2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1966 ' NOW THAT APRIL'S HERE A late April shower turn- ed out to be an April snow- storm in Winnipeg Wed- nesday when six inches of soggy snow fell on the town. A pédestrian struggles West Defence across the intersection of Portage Avenue and Main street. The "P" in Portage was knocked off the street sign before the storm. (CP Wirephoto) Aides Confer LONDON (Reuteis)--Five top Western. defence ministers be- gan a two-day meeting here to- day to discuss planning for NATO's tactical nuclear weap- ons. Defence Secretary Robert MeNamara presided over the meeting which was tended by Britain, many, Italy, Turkey and Man- lio Brosio, Italian secretary-gen- eral of the l5-nation alliance. The defence ministers met. as| gave formal notice to his allies| Cloudy also at-| West Ger-| strategic nuclear weapons plan- ning at its first meeting in Washington Feb. 17 and 18 The defence munisters and Brosio will also be able to hold behind-the-scenes talks on the far-reaching military, economic and political implications of President de Gaulie's proposals to pull France out of NATO's integrated defence structure. This was the first time they had met jointly since de Gaulle TRY TO AVERT CBC WALKOUT Committee PM's Truce OTTAWA (CP)--The threat-|Canada--unless the CBC meets |ics and managerial responsibil- |" 2tson and Laurier LaPierre, ened strike of CBC producers three demands, lity, he added. jrecently-fired co-hosts of the lbrought reaction Wednes-| These would guarantee; "There must_not_be the con-|CBC program, have asked for day from the Commons and| against firings or disciplinary |stant challenge to decisions |time to address CBC empioyees CBC President J. Alphonse}transfers without showing dem-| from above." jacross the country and explain Ouimet. lonstrative cause, provide com-| Discussions with the pro-|their position in the controversy. | The Commons broadcasting pulsory arbitration in disputes | ducers during the last week CBC President Alphonse committee suggested the House| and provide consultation of pro-| have been confused, he said, be-/Ouimet Wednesday gave em- take up Prime Minister Pear-|ducers and supervisors before | cause the questions of pro-|Ployees across Canada an hour- |son's offer to use federal of-|making production decisions. | ducers' rights and the release long confidential rundown on the lficers in an attempt to avert the: SHOWS OTHER PROBLEMS of the Seven Days hosts have |Seven Days controversy and the |threafened Sunday night walk-| The dispute was sparked by|never been clearly separated, | Subsequent strike threat by Tor- lout. Mr. Pearson made the of-|the announced removal of the| Reaction would have been Jess|onto producers over the firing lfer earlier in the Commons. |Seven Days hosts, Laurier La-|if Mr, Watson "had been alot Mr. Watson and Mr. La- | Meanwhile, Mr. Quimet|Pierre and Patrick Watson, but |lousy host." Pierre, | \broadcast on closed-circuit ra-|it has brought into the open; The broadcasting committce's| Mr. Quimet had given the) ldio line to CBC employees|many long-term problems be-|suggestion was tabled just be- talk to detail events in the con- jacross Canada, giving manage-|tween management and staff of|fore the Commons adjourned |troversy from _ management's ment's side in the controversial|the Crown' corporation. |for the day, point of view.. His talk was car- firing of the co-hosts of the pro-| Mr. Ouimet told employees! Committee members decided ried 'over @ closed-circuit radio | gram This Hour Has Seven the decisions regarding Seven|it would be valuable to '"'ex-| hook-up, | Days. Days were final. The program | press an opinion now on the sit- | CBC producers have threat-;would be back next year, but| uation," Ron Basford (L--Van- lened to strike at 10 p.m. EDT|with new hosts, The present | couver - Burrard), committee | Sunday -- one minute before|staff on the program operated|vice chairman, said outside the Seven Days starts in Central under different concepts of eth-' House. Watson-Lapierre Case Vital, Leiterman Says unless CBC President Alphonse|said Wednesday night. "And the Ouimet accepts a_ three-point/association can only accept if Bo proposal seeking arbitration in it includes the re-opening of the disputes and consultation in|case of Watson and LaPierre." sroduction: decisions. cee HTS SB ' In the Commons Wednesday| REJECTS REQUEST Sad Mr. Pearson offered to use fed-| Mr. Ouimet Tuesday rejected eens per. in going veda eral officers in an attempt to|a request from the producers' |\" the PATA, to its executive lagainst the CBC. avert any walkout. association to re-open the case | committee with power to act. | The producers issued an ulti-| 'A necessary condition will|of Patrick Watson and Laurier; CULTURAL CUSTOMS |matum Tuesday, threatening to|te acceptance by management|laPierre, dismissed co-hosts of The request had previously strike at 10 p.m, EDT Sunday lof arbitration," Mr. Leiterman/Seven Days. been referred to the inspector -- Serre | Mr, Leiterman said he is dis-| Of separate schools, F. W, Hum- |appointed that Mr. Ouimet criti-|Phrey, who suggested some |cized the 'ethical standards of|type of float depicting cultural Seven Days. Mr. Ouimet does|customs of the city's ethnic not seem to understand that