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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Apr 1966, p. 17

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Nurses Alumnae Re-Elects Miss Mary Atkinson, President Miss Mary Atkinson was elected president of the Nurs- ing Alumnae of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital School of Nursing at its recent meeting. Others elected to office were: Honorary president, Mrs, George Telford; ist vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Peggy Wilson; 2nd vice - presideni, Mrs. Enid Mountjoy; recording secretary, Mrs, Ruby Heard; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Carol Hughes; assistant correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Nancy McGuire; treasurer, Mrs, Jean Warren; assistant § treasurer, Miss Doreen Miilson; social) convener, Mrs. Jo Kietz; repre-| sentative to the Canadian Nurse) Magazine, Mrs; Ruby Heard; welfare convener, Mrs, Beat- rice Murphy; bulletin editor, Mrs. Mazo Anderson; assistant editors, Mrs. Jackie Tanton, Mrs. Dorothy Colleran and! Mrs. Miriam Beach; member- ship conveners, Mrs, Eunicel KEEP IN TRIM Stocks, and Mrs. Enid Mount- joy. During the evening many items were discussed and de- cisions made with the president, Miss Mary Atkinson, presiding. The graduation dinner and dance will be held June 4 in Kinsmen Hall, with gifts to be presented to the class of 1916 at the dinner, Invitations are to be addressed on May 4 at the home of Mrs, Carol Hughes, Waverley street. Mrs. Jo Kietz told about the Alumnae's Kor- ean sponsored child. Her name is Kim Soon Nyu, and she is eight years old, from Pusan, Korea, It was announced that the bulletin would be mailed this week to all paid members. Dohations were given to the Canadian Save the Children Fund and the Ontario County Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, By IDA JEAN KAIN How effective is a chinstrap? In the deluxe salons, beauticians would have us believe that a contour-moulding chinstrap, to- gether with tingling astringents and muscle oils,.can. work a miracic. They are stretching the truth.-Those-luxury items help to soften the skin, but that's about all, Let's face it: A chin- strap cannot give milady a firm) grip on a youthful chin line. The} contour of the throat is depend-| ent upon muscle tone. At a gathering where the women were various ages and assorted sizes, I glanced around surreptitiously at chin lines, The survey did litte to raise my spirits until I spotted an upstanding woman whom I knew to be past three score. She bad the rhroat line of a woman of 30. I tactfully in- TO OPEN SALE Mrs, H. D. Cleverdon will officially open the mam- moth bake sale and gift wrapping demonstration be- ing sponsored nexi week by the Women's Auxiliaries of January Birthday Inspires Beginning Of January School 'THE STARS SAY quired her secret. Without a moment's hesita- tion, she told me she is 71 and forthrightly informed me that Christ Memorial Church, There will be a tea room, free baby-sitting service and checkroom facilities. interests along the aforemen- plan on expanding all of your| interes lines. Don't offset gains, By ESTRELLITA - Chinstraps Are Useless -- Exercise Slims Throat few women would be interested in her method because it costs nothing but effort. "It's simply to hold uour head up instead of letting it droop .. . and to keep a straight line at the back of the neck, Tell your readers that proper head carriage is better than all-the other beauty mea- sures put together," she stated firmly. SLUMP TO BLAME It's a heartening experience to have one's beliets so beauti- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1966 17 fully confirmed. I'm convinced! ercise and beauty creams, in that slumped posture is to blame for many figure faults, and that poor head carriage is back of most chin troubles, in- cluding double chins. With erect head carriage and a little daily exercise you can keep the throat line firm. All told, there are about 15 muscles in the neck. The farge muscles are braced by smaller ones, and it's upon these muscles that the appearance of the throat de- pends, When these muscles are toned, the skin is fully sup- ported and the throat is smooth and firm, The beauty measures: Ele- gant head carriage, bracing ex- fective because they muscles harder. Here is a gool one: i push pillow aside. Raise just slightly off bed--hold. Do not tip chin down. Repeat twice, Breathe freely. that order. Resistance exercises are ef- work the With head erect, place fist under chin. Push against fist -- with chin, resist strongly with fist. This is toning. Repeat twice only, two times a day. On awakening in the morning Back these two exercises up with elegant head carriage. Your style is in the way you carry your head. TORONTO (CP)--A boy with | fees ranging from $350 a year! a birthday in January was thejin kindergarten to $625 in the) however, by speculating in inspiration for Toronto's highly regarded January School. |final grade, Classrooms are} small but so are classes and FOR TOMORROW A highly inspiring day! Plan- early August or between No-| vember 1 and the end of next) February, despite the splendid} The boy is the son of a Uni- versity of Toronto professor and his psychologist wife. Because the lad was born in| January, he couldn't gain ad-| mission to kindergarten in the public school