THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Apel 28, 1966 15, DDING ALBUM , | |__-- mr te ee & record for your Wedding Album ts provided by The ] Pl ain Mink a Old 4 F ashioned! | Oshagva Times Women's Page. Forms are aval able a e yon Piva Now fe Spotlig t | Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon- as ey LINDA CRAWFORD SEN Lae possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the MONTREAL (CP) --- Mink,|belt and buttons. Most coats looks Pweg nape - fashioned|were' double-breasted. alongside the' increasing variety REVERSES FOR WET DAYS names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the i i the day after the wedding. social editor either before or the day 4 alongside the increasing » 'The latest treatments and dye| A Zebra' stenciled mouton coat Yeo ", Buttery jobs make many distinctions egg to navy fabric for wet difficult. ays. One in white mink re- Trinity United" Church, Bow-|phanotis, yellow sweetheart Fot instance, = gold horizon. Sees ini hcth abt ebher tt manville, was the setting re-| roses and fern. Yd bi was tally seamed and belted coat sania cy muffs and collar to é em band. cently for the marriage of Joan| The matron of honor was Mrs. @ ae te sates ping The deolisaiing. calles that even the <8 gg on vom oe sit ur ; sae red, at the annual fur fashion|narrowed into side bands and daughter 'of Mrs. Thomas W.|Dixon, Whitby. Those ushering convention Tuesday, extended down the front of the Buttery, Bowmanville and the|were Mr. Vincent Hickey, Whit- The 1966-67 collection, repre-/coat, ending in. a wide hem | late Mr. Buttery. The bride-|by, and Mr. Ted Buttery, bro- senting 60 manufacturing fur. band, was popular. | groom is the son of Mr. and/ther of the bride, Bowmanville riers in' Ontario and Quebec, ex-|' Another frequent style was Mrs. Donald W. Yeo, Whitby. Following the reception held hibited youthful styling, with|the semi-fitted coat with hori- The Reverend George K.|at the church hall, the couple much of the look stemming age re that flared out at i from dyed furs. the hemline. ; | Ward officiated and the solo-|left for a honeymoun in Quebec ' ' | ist, Mr. Kenneth Buttery, Peter-|City with the bride changing Horizontal seaming was even| Canadian aetnEse ei 4 borough, was accompanied by|for travelling, into a two-piece more prevalent last season and|Alaska fur seal, beaver royale Mr. Arthur Collison. beige and coffee-colored knit y use of leather to join the pelts|and Persian lamb appeared) The bride, given in marriage|dress, brown fur jacket, choco- _. reuse ae tue ee i. Ao ' yelv F be, Wu ere § , y| Mos Bt by her elder brother, Mr. Glenn|late-brown velvet bow head licutiette, Ne exmarirlinht, Belly length Mongolian lamb E. Buttery, Bowmanville, was|dress with beige veil, matching seamed. i Leather also was used for de-|floor - Bog i sreaa de sole, The|ealmon-pink eanations. On t > tailing. A fleecy coat of white;and was trimmed with brown Mongolian lamb had armholes! satin ruffles, SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OUR SPECTACULAR gown of white peau de soie, The| salmon-pink canrations. On their fitted bodice was designed with|return, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo will a slightly scooped neckline andjreside in Bowmanville, On- lily-point sleeves. A flat bow at the front waistline accented the bell-shaped skirt which was gathered at the waist. A cir- cle of flowers held her shoulder- length veil of nylor tulle and she carried a horsehpe-shaped bouquet of white carnations, ste- CHILD GUIDANCE tario. Guests were present from Bob- caygeon, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Port Hope, Toronto, Bay Ridges, Bramalea, Whitby, Oshawa, Peterborough, Blackwater, Lon- don, Galt, Brookville, Pennsyl- vania; and Cleveland, Ohio. Self - Conscious Child Fails To Speak - up By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD | At different times over the years, in this column, I have talked with you about the child who can scarcely be heard when he speaks or recites in the classroom. I have pointed out that the reason usually is that he does not feel comfort- able at school but feels self- conscious, dreading what other children present are thinking of him or might say or act toward his performance. In the following. letter a mother from Maryland writes about her son. She is distressed In Classroom I know I am doing more harm than good. How can I encour- age him to 'pronounce each word without upsetting both of us?" My reply in part: My guess is that the reason your boy speaks so softly and mumbles so much when he reads aloud is. because he feels self-con- scious. No doubt you have made so much over this matter that his fears have increased You say that you parents are annoyed, angered, over his mode of utterance while read- ing. Just ask yourselves why MR. AND MRS. DONALD J. YEO fas res F ederation Of Quebec Women --Ireland Studio Founded at Saturday Conference | MONTREAL (CP)--An organ- \ization to bring Quebec women | together for concerted social ac- | tion--the Federation of Quebec | Women--was founded Saturday. The 325 women from across the province who attended the founding conference are no indi cation of the size of the federa tion, which will group individ uals and women's associations Among the larger organiza tions represented at the confer- ence were the Montreal Wom- en's Council, which has 90,000 members, l'Action Catholique des Femmes Rurales (Catholic Farm Women's Union) with 24,- 952, the Quebec-based Confeder- {ation of National Trade Unions