THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1966 OKAY, NOW SAY IT AGAIN SLOWLY, ONE WORD Ss = et i . a | BRIDGE | : By 8. JAY BECKER {ndividee! Chemptonship Ploy" South dealer. Neither side vulnerable, - ROM THEIR VIGILANTE, BUZ AND JENSEN GET A BIRD'SEYE VIEW OPA OF NORTH VIETNAM... MOUNTAING.,. RIVERS...AND JUNGLES, ee ee eee I DON'T NEED POOR, IN ISE DR. NORMAN THAN YOU BETHUNE UNITES 100 MONTREAL DON'T NEED DOCTORS AND DENTISTS INTO A HERE }]|' ! ING MEDICAL TREATMENT wala Aporn THE REACH OF THE ryeir) . » £ dase WOUNDIED « AND HERE X'OrT $ FAT ANO LAZY..+ y Q3653 ee 2 8 ere = ep ae . : f z m4 ms if j Opening lead -- eight of dia- "MEDICARE I" Ss || Uv : i pad monds. ! 4 : . ' bind erent danger in some 5 ands is that you may play AND | EARNED 11" -- GO wo, c : ae conmon 7 automatically at a key point in- 10 SOGGY, SLIMY YEARS --s ; f THY LOOSE! whi] stead of taking the time neces- OF 50a" THIS #7 4 ) , . sary to think things out. The eS hasty play may work all right in other games, but it is not apt to be successful in bridge. Assume you're declarer ai three notrump and West leads the eight of diamonds. You can't afford to go up with the ace, which would leave the dia- monds totally unguarded, so you cover the eight with the nine, which loses to the jack. You plan to duck the next diamond if East returns the king or queen, since East is marked by the lead with the K- Ts VER MY / 'LL SAY ONE THING FOR Q-J, but East returns the jack ertee rine 70 VAY CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE FIELD OP | |I( WiMs. He DONT TALK ABOUT pcthige dover Bie pape og " of hearts at trick two. LIKE TO TELL Mf MATHEMATICS... THEN TLL COVER OTHER PEOPLE / CLUB, BILL @ ME APTER- SAIL COOLER! : TH Ge This is the point at which you 4 j u JERTISING. 5 z # . ' 7 : . YOU OF MY MY SUCCESSES IN ADVERTISING 3 H / C must be careful not to make the LATEST DYNAMIC , THENe+s Vs } { automatic play of the queen, . ACCOMPLISHMENTS. The temptation to finesse, whenever you have the: A-Q-x facing two smal), is certainly great, but it would be a suicidal play to.make in this particular hand. If you go up with the ace, you are sure of making the contract regardless of how the adverse cards are divided. You simply enter dummy with a club and lead the queen of spades, plan- ning to finesse if East follows low. Win or lose, you are sure of at TELEVISION LOG ie ee ee ' \ But if you make the mistake Channel SoRarrie It-cThe Mery Orit shew | 9---Toromte: Teaay ; s FUNNY HATS of finessing the queen of hearts, Stance! Screrente _|/t ime tongs wat summer | Peitony. "Neve hla ne og as you might do if you were Channel 7--Buftale | 6A Man Called | Luncheon Date GROCERIES, ' AND THINGS~ thinking of where you parked Channel Rochester | Shenandoah | 4-News ond Weether ; . the car that morning, a sad fate Channel 9--Toronte | Man From UNCLE | po would await you when West Channel 11--Hamilten | B--Popeye and Pate PY oaeanas eon. | ect sem" 12:15 P.M, took the king and returned a Teunsoay ave, | stay ae | 4Opeaker of the Howse Y 4 heart. 5:00 P.M. 100 FM, | 12:30 P.M, > You would have to take ¢ a 'neetre 1947-4 43-9 News, 1y--1 ; . ns Ts " Sports aor golly 'tucy spade finesse later in an effort o--tupermen 11:18 P.M, |8-2--Let's Play » 3 to make the contract, and the sor eupor A Adventure | Ant ec Pinei paid re Tomorrow end result would be that you At LA | 'erarpott 3--Neonday Repert S-Lieyd. Thaxton | :20 P.M, 12:45 PAM, : J would go down one because of 5:30 P.M. - 1i--News i : your failure to think the hand B-Leeve it Te Beever | 64--Guiding LI * q 4 : 9 Light 7--Rocketship 7 | i 1:00 P.M. out. é--Music Hop \1--The Saint --Theatre a as eM; iMovie 9--Morning Star ° 7--Twilight Theatre 11:40 PLM, 7--Ben Casey é---McHales. Navy | 6~Gunemoke é--Luncheon Date 7 x ulme Shows, teers wom | RPlerre" Berton 4--Meet The Millers W GREG DIXON IS | Healy "| 3 Movie 12:30 A.M. S-MAike Douoles show BRINGING SLIDES