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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Apr 1966, p. 16

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A Si AB A 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1966 supper will be held in May; May HOLY CROSS CWL and other prizes --Mrs. Camer-|V. Lee, president, who is in GET IT IN THE OPEN GET DOWN TO WORK jor the Year. Now they have be { 28 is the date of the cuboree;| Holy Cross Council of the|on Oké, Mr. Sidney Brooks, Mrs.|Oshawa General Hospital is re-)) wonpReaL (CP)~The real|,. MONTREAL (CP)--Dr. and|gun answering hundreds of in- Mrs, Gustave Faniel of Magog|quiries about provincial camp there will be a camporee in|Catholic Women's League held|Albert Law, Mrs. Alyn Elliot,|ported progressing nicely. Mrs. Arthur Hockett, Mrs. Vie-| At the conclusion of the meet- protien in 8 marriage ts often and their eight children were|sites from prospective visitors y > May also and a canoe trip on|its annual meeting recently. The DISTAFF DIARY May 25. ' | president, Mrs. 5. os Mullen, tor A. Parfitt, Mrs. Norman Mc-|ing refreshments were served poor mg ag gle is -- chosen Quebec Camping Family|to Expo 67. Arrangements were made for| presided. Evers, Mr. Cameron Oke, Mrs.|and a socia! time enjoyed. - ; Bey in Dr. "Tehe Kea y Summary of reports of meetings and activities of |the last meeting of the year to} The annual reports were|Leonard Ovenden, Mrs. C. E. olved, says Dr. John Kane Acc woshen's "comanivations caietied rts |be held on May 16. The presi-|given. The welfare convener|Vermoen, Mrs. Albrt G, Har- HOUSEHOLD HINT of ap hg age here. sage 8 a poy rom Fepe dent offered her home to the|stated that 20 Christmas ham-|ris, Mr. George Bobier, Mrs,|, ©48es on the rug or carpetjics are the only people who submitted by their secretaries. auxiliary for a "Chinese" supper|pers were given, aiso 136 arti-|Keith Buzzell jfrayed? Repair them right on|might not be able to resolve : a "Apis: ra ; ith fron- -|their difficulties," said the so- followed by a film made_on|cfes of clothing were distributed) Draw prizes were won by: |the floor with iron-on rug bind ' |some recent overnight hikes.|locally, 75 articles were sent to|Mrs, Albert Turner, set of lug-|ine tape. ciology professor. Mrs, John Robertson put on a|the Madonna House, and 105) gage; Mrs. Nicholas Rogozinski, recording made in a Kindergar-|articles were sent to a North-|picture; Mrs, Charles Gerace, lic Women's League was the/Queen Scout reunion was plann-|ten class which turned out to be|ern Ontario Mission. pair of sheets; Mrs. Alex Mac- i ed for September 24, The auxil-/humorous, The rest of the eve-| Mrs. Mullen thanked. Mrs,!donald, clock; Mrs, Edward 1966-67 term. iary have agreed to cater for|ning was spent playing court|H. T. Anthony for her effort in) Fowler, pillow cases; Mrs. C. Those elected by acclamation|the dinner. whist. making the annual card party a}. Vermoen, boxed towels; Mr. were: president, Mrs. Harry! The last regular meeting ofA birthday cake, cut by Mrs,| Success. George Harding, towels. -- Gowanlock: first vice-president,|the 7th Scout Group Auxiliary|Gravelle, and accompanied by|_ Mrs. Denis McAulley, Mrs.) The convener of the night of The QUALITY Mrs. Leo Kryhul; second vice-|will be on Wednesday, May 11l|ice cream was served by Mrs. "tend ish a oat gy pina rag leo end Williams resident, Mrs. Terry O'Con-jat 6.30 p.m. The 8th Rovers|Douglas Bradley, social conve-|nelius Keppel volunteered tojand the draw ticket convener Sere 3rd vice-president, Mrs./have kindly offered the use of|ner and the executive. nee e the bi iy in, Nag Hills-|was. Mrs.. Alfred Lavender. eH name to look for Frank Schlechter; secretary,|their Rover