with 60,000 women members jand les Dames de Ste. Anne ' sessions, |niversary of the right to vote set out in the charter accepted by the founding members, is to co-ordinate social action' by keeping members informed of each other's projects and activi- ties, encouraging greater unity of action, and sponsoring study It grew out of a meeting last year which marked the 25th an- for women in Quebec. | Mme, Therese Casgrain, who} organized Saturday's con- ference, said the federation will not infringe on the members' autonomy, but merely co-ordi- nate their efforts to create a women's social force. It will not engage in partisan politics. Rene Levesque, Quebec wel- rc Taking Orders for Homes To Be Built In This Area, CAYUGA AVE. itil Be rr) We Are Now SIMCOE ST. N. TAUNTON RD. '. Z------} SOMERVILLE ST. vues» $21,475.00 veweee. . $4,975.00 JAMES. O'MALLEY. Construction Ltd, 723-7122 IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN FURTHER DRASTIC DEDUCTIONS TONIGHT -- TOMORROW --- AND SATURDAY because he mumbles or can you should -be annoyed. Con-| with 175,000 are minister ess the barely be heard when she has'sider how he feels then. Put; Aim of the organization, FE foe Sotaptar tlame g him read aloud to her. yourselves, in your imagina- |= eae eA ee als : " "We have three sons ages 9,|tion, in his place and you will 5 and 3. Our 9-year-old had al- understand his problem and ways been a good reader up/learn to be patient with him. until the third and fourth! grades. He is still considered|POSTPONE AID satisfactory but has lots of} You are wise to have quit room for improvement. I would|helping your son. Unless and like to help him but he become until you can manage yourself upset when he doesn't speak better, don't resume this help. loud and clear. |But I'm sure there will come a "Our son reads very softly|time when you will really be and tends to run his words to-|8ble to help the boy. ther. I have left him alone| 1 hope you and dad find easy bo the past few weeks because and interesting materials for i ----|him to read and ways to help \him gain satisfaction from suc- cess at reading. Read a great deal to him, also with him, | especially from the harder parts of his assigned lessons | I hope, too, that dad spends On Engineering a lot of time with this eldest Committee boy, doing things and going TORONTO (CP) -- For the places with him, attracting first time in its 44-year his-|other boys of his age some- tory, the 23,000 - member ass0-|times to join them. ciation of Professional Engi- neers of Ontario has appointed a woman chairman of one of its committees Mrs. John DeGroot, mother of three children, believes she is also one of only two women who are practising mechanical engineers in Ontario, The other is a classmate, Madeleine Hoare of Orillia. Mrs. DeGroot estimates there are 35 jsromen engineers in Canada The new _ public relations chairman says engineers are unappreciated by the public and she is going to do what she can to remedy the situation. "People seem to take granted the thou ng TS' QUESTIONS around us whic the! Q. Suppose your child 5, 9, or brain - child of some forgotten 12 often asked you if you loved engineer." him as much as you loved his Lois DeGroot is a consultant brother or sister. What would in the heating and air-condition- you do? ing field. She works on a part-| A. Though I might reply "'of time basis for two architects course, I do," I would know and on a contract basis for con- that such words would not. sat- sulting engineering firms. Be- isfy him, but that over the next fore her marriage to an elec- weeks and months I would need trical engineer, she worked for to prove in scores of ways that a consulting firm. 7 |Tteyed him as much. Woman Serves @ SUITS © COATS © DRESSES @ RAINWEAR AND @ SPORTSWEAR I hope you encourage him, even hire him, to read to the next younger child to amuse this child Find easy pictures material \for this purpose. But you should plan not to be present when he is reading to this child lest he be hampered. If he finds he can greatly amuse this other child, he will naturally speak more plainly and distinctly I hope you parents, especially at mealtime, listen appreci- atively when this boy talks-- don't hurry him or interrupt him. Say nothing about his ; speech during our e | Ms spring sale! * ' - DAR Arne You don't have to be en economist to see what good sense it makes! Right mow, during eur Spring Sele, you can sove plenty of dollars ono suit. And you can use those dollars te The Savings Are Tremendous ! buy shirts, socks, ties or @ hat . everything you need for the new season, ond thot new suit. Thet's what we eall saving... in style. Be sure to stop in today, AT REDUCED PRICES ALL SALES FINAL SUITS PRICED FROM . . PLUS... FREE : 20 With Your Suit Purchase \ USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Interest - No Carrying Charges REMEMBER -- We Carry By Far The Largest Stock Of Sportswear In Oshawa Worth of Merchandise NEW ARRIVALS DAILY The. Most Beautiful Collection Of Summer Togs Including Bathing Suits You've Ever Seen A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE Open All Day Wednesday -- Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. SEIGNEUR' f 2 LOCATIONS 36 KING STREET EAST Open to 9 Fridey OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 Thursdey and Friday 'One of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted' by GILBEy's Oshawa Shopping Centre PERETERSEUEDUSUERED UCUTOUREVESECESSSESESTUSESTICSESESSSTIETES SS STE) isons aa aera re omen emreerenceccon: 4