HE |\l--News - Weather « rts ' 1:30 P.M, 6:30 P.M. lee diame Beate Rho 4] TOOK AT LAST YEARS pe thed RAR agri Me, 8) PRIDAY ¢4--As The World Turns z @) Ss 3 ike 2:00 P.M. and Sports 8:00 A.M. i Seruneveriekiey 4--Captein Kengeres | wi 4 Shier newt ows $--dhaverick 9:00 A.M. | 6-Paaewnrd if é-Acrens Conese $--Playtime with Uncie| Profile : ar e 7:00 P.M, Bobby 2--Days of Our Lives : '|, 1--Farmers' Daughter | 7--Disiing fer Deters | 2:15 P.M, , 9--The Munsters Sri Tek %--Dear Charlotte 7 R ; 8--Littleet Hebe s-Mike's Corntvad Sa ee 1), OTTAWA (CP) -- President J. +--Nows, Weether PEP eg A.M. 9--People in Conflict y L AAs Alphonse Ouimet and other CBC raps) aM 3 4--Forest Rangers 4--Gypsy Rose Lee a tie te Us (Ei " 9 executives met Wed. to con- Betenal ty ie Poker irae + a 1 (he 3--Green Acres | %-Dobie Glills é--Zane Grey Theatre sider an ultimatum from Tor- HAPPENED )/ | 2--Huntley-Brinkley | 10:00 A.M. | 4+Linkietter's Party onto producers. MORTY? 42 78 FA, Ui lores ers The producers have threat- ULL GET file 11--Donna Reed | 9--Playtime With Uncle 3:00 P.M. i h prot y YOUR SLIPPERS, 9--Hollywood Palace 1--Donna Reed ened to withdraw their services Bobby An 04--Danie Cotte: | 8-2--F tured Phi ' AUNT MINNIE. ; le Sanaing [socivanes ee eae Ciaaee at any time between now and 6--Hogen's Heroes 4--| Love Luey 7--@eneral Hospital a deadline set for 10 p.m. EDT Syne ee hiss | 10:20 A.M. +43--To Tell The Trum CROSSWORD Sunday unless action is taken to aa A a ee lig Shteces remove causes of their dispute. i iy ra as iy Company M--OHA Jr A. Hockey | 7--Donna Reed | o--ite Your Meve ACROSS Honshu Bay 23, Sphere PLAGE A CBC spokesman said there scteeay Peeeghd cd thay: & at else Sc aod . Conceited . Compass 24, Sir are no immediate plans for Mre 4-Gilligan's isiend Veceinggs loo eee men shew . Strike point Walter Ouimet to go to Toronto but air $:30 P.M, | 10:45 A.M, 4dge ot Might . Grayish- . Smart and other official might do so. %--Its Your Move 6-3--Chez Helene %--Kartoon Karnival blue . Record family "We are trying to keep talke ing with them (the producers) +-2--Laredo 11:00 A.M. ' Moldi 7--Okey Crackerby ie : -M. 4:00 P.M. . Molding on - Starch 25. Hux- me 4-My Three Sons ioe an mre | %-Mickey Mouse Club column base 8. Unadulter- ley's and keep negotiations open," 9:00 P.M, 8-2--Morning Star | Yoularly. Show Girl's name ated _-- the spokesman said. S-Brenged | ,J-Supermarket Sweep -- |6-3--Bonnie Prudden Show » Shape . Umbrella in eon 63--1 3 ef Jeannie | 4---Andy of Mayberry |$--Recky And Hie Priends es Jelegired Gaza" Hetty ERT BUTI THINK TM DOING | |...BV NOT WEARING MY ae ee -- . Pale Rooters _--.27. Branch. CEFITIYMEISITIER) FORCE STANDS aa Tal MY BIT TO HELP KEEP ¥| | SkIRTS ABOVE THE KNEE/ S--Quarer Back Club | ¢2--Across Canada Noh tar .N. Y. ball- One kind 29. Thai- Yesterday's Answer | HUGH TOWN, Scilly Isles ve Geauriruc. é ee 11:30 A.M, 9--Sea Hunt of cellar land (CP)--Prime Minister Wilson's UTI i statis Sing, Out %--Abracadabra 7--Harly thow . Swallows 31. Call: 37. Kismet favorite holiday haunt, off the , aoe cCluskey 4-2--Paradise Bay |63--Razzie Dazrie bai i Cornish coast, is increasing its ye --P Preece é--Musical interlude | The "Thirty Club a bait colloq. 39. Lair Jornis " 2-Sting Ray Sq. meters . Series of 33. Milkfish 40. Type of police force 50 per cent to cope . Relative eight 34. Branchia window with the expected summer of lotto . Florida 35.European 42. Music crime wave that accompanies . Silken export capital note the tourists, There will be three YOUR HEALTH rgay TET EET A [constables on uty instead of j 4, two. . Mexican 7 Outlook Queried = PLQR | zie, a SALLY'S SALLIES . Firm a os ; a . Discovered, 'S For Aging Bones i Y THIS IS A HORSESHOE GRAUPS HMM... GUESS HE 2 James Bond Y, os ILL BET YOU A STICK OF FOUND... HE SAID ITS rm WAS RIGHT... p< : By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD oe $2. Dutch 4, GUM T THROW A RINGER, SUPPOSED