Mr, |S"oups, rather than "straggling, |Watson and Mr. LaPierre have|Unmilitary marching students', jlittle or nothing to do with the) But Trustee: Michael Rudka |program content, he said, was of the opinion the parade "We do not ask for a more Organizers would be more ap- \daring Seen Days. We ask preciative of numbers rather _ Cold Spell To Continue | Weather Warning Ends js," boc". "tc paca mom ne TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts!rain changing to wet snow OF | supervisors epebees concerned about the cost of a € , M 1s sors and progra =| j issued by the weather office at)rain this afternoon and mostly| partment in fatten nee Wea de loat and the time involved if a 5:30 a.m.: ending tonight, Friday cloudy|censored journalism. I very) (¢@cher had to be taken out of Synopsis: Rain and snow will With a few sunny periods. Con- hen "| school to work on it, much fear that when manage- -ontinue pushing northward and tinuing cool. Winds easterly 25) mont talks i TTLE RED SC nA sagiard throwsh Ontario today {9 35 diminishing to light to-| nt "tatks about temoving the/ LATTES REY "SOHOOLROUEE a:b | hes ht, | night /program's excesses, that they| Mrs. Winona Clarke's sugges- and be mostly over by tonight. : : mean taking away its guts." 'tion was a float with models Winds should contynue a grad-| Ottawa region: Cloudy today. |-- 2 ual decrease throughout the Snow or snow and rain mixed day. Cloudy to partly and con-/ beginning this afternoon and tinued cool weather is forecast|changing to rain toward eve- for most areas Friday ning. Friday cloudy with show- | Lake St. Clair, Windsor:|@%s Clearing later in the day, | with occasional light|Cd. Winds easterly 25 gusty. | Pair Want Backs Equal Time With Ouimet ffer TORONTO (CP) -- A spokes-| man for This Hour Has Seven |Days said today that Patrick | May Stage Big A proposal to have Catholic students march in Osh- jawa's Centennial Parade May ity over Trustee Michael Rud- ka's jocular suggestion a float containing 85 French-Cana- dian students in a 45-seat. bus. The Oshawa Separate School yard jast night decided to refer the request from the Osh- awa Civic Auditorium board of TORONTO (CP) Douglas Leiterman, executive producer) of This Hour Has Seven Days, urged the Toronto Producers' Association Wednesday night to laccept an offer from Prime |Minister Pearson to avert a jthreatene d strike Sunday) | WEATHER FORECAST directors to have Catholic 'stu-| The television program of the Oshawa separate school board will get a summer re-run as trustees decided to postpone a decision to buy or rent sets for next term until the first meet- ing in July, Dr. George Sciuk proposed at last night's regular meeting of the board to purchase i4 sets at a gross cost of $3,900, of which $2,000 would be paid by govern- ment grant. (based on the 1965 government grant figures)--and leaving a net cost to the board of $1,900. Trustee Ernest: Marks, who opposed the move at the man- agement committee level, said the motion to purchase the sets was premature until] the budget is set; "especially when we have been told we will have to reduce our committee budgets." | COLOR NEXT TERM | He said the board would also 4,000 From Separate Schools May 14 Parade "a modern school', 4,000) of "a little red schoolhouse" and | Mr. Wallace said 4,000 march: | spectacular than a float. Dr. George Sciuk failed to win support to have the matter de- cided immediately. "When we have to cut our budget, let's not add to he said. 'Marching children would help fill in the gaps in the parade." 1| PRESCR City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 . .. master tailored "Capri" 114 will most likely take prior-|ing children would be more | | | | it," | | Decision Postponed To July On School Television Plan look ridiculous if educational programs are procuced in color next term, "and we have bought black and white sets." F. W. Humphrey, separate school inspector, said three schools -- St. Francis, St. Ger- trude's and St. Joseph's -- are experiencing reception prob- lems--with--the_rental sets now in the schools. He informed trustees that renting 14 receivers would cost $1,400 a year or $7,000 over a five-year period. In a brief to the board, Mr. Humphrey said the purpose of introducing television sets to Oshawa separate schools in Jan- uary this year "was to allow grade seven pupios to view les- sons on the new approach mathematics course," He said the Oniario depart- ment of education furnished each of the participating schools with lesson outlines for the teachers' preparation and fol- low-up to the programs, Mr. Humphrey added that the Metropolitan Television Author- ity, comprised of school boards in Metro Toronto, sponsor a variety of programs directly related to the courses of study, and since Oshawa schools are able to receive both Toronto channels, they take advantage of these programs when the teachers decide the lessons of- fered are valuable. He said the board's cost for television rentals for this term --a five month period is $550-- or an approximate cost of sight cents a month for each pupil de- riving the benefits of the pro- gram, Trustee Michael Rudka said the board should be thinking about spending some money on acrials to improve reception, "We're talking about spend- ing three or four thousand dol- lars on sets when 40 per cent of them are useless to us if the students can't get good recep- tion," he said, AS ~ | Good Names Te Remember When Buying er Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker ~~ President Bill MeFeeters --- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER _ LTD. 723-2265 EES snap Ove. % oe members of the nuclear plan-|of his NATO moves about two|rain or drizzle and a little Forecast temperatures ning working grouo set up by| months ago. milder today, Friday sunny with! Low tonight, high Friday the special NATO defence min-| Diplomatic observers said)cloudy periods and continuing wi iq.) : 35 isters committee -- also known|that in the background of all|cool. Winds easterly 15 to 25 be-|c) mnogmas ........ 