors also went along with recommendations from the finance committee that no action be taken on re- quests for grants from the Cen- tral Ontario Regional Develop- ment Association and the Osh- awa district building fund for Simcoe Hall Crippled Children's Centre, Will Study CAS Decision: WHITBY (Staff) -- Ontario County Council's committee on county matters will investigate a decision by the Children's 'Ald Society to discontinue a ju- venile lock-up June 30. Reeve Clifford Laycox of t tts building would be Fa e com- pleted by September. The board approved the 4 ing of four teachers for Ajax schools beginning this oe. tember. Successful applicants ttwere: Miss Diane Robertson, Mr. Gene Schaaf, Mrs. Marie Schaaf and Dennis Thompson. The board accepted with re- =o resignation of St. An- 8 Public School Principal A. J. V. Leeder. Mr. Leeder re- ed to take a supervisory) by the board included: Mrs. Evelyn Pike, s Jean Mc- Cauley, Mrs. Patricia Freake, . Helen Whelan and Miss Alida McColl. KEEP UP TRADE Visitors to Al Qurnah, Iraq, used to be shown an ancient thorn tree called the Tree of Knowledge. It fell down a few years ago so villagers planted another. Pickering Township criticized the CAS plan to turn the lock- up room into storage space by saying: "'It's all administration with nothing to administer'. Mr. Laycox said he received a letter from Chief Reg. Parker of the Pickering Township Po- lice Department stating that if this goes into effect June 30 "the only thing we would be able to do with juveniles would be to reprimand them and send them home". The Pickering Township reeve said police are only allowed to keep juveniles in the police station cells for two hours. He said it would cost $14 a day to transport them to To- One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Corrected Notice LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TOWN OF WHITBY TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. sees cons aiae' a oe tk Ge ak ae al the North ond South between the points mentioned! NAME. OF STREET construct, es local Dundes Street East TO and intends to specially assess @ part work. The said sidewalks are to have The estimated cost of the works is os Dundas Street, North Side--Cost--$13, Corporation. Dundes Street, South side--Cost--$5,208. Corporation. 159 which $7,290.78 Is to be pald by the .78 of which $2,954.46 ls to be paid by the 2. The estimated owners cost per foot is os follows:--< Dundas Street, North Side--$1.75 per lineal foot, Dundas Street, South Side--$1.75 per lineal foot. The special assessment is to be paid in five (5) equal annual installments and the estimated owners annual rate per foot frontage is 0.41¢ per lineal foot. . Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approvel of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within 21 days after the first publication of this Notice, file with the Town Clerk his objection to the said work being undertaken, The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, may oppoint a time and place when ony objection to the sald work will be considered, DATED at.the TOWN OF WHITBY, JOHN R. FROST, ] this 21st day of April, 1966. CLERK, TOWN OF WHITBY 4. Wallpaper end Murels Custom Draperies Broadloom C.LL, Paints end Vernishes Benjamin Moore Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron $. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 ronto. TOWN OF WHITBY Requests For Use of Municipal Parks Orgenizetions desirous of using the municipelities public perks this season ere requested te apply in writing te the oe) é te ble « sched le of ectivity te be prepared. All requests should be submitted by Mey 9th, 1966. Councillor R. ATTERSLEY, Che WHITBY, Ontaric. BROCK Whitby The avenger Whitby Township Reeve John Dryden sai the motion should have come before the roads and bridges committee. But his mo- tion to refer the matter to this committee was defeated. However, Mr. Laycox' motion to have the traffic lights install- ed was also vetoed "I believe our laxity today may result in the death of a youngster tomorrow," Mr. Lay- cox said. When a tie vote quashed the motion, Reeve Laycox stomped out of the meeting, saying 'I'm very disappointed in the attitude Created Te Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST | E! Dorado! ALSO: Secend Fecture Attraction Color With Joe Morrison Barb who scourged all | MURIE. SAEFREY WORTER-ARTHOR KENNEDY Si oer Sceriy by HES HARON ADULT Dect by GEORGE SHERVAN. i EASTRNNGOLOR® Bitrbted by WHRKER RAGE, pe At 7:30, RACING FEVER -- in Biggert d As One Complete Program Only Each Evening -- Starting At 7:30 en, Pe ADULT ENTERTAINMENT, -- AT THE -- WHITBY MEAT MARKET Where you get Choice Quality Meat et Cut Rate Prices Red & Blue Brand Beef BLADE ROAST =. 99: PEAMEAL -- END CUT COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE ........ 3 ths, 1,00 BACON _ 13° SWEET PICKLED 2Y4 to 3 th. Average c tb COTTAGE ROLLS PORK HOCKS : Cooked Meats u 55° | Minced Beef 3. 1.00 We Specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS Cutting end Wrapping Ask About Our Prices WHITBY MEAT MARKET Whitby Plaza Phone 668-6941 Red and Blue Brand Beef-- | om MONDAYS | All Meats Gov't Inspected PICKLED KOSHER STYLE CORNED BEEF ........ tb. 59* 668-3552 | of this council." toke vice; FUEL OIL : OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIANCE! uel advantage of it! 24 hour ser- ond radio dispatched trucks el- on the ready to serve you. Oil Budget Plan available, NOW IS THE TIME SUNNYBROOK FOOD MARKETS se | TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 in KING ST. W. placed on a six months si pended sentence. The adult provided the minor with liquor, Mrs. Ann Whitford, Bay st., Bay Ridges, pl guilty to a charge of supwing liquor to a minor and w: also given a six month susgnded sentence. FAILING TO remai scene of an accident charges and was sentenced to 12 months definite and six months indefinite in a reform institution. The sentences are to run concurrent on each charge. Pleading guilty to a charge of impaired driving, Allan Rich- ard Taylor, of Toronto, was fined $100 and costs or 30 ~~ ;1_ alternative. New Store Opening COAL & SUPPLIES © HELP WANTED ° MALE full or part time © BUTCHERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS © GROCERY CLERKS © PARCEL BOYS FEMALE full or part time © CASHIERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS Apply in Person to: SUNNYBROOK FOOD MET. FORMERLY STEINBERG'S 114 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY | MAKE YOUR} OUTDOOR | LIVING COMPLETE WITH Roy Thompson of by, $25 and costs. ye -- guilty of fi but charge of causing 2 disturb- ance. The Crown/ithdrew the fighting charge. / Charged with /eak and enter and theft on twqcounts, _Donald And we'll bet a reo! hard-to-please sort of | & guy ... one whe really knows end expects | value and sensible prices. Good! ge 16 Pov IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Magistrate Jeynyn also placed a 12:00 midnift curfew on the youth and make restityion for damage PHONE same two charges, Charles Dante of Teronto, was remand- ed to the falvation Army House of Concoml, Toronto, for a per- jod of not ess than 60 days. The third youth arraigned on the same charges, Warren Hayes of Toronto, was sen- tenced to 12 months definite and six mpnths indefinite con- current of each charge. The court nobd the youth was serving a suspended sentence when comicted of the present charges. all three youths plead- ed guilty, = bly ROCH' IN PATIO DESIGNS All positions offer excellent opportunities, TO-DAY! end good starting salaries.

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