TO BE ae you! Dutch UCKY... y; \ R Sent pe " Dear Doctor: My 33. Past THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 Sy et ape ee eee Bay > = 2D @ Z1--|PiO)> MICKEY MOUSE WE) Cake COUNTY Vit] 10} ic Piz) @ } or [Zl Si K 1 iN Mi (a A|> &-3--Telescope 4--Dick Van Dyke Show mother's,of bones (as a paralyzed arm s - . Actor of severe back pains have been or leg) leads to a loss of cal- < ort diagnosed as osteoporosis and fs 37.E : ium. . Exclama- the doctor has started her on} tion hormones. She is 74. The outlook is not.unfavorable 88. Erudition ZB What is the outlook? Will she;With proper treatment, and] 40. Sacks "a likely become bedridden? Is it| there is small likelihood of be-| 41. American safe for her to continue her nor-|CoMing bedfast unless some patriot mal activities? Are fairly long/®ther problem intervenes. 42, Slats trips in a car safe? Is any spe-| Since activity encourages = -oeipigh j cial diet helpful?--Mrs. A. B. {strengthening of the bones, a Ngee - (ca RF V/ ; jpatient should remai tiv DOWN Y -- V5 ba Osteoporosis is a problem of |? ent shoud remain active--| 4 Worship Y, GY "Oh, Dr. Doscher, now. I. MAM ah os RENAN aging bones. Calcium is' gradu-| Ut should avoid hazardous 2. Italian river 3 know why that new patient ally lost by the bones and they| things because of the risk of a 4:26 Was so nervous." THE BONE STRUCTURE A DELIGHTFUL REMINDER i become somewhat brittle and Hoo ge aeons : a bie EA SEE ERA PEO SEC VOLES OPS CONE Nets soe 1S THERE. BUT DOWDY,.. OF THE EDWARDIAN AGE... PRINCESS. YOU i porous, and hence weak. bes ur mother should), : 4 z : : uy ee ABYSMALLY DOWDY I THIS HAIR-DO. BUT KNOW WHAT ; This condition is from three| Watch her step on the stairs and Too many older folks, got Pain, usually in the back, iS|)qetect the condition. Another WE LIVE IN THE 4 |to six times as frequent in slippery floors and avoid lad-|times because of defective teeth}a prominent feature of osteopor=| friend says of course they can.-- 20th CENTURY, --@), : i ie "tf | women as in men, and if often|4ers, Standing on chairs andjor finicky: appetites, skimp on/osis. But the ailment can be|M. S. "a associated with the hormone) 'hat sort of thing. Loose throw|meat and other protein foods | present without pain. The second friend, of course, changes which accompany men-|'U8s are also a menace. Finely ground meat may be| As to long automobile rides,jis right. While x-ray doesn't al- oOpause. Administration of hormonesjeasier to eat. Eggs, fish and/there is no objection; however,|ways detect a cancer when it However, that is not the only|is a major medical measure,|dairy products also contain pro-|a pillow at the small of the backjis extremely small, it still is possible cause. Disorders of the|estrogen alone, or estrogen|tein. |may afford considerable com-|the only way we have of detect- | | } 35. 38 Peg pera era ear ry Werk sighs revered. 4i pituitary, thyroid and adrenal;mixed with the male hormone} Attention should be paid to a|fort. ing it early. glands can lead to similar up-jin proper proportions. Some|diet that contains plenty of vita- sets in. hormone balance. Or| physicians believe that women|mins, and a vitamin supple-| Dear Dr. Molner: | am aj To Mrs. L. R. H.: Alcohol-- osteoporosis may be related to|past menopause should have|ment, with emphasis on B and|heavy smoker and am trying to| whether in beer, whisky or wine digestive disorders which pre-| hormones to prevent osteopor-!c. quit. I am naturally concerned|--is high in calories and cannot .vent proper absorption of cal-josis. Calcium may be given eitherjabout lung cancer and have|help but make it more difficult cium | Diet is extremely important,|in the form of generous servings|chest. x-rays every year, -but alfor a diabetic to keep his sugar And one other cause? Disuseiand it must be high in protein. of milk, or in tablet form, friend tells me that they can't level at a safe figure. j My ed