Alex Carozzo, 34-year-old Italian, looks over San Fran- cisco Yacht Harbor Tues- day, after a solo voyage AFTER SOLO VOYAGE ACROSS THE PACIFIC across the Pacific Ocean in his hand-made 33-foot sloop. Body Defence Studied In Cancer Curb Fight By JOHN BARBOUR Associated Press Science Writer NEW YORK (AP)--The effort to enlist the body's own de- fencés against an invading dis- ease is perhaps the most active front today in the battle against cancer. A scattering of research reports has focussed fresh in- terest on this approach. One expert calls it "the most promising area of cancer re search today." Another, looking at recent experiments, finds there's "'a ray of light in a dark reom." If there is some hope that re- searchers may be working on some promising leads, it must be set against the background of a thousand disappointments of the past. In the last months there have Been some interesting varia- tions on the idea that in the immune processes of living creatures there is a way to de- feat cancer, just as virusse and bacteria are defeated. SOME DISAGREEMENT . There are a number of cur- tent reports--but researchers disagree on their ultimate value: In Detroit, researchers claim to-have created an experimental method linking human tumor cells to rabbit protein to prod a cancer patient's body into fighting his own cancer. But they say their work is strictly preliminary and needs more laboratory confirmation and re- finement. In Buffalo, N.Y., researchers have exchanged small trans- plants of tumor between cancer patients in hopes that each would develop usable defences against the tumor of the other. However, they have maintained silence on the final outcome of the experiment. .|supports much of the hope. talked about using the rabbits] to manufacture anti - cancer other scientists have questions| to ask about the method. | Although these reports have| ridden the crest of the recent) news, there have been countless| small advances in well-manned laboratories that have gradually accumulated the evidence that | All these lines of research |converge on the same mecha- Inism that helps you eventually |recover from a cold, or permits vaccination against a virus, or prevents a patient from borrow- ing a kidney from other humans when his own goes bad. | Indeed, this area of cancer| lresearch is closely tied to the| barrier that prevents individ- uals from exchanging organs in transplant operations. The body is able to recognize the strange- ness of something introduced jinto it and to mobilize deferices against the intruder--except for, |perhaps, the cancer cell, HARD TO PROVE It has not been shown, in the eyes of most researchers, that the human tumor cells harbor foreign characteristics that will enable the body to recognize them as enemies. Most believe the tumor cell is strange--but proving it is another matter. The cancer cell is a normal the recognizing and cancer as an intruder. fighting serum for human patients. But} Using immunity against die) ce ease is hardly new. By the time} most Canadian and United States children are 5, they have been immunized against small-| pox, polio and diptheria. The procedures are many. The human may be given a live, but weakened, polio virus. He responds by producing anti- bodies -- disease - fighting agents--against the virus. Even when he encounters more viru- lent polio viruses, the antibod- ies are effective against it. Sometimes, instead of live vir- uses, killed viruses or live but related viruses can be used to produce immunity. | The body has a spectrum of} disease-fighting agents. Anti- bodies flow freely in the blood stream, produced by certain cells. Then there are appar- ently other disease-fighters di-| rectly. associated with cells. Lymphocytes--a type of white blood cell--carry disease-fight- ing equipment. The body even has some specialized cells that actuallyg devour some foreign matter that invades. Antibodies themselves are specially designed bits of pro- tein which can fit onto foreign protein, neutralizing it. Foreign material that stimu- lates antibody production is cell running wild. Perhaps it is enough like a normal ceil that it doesn't awaken the body's de- fence mechanisms. | Or perhaps some cancer cells} jhave a way of subduing the) body's defence mechanisms. | Often a cancer patient dies of) pneumonis or other infection--| his body's resistance so lowered that he can't