system until the| September after his fifth birth- day. Because Tadeusz and Patri-| cia Grygier objected to the ar-| bitrary age deadline and also| felt that the school system was outmoded, they decided to found their own school, | That was five years ago and} their son Jan became the Janu- jary School's first student. The \first term the student body rose to 11. Today it has 68 students} in Grades 1 to 4. | The practice followed by the |Toronto board of education is to | MR. AND MRS. FRED G. SMITH Golden Anniversary Brings Together Family And Friends Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith, tending were Mrs, Smith's| McMillan drive, were honored| brother, Mrs. Herbert Attwell of} at a reception held at the home/ Preston, Ontario; Miss Debbie of their son and daughter-in-law, | Attwell, Miss Patricia Attwell ; te ; Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith,/and Mrs. Ronald Yurkoski, all|#4mit a child to school in Sep- Elgin street west, last Saturday | of Toronto; Mrs. William Tout ener . . rie sve rd oo afternoon and evening. The| and Mr. Fred West, both of Coe) ' bee ss feign "g ahee occasion was their golden wed-! Hill; Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Slinger- tan mad ae, esd unger ding anniversary. lands, New York; Mr. and Mrs.| an one eee diaper | Mrs. Smith, the former Miss|George St. Dennis, Plattsburg,| The January School, is an old) Jennie Atwell, was born in Lon-|New York, and Mrs. Harry,converted house owned by the| don and came to Canada as a|Hawkins, Calgary, Alberta, who) @rygiers, is mainly for the} small girl. Her family settled|is staying on for a few days|above - average child who may| there is emphasis on individual|¢t@ty influences especially fa- attention. |vor romance, travel and social "The school's attitude is morepACtivities. The P.M. hours permissive then that of the On-| Will encompass a fine period in tario public school, but not as|Which to make plans for the fu- permissive as that of t h e| ture--especially those of a fi- ! ; Montessori system, a system/"@ncial nature. year, with fine chances of ad- ' La Shad, ha del vancement and recognition of which allows the student to de- FOR THE BIRTHDAY | past ottorts gratitvingly evident termine how much of any sub-| Ir tomorrow is your birthday, |in September, November, De- ae he takes," says Mrs. Gry-| your horoscope indicates that | cember and or March, If you br ve |you are currently in a splendid| happen to be a creative worker, tage ot fisct should be | period for profiting through|as many Taureans are, you will i te eee balla dee him|DUSiness transactions, property /have an exciting year, with out- methods, we believe, equip him qeals and other financial mat-|standing peaks of accomplish- this way. In most of our classes,|torg This cycle is the third in|ment indicated in early Sep- a. so beste gee lesson) 4 12-year span, which began|tember and throughout Decem- aod net nay? one child or se¥-/early in 1964, and which prom-|ber, March and next April. eral children stand up in 'class|ises much to Taureans. In fact,| Personal relationships _ will and reconstruct the 1es$0N.| vou are now in one of the most/also be generously influenced, oo a and salutary periods in your life--|with emphasis on romance be- find. his lectures require this if YOU make the most of it. [tween now and late September, kind of individual thinking." | Where 1966 is specifically con-|in late October and next April. Parents who send their chil-;cerned, you can look forward to|Most auspicious periods for) dren to the school have one com-|@ continuously progressive up-|travel: The next four months, | plaint--they'd like it extended to|trend in your monetary affairs/next January and April. Do-| higher grades so that children| between now and the end of De-|mestic concerns should please| can go directly to private cember. At that time, it would) you for most of the 12 months | schools rather than enter the|be wise to consolidate all gains ahead, but try to avoid friction| public school system, and sit things out until March) with members of the family) -"We would like to extend the|!, 1967, when you will enter during early November, school's teaching program,' |another generous cycle which) A child born on this day will last for at least four|be sensitive, idealistic and ex- outlook-for the year. And avoid| extravagance in November and} December. On the occupational front, you should have a generally good feeling. Tease $5.98 Three ways to say 'I love you' on Mother's Day Foamtread slippers are so comfortable that brocades come out of the washing machine they make mothers feel as if they're walking on soft puffy clouds. And mothers like that Elegant Foamtreads stay that way because they're guaranteed washable. Kaufman's exclusive process even these fine in Oshawa. Mr, Smith was botn with her uncle and aunt, in Oshawa and worked as a) Savory [For Sunday Guests young man at Williams Piano Company where he rose to be assistant superintendent. Later he was employed at General Motors and has now been re- tired for seven years. Sunday night suppers are eas- |they are taught French from the| be ready for school but is ----------- |barred from the public school system because of age. Loaf Supper) It's also for children whose parents want them to have. an education in which, for example, kindergarten level, learn hand- |Mrs. Grygier says. 'We would will llike to hire a French teacher|months. At that time, you can|tremely practical. |who could take the children for walks, supervise their meals and offer them more French than we can now. We would like to do a lot of things but all of them take money." FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made ier than dinner parties since writing in Grade 1 and are ex-| they require simpler menus and/ nosed to classical music and lit- the supper hour can be an early|erature before they graduate one. | Macaroni and cheese is \yaialecoget old favorite. The following re-| CLASSES SMALL cipe adds a new flavor touch| The school is supported by) to this popular dish. When cook-| 0" 1h ed, it makes a delicious and at-| well greased loaf pan. Lay three| tractive supper. or four frankfurters on top, FRANK-ARONI LOAF lengthwise of pan, add another| cups uncooked elbow mac-|layer of macaroni then rest of aroni the frankfurters, topping with| cup grated cheddar cheese | another layer of macaroni. Bake eggs, well beaten in a 375 degree oven for 45) tbsps. shortening or butter|minutes. Keep top of pan cov-| tbsps. flour ered with aluminum foil for at) The couple was married in "old" St. George's Church (Anglican) by Canon C. B. De-| Pencier. They have one son, Mr. John F. Smith, and three grandchildren. To receive their guests, Mrs. soraeiane Smith wore an eggshell, boucle| suit with a brown, knitted blouse and a gold rose corsage. Mrs.| Howard West, a niece, poured) 9 tea in the afternoon. | An illuminated address was received. from the provincial | secretary, the Honorable John) Yaremko, and greetings came ee jalso made tentative efforts to get The school has applied to the provincial government for as- sistance but has been turned down on policy grounds. It has DRAPES in the letest Shades ond Fobrics... 80@..- Mé&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS UXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 private help but without success, PICKED WRONG VICTIM HENSINGHAM, England (CP) -- Assigned to catch a purse-snatcher, detective George Gaitskell found he had a personal interest in the case when his wife's purse was 74 Celina Street Chatelaine $5.98 sparkling clean. the soles won't slippers have Kaufman's exclusive heel counter that sim: And because of know? k Get them at leading department stores and at these fine shoe shops. Why not get a pair for the nicest mother you Kaufman Footwear Kitchener, Montreal Hostess $5.98 The colours won't run, and separate. And Foamtread ply will not crush, BURNS & CO, SHOE STORE 1 KING ST. W. 31 SI 725-4611 -- OSHAWA, ONT. DAVIDSON'S SHOES MCOE NORTH OSHAWA, ONT. 725-3312 snatched. He caught the thief | COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PHONE 668-3476 DANCEY'S IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA "Where Good Shoes Cost Less" within a few hours. from the Honorable Michael Starr, MP; the Honorable John P. Robarts, prime minister of Ontario; the Right Honorable | John Diefenbaker, Leader of] the Opposition, Ottawa; and Mr.| Cook macaroni in boiling, salt- A. V. Walker, MLA. ed water until tender. Drain. The couple received flowers,| Rinse with cold water and re-|six. good servings. greeting cards and gifts, includ-|drain. Add beaten eggs. Make} A hot vegetable or a carrot- ing a table lamp from the|a white sauce of milk, flour,| pineapple salad will go well with) Afternoon. Branch of St.|shortening and salt. Melt cheese|this main dish. You might, even George's Woman's Auxiliary of|in hot white sauce then add mus-| add a zesty touch with already, which Mrs, Smith is a member tard, Combine cheese sauce with| prepared cole slaw. Your favor-| of long-standing macaroni-egg mixture. ite dessert, coffee and tea will! Among the many guests at-| Puta layer in the bottom of aimake a well-rounded meal. cup milk least half of cooking time to tsp. salt prevent drying. | 6-8 all beef frankfurters | Let set for five minjtes, loos-! 2 tbsps. prepared mustard en from dish with knife and turn onto platter. Garnish with tomato wedges and parsley.| Slice to serve. This recipe makes; NOW OPEN! Your Complete Sewing Centre for . . . @ DRAPERY FABRIC @ DRAPERY TRIMMING @ HOOKS, WEIGHTS, TRACK AND ACCESSORIES DRESS GOODS BEDSPREADS CAFE CURTAINS CUSHIONS SLIP-COVER FABRIC Come In . . . See Our Opening Specials 112 KING ST. EAST PHONE 725-4551 CHERNEY'S - OSHAWA'S LARGEST SELECTION NAME BRAND HOME FREEZERS freezer', Come in tomorrow, see name brands -- names you REAL! on. Take advantage of Cherney's 15 Cu. Ft. DELUXE HOME FREEZER 20 Cu, Ft. DELUXE HOME FREEZER . 25 Cu, Ft. DELUXE HOME FREEZER . @ All Welded Steel Construction @ Bolanced Lid @ Interior Light @ Warning Light @ Adjustable Temperature @ 5-Year Compressor. Warranty One look at your food bill should tell you "you need @ upright freezers, Choose the size and model thot suits your family and your budget best. Choose from a selection of Genuine Fibreglas Insulation Tecumseh Unit Locking Handle with Two Keys @ Food Insurance @ Magnetic Gasket @ Coloured Interior our selection of chest and LY KNOW you can depend convenient terms, "178 *199 *229 @ Findlay 30" Automatic @ Moffat 24" Electric Range .. @ Westinghouse "10" Refrigerator * + * Above 3 Items Priced With Your Trade-In' ... $138. Range .... $178. .. $188.

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