Den at Camp Samac oiucaas e Se ale Manor this month. Members were asked to note . ; Mrs. Roy Haber; treasurer,/and the mothers will have sup-| SIMCOE STREET UCW The Reverend M. J. Darby|that a chartered bus will leave / Sid tis) INTERIOR DECORATOR bi when buying Mrs. James Sabyan; council-/per and an evening of fun. The (Sunshine Unit) jexpressed his gratitude for such|the Legion Hall on Monday, en +) Ra FURNITURE 4 \ ; GINGER ALE 8ST. PHILIP'S CWL |there would be a summer camp The highlight of the Apriljat Adventure Base, Haliburton, meeting of St, Philip's Catho-|the week of July 20-27. The 7th sottost e oft far the fisialiation of officers for ihe lors: Mrs. Henry Tenhaaf,|telephone committee will con-| The regular monthly meeting |® successful year and thanked) yay 2 at 6.00 p.m. sharp for the i : DRAPERIES Mrs. D. E. Logan, Mrs. A. + ie tact all mothers. of the Sunshine Unit, Simcoe |*Vervene {0 bo pete Zone Rally at Bowmanville and BROADLOOM gere, Mrs. John Maguire, Mrs.| . iia i |Street United Church Women|, / that there will be no meeting) & . ~ ' James McKeever, Mrs. Frank sth reaulek destiee of a,een(T™ held recently with Mrs. | wok e PA sgh ll roma on May 3. Next busines meet-| "a S ' 15 King Street East ; 'ule he iad Mrs. J. T. en; 1st vice-pres-|; O'Neill, Mrs. Joseph McCul-) |Herman Pincombe presidng.|igent, Mrs. H. T. hata tod ing is on May 10. " \ CUSTOM MADE DRAPES s. William Dittrick,|Mary Lodge took place recently |; vorshi ty: oj Mie 'cileré Cyr, Mrs. Jon n|With Worthy Mistress Florence |oyerge"ot'Mex' Hash MeLeod|viceresiden, "Mrs. Cornels| PMA CLUB Phone 725-2686 In handy Jobin. Strank presiding assisted by| who used the theme "Words To! XePPel; 3rd vice-president, Mrs.) The Pleasant Monday After- j cans too An invitation was received eed The warrant-was droped | Reueem;" Ftp Mle 2 fag retary,/noon Club held its weekly meet- Southminster United)$ : ras Le We tie eae wappived aoe pele Giroux; treasurer, ing at the Legi vit Church Women to attend a panel|im memory of the late Martha), os B chy vag Gar received) Mrs. Frank Sheppard; council- Hint 'ice peasidant, Adrs. phil discussion of Oshawa Social |Smith. me | af » Andrew's UCW to/lors, Mrs. Dennis McAuley, Mrs. lip Bell, presiding. y 3 Ageains | It was reported that Rose Zu.) ae er saides on May) Joseph Callahan; Mrs. A. 1, evouia "huninn were f A 'nearly-new' sale is to be felt, Marie Blake and Eleanor | ', a fe: 'tier when their! Hanson, Mrs. Ivan Downey,} avorite hymns were sung TRY WILSON'S TONIC WATER, COLA, ORANGE, LEMON 6.4 held in the church hall on Fri-|Mitchell had the 'flu. It was de-| Suest spea cer will be the Rever-| Mrs. Stephen Bonfordi, Mrs|2"4 Teadings given by Mrs. day, April 29 from 1.00 p.m,|¢ided to hold the birthday arty (bo Operation Deaven" mevten,|ccorse Emberley, Mrs. Hughie! pavuitn Ma teats ee OF? U : ' sac j 4 aver, y "1K . 5 anK ie, , d soy son. Mrs, Ge until 7.00 p.m, Donations will be the second meeting of next ae 40 GONE With the Canadian King, and Mrs. George D'alleva. pa 4 dav' evening; month,' May 18, and for the . "CTON . received on Thursday' evening aa te oe Po he Fetal Lan.| indians. LEGION AUXILIARY ag 5 Mpc of the caster first for dinner and then) The next meeting of the Sun- The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal | é r4 | , | Toronto Archdiocesan Council|@ Show to be put on by the shine nit will be on May 30. A Canadian | Legion Branch 43 is to be held on May 19 at the members at the lodge after-| work session was held to'com- held a "Night of Cards" on iV " | plete work for the "Patio Party"| Tuesday. Ld Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Ail) Wards. to take place on May 4. A pat Prize winners were as fol é btdan ianni -o| 0, lake place on May 4. atio ize ers were as fo members were invited to attend.