32 as the McNamara committee--| these discussions is the West|coming light this evening. Sandon eae "30 by WARREN K. COOK in. Paris last November. German desire for a greater The working group discussed! say in NATO nuciear defence. HERE and THERE. The next regular meeting of the Oshawa separate school beard was advanced one day by trustees last night to May 12 after Trustee Anthony Meringer informed the sched- uled May 11 meeting would fall on the same evening as Jubilee Mass at St. Greg- ory's Church. At a previous meeting the board decided to find alternative dates for meetings that conflict with religious celebrations. Sale of religious literature | in Oshawa separate schools resulted in diffusion of 2,716 books by the Daughters of St Paul, Toronto, members of the separate school board ware infarmed hv letter last night. W. Ward was appointed rincipal and L. Corrigan and Ardis, vice-principals, last night within the Oshawa sepa- rate school system, Glenholme Hughes, Bow- manville, has been appointed census commissioner to take the Population ani Farm Cen- usin Bowmanviile and Dar- ote Township. Harry L. Wade will perform similar du- ties for the village of New- castle and the Townships of Clarke, Manvers and Cart- wright. No decision has been re- ceived from the Ontario Mu- nicipal Board regarding the rezoning of land in Darlington | Township for use as a cement | plant Officers for elected recently by the Bow- manville Lions Club. They are: first vice - president, PLAN PIGEON PILLS MILAN (AP)--City council is 1966-67 were | | | | | | | | contemplating mixing birth con-| trel pills with birdseed to re- duce the pigeon population. Spe cial bird contraceptives are re- ported to have worked in other cities where birds are a prob- lem. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER » 50 YEARS Ralph Ames, 2nd vice-prsident Bob Williams, 3rd vice - presi- dent Bud Moses _ Inter-Club Committee Chairman, O. K. Osborne, Ladies Night Com- mitee chairman Bruce Lush, and Swimming Pool commit- tee chairman Jack Brough. The club will donate $7,000 to a centennial swimming pool. Jim Doswell, President of Central Ontario Trust "You Live and Work in Oshawa, But Do Your SAVINGS Stay and Work in Oshawa ?" 80% of the Funds deposited with Central Ontorio Trust ore invested directly in Oshowe through City of Oshawa Bonds, Separate School Board Debentures and First Mortgages. The balance are invested i SWITCH UP... To Central Ontario T; The only Trust Company with its Head Oftice in Oshewe. SWITCH UP... To 442% on Savings, to 7% yield per ann longer hours, Central 6 P.M., Fridays 'til 9 Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation ol Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake| Kitchener , 32 Huron, Lake Ontario, southern) Mount Forest Georgian Bay, London, Toronto,| Wingham .. Hamilton: Weather warning Hamilton .... over. Cloudy with occasional) St. Catharines. light rain or drizzie and a little; Toronto with cloudy periods chance of @/ Kingston , few scattered showers and con:|'Trenton . tinuing cool. Winds easterly 20\ Killaloe .... to 35 and occasionally higher to-| Muskoka ., day diminishing gradually to North Bay. under 15 tonight. Sudbury . Northern Georgian Bay, Hali-|Earlton .... ee burton, Killaloe, North Bay,! Sault Ste. Marie,... |Sudbury: Overcast with inter-| Kapuskasing 'mittent snow rain or freezing! White River ..,.... 2 | --=--=-- THH HH HUY cool assurance all Summer. Copri's light all-wool worsteds are loomed in one of n Government Securiites as required by Law. all England. They breathe, keep you feeling alert and rust end Savings Cerporetion. personal selection soon, » to 4% on Chequing Accounts, to 6% on 1 te 5 yeer G.1.C.'s um en 10 yeer Accumulating G.I.C.'s and the Convenience of Ontario Trust is open daily Mondey te Thurtdey 9 A.M, to P.M, and Seturdey 9 A.M, to 5 P.M, 234% SIMCOE $T, SOUTH 728-7974 Office: 19 Simcoe St; North, Oshawa, 723-5221 PH, 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 pleasant, comfortable warmth through Spring and Fall, plus the finest mills in comfortable. Take their shape-retaining qusiities, the highlights and subtle shading thot pure virgin wood lends , . . then add master tailoring by Warren K, Cook, The result is that look of male distinction three seasons' through, Capri's neat patterns. and stripings in all the latest colourings, are guaranteed for quality by the mark of Pure Virgin Wool. Drop in to make your "DOORWAY TO A MAN'S WORLD" arg of ion N dat axatl \en\ rel ye ca ains ke