ACTING DIRECTOR James Johnston, 39, has been named acting national director of the Progressive Conservative party. Dr. Johnston, a native of Mal- den, near Windsor, Ont., was in charge of the party's television and advertising in the last election. Pot - luck Supper Set For Brougham Group BROUGHAM (TC) --The | Evening Group of the UCW will hold a pot luck supper at the 6 church May 4. Members of the Afternoon Group will attend as guests. Mrs, Cresswell will con- /\duct the worship service. A Family Day service will be held at 10 a.m. May 8. Par- ents who desire to present their children for baptism are asked to contact Rev. Mr. Cresswell. The Odd Fellow and Rebekah |Lodges will hold a special ser- vice May 1 at 2 p.m. Bro. Max \Singer, deputy grand master of| the Ontario Odd Fellows, will be the speaker. The executive of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. M. Ellicott. The officers are the same as last year. Mrs. E. Wright, Green River, was hostess for the meeting of the Afternoon Group of the| UCW. The group leader, Mrs. J. White, conducted the wor- New Home Recipe Reducing Plan It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate, Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough "ssapogy juice to fill the bottle. ke two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to lose bulky fat and help regain reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from calves and ankles just return the empty bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful 7 and active. ship. Mrs. George Gray present- ed the program. A bale of good used clothing will be packed during the last week in May. Articles may be left at the church before May 30. Old nylons for the women of Korea will be packed at the same.time, Abirthday calendar has been approved at a. centennial proj- ect. Group leaders will take the names of those wishing to have their names on the calendar. COLUMBUS (TC) -- Mrs. 4e@ meeting of the East Group of the UCW, Mrs. Charles Henry presided. Springtime -- Faith and Hope was the theme of the worship. Mrs. Scott read the scripture lesson and Miss M. Robinson offered prayer. Miss Beatrice Mountjoy gave a read- ing and Mrs. Roy Scott gave a reading. The next meeting will be held May 25 at the home of Mrs. Ray Scott. Mrs. J. McKenzie, Miss Muriel Terwillegar and Mrs. W. Spray will be in charge. Sympathy is extended to Miss Lois Heddon and Kenneth Hed- don in the loss of their mother, Mrs. Fred Heddon. A male choir will feature the |Laymen's Service this Sunday at the United Church. ONE SPOILS RECORD The Massasauga rattler is the only poisonous snake found in George Scott was hostess for Ontario. Mao Accused In Plot Try JAKARTA (Reuters) A, munist coup here. newspaper run by the Indone-| The daily Angkatan Bersend- sian Army Monday began ajjata (Armed Forces) said the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 28, 1966 7 dit, chairman of the Indonesian Communist organization. Today's first article said cap- tured Communist documents proved that Mao first suggested that President Sukarno be re- placed during an_ eight - day visit to Peking by Aidit last year. Mao is alleged to have told series. of articles claiming that|abortive plot was hatched by Mao Tse-tung directly plotted|the chairman of the Chinese last October's attempted Com-!Communist party and D. N. Ai- the Indonesian Commu- nist leader thas the new presi- non-Communist and Aidit should be premier. The newspaper said the cap- tured documents recorded the following dialogue: Mao: "You should act quickly."" Aidit: "I am afraid the army is going to be the obstacle." Mao: "Do as I advise and eliminate all the reactionary generals in one blow, The army will be a headless dragon and dent of Indonesian should be a follow you." Shop at home Clevelands House slender more graceful curves; if | neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, | CLEVELANDS HOUSE, BOX T, Diei LAKE ROSSEAU, MINETT, MUSKOKA Ontario's Finest Family Resort | Complete Supervision of all Children Kiddies playground featuring @ Swimming pool @ Ponies @ Swings @ Slides @ Merry-Go-Round @ Playhouse @ Horses © Planned entertainment @ Swimming lessons The resort that has everything! 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CHOOSE FROM CHERNEY'S EXCITING NEW COLLECTION Fibreglas, Terylene, Antique Satins. Colors are marvelous this year -- blues and greens are green alone assumes a yellow Arnel, used together... overtone . . . high fashion colo 'Jambuoyont patterns. regulor you samples your windows, give SPRING rs are wild, in mony REASONS to fly to Europe this summer BOAC offers you 29 excellent reasons why you should fly to Europe this summer -- a re- cord number of 29 trans-_ atlantic flights from Toronto, There's sure to be one to fit 'with your travel plans. Jet direct to London by magni- ficent BOAC Rolls-Royce 707 or Air Canada giant DC-8 jet, From April 1 transatlantic fares are the lowest ever. ( le: 21-day Economy Excursion Toronto - Rome will cost you only $465* re- turn--a saving of $40.) Come to think of it, that's another good reason. That makes 30! See your Travel Agent. 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