| Those planning to attend were supper will precede the bazaar,|lows: i asked to phone June Goodman|""! : A j gies aa Ae ther 1030 as soon as possible and let her|Price $1.00' per plate and the| For euchre -- Mrs. Sidney ~ hl agg OCs Th ean Anbided (6 Shnd B ey of first jizite will a a tai Mrs. James McCullough, : 'm, mass. ior) ee 00 p.m. in the memorial/Mrs. Victor A, Parfitt, Mr, Wal. 7 1 i It was decided that the final|©ON#10n 10 he Cla Aged poms church hall, Bagot street. ter Beach, Mr. Edgar Riff, Mrs. : 7, I I 9 € ! u ew In ow as 10ns t i the diceon Wal take and the LTB and O Orphanage hac Sabear wh : 4 E E R &, ' meeting o ; es ge : with Lillian Olmstead when she e bazaar will be officially | Russel Worsley, Mrs. Gordon A = ae : ry piracy attended Gratid Lode, Atler a -- at be P m re. will shel soniy Pg Norman Hodg- : | and wi e he ' | short business discussion lodge|P® home baking, novelties,/son and Mrs, John McLachlan. C ] { N fh Id icour GnouP AUX cake. renee 8¢/ touch and take, white elephant,|Stationary tables -- Mrs. Glor- OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. 0 ors or ew ecor eas ig aa wate: siete "st =e i ddelied kuin eh ae goods and sain ag and Mrs. Arthur TRURERAYS & FRIDAYS 7th Oshawa Scout Group Auxil- The 8th Oshawa Scout Group, Refreshments were served by} Cribbage prize winners were ined satya od tals This is the season to bring a fresh, new iary was held recently in Cowan) auxiliary celebrated its 36th an-|Mrs. Lloyd Brown and her|~ Mrs. Laura Cameron and z i ' : ' atmosphere to your home with these House. Mrs. Morley Robinson,|niyersary recently at the Scout| group. Mrs. Margaret Hughes; door fashionable drapes and curtains from president, opened the meeting Hall on Hillcroft Street. page Tae pucere aihil Special guests for the éven- pees : will be held on Friday evening, |m& were Mrs. Frank Gravelle, +P debe ; ; Zeller's big selection. They add glamour , dink '| president of District Committee; me ais : % 'i eee oe ttn ee (te. 3. W. Sleep, View: + pigs: MUST : ERC WEA Ih a) mee and warmth to your room, a luxurious : look -- and are priced to your budget. gion Queen SequtRecozniienpresigent of Mth Sout Group) Come and see our variety of styles, ' " Auxiliary sponsored by a * ; hy Pg & : 4 McLaughlin Collegiate on Sat-\c+ wark's Anglican Church, who es kf ah a Sa urday, April 30. Rochester/po te Gin her a ero ' UPI 4 ee VALE a8 iat : Scouts will viet the-7th Troop eee ee ee eee ae card : } ree S22 fabrics, colours! the weekend of May 6 to 8. Con-;Members from her auxiliary, | Now Open at j : ae Pe 8 : Fo : Bh lew by. ' : ' and Mrs. Robert Corneal, Akela | pena : st « ' firmed Anglican Scouts will/*. io. vy. SNe = : : y 4 ¥, (ee Mee have corporate communion and of "B Pack, 8th Oshawa. | 5 4 +] bs Ce tf 4 oe i oy o Bg ' jae Bed ys' d aA breakfast at St. George's Me-| Mrs. Reginald Coombes, pre- a 1es ear st ci : 4) a CEES? g K34% i Read ' morial Church on Sunday, June|Sident, welcomed the guests, ' Od, Chala ah te 4 =). : si ' ident of District Committee and 19 at 9.00 a.m. | Members were asked to re-| ; Mrs. Robert Corneal reported member April 30 at 8.15 p.m. 33 King Street East, Oshawa, for the Group Committee. A|was the time of the Queen Scout Dedicated to High Style Sportswear and Imported Knits Scout camporee will be held at|Ceremony at McLaughlin Colle- Camp Samac the weekend of giate and Vocational Institute; @ OPEN DAILY @ May 13-15. It was hoped thatithe District Committee potluck| / 5 5 4 Visit Zeller's home decorating department lower sales floor 2 / om 4 ; , " * 3 he | | for more exceptional savings, ' "MONTREUX" Pinch-Pleated Shortie Dropes hove white or pastel flocking on white Dacron, are lined with solid shade angel skin. 63" long. Single Width, Double Width, Reg. $8.99 Reg. $17.99. "SUNRAY" Ready Mode Drapes feature vertical ombre stripe on 100% Fibergias damask, in gold, green or blue, Full or 95" lengths, Res, $14.9. 11,88 Reeser." 24,88 PRON Seth ES A RR a Re VO, w. ey "VOGUE" Pinch-Pleated Shortie Drapes in pink, gold, green or white flocked design on 100% no-iron Fibergias, 63" long, hea. 319.99 16.88 eo"sases."...... 22,88 tt Re Rn: SH lh Mla ah: VCARAVELLE" Ready Made Dropes feature attractive novelty weave in rich colours, 100% wash 'n' hang Fibergias, with hooks, Full lengths 95", Double Width, Triple Width, Reg. $24.99, Reg. $36.99, ...... "EMPIRE" Ready Made Drapes in modern floral pattern on "Pebble Weave' viscose/acetate cloth, Decorator colours, Full lengths. Double Width Triple Width 7." 26.88 reel mise" ..,,. 41.88 Reg. $33.99. 1). sew ie "TRENT" Ready Made Drapes ore lined, feoture scenic print on "Pebble Weave" viscose/acetate in rich colour combinations, Full lengths. Ge 2 ee ee Bk SERCH SI 4 AIC ea A Sune. tees teas There must be a reason why more families choose Chambers over any other Food Club, vat 'eee ye 1 he Ss} 2. @. Or x) ya a SAVE! INSTALL-YOURSELF! Find all your dropery hard- ' ware needs in Zeller's complete selection! Traverse rods, Over 22,000 F amilies | ri aa: Bt 3 ; ik ts me bet ; { fl RS oe cate rt braces, Fos ops, rings ni Shop the Chamber S Way! 3 ge i i ii Hos id ta . i | ; run eas FOR COORDINATED DECOR savings, © P&°rating Sale fos cei food delivery is a convenience most hnrs- VISIT ANY OF OUR FIVE PLANTS bands enjoy, even when the weather is nice, but Open daily, Monday through Saturday, 'til 5 p.m we feel that we owe our real growth to the high Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ce Ee Ee ee ge : hoe SS ZELLER'S OWN BRAND QUALITY LANE RUGS "sO quality of food we sell at guaranteed savings and a ne : Son 27" Runner 'x9 Rug 9'x 12' Rug policy of honest business practices. We do not make 6 fantastic claims on food savings becatse there is jest so c : ' mach mark up on food and we will not bey lower Sa wT SS = i @ quality just te show greater savings. We guarantee YUE je is BEERS Kin te ® Zellers own quality-guaranteed brand: 'Quality Lene" is made of 100% solution-dyed viscose, patterned in an in- i teresting hi-lo loop pile, finished with matching overlock, taped to prevent unraveling. Foam rubber backed for com- a ay sg og ee cy aging ie FOOD CLUB ; : Ry a se fort and safety. In rich brown, beige or green. spend as 2 as $15.00 per week with ns. Many of i ¥ bia kn apes : : TWEEDY RUGS IN NEW DECORATOR COLORS eur members write and tell us they save over $200.00 Bo ' " 3 p ' a 27" Runner 6'x 9' Rug 9' x 12' Rug a year. It is' worth looking into -- after all yon have ge . te bery food, so phone today and find out more about An independent Canadian food company owned 'and ; i ally , operated by its employees and members. SS ee 3g : : YARD ' ec . age a a @ Chambers. "Mare Tweed" Rug lends your home warmth plus springy comfort underfoot, Rugged viscose pile is tufted on strong jute and backed with non-shedding foam rubber to prevent skidding. Bulky single-ply, two-colour light twist yarn COME and VISIT US at-the SPORTSMEN'S SHOW PO 0 aa ea AND GET YOUR FREE CARRIER BAG! ZELLER'S Let Zeller's Help You Beautify Your Home --- Budget Your Redecorating Purchases! . Only 1.25 Weekly Buys Up To $100.00! Enquire Now About Our Three Easy Credit 933 Ritson Rd. S. OSHAWA Ph: 723-1163 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE stag Says DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE ST. S.

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