fight back. Still, there are a few cases) One patient, Harry T. Griffith of Philadelphia, involved in an experimental transplant died Monday. A spokesman in Buf- falo said the transplant was of little or no value in Mr. Grif- fith's case. His partner in the experiment, where cancers in humans sud-| denly and mysteriously shrink} jand disappear. } | And there are cases, when jthe main or primary tumor is) jremoved by surgery or de- |stroyed by radiation, in which jseed cancers spread from the |main tumor unaccountably. Robert F. Allen of Tucson,| Or there are situations where Ariz., and two other men who|seed cancers suddenly appear took part in a similar experi-|at other places in the body, long ment were reported to be pro-|after the primary tumor has gressing, but the hospital said|been removed. That, in. itself, | it would be some time before|might suggest that the body's their condition would be evalu-| defence mechanism held the ated. lseed cancers in check for some In Los Angeles some re-jtime. searchers have produced rab-| In all these cases, research- bits they believe to be tolerant/ers believe, the body's immune of all human tissue--and have'mechanism has played a role, OCVI DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER @ restoration comedy by Oliver Goldsmith at the O'Neill Collegiate Auditorium Thurs., Fri., Sat., -- April 28, 29, 30 ADMISSION 75c¢ Tickets evailable eat the door -- from any 0.C.V.I. d or ot H 's Book Store. Ter, called an antigen. WHEN IT COMES TO SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON ess Oct. 22, Eighty-three days later he landed at Midway Island where he spent about six He left Kobe, Japan, weeks. His journey from Midway to San Francisco took 53 days. He lived on non - perishable vegetables and canned spaghetti, which he said tastes terrible. He plans to remaim in San Francisco at least a month, g | ture. South-End Tavern Corner of Simcoe St. S. and Bloor Fully licensed under the L.C.B.0. NOW OPEN !... Luncheon -- 11:30 to 2:30 Dinners -- 4:30 to 1 a.m. Sat. from 11:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. ; For Reservations Dial 725-0748 CLC Plans For P By BEN WARD jbiculturalism said they were WINNIPEG (CP) -- Demands | confident the crisis had passed. by Quebec labor leaders for; A host of constitutional pro- "associate state" status within posals were swept off the con- the Canadian Labor Congress|vention floor by unanimous appeared to be put aside Wed-|/agreement and referred to the nesday after the CLC conven-| inquiry commission which is to tion voted to establish a spe-|report to the 1968 convention in cial inquiry into its own struc-| Montreal. | One resolution that might Labor leaders fearful of a have sparked a French-English blowup over bilingualism and!feud was voted down without a MPs Give Views On Redistrbution OTTAWA (CP)--Quebec and|presidents and professors--they Maritimes MPs put their best|may make some final revisions. logic forward Wednesday for|But they are under no obliga- the Commons record that will| tion to do so. be sent to nine of Canada's) At the next federal election, 10 independent commissions on their redistribution will 'deter- electoral redistribution. mine the 264 ridings up for The House heard 14 appeals|stabs--one seat less than the against changes proposed for Present 265. the names and boundaries of} The Commons is expected to ridings in Quebec, Prince Ed-|clean up the Maritimes quickly iward Island and Nova Scotia. | today with a single New Bruns- | It was a quiet start on a mat-|wick appeal. Newfoundland ter vital to almost all MPs--|MPs are not making any ob- scores of whom are challenging | jections. the riding changes. Vigorous protests from Al- The record of their arguments| berta MPs come next, with the will be sent back to the com-|promise of a first-class scrap. missions after the close of the|Ontario is expected to follow lredistribution debate next Wed-| Friday. |nesday. The 10 Quebec objections If the arguments convince the Wednesday related to individual commissioners -- who include constituencies and dwelt mainly |magistrates, judges, provincial) on name changes. The whole re- lelectoral officers and university 'distribution pattern for the SHRIEKING MUTILATED VICTIMS... CAGED ina BLACK PIT oF HORROR! a new HIGH in BLOOD-CHILLING HORROR! cu soos EDWARDS oe v aoa CAMPBELL MATHES 'Salita AR Ml ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 Home: 'Business: e Life Insurance e | Disability FABULOUS FISH and FRIES 49° obbies The Family Drive-In Hwy. No, 2 Opposite K-mart @ Pension Plans '@ Group Insurance @ Business Insurance @ Estate Planning SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshawa Shopping Centre ADDRESS BECUPATION ... ss cesssecvcnes ans 1 ' 1 ' | ONG OF Bh i ic iaivncws i Looking for a Real Tasty Treat ? Deep Browned, Delicious COUNTRY FRIED CHICKEN -- OR -- Flakey, Tasty English Style FISH 'n CHIPS - Try The Best -- Try McMurray's BIG "M" BURGER Come As You Are! Eat In Your Car! McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Simcoe St. North at Taunton Rd. * TAKE-OUT SERVICE * Into Its Own Structure robe single speaker. It called for automatic guarantees ofa French-speaking member of the executive council. That left only one potentially explosive topic on the agenda, the application of the Seafarers' International Union of Canada to rejoin the 1,286,000-member labor body. The SIU issue was due to hit the floor today, most likely with) a compromise resolution indi- rectly empowering the 21-mem-| ber executive council to make| the final decision. During the week four sep-| arate pamphlets attacking the| SIU as unfit for congress mem- province's 75 constituen- cies comes up later, when MPs can tackle the new boundaries. Gerard Duquet (L -- Quebec East), making his maiden | speech, said a proposed conver-} sion of Quebec East into the riding of Limoilou would dump a name dating back to 1860 and carried into the House by former prime ministers Wilfrid Laurier and Louis St. Laurent. Mr. Duquet read a letter from Mr. St. Laurent, now 84, ex- pressing hope that the original name will be retained. HELD OVER! 2nd BIG WEEK JAMES BOND DOES IT VA. "THUNDERBALL PANAVISION ESOSLIRUNMUNITED ARTISTS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS John Soxon in 'WAR HUNT' A.) BAY RIDGES rr Clothe PRCKERING 899-3671 + WHITBY 668-2092 | CHILDREN UNDER 12 YRS. FREE TODAY n EASTMAN COLOR wo THE EXCITING NEW DIMENSION OF * yy TODAY Jagr «x? ROY DR ROX, PRUSKY IT'S AN ENTERTAINMENT TREAT YOU'LL LONG REMEMBER £ SINGING M PLUS SECOND FEATURE FIVE BOLD WOMEN SHOW TIMES -- WEEKDAYS MUSIC 6:45 - 9:50. WOMEN 8:25, Sat. Continuous from 2 P.M. THE ODEON BILTMORE ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, April 28, 1966 93 bership have been distributed at! the convention by members of| the rival Canadian Maritime) Union. Anti - SIU forces have) vowed to fight any proposal that) does not involve a flat rejection | of the Seafarers. \ SIU President Leonard (Red) | McLaughlin has been in the! city since Saturday and says he! is confident his 8,500 members| will be taken back into the) labor body. He has_not attended | the convention itself. | One of the decisions reached) at Wednesday's session was to} hold future conventions in May. | A six - inch snowstorm struck | Winnipeg in the morning, snarl-| ing traffic and delaying the| opening of the day's proceed-| ings. The setting up of the inquiry, commission, an executive pro- posal, found wide favor among | the 1,600 delegates. One of its aims would be to reduce the number of unions in Canada, now at a record 162. President Claude Jodoin said the executive council wit} deride later on the membership of the commission and its working ar- rangements. Delegates said they hoped it would produce a major over- haul of the organization in 1968, DANCE 'This Sat. CLUB ESCAPE Whitby Arena (Upstairs) FEATURING FANTASTIC R & B Group ROY KEYNORE ond The Associates PLUS NOW AT THE A DANDY FAMILY PICTURE! Jack Lemmon Tony Curtis-Natalie Wood i: Fhe Great Race" The greatest comedy of all time! TECHNICOLOR PANAVISION' FROM WARNER BROS --Bosley Crowther, N.Y, TIMES. & FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE SHOWN DAILY AT 1:00 -- 3:35 -- 6:15 -- 8:50 ENTERTAINMENT CINEMASCOPE FEATURE AT: 1:30 - 3:30 5:30 - 7:30 9:35 P.M. JAMES COBURN-LEE , COBB-GILA OLAN- EDWARD MULHARE Produced by SAUL DAVID Directed by DANIEL MANN - Screenplay by HAL FIMBERG and BEN STARR COLOR by DELUXE First THE YEAR'S ADVENTURE SHOWIN Color! Oshawa Showing OSHAWA DRIVE-IN ) ACADEMY Wp sarhin AWARD niecuniste *j ALSO tno Al 'ORIUM 723-4972. HELD Behl Italian. © sonia BIG Style LOREN a OVER WEEK COLOR BOX OFFICE OPEN 8:00 First Show 8:30 TE PEE DRIVE-IN LIVERPOOL RD. ®. AT 40) 282.